Jeff x Male!Reader

By shellyandshoal123

46.9K 1.1K 286

(Y/N). Young. Dumb. Legally blind. And that's it. Oh, and a serial killer thinks he's cute. There's that too. More



6.4K 172 58
By shellyandshoal123

You hadn't gotten that injured, and had barely seen that much of the intruder, so after a quick hospital visit and a chat with a sketch artist, you returned home. A bandage on and stuffed up your nose. You also got some medicine for your cold, and after a nights sleep you felt surprisingly well.

"(Y/N)! Breakfast!"

You sigh, unfortunately, you did feel well enough to go to school, throwing your covers off your bed and standing up. Glasses shoved on, bandages replaced, and you went down stairs. Mom had made pancakes, which made you feel a bit better for having to go to school again after what happened yesterday.

"I know you probably want to stay home, but you've missed almost a week at this point-"

"It's okay mom, I'll survive,"

She gave you a smile, giving you a pat on the back before leaving the room, you ate your pancakes quickly before walking to the basement to grab your backpack. You left the house, yelling a good day to both parents as you walked quickly towards the bus stop.

(F/N) was waiting for the bus, they looked over and ran to meet you when they heard you yelling for them.

"Hey! (Y/N)! You're not dead!"

"Somehow, what did I miss?"

"Ms. Jackson got sick, so we have a sub, but that's about it,"

You both waited for the bus while talking about school, what happened while you were home sick. (F/N) stared at you with a bewildered expression when you mentioned the boy who had indirectly broken your nose. You stared in confusion as they suddenly started laughing their ass off.

"Dude- Dude holy shit,"

"Wha- (F/N) someone broke into my house with a knife, why are you laughing?"

"That- that sounded like a serial killer- dude you are real lucky your parents got home when they did,"

"I got that! Why are you laughing!"

They just kept laughing, you smacked on their arm, as they gathered themself, giggling a little bit.

"I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be a dick I swear,"

"I, highly doubt that,"

You both jumped as a hand  touched both of your shoulders. You quickly turned around to see a boy your age, with pale blotchy skin and blue eyes. He had a surgical mask on, you felt your heart skip a beat at the sight. 


"Yeah, me,"

He gripped your shoulders tighter, watching as the bus began to appear.

"Meet at the park later today, your friend can come if they want,"

He was gone almost as soon as he had appeared, the bus pulling up a few seconds later. (F/N) had to pull you in as you processed what had just happened.

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