Highschool DXD x Male reader

By poserdragon

501K 6K 11.8K

In this story. You Y/N Hyoudou have a demon by your side by the name of "Emily Akuma" she is always by your s... More

Character info.
Girls in the harem
(Season 1) Chapter 1
(Season 1) Chapter 2
(Season 1) Chapter 3
(Season 1) Chapter 4
(Season 1) Chapter 5
(Season 1) Chapter 6
(Season 1) Chapter 7
Harem improved
(Season 1) Chapter 8
(Season 1) Chapter 9
(Season 1) Chapter 10
(Season 1) Chapter 11
(Season 1) Chapter 12
(Season 1) Chapter 13
The harem has increased/Hypes
1k votes special (War with the Gremory)
A/N Plese read
(Season 1) Chapter 15
(Season 1) Chapter 16
(Season 1) Chapter 17
(Season 1) Chapter 18
(Season 1 finale) Chapter 19
Epilogue (Demon's love) (Lemon)
Epilogue (Peerage hunting) (A dragon has arrived)
Epilogue (Peerage hunting) (A crimson demon)
Vote (+ Y/N&Emily's form)
Epilogue (Peerage hunting) (A ghoul)
Hear me out
Im really sorry

(Season 1) Chapter 14

11.4K 191 424
By poserdragon

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry. Show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile

- Adolf Hitler

Y/N Pov

Currently they outnumbered us by two people, so we asked the other 2 to be referees and they agreed

Emily: Hey Y/N you okay?

Y/N: Yeah. Just pumped up! But still. Im nowhere near good at dodge ball

Emily: Hey. Everything is gonna be all right. Remember to stay alert ok

Y/N: Got that

Issei: Guys! Im like the worst at sport! I dont even know if i remember how to play this!

Rias: Oh you'll be fine. Just aim it at the sitri's faces and they'll be eliminated

Kiba: Asia picked it up in no time. Im sure you can do it too

I looked over to asia and it was...not exactly reassuring. She was on the floor doing splits...but not so doing well, akeno was pushing her body to do kinds of stretching positions

Hehe. Positions

Ehem. Anyway. She was doing it in the preparation of the game, and i gotta say. That looks totally painful

Asia: Ahh! My legs feels like they're on fire

She was then being forced down to ground by akeno

Akeno: Come on. Just a little further down. You can do it

I then looked towards issei who was being stretched by koneko and issei was being his pervert self and that made koneko...crack some of his bones

*Bone cracks*.


Y/N: Hey bro you alright

Koneko: Yeah...he's fine...dont worry about him senpai

Y/N: Ok

Afterwards. Issei then handed us some team headbands which i figured out on why he needed the thread and needle

Rias: Team headbands?

Y/N: Dude thanks. I suddenly feel like an imperial japanese pilot

Issei: Not sure if a compliment but thanks anyway

Rias: You didnt sleep

Issei: I just wanted to thank you guys for all the wonderful things that you did to me and Y/N. Were very lucky to have such friends like you

Y/N: Yeah! You guys are the bestest friends that anyone could ask for

Issei: Plus i suck at sports. So this will remind me not to throw the ball at my own team...


Emily: A good way to ruin the moment there

Issei: Should i have made T-Shirts instead?

Rias: No i think they're great

Koneko: ...Your a pervert...but a sweet one...

Y/N: Before the match begins i just wanted to share something

Y/N: Show loyalty! Show Courage! Show sacrifice! BUT DO NOT SHOW MERCY!!!

All: YEAH!!!

Sona: Ready to rock and roll

We then turned to see the whole student council room in their gym gear

And then the games...BEGAN

Charging the ball with demonic power, tsubaki threw the ball towards rias only for catch it and create some wind. She then threw the ball through a magic circle and sending it towards the brown haired girl tomoe and burning her clothes off

I was blushing a little but got my composure back and focused on the game while issei had a perverted face

One tried to throw it at me but i simply caught it and i threw it back with mach 7 speed. The same speed as a electro-magnetic railgun speed. I was able to hit one of them but thats just a tip of the iceberg

Sona then threw the magically charged ball so fast towards issei and he was not able to react in time. He got hit in his uhh...groin area

And there goes my chance on telling stories on my future niece and nephews

Y/N: He's okay! Just leave him be and let him suffer!

Issei:*Weak*. Dude...the fuck

Y/N: Hehe. Im just kidding. TIMEOUT!

