Worlds Colliding (Supernatura...

By katherinep97

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Catty, Scarlett and Dean Winchester and Ness Singer have been out of the life for a year now. Catty had gone... More

Chapter 2 - Two and a Half Men
Chapter 3 - The Three Angelos
Chapter 4 - Singers' Weekend
Chapter 5 - Live Free or Twihard
Chapter 6 - You Can't Handle the Truth
Chapter 7 - Family Matters
Chapter 8 - All Dogs Go to Heaven
Chapter 9 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe...
Chapter 10 - Caged Heat
Chapter 11 - Appointment in Samarra
chapter 12 - Like a Virgin
Chapter 13 - Unforgiven
Chapter 14 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Chapter 15 - The French Mistake
Chapter 16 - ...And Then There Were None
Chapter 17 - My Heart Will Go On
Chapter 18 - Frontierland
Chapter 19 - Mommy Dearest
Chapter 20 - The Man Who Would Be King
Chapter 21 - Let It Bleed
Chapter 22 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much

Chapter 1 - Exile on Main St.

476 15 0
By katherinep97

Outfits in the external link


From 5.22 - Swan Song: In Stull Cemetery, Sam Winchester/Lucifer the Devil and Adam Milligan/Michael the Archangel slowly circled each other. The Impala drove up in front of them, pulling over to a stop. Catty, Scarlett and Dean Winchester got out of the car. After Octavia the Angel had used her Angel Sword to bring Sam out of Lucifer's control, Sam took out the Horsemen rings, tossing them to the ground. The ground caved in around the rings, air pulling in everything around.

Sam: (voice over from 5.22 - Swan Song) "This thing goes our way and I... triple Lindy into that box..."

Sam looked at Bobby's body in guilt. He looked at the beaten Dean and Scarlett holding Ness and Catty's bodies in anguish. He looked at Octavia. Octavia didn't react, looking sad to see him go. The hole widened. Sam breathed heavily, steeling himself to jump in.

Sam: (voice over from 5.22 - Swan Song) "You know I'm not coming back."

Sam grabbed Adam/Michael's arms, jumping into the hole, pulling him with him, both of them falling in the darkness. After a few moments, the hole closed in a blinding flash of light, restoring the ground as if nothing had happened.

Sam: (voice over from 5.22 - Swan Song) "You got to promise not to try to bring me back."

From 5.22 - Swan Song: On the road, The Impala and Ness' Car drove down the road.

In the Impala, Sam sighed. "Bobby made Ness promise that if we managed to do this, and we stopped the Apocalypse, that she had to give up the life." Catty, Scarlett and Dean were surprised. "That once all of this was over and Ness survived, that she would life a normal one, because of everything that happened to them this year. Dean, I want you to live that normal life with Ness. Cat, you go to Brett. You pray to God he's dumb enough to take you in. Scar, you can have a life with Los." He looked between them. "You--you have barbecues and you go to football games. You go live some normal, apple-pie life. Promise me."

Catty, Scarlett and Dean didn't answer, looking at Sam, then each other, looking away.



New Paltz, New York

Day One

Morning - Brett's Loft - Bedroom

Catty was lying in bed, waking up.

(Song) Beautiful Loser - Bob Seger

The time on the digital alarm clock turned 7:00, setting off an arm. Brett Blake was lying in bed next to Catty. He turned the alarm off. Catty put a hand to her head, turning to Brett, taking the hand he had on her arm, smiling a small smile.

"You okay?" Brett asked.

"Yeah, I'm good," Catty told him, not even believing it herself.

Brett stood, getting out of bed, walking away. Catty put a hand to her head, sighing, letting it fall lightly on the bed at her side.


Colorado Springs, Colorado

Scarlett's Apartment - Bedroom

Scarlett was asleep, waking up, turning to the side to see she was alone. She sat up tiredly, looking on a note on the desk. She reached over to read it.

Cas and Ava need help in Heaven. I'll be back soon. Promise. Los.

Scarlett chuckled, stopping, grabbing the side of her head, getting up.


Flashback - 2.08 "Crossroad Blues"

Night - Crossroads

Scarlett held up a hand, focusing very hard to use her power. The Crossroads Demon stopped as if she couldn't take another step toward Scarlett.

Scarlett circled around her, stopping in front of her, holding her head in pain since using this power and trying to make her do as she wished was causing her a severe headache, angry and in pain, yelling to make the Demon obey, her voice echoing and distorted. "Let them go!"



Day - Scarlett's Apartment - Kitchen

Scarlett was making herself breakfast, picking up a knife, putting it away in a knife holder, using a staking motion to do it.


Flashback - 2.04 "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things"

Night - Cemetery

Scarlett ran forward, sliding into the grave with a silver stake in hand, staking Angela Mason in the heart, killing her.



Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Day - Dean and Ness' Apartment - Kitchen

Dean opened the cabinet, pulling out a container of salt, pouring it over the eggs he was cooking on the stove.


