Sonic Adventure Fantasy

By shsx71

431 4 3

Once upon a time, there existed a world with magic. People of various races practiced and learned this mystic... More

Chapter 1: Arrival
Chapter 3 Legendary Magic Beast part 2
Chapter 4: Everglow Acadamy part 1

Chapter 2: Legendary Magic Beast part 1

86 1 0
By shsx71

In the world of Fantasia, people of different races had lived in their own lifestyles yet interacted with one another. Each individual race had the common special ability: Magic. Magic was a phenomenon that cannot be described by laws of physics, despite being calculatable with basic mathematics. One example of magic will allow you to summon living beings and objects out of nowhere, others will enable manipulation of elements. There existed also a type of magic which enhances ones physical and mental abilities. Magic is also used for teleportation and location. To say it bluntly, you could do anything as long as you have magic. Unfortunately magic did not enter the world without restrictions, as people in Fantasia can perform specific types of magic power. Despite magic could cause changes in reality and other crazy feats, it does not makes user completely invincible. An armed normal man from modern world can kill an experienced mage in Fantasia with little effort.

The most advancing races were humans, elves, dwarves, furries and kemonomimies. Humans from this world were identical to Earth except for hair and eye colors can cover all colors instead of genetic limitations. Elves are same as a human being but longer ears and fragile yet magically stronger due to being descendants of the fairies. Dwarves are midgets with great strength and beast-men are humans with animal parts or completely anthropomorphic and possess high physical speed and strength, but both poses low on magic power.

Normally a person who possessed great magic power was highly respected, those without magic power, fortunately, were not discriminated, thanks to a hero who had brought justice 1000 years ago.

When a person was born or obtained magic power, he or she would be called mages (sorcerer or magician are also in this category). Unfortunately, all mages have set of limitations, no matter how powerful they can get through studying and training, nonetheless the type and attributes of magic power.

These had been standard in Fantasia if it weren't for the existence of magical beasts.

Magic beasts, yes, these extraordinary creatures only exist when an animal or a plant absorbs excess doses of magic power and successfully survive the metamorphosis. Those who do not become horrible monsters who wanted nothing but the destruction of life. Magic beast were treasures of Fantasia that has worth when slain.

Sometimes animals would be gifted with magic power when they were born. These magic beast, however, were far rarer and more powerful than common magic beast as they would accumulate and cultivate magic power from the very beginning. The difference between magic beast and the normal beast was 3 things: overly odd details, huge quantity and quality of magic power and a spirit mark.

Those who slain these beasts would not only receive extraordinary power and skills but also enables them to proceed to even higher levels of power on an unimaginable scale. These people were considered highest rank of the society almost rivaling stature of kings and emperors. But hunting these extraordinary animals has a price unless the fantasians wanted to gamble their own life for power and honor.

Planet Fantasia, Everglow Magic Academy, Jacques' dorm.

"Jacques! Jacques! Wake up! We're getting late!" A robed young man in early twenties busted through the glass door and shook his friend up.

"Just a few extra moments~" Another man named Jacques murmured while sleeping.

"C'mon buddy, do you want a detention for a whole week?" The robed man shook the sleeping one repeatedly.

Jacques slowly opened one of his eyes then closed. "Lucas... it's still early morning... why the hell would you wake me this early? Can't you give me more sleep dammit."

The man named Lucas got his head boiling as his best friend behaved like a log. Then something struck his mind: "Oh Jacques, we are getting a new student here and it's a girl."

By mentioning girl made Jacques jump from his bed and rushed towards his classroom completely forgetting about dressing up properly.

Lucas could not think, whenever he would laugh or cry: "well, he has hots for girls, I would hope that he doesn't end up being a pervert." He then went to the class too.

Planet Fantasia, Everglow Magic Academy, Dragonscale classroom.

The classroom was unlike in modern institutions: space was vast as half of the football field, the room was flooded with of desk of various colors and many of them weren't touching the ground. The students who were assigned to the floating desktop had to summon their own floating chair according to their attributes.

After all, every student stood firm with smiling faces before professor's arrival.

The teacher was an old man with a very long white beard and no hair. He wore a vibrant gray robe with golden ropes tied around his waist. His silky iris has the reflection of every student. The old man lifted gently his hand up and gave his apprentices a warm smile.

"Good morning my students, my name is Archmage Rhodhius Deleon, but you can refer me, Professor Deleon." The sage known as Rhodhius Deleon introduced smoothly as flowing water.

"Today I am bringing you a great news, but since you all know about this, why don't you come inside miss Rose."

Everyone held their hand on mouth, some inhaled sharply when the new student stepped on the crimson scaled floor.

For Jacques' perspective, she had a slim yet curvy figure and childlike face much of her young age. Jacques had met many beast-men and beast-women in his entire life. The most common color patterns he knew for beast-men are brown, black, blond, amber, white and orange.

But this beast-woman no beast-girl had rose hair and jade-like eyes and already caught his full attention. But what made her even more extraordinary was her unusual outfit; the clothes she wore are completely alien to Everglow.

Lucas had small blush on his first sight but cringed when he saw his best friend's facial expression.

"Boy... you need to calm down..." the hooded mage deadpanned.

The red-headed mage finally snapped out from his fantasies and turned his head towards Lucas.

"What! Why? That girl is a real beauty! I can't wait to confess my feelings to her!"

"Still she is too young to make a love to somebody like you~"

"C'mon Lucas, don't be that harsh~, in fact, love conquers all, regardless of age, race or gen-"

"Whatever" Lucas rolled his eyes. He had to endure fire mage's perversion.

"H-hi everyone, I'm Rose, please take care of me" the pink beast-woman bowed to everyone in respect, something even more alien to the citizen of Everglow.

"Very well miss Rose, your seat is next to the lad with fiery red hair" Deleon pointed at the seat next to Jacques.
"Thank you professor" the new girl walked to the seat the archmage conjured to her.

Once she sat on her respected seat, Jacques whispered: "Psst! Hey, are new here?"

Rose blinked twice: "yea I'm kinda new here."

"Great! Names Jacques Markiez"

"I'm Amy Rose"

Planet Fantasia, Savage Forest, High Elf Settlement (Southwest)

Sonic traversed 200 meters every stride on the treetops.

Despite the pursuers were hidden in the shadows, they were unable to keep up with him.

Fortunately, they haven't lost the blue hedgehog thanks to their magic senses and magical tracking tools. Also, their target wasn't moving constantly and as he would likely stop for taking another direction.

The hedgehog's pursuers were no more than a large group of humans and elves. Some members were dwarves and beast-men.

"Dammit! How fast is that thing?!" One of the pursuers cursed under its breath.

"At this rate, we will lose it" the second one silently exclaimed.

"Is it even a magical beast?" Another one asked.

"Yes it is, I have ever seen in my eyes, that thing is not only an unfamiliar creature in the whole world, but it also radiates a strong amount of magic power! Do I have to mention that, that creature has spirit mark."

"Should we capture it?"

"Heh, capture it? I'm gonna kill it first then absorb its magic soul so I will surpass my brothers and my father"

"Whatever Coleo. Priestess, princess, should we stop that creature" A human man with long feminine hair that matched that of leaves and grass, with wooden armor asked with his superiors.

The Princess turned around and narrowed her clear eyes: "If you have the power to control plants Ludwig, then do it."

"Yes, Your Highness" the green haired man with long ponytail bowed. Ludwig then pulled out a twiglike wand from his right sleeve.

"Oh, woods of the forest, heed my call and bind my enemy" The leaf mage aimed at Sonic.

The hedgehog who had been unaware for a long time finally noticed something wrong. Several dozens of wines out of nowhere launched at him.

"Yikes! when did the vines become alive?!" the hedgehog exclaimed as he swiftly dodged all the incoming attacks.