I then used telekinesis to carry issei to the bench

Asia then approached issei with concern on her face

Asia: I can use my twilight healing to make you feel better...if you like. First you have to show me where it hurts

Issei: Oh nononononono! Its okay asia you dont have too

Asia: But your in pain. I think it would be best if you let me have a quick look

Her hands almost touch his groin but was stopped by issei

Issei: Look asia as much i am in pain right now. I still need some pain killers

Asia: I can do it over your pants if you'd like

Issei then agrees and asia proceeds to heal issei on his crotch region area
After some time, issei was healed but the pain is still there. We then continued our match

Y/N: Come on guys! Lets avenge issei! For my future nephews and niece!!

Akeno: For his man bits!!

Kiba: For his one eyed snake!!

Koneko:...For his little sacks!

Since we were celebrating. The student council took advantage and threw the ball towards us

All of us were caught off guard as they threw the magic glowing ball of death manages to hit them

After some time on the match. I was the only person left while the sitri's has 6 left

Saji: Surrender now Y/N! You got no chance!

He then threw the ball towards me and i simply caught it

Y/N: Man...your throws are weak. Time to show you really throw a ball

I then grew a smirk and i threw the ball towards saji with mach 10 speed. But the bastard still dodge that by ducking but there was another member behind him and i took her out instead

Time has passed and there only 3 members left. Bastard saji, sona and tsubaki

Y/N: You know what they say

I then threw the ball towards tsubaki and she was able to catch it and threw it back at me. I responded by kicking the ball towards back to her as she was not able to block or dodge the incoming projectile

Y/N: You save the best for last

I then booped the ball at sona's forehead because she was the closest to me (literally just 3 feet away). She was then eliminated

Saji was then shaking in fear as he was the last member left. I had the ball on my hand with an evil smirk

Y/N: Do you know the fastest thing on earth

Saji: Ye-Yeah I-I-Its li-l-light

Y/N: If i remember the speed of light is 299 792 458 m / s

He then gave me a nod

Y/N: Hahahahahaha. Try to survive this!

I then threw the ball with the same speed of light. Everyone was shocked but the ball wasnt able to hit saji but bounced everywhere on the room

Everyone then ducked for cover as i stood there like nothing was happening. Saji was looking around trying to know where the ball is gonna hit but he was not able to predict that the ball was gonna  hit...his balls

Saji: Gah! My balls! How am i gonna have a child after this!

And its official. Team akuma i mean! Team gremory won!

We walked out of the gym while i was carried by the group and celebrating our victory...well more like mine

Sona: As much as i hate to lose. It was incredibly fun. But if its a rating game instead of fooling around, there's now way that you can beat me

Y/N: I highly doubt that

Sona: I expect alot of you when it comes to rating games. I'll hope one will come soon

Rias: Well i'll guess we'll never know until we actually play a game. But it'll be a while. We dont have to worry about that

Sona: Dont be so sure rias. You never know whats coming up...goodbye everyone

Y/N: Bye

Sona: Goodbye to you too Y/N. Can you tell your brother sorry about the ball

Y/N: Dont worry about that

She then nodded and all of us went to the clubroom

We were at the main room celebrating our victory


We then clincked tea cups together before taking a sip to this really wonderful tea

Rias: I'd like to tell in each and everyone of you. And emily is inculded. That i appreciate you going out there and doing what it needs to be done to beat those devils. I hope you guys are proud

Issei: I feel proud that my joy stick is still intact

Emily: Is he really proud of that?!

Y/N: Want me to rip it off like what they did on that movie you watched

Issei: N-No th-thanks. I-Im go-good

Y/N: But lets appriciate the headbands that my disgrace bro did!

Rias: I hate to break the celebration but we still need to get the three of you some familiars

Akeno then went to the magic circle

Asia: Wait? Are we gonna get them right now?

Rias: Its a full moon tonight, this is our best chance to see him

Issei: See who?

Rias: The familiar master

I then looked to the fallen angels

Y/N: You 3 wanna come

Raynare: No thanks master. We'll stay here

I then gave them a nod and went to the magic circle

It took us to a forest...a dark one. This forest somewhat remind me of a video game where i collect pages of sorts. I then looked around catiously of not knowing what kind of creatures that may live here

Issei: Where are we?

Y/N: Oh thats easy to say. We're at slender forest. Aint it fucking obvious that we are in FAMILIAR FOREST

Kiba: Dont be scared. This is where we came to get ours

Issei: Really...cool. Even though i may have fucking shat myself

Asia: Yeah its really freaky

She then held my arm like a child who was scared

???: Okay who wants me? Im the familiar master, Zatouji! If your goal is to find familiars galore, you've come at the right time thats for sure! The full moon is out to help you decide and i'll be with you to act as your guide!