Flashback - 1.13 "Route 666"

Night - Swamp

Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty had dug up the corpse from the monster truck, having it on a bench nearby. Dean poured salt over the remains.



Day - Dean and Ness' Apartment - Kitchen

Dean turned to see Ness walking by, raising his arms to raise the pan over her. Ness ducked out of the way, walking toward the cabinet.


Flashback - 1.22 "Devil's Trap"

Day - Sunrise Apartments - Hallway

The police Demons started to fire toward Ness again. Ness ducked to the floor, somersaulting behind another wall to avoid being hit.



Day - Dean and Ness' Apartment - Kitchen

Ness looked at Dean over her shoulder, smiling. Dean smiled. Ness pulled out plates for them, lying it on the counter. Dean poured eggs over them.



Dean opened the trunk of the Impala.


Flashback - 1.01 "Pilot"

Night - Sam's Apartment - Outside

Dean and Catty opened the trunk and the arsenal of the Impala. Catty used a shotgun to prop it up.



Day - Dean and Ness' Apartment Building - Outside

Dean put a bag of construction tools into the trunk, closing it.


Flashback - 2.22 "All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2"

Night - Cemetery - The Impala - The Trunk

Next to Sam, Dean and Scarlett, Catty grabbed the lid, smirking smugly, closing the trunk.



Day - Dean and Ness' Apartment Building - Outside

Dean got into the Impala, backing away.


Flashback - 1.08 "Bugs"

Day - Neighborhood Under Construction

The Impala backed away.



New Paltz, New York

Main Street Bistro - Kitchen

This was a restaurant. Catty was in an all black chef uniform complete white black chef hat with her blonde hair tucked underneath the hat, cooking, chopping up vegetables and fruits and meats, using the knife to sweep it into a pile, almost in a slashing motion.


Flashback - 1.20 "Dead Man's Blood"

Night - Vampire Barn

Bo the Vampire turned to see Catty standing behind him in an all black outfit with a black beanie on her head.

Catty smiled. "Boo."

Catty slashed the machete in her hands toward Bo's neck, cutting his head off, killing him.



Day - Main Street Bistros - Kitchen

Catty had all the items she had just sliced on a pan, putting them into the oven.


Flashback - 4.13 "After School Special"

Day - Truman High School - Art Room

Boy 2 looked at Boy 1, smirking evilly, grabbing Boy 1's hand, pushing it into the on-going kiln, slamming the door against his wrist, making the bone break and his hand burn inside the kiln, making him scream. Scarlett ran closer, pushing Boy 2 back. Catty pulled out Boy 1's hand out of the kiln, holding a towel over the bleeding, burning, broken hand.



Day - Main Street Bistros - Kitchen

Catty nearly closed the oven door on her hand, lost in the memories, quickly taking her hand away.


Colorado Springs, Colorado


Scarlett was working as a waitress, delivering and taking dishes and foods away, seeing a red margita, picking it up, taking a drink.


Flashback - 5.03 "Free to Be You and Me"

Night - Bar

After Reggie and Tim had made Sam and Scarlett take Demon blood, Sam spit the Demon blood into Tim's face. Scarlett spit her Demon blood into Reggie's face. Reggie tried to punch Scarlett. Scarlett ducked, kneeing Reggie in the stomach, making him double over in pain, kicking him in the face, making him fall to the floor.



Day - Restaurant

Scarlett was working, carrying dishes to the counter, accidentally bumping into a girl. "Sorry, Stacie."

Stacie helped Scarlett steady herself, her skin touching Scarlett's, as she helped put the dishes down and clean up the mess. "It's fine, Scarlett. I'm fine. Here, let me help."


Sioux Falls, South Dakota


Ness was pouring and mixing drinks, adding salt to make margaritas.


Flashback - 1.22 "Devil's Trap"

Day - Sunrise Apartments - Hallway

Ness was spreading salt over the windows and doors quickly, quietly and smoothly, staying as hidden as possible.



Day - TJz

Ness handed beers to a group of four.


Flashback - 2.05 "Simon Said"

Day - TJz

Sam, Catty, Scarlett and Dean were sitting on one side of the bar. Ness was standing on the other, tilting her head in acknowledgement, putting the beers in front of them.



Day - Construction Site

Dean was in construction worker uniform, using a crowbar to pry a metal door open.


Flashback - 4.02 "Are You There, God? It's Me, Catty Winchester"

Day - Singer Salvage Yard

Dean and Bobby ran up the pile of cars toward the car where the girls were in. Dean grabbed a crowbar from nearby, using it to pry open the doors to where the Ghost girls were keeping Ness.



Day - Construction Site

Dean lowered a whirring saw to cut some wood down the middle.


Flashback - 2.03 "Bloodlust"

Night - Mills

Dean grabbed the handle to the whirring saw, lowering it to cut Conrad the Vampire's head off, killing him, blood splattering onto his face.



Day - Construction Site

Dean and a few men were lifting a very heavy object. One of the men's arms grazed with Dean's.

Dean chuckled. "Watch it, Pete."

Pete smiled, hugging Dean with brotherly gusto.


New Paltz, New York

Suburban House - Backyard

There was a barbecue. Catty grabbed two beers from the cooler, closing it.


Flashback - 3.07 "Fresh Blood"

Day - Roadside

Catty had one beer in hand already, grabbing three beers from the cooler, closing it, sitting on top, handing the other three to Scarlett, Sam and Dean, taking a drink of her own.



Day - Barbecue

Catty walked toward Brett and three others, handing a beer to Brett. One of the three others was Sarah Blake, Brett's sister from 1.19 "Provenance" and 3.02 "The Kids Are Alright." A blonde man stood next to them. Sarah was holding what looked like a six month old baby girl. The baby girl looked at Catty and Brett, smiling widely, giggling. Sarah and the blonde man smiled. Catty and Brett smiled. Brett opened his beer, holding an arm around Catty, holding his beer toward her. Catty clinked hers to Brett's. They both took a drink.


Colorado Springs, Colorado

Scarlett's Apartment - Living Room

Scarlett got home, looking around. She saw another note, taking it.

Sorry I missed you. I promise to see you soon. Love, Los.

Scarlett smiled slightly. "I love you, too."


Sioux Falls, South Dakota


Ness walked across behind the bar to hand a beer to Dean, keeping hers for herself. Dean took the beer, smiling a small smile. They took a drink. Ness smiled, leaning over the bar to kiss Dean, pulling away, tilting her head, biting her lip slightly, pressing them together. Dean couldn't help a smile.


Night - Dean and Ness' Apartment - Living Room

Ness was ready for bed. She looked out of the main window, locking the door, finishing her drink.



Ness walked toward the sink, putting the glass inside.



Ness walked toward the front door, looking under a rug to reveal a Devil's Trap, putting the rug back down.



Dean was already lying in bed. Ness smiled a small smile, lying next to Dean. Dean put his arm around her, pulling her head to his chest gently for the night. Underneath the bed on either side of the bed was a jar of water with rosary beads and a salt shell shotgun.

(End of Song)

§ Worlds Colliding (Supernatural) §

New Paltz, New York

Day Two

Night - Main Street Bistros

Catty was seen through the kitchen window leading to the main room of the restaurant, in her black chef uniform, cooking.

Sarah walked closer on the other side of the window with the baby. "Hey, Cat."

Catty looked up, smiling slightly. "Hey, Sarah. Usual, right?"

"Can't take it for a mistake," Sarah told her.

Catty nodded, looking at the baby, smiling. "Hi, you." The baby smiled, laughing. Catty smiled. "Yeah."

"You on for baby-sitting tonight after work?" Sarah asked. "I have a late shift at the auction house till morning, and Kyle is working double at the office as we speak."

"Yeah," Catty answered. "Sure."

"Awesome," Sarah told her. "Abby loves you. Seriously, I can't get her to be like that with any other baby-sitters, but you're not exactly any other babysitter, are you?" Catty smirked, shaking her head, cooking as Sarah spoke. "You're really good with her. You ever think about having one of your own?"

"Oh, I don't know," Catty told her. "Never really thought about it."

"That's too bad," Sarah told her. "So, you've traveled around a lot, huh?"

"Mm-hmm," Catty answered. "Yeah, my whole life, pretty much."

"And?" Sarah asked.

"I don't know," Catty told her.

"Come on," Sarah told her. "You--What, you moved in with Brett, my brother, what, about a year ago?"

"Yeah, thereabouts," Catty answered.

"So, you've been babysitting and cooking for me for a year, and I've returned the favor by buying the beer and dragging you to the big social gatherings and paying for you to actually fit in there," Sarah told her. Catty shrugged slightly. "And I think that means you owe me a couple of gory details."

"Oh, no," Catty told her. "There's not much to tell, you know? It's, uh... I lived on the road with my family, always on the move, so I hardly got the chance to start something that I couldn't finish, so I decided that it was okay to never start anything."

"But..." Sarah trailed off.

"That was, until I met Brett six years ago," Catty told her. Sarah smiled. "And then, whenever I thought of a normal life, I always saw Brett in it, so I that's why I came here."

"And yet you can't ever seem to get comfortable, like you're just waiting for something to happen," Sarah told her. Catty looked up. "You got some crazy ex on the loose or something?" Catty chuckled barely, shaking her head. "I know the type, trust me. Look, being stalked and waiting some normalcy and safety's not a crime."

Catty scoffed. She put another plate on the counter, dinging the bell. "Isaiah!"

Isaiah the waiter walked closer, taking the plate from Catty, handing her a piece of paper stealthily as he did, smirking, his hand lying on hers for a moment. "Thanks, Catty."

Catty took her hand away. "Yeah."

Isaiah turned around, walking away, leaving.

Sarah smirked, looking at Catty. "I think he likes you."

Catty held up the paper with a phone number on it. "You think?"

Sarah smiled. "What is it with you? Like, every time."

"It's always been kind of a thing with me," Catty told her. "It's a blessing and a curse. Sometimes even annoying." Sarah smiled. Catty smiled, handing Sarah her order to go. "Here you go."

"Thanks," Sarah told her, taking the food. "I'll see you tonight?"

"Yep," Catty answered. She looked at Abby, smiling, waving. "Bye, Abby."

Abby waved bye, smiling.

"Can you say bye?" Sarah asked. Abby didn't answer, looking away. Sarah looked at Catty. "We'll get there." Catty smiled a small smile. "Bye, Catty."

"See you, Sarah," Catty told her.

Sarah walked away with Abby and their food, leaving. Catty watched them go.



Catty was wearing normal clothes, walking across the street toward her Mustang, about to get in. She heard a woman screaming in the distance. Catty took out a flashlight and a gun from her car, walking toward the noise.


Abandoned Building

Catty walked into the building, hearing something from upstairs, walking up the stairs, into the upstairs hall, hearing a rustling from behind several sheets hanging from the ceiling, walking toward them, pulling them aside, but didn't see anything. She heard a rustling behind her, turning around with gun and flashlight raised, but didn't see anything behind her. Catty turned forward, continuing to walk along, seeing sheets moving from down the hall, slowly approaching them, pulling them aside. Three doves flew above Catty's head, making her duck, flying away, leaving. Catty sighed, realizing the overreaction, looking at the flashlight and and gun in her hand, continuing on, finding another staircase, seeing scratches on the wall nearby, four slash marks, four for each finger. On another nearby wall, there was a smudge of blood.


Brett's Loft - Nursery

The guest room in the loft had a crib for Abby, a nursery.

Catty was holding the sleeping Abby, gently rocking her to sleep with her head leaning on her shoulder, on the phone. "And no one's called about a missing person? No, this would have been today. So no reports of anything around Vineland and Oak street, near that hotel renovation? Uh, call it a hunch." She started to lay Abby into the crib. Abby started to fuss. Catty sighed, bringing Abby to her chest again. "I've been a cop for a long time. Okay. Yeah. No, I'll call you tomorrow. You, too. Bye." She hung up, putting the phone away. Brett walked in, leaning against the doorway behind Catty. Catty didn't notice him yet, gently rocking Abby back to sleep. "What happened to you being tough girl when I put you down, huh? That was a pretty good deal." Abby fussed once tiredly as if to argue. "Yeah? Tell me about it."

Catty started to hum "Enjoy the Silence" by Depeche Mode, lullaby rendition. Abby was already half asleep. After a moment of listening to Catty's tune, she fell asleep completely. Catty continued to hum just in case, carefully lying Abby down in the crib. Abby remained asleep. Catty sighed.

Brett smirked. "Sarah just called." Catty turned to face him in surprise. "She won't be able to pick Abby up till morning."

"Yeah, I heard," Catty told him. "She's lucky to have an uncle that thought to put a nursery into his bachelor pad for nights like this."

Brett walked closer. "Wouldn't call it a bachelor pad."

"Oh, yeah?" Catty asked. "And what would you call it?"

Brett stood next to Catty, putting an arm around her, smiling a small smile. "It amazes me how you can go from badass supernatural hunter to caring babysitter. Looks like you want more than that, though."

Catty looked at Brett. "I wish I knew what I wanted. But right now..." She sighed, looking down, shaking her head. "I just don't, Brett."

"I get it," Brett told her.

Catty smiled a small smile. Brett placed a hand on Catty's cheek, kissing her slowly. Catty responded just as slowly and sweetly. It started to build into something more, but Catty pulled away, taking Brett's hand, leading him out of the nursery, chuckling.


Day Three

Morning - On the Road

Catty's Mustang drove down the road. A car drove past it at the stop sign.


Catty's Mustang

Catty turned her head to watch it go, looking for any more cars. She saw a claw mark on the light pole nearby exactly like the mark yesterday, turning around the corner, driving closer to get a closer look, parking.



Catty got out of the car, gathering her gun and flashlight, walking toward the sheets in the backyard of the house that had held the barbecue, seeing scratches, walking forward, investigating, seeing another set of scratches on a shed door next door to the house that was rattling, holding up her gun, cautiously opening the door and aiming the gun inside. A Yorkie was inside the shed, whimpering, barking at Catty, running past her, running away, leaving. Catty jumped, closing her eyes at the over reaction.

She heard a man's voice. "Catty?"

Catty looked toward the blonde man from the barbecue in his backyard next door. "Kyle."

"Is that a gun?" Kyle asked.

Catty put the gun away. "No, no. Yeah. We'll, it's--I got a permit for it."

"What, to shoot the Glickmans' dog?" Kyle asked.

"I... I thought it was something--someone--else," Catty told him. "You know how I don't talk about my history? Why do you think I don't talk about my history? It can get me really jumpy." She looked away to the shed, seeing yellow powder on the floor, kneeling next to it. "Oh, crap."

"What's that?" Kyle asked.

"Sulfur," Catty answered. "I got to go."

Catty walked away quickly.

"Hold on, Catty!" Kyle told her. Catty ignored him, walking away, leaving. "What the hell?"


Brett's Loft

Catty looked toward the wall of windows that allowed her to see the whole city at broad daylight, walking toward the shelf, pulling out a trunk from underneath, setting it down on the floor. She took out her phone, making a call.

Dean: (voice mail) "Hey, it's Dean. Leave a message."

"Hey, Dean," Catty told him. "It's me. I, uh, I know that we and Scar made a promise to Sam to quit the life, but I think that there might be a Demon in this town that's killing people. I mean, scratches, blood, sulfur... If you could just give me a call, or, hell, even give me a hand here, that would be awesome. Tell Ness, too. It'd be really good to see you, Scar and Ness. So..." She hesitated, looking up. "I miss you, Dean. I miss Ness, too. And Scar, who I'm gonna call next."

Catty hung up, looking at the phone in her hand for a moment, dialing Scarlett's number.

Brett walked in, leaning against the doorway. "That was sweet." Catty stood, surprised, accidentally dropping her phone before she could call Scarlett. "Hey. So, I just got through talking to Kyle. Did you almost shoot a Yorkie?"

Catty looked down, trying to sound innocent. "No." Brett didn't look convinced. "Yes." Brett raised his eyebrows. Catty hesitated. "Okay, technically."

Brett nodded slightly, pushing away from the doorway, walking closer. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," Catty told him.

"How come I don't believe you?" Brett asked.

Catty looked at Brett, trying to find an excuse. "I just--I, uh, I--I got this--I don't know, spidey sense."

Brett seemed slightly amused at her trying to find the words. "Okay. Are you hunting something?"

"Honestly?" Catty asked. "Uh, at first, I thought that I was. But I'm pretty sure that I got worked up over nothing, Brett. It's, uh, you know..." She nodded thoughtfully. "It happens."

"Are you sure?" Brett asked.

Catty took a deep breath. "I'll tell you what, Brett. Just because, you know, I have an OCD thing about this, why don't, uh, why don't you go to the movies, check out the club, you know, hang out with the teeming masses, and I'll do one last sweep just to be 100%?"

"Why?" Brett asked. "When I could just stay here with you?" Brett's eyes turned completely white. Catty was in shock, processing, backing away in denial. "Hi, Grasshopper." Catty was in denial, trying not to show fear. Brett/Alastair chuckled. "You have fun sniffing that trail? 'Cause I sure had fun patting you around. In more than one way."

Catty shook her head in denial, backing away. "You can't be..."

Brett/Alastair circled around Catty, making her turn each foot step he took. "Oh, sure I can."

"No," Catty told him.

Brett/Alastair let his eyes return normal. "Yeah." Catty backed away slowly past the wall of windows. Brett/Alastair stalked closer. "God brought your friends Los, Cas and Ava back, right? So why not me?" He started to laugh. "The best part? Brett, right here? I've been in him the entire time. You've been with me the entire time, and you didn't even know it." Catty shook her head in denial, breathing heavily, shakily, tears in her eyes. Brett/Alastair nodded tauntingly. "Yeah. Catty, Catty, Catty. Even when I was dead, and even when you thought I was dead, you. Were still. Mine." He made Catty back into the wall behind her, inches away. Catty glared at him, grabbing a hidden salt shell shotgun from the shelf next to them, using it to hit Brett/Alastair in the face, making him back away, turning the gun to face him, shooting him in the chest. It didn't seem to have any effect. Brett/Alastair looked from the wound to Catty. "Really? After all we've been through together?" He twisted Catty's arm, making her gasp in pain and drop the gun, pulling her in front of the wall of windows, facing the view of the city. He stood right behind her, barely applying strength to restrain her in the usual disturbing gentle manner, but with enough force that Catty couldn't move. "You know, you got a great little life here. Handsome fella. Real understanding." He gestured to the wall of windows, speaking into Catty's ear. "Hell of a view." Catty turned her head away, breathing heavily, trying to keep any reactions hidden, but clearly terrified with tears in her eyes. Brett/Alastair gripped her throat from behind, making her look forward so he could speak in her ear. "I mean, come on, Catty. Did you really think you were gonna get to keep all of this? You had to know that we were coming for you sometime, Grasshopper." He turned around, pushing Catty against the wall, trailing his fingers from her temple to her chin. Catty turned her head away, cringing. Brett/Alastair trailed his fingers from her neck, down her arm and waist. Catty looked away, struggling uselessly. "You can't outrun your past."

Brett/Alastair disappeared. Catty breathed heavily, sliding to the floor. Sam appeared, injecting a vial into Catty's neck, making her gasp in pain and surprise.


Abandoned House

Catty woke up on a cot, sitting up, looking around in confusion to see Scarlett, Sam and Dean.

"Hey, Catty," Dean told her.

Catty looked at them in shock.

Sam chuckled. "I was expecting, uh... I don't know, a hug, some Holy Water in the face, something."

"So I'm dead?" Catty asked. "This is Heaven? Alastair killed me? Shocking. Guy usually likes to torment me all to hell before letting me go so he can start all over again." She looked at Scarlett and Dean. "Hold up. When did you die? Is Ness alive?"

"First of all, you're not dead," Scarlett told her. "None of us are. We're all alive, like Ness, the answer to your question is yes. And, second, we should've known that you would see Alastair."

"'See'?" Catty repeated.

"You were poisoned," Dean told her. "So, whatever kind of crazy crap you think you been seeing, it's not real."

Catty looked at Sam. "So, then, are you... real? Or--Or am I still--"

"I'm real," Sam answered. "Here, let me save you the trouble. All me." He cut himself with a silver blade, cutting Dean and Scarlett's arms, putting some salt in a jug of Holy Water, drinking. "That's nasty."

Sam handed the jug to Dean.

Dean took a drink, groaning, handing the jug to Scarlett. "It's really Sammy, Cat."

Scarlett took a drink.

Catty stood, walking closer.

"Yeah," Sam agreed. "It's me."

Catty wrapped her arms around all of them, pulling away, looking at Sam. "Wait a minute, wait a minute. You--you--you were--you were gone, man. I mean, that--that was it. How the hell are you--"

"I don't know," Sam told her.

"What do you mean, you don't know?" Catty asked.

"I mean, no idea," Sam told her. "I--I'm just back."

Catty looked at Dean and Scarlett.

"Don't look at me," Scarlett told her. "Dean and I didn't do jack squat. Although, it wasn't for lack of trying."

"Well, was it God, or--or--or Cas, or Los, or Ava?" Catty asked. "I mean, do Cas and Ava and Los know anything about it?"

"Ava does," Sam answered. "I've been calling Cas for a while. Dean and Scar called him a few times. He hasn't answered either or our prayers. Ava did a few times. Los was with Scar most of the time, but when all of this happened, Los was up in Heaven with Cas and Ava, and I guess they haven't heard our prayers for a little while. But I mean, I was... down there, and then, next minute, it's raining, and I'm lying in that field, alone. It's kind of hard to go looking for whatever saved you when you got no leads. But I looked. I mean, believe me, I looked... for weeks."

"Wait, weeks?" Catty repeated. "How long you been back?"

Sam didn't answer. Sam, Scarlett and Dean exchanged a look.

"Tell her, Sam," Dean told him. "Tell Catty how long you've been back."

"About a year," Sam answered.

"About a year?" Catty repeated.

"Cat--" Sam started.

"You been back practically this whole time?" Catty asked incredulously. "What, did you lose the ability to send a freaking text message?"

"You finally had what you wanted, Catty," Sam told her. He looked at Scarlett and Dean. "All of you did."

"We wanted our brothers, alive," Scarlett told him.

"You wanted a family," Sam told them. "You have for a long time, maybe the whole time. I know you. You only gave it up because of the way we lived. But Dean had something with Ness, and you, Scar, you had something with Los, and Cat had something with Brett, and you were building something. If I shown up to Dean, Ness and Scar, they would've started to hunt again, and even if they didn't lose each other, and even if Scar didn't lose Los since he's an Angel, their normal lives would have been over. Had I shown up to you, Cat, you would have just run off, started hunting again, and you would have left Brett behind with your normal life. I'm sorry. But it felt like after everything, you deserve some regular life."

Catty processed all of this. "Wait. Dean, Scar, did you know this whole time?"

Scarlett shook her head. "Dean and I just found out a day ago."

"A day ago," Catty repeated, looking away. "And apparently you both lost the ability to answer your damn phones. Or pick it up and call me to let me know that our brother is alive." She looked at Sam. "What about Adam?" Sam shook his head, pressing his lips together. Catty sighed, putting a hand to her head, letting it fall to her side. "It shouldn't have been Adam who went in there. It should've been me." She exhaled. "What have you been doing?"

"Hunting," Sam answered.

"You left us alone, and you were flying solo?" Catty asked.

"Not solo," Scarlett answered.

"What?" Catty asked.

"I hooked up with some other people," Sam explained.

"You?" Catty asked. "Working with strangers?"

"They're more like family," Dean told her. "And they're here."


Other Room

Sam, Scarlett and Dean led Catty into the other room. There were three other hunters, one of them a young woman.

The woman looked at Catty. "Hey."

"Hi," Catty told her.

"My God, you have delicate features for a hunter," the woman told her.

"Excuse me?" Catty asked.

"Catty, Gwen Campbell," Dean told her.

Gwen shook Catty's hand. "Good to finally meet you. Sam's gone on and on about you, Scarlett and Dean."

Scarlett gestured to the two guys. "And this is Christian and Mark. Campbell."

"Hi," Mark told her.

"Cam--Campbell?" Catty asked. "Like..."

"Like your Mom," Christian answered.

Sam pointed at Gwen. "Third cousin." He pointed at Christian. "Second cousin." He looked at Scarlett, Dean and Catty. "He's Catalina Campbell's son." Scarlett, Dean and Catty looked at Christian in surprise. Christian nodded. Sam pointed at Mark. "Something, something twice removed." He looked at Scarlett, Dean and Catty. "They grew up in the life, like Mom, and like us."

"I thought all of Mom's relatives were gone," Scarlett told them. "And I'm sorry. It's just, you know, why didn't we know about any of you?"

They heard a man's voice behind them. "'Cause they didn't know about you. Not until I brought you all together."

Catty turned to face the familiar face in shock. "Samuel?"

Samuel Campbell walked closer to Catty, wrapping his arms around her. "Come here."


Flashback - 4.03 "In the Beginning"

Night - Campbell House - Dining Room

Catty and 'Samuel' were sitting at the table.

"I'm your grandfather," 'Samuel' told her.

Catty was unaware it was really Azazel the Demon yet.



Catty drove up to see Young Mary Campbell holding Young John Winchester's body, and Samuel/Azazel kissing her, getting out of the car. "No!"

Catty ran toward them, aiming the Colt at Samuel/Azazel. Before she could shoot, black smoke flowed out of Samuel's body, soaring through the sky, leaving. Samuel's body fell dead.



Night - Abandoned House

Catty was still in shock.

Samuel pulled away, looking at Mark, Christian and Gwen. "Guys, give me a second with my grandchildren here, please." Mark, Christian and Gwen walked out of the room. Samuel looked at Catty. "Lot of resurrections in your face today. It's all right. Take a minute."

"It's gonna take a little more than a minute," Catty told them. "I mean, what the hell? H--How did this happen?"

"We're guessing whatever pulled Sam up pulled me down," Samuel told them. "So, whatever this is, we're both a part of it."

"But you don't know what that is," Catty told them.

"Bingo," Dean answered.

"And you have no leads?" Catty asked. "Nothing?" They didn't answer. "Well, this--this is, uh... No more door nails coming out of that door is there?"

"As far as we know, it's Samuel, and it's Sam," Scarlett told her.

"Okay, am I the only one here that--that--that thinks that this can't all just be fine?" Catty asked.

"Believe me, you're not," Samuel answered. "I wanted to come get you, of course. Sam was adamant about leaving you, Scarlett and Dean out, so we did. Until this."

"Right," Catty told them. She looked at Scarlett, Sam and Dean. "So, then you ended up in Brett's and my loft how?"

"I got hit before you did, a week ago," Sam explained. "Dosed up with poison."

"By?" Catty asked.

"Couple of Djinn," Sam answered.

"And then Scar and I got dosed up yesterday, and Sam had to come and save our asses," Dean explained.

"Djinn?" Catty asked. "I thought those were--were cave-dwelling hermit-type. That's pretty exotic."

"Not anymore, at least," Scarlett told her. "These... look like regular people. They can blend in. And all they got to do to kill you is touch you. Their toxins get in your system, all of a sudden you're hallucinating your worst nightmares, and pretty soon you OD."

"Well, then how are you three breathing air?" Catty asked.

"Samuel had a cure," Dean answered.

Catty looked at Samuel. "You got a cure for Djinn poison?"

"Oh, I know a few things," Samuel told her. "Stick around. I'll show you tricks your Daddy never even dreamed of."

"Uh..." Catty trailed off, looking at Scarlett, Sam and Dean. "Okay, why are these things after us?"

"Well, Dean did stake one a while back," Sam told her. "After they came after me, we were pretty certain that they were gonna go gunning for Scar, Dean and you next."

Dean seemed to realize something. "Ness. She's at the apartment right now, or alone at TJz. If that thing comes back and Ness is alone--"

Catty closed her eyes, sighing. "And Brett's probably already back at the loft."

"It's all right," Samuel told them. "I already sent someone over there to watch over them. All of them."

"You got to take me home to Ness right now," Dean told them.

Catty looked from Scarlett and Sam to Dean. "And then we're heading back for New York to Brett."


Sioux Falls, South Dakota


(Song) Neighbors - Swank

Ness was standing across the bar from a woman with tattoos all over her arms.

"And thank God this is before Facebook, right?" the woman asked. "Because it'd be me and that goat all over the Internet. Don't get me wrong, right? No complaints. But if you'd have said to me, 'Hey, you. 15 years from now? Suburbia'."

Ness smiled, shaking her head. "Oh, yeah."

"Right?" the woman asked.

"Believe me, I know," Ness told her.

The woman took a glass of alcohol from Ness, putting a hand on her arm. "Did you know that people around here are still trying to get the press to believe what happened to this town last year? With all the Zombies that came back to haunt this town before they turned bad?"

Ness backed away. "Yeah, well, I'm happy nobody is believing them. Lot of people out there that ain't ready for this world might think that they are and get themselves killed."

"But not you anymore, right?" the woman asked. "I mean, you're done?"

Ness nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm done. No more hunting, no more double life, since the whole town saw what happened last year."

"And how do you feel about that?" the woman asked.

Ness didn't answer, looking around the empty bar. "Look, Brigitta, last call. I gotta go home, go to sleep..."

"Get to your man?" Brigitta finished.

Ness shrugged slightly. "Just lock the place after you leave, okay?"

"I always do," Brigitta told her.

Ness smiled a small smile, taking her jacket, walking out, leaving. Brigitta watched her go, smirking. She drummed her fingers against the bar.

(End of Song)


Dean and Ness' Apartment - Kitchen

Ness walked in to see no one at all. "Dean? You here?"

Ness heard a noise from the next room, cautiously opening a wine cabinet, reaching inside to get a gun, pulling it out, closing the cabinet, walking toward the other room to investigate.


On the Road

A black 2006 SRT8 Dodge Charger raced down the road.


Dean and Ness' Apartment - Living Room

Ness looked around, gun still in hand, looking around. She didn't seem to find anything. She turned around, stopping short.

Karen Singer stood in front of her. She was wearing a bloodstained white dress, blooding flowing from wounds on her check and chest, stab wounds from Bobby. There was a bleeding, small wound in the center of her forehead, gunshot wound, from Ness. She smiled. "Hi, Nessie. I'm back." Ness was in shocked denial. "What's the matter, Ness? Aren't you glad to see me?"

Karen's eyes turned completely, Demon black.



The black Charger pulled over in the parking lot for the apartment building.

Dean got out of the car, running toward the apartment building. "Ness? Ness!"

Sam, Scarlett and Catty looked toward a car to see a man sitting inside, dead, his eyes gone lifeless and white.

"Who is that?" Catty asked.

Sam sighed. "Johnny Campbell. One of the hunters I've been with all year." Scarlett and Catty looked at him in confusion. Sam looked at them. "What?"

"You don't seem too shocked by that," Scarlett told him. "Hell, you don't even seem fazed."

"I'm crying on the inside," Sam told them, walking toward the building.

Scarlett and Catty followed.


Dean and Ness' Apartment

Dean was looking around frantically, worriedly. He saw Ness' unconscious body on the floor, running to her side. "Ness! Ness?"

Dean knelt next to Ness, pulling her limp body into his arms, looking back at Scarlett, Sam and Catty worriedly.


Day Four

Morning - Bobby's House - Living Room

Ness' unconscious body was lying on the window seat. Dean was sitting in a chair next to Ness, waiting worriedly. Catty and Scarlett were sitting on a table.

Bobby was sitting at the desk worriedly, agitated. "Can't you idjits come with good news once in a while? What happens to her if--"

"We gave her the cure," Scarlett told him. "It took us a while to wake up, too."

Catty stood, turning to the table, pouring herself a drink. There was a long moment of silence. Ness started to wake, looking around in confusion.

Bobby stood. "Ness? Nessie, you okay?" Ness looked around, breathing heavily. "Hey."

Dean helped Ness sit up.

Ness put a hand to her head in pain. "Oh, what the hell?"

"I think monsters were targeting you to get to me," Dean answered. "Again."

Ness looked at Dean. "Monsters?"

"None of what you just saw was real, Ness," Dean told her. "It was--"

Ness realized. "Djinn."

Dean sighed. "Only downside of having a genius for a girlfriend. She's smarter than me."

Ness barely smiled, groaning in pain, holding her neck. "All right." She sighed. "Who're the sons of bitches we got to kill?" Dean chuckled. "Where the hell did you get a cure for Djinn poison?" She looked at Scarlett and Catty. "And where the hell did you two come from?"

"Yeah, about that..." Scarlett trailed off.

Sam walked in.

Ness looked at him in shock. "Oh, my God. Sam."

Sam smiled a small smile. "Hey, Ness."

Ness looked between them. "What the hell?"

"It's a long story," Bobby told her. "Let's just say he has been back for a year now."

"A year?" Ness repeated. "Wha--" She looked at Sam. "You were back this whole time?" Sam didn't answer, but Ness knew the truth. Ness looked at Scarlett, Catty and Dean. "And he didn't tell any of you." Scarlett, Catty and Dean shook their heads. Catty took a drink. Ness looked at Bobby. "Did you know? Did you know Sam was alive?"

"Yeah," Bobby answered.

"How long?" Scarlett asked.

"Look--" Bobby started.

"How long?" Dean repