My Book on Lyricism and Poetry

By SacredPen

702 77 26


My Books on Raps and Lyricism
Shady Ain't for Nothing
A Battle Verse
Scared of Sleeping
The Library
A Haiku
You're My Everything
Pain Is A Good Thing
Second Chance
Thesis and Kisses
Roller Coaster
Sparks Flew
Celestial Trio


53 5 1
By SacredPen

As you grow older yo'self ignites with talent

Breaking legs all the time, tries are rabid

Stabbing books to and fro like yo' knife this  knowlege

There's nothing more tiring than a life in college.

Still, the essence is clear to me

I need to graduate, even with 'peace to thee'

Imma take on criticism and prejudice

Tho' some thougts are darker than ebony.

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