The man, Zatouji in shorts and a vest with fingerless glove, a waistcoat and a cap backwards

Akeno:*whispers*. If you can tell, zatouji is obssessed to make rhymes

Y/N: I wonder where is pickachu. I thought he'd be at his shoulders

Emily:*Sarcastic*. Yeah. He doesnt look familiar at all

Zatouji: How can i help you? Tell me all your wants and desires! A strong one, a fast one or one that likes to set fires

Issei: Cool. Do you have any familiars that is hot and sexy with big tiddies and a nice ass that likes guys like me

I looked at zatouji who was annoyed at issei

Zatouji: This is why ametuers always annoy, if your seeking more than a toy, use your head my boy. To find the familiar who will be the best fit, look for the best personality, dont look for the best tits

Y/N: Im starting to like this guy

Asia: That makes sense. But i'd like to have a familiar who's cute and super fun around

Zatouji then had a grin. A large one

Zatouji: Fun? Done and done

Y/N: Ok i'll leave ya guys be. Im gonna find one

Rias: Ok. Be safe

I then went on my own on the forest. A couple of minutes later of walking and i could sense something near

Emily: Hey Y/N you sense that

Y/N: Yeah i do

Then a bush near me started to shake. I turned my hands into blades (Protoype blades) and went to a defensive position

Something then came out of the bush...something that is small and red

Ugandan warrior: Du yu kno deh wae

Take 2

Simething then came out of the bush...something that is flying. A bat to be exact

Two bats came out of the bush and went to my shoulder. They sat there like a bird while rubbing there heads on my cheek

Y/N: I am somehow lucky to tame 2

I then went back to the group. And when i got back...issei was crying. I approached him and asked

Y/N: Hey bro, you alright

Issei: I had a familiar who can vaporise clothes...but now...they destroyed it

Y/N: Hey its okay. Just remember this quote i heard 'When life gives you a hundred reason to cry. Show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile'

Issei: Yeah. I guess i still have reasons to smile

Rias: So Y/N, who's that 2 bats on your shoulder

Zatouji: You tamed 2 familiar at once. Well you are fantastic. You my boy are one of the few bombastic drastic

Y/N: Thanks

Emily: So. Does any of the 2 has a name

Y/N: Crap. Still havent able to think of name

Bat 1: We have a name you know

I was caught suprise from the bat. I mean! She was able to talk

Bat 2: She's morrigan and im lillith

Bat 1&2: And we are

A puff of smoke then came from both bats and when it cleared. They were both girls. One has long green hair while the other has dark purple-ish hair

Morrigan&Lillith: We are the aensland sisters. Please to meet you master

Both of them bowed in a polite manner while issei dropped his jaw down to the ground while the girls had a little jealous look on their faces

The sisters then hugged my arm, while i could feel my arm are being pushed back by their breast

Morrigan: And we are gonna have fun with you later on

Y/N: Please tell me that im dreaming

My head couldnt process on what was happening as i could stand here... helpless


Rias: They say sprite dragons only give themselves to the worthy and pure hearted masters

I was sitting on my usual seat while the sister are in their bat form (luckily to me) and were sitting on my shoulders

Rias: Normally they wouldnt serve under a devil like us

Akeno: Asia used to be a holy sister, so who knows, maybe that had some sway over the little guy

Rassei, asia's familiar, was nuzzling close into asia and she looked content with her familiar. I looked to koneko who was eating sweets silently. I could see the girls were taking jealous glances at me and that made me very uncomfortable

Asia: Okay sweet boy. Its time to say goodnight

In a flash of a shade of green similar to asia's twilight healing, rassei had vanished

Y/N: So you two are gonna vanish like that

Lillith: No. We want to stay with you more master

Y/N: Okay. Just be sure that you wont be seen by my parents. You can only tranform into human when in my room and make sure you dont speak on your bat form

Morrigan: Oh. How about we have fun in your bedroom tonight~

Y/N: Hehe. Goodluck with that

Kalawarner: Why did we stay behind

Mittelt: Its raynare's fault that we stayed behind

She then crosses her arms

Raynare: Someday...im gonna have fun with master...someday. And it will be soon

Issei: Im so jealous of you two! How did you guys got a one up on me? Someday! I'll get a familiar that will be my sex slave

Kiba: Sure cant wait. See you tommorow guys

We all exchanged goodbye to everyone and left to our house. We were walking while chatting some stuff but mostly issei ranting about my sexy familiars

Issei: Come on guys! Tell me on how you got some kick ass familiars

Morrigan: Thats because master is pure hearted

Issei: You think that savage motherfucker is pure hearted?!

Y/N: You know issei. It would be best if you shut up

I remember to myself things might get better someday

Lillith: And who's that person always following you master

What! They can see emily

Emily: Well that was unexpected

To be continued

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