The time he took was very short to realize what was happening. Sonic turned his head and by surprise; the number of silhouettes exceeded 20 and all were in motion

With the iconic cocky smirk on his face, he jumped from the trees into the moist soil.

The silhouettes became clear and detailed, once he landed.

In Sonics perspective, they were people who only existed in fantasy novels: Knights with swords and armors that shone in his eyes, mages with garments that gave off odd energy, even people who held pickaxes and bows tight in their hands. What's more 4 of them had either wolf or fox-like ears and tail, while 5 of them looked short and sturdy as midgets and have long beards. The rest were either have a short round or long, pointy ears.

But for them, Sonic was an extremely unusual and foreign being. Some might think him as a lost beast man, but for most of them; he does not have the same appearance as traditional humanoid animals as he bore more of a mascot than a living creature.

The armored person with hot pink hair flowed behind as it reflected crimson light from the reflection of its armor. Sonic guesses that he or she was the leader of the entire raid squad. It stepped slowly on the soil and held its tense hand on the hilt. The others held their melee weapon tightly above the chest while some pointed their wands and arrows towards the blue blur.

Sonic frowned at this:" Hey! what's the deal!? What did I do anything wrong?! I'm new here so please tell me where am I?!?"

The red knight suddenly stopped moving as it had a heart attack. Its hand was still trembling to the hilt.

"C- Can you talk?!" An exclamation sounded among the group.

Sonic turned his head towards the source of the voice. The one who said out loud was a very beautiful young human girl on a white robe that has never been stained. Her round eyes sparkled as fresh lakes and her long golden hair flashed with sunlight. Any normal man would be bewitched by her beauty and even with strong willpower could not avoid a slight blush. He age, however, were same as the hedgehog himself.

She gripped her crosier tightly yet her hands were shaking as the red knight, her eyes were also widened like her other fellow membership

"Well, Faker's gonna have a very good time when he sees her~" Sonic narrowed his eyes and smirked while thinking about his black counterpart and his deceased blonde friend.

"(Flutes) Talk about real beauty" Sonic fluted, causing the priestess to blush madly.

"B-B-Beauty?! A-a-are you c-calling me beautiful?!" Her words weren't clear due to heavy blushing and a childlike voice. She had been called beautiful by many people, especially men from different races, unfortunately, she wasn't used to all those compliments and her heart would freeze if someone would try to make a move on her. But a magic beast not only who can talk and possessed human personality, he even called her beautiful. Something like this was completely beyond her imagination.

"Yea, you do look beautiful, I wouldn't be surprised if other would fall on you" Sonic scratched his right side of his head then looked at his fingers pretending that he doesn't care or being snarky.

"P-please, st-stop, you c-can't call m-met-that" the priestess opened her libs to spew some words yet none were fluent.

"Why not?" Sonic asked her.

"N-no, I-I can't, don't"

Sonic ignored her and stared at other people dressed as fantasy warriors until he caught his gaze on a man with a completely red face. The man was little older and taller than the priestess.

"What her problem?" Sonic asked him.

The man with reddened face, Joachim, could no longer suppress his anger and burst out loud as he was trying to beaconing something.

"Damn magic beast! You dare call our beloved priestess Malena beautiful and have hots on her! I'll I'll..." the man roared but has to take a breath in between, to not to provoke this powerful being.

The hedgehog curled his lips upwards and formed a smirk: "I'll What? Kiss on her mouth?"

Joachim's and Malena's white skins were out coated with red blush and the latter was unable to move a single oral muscle.

"ILL KILL YOU MAGIC BEAST" the brunette used all his strength to the point where his gullet became sore. Unexpectedly the brown-headed knight threw up a giant blue fireball from his mouth. It flew so fast that it only made a trail of electric blue light.

The hedgehog tilted his head and dodged the accidental attack, much of Joachim's fury and others surprise. Joachim's Dragons Shout was very powerful magic technique, but the spell would automatically cast when his voice becomes loud enough to hurt his throat. The Dragon Shout was said to take out an entire battalion and even wound a fully grown dragon.

He then asked: "What's a magic beast?"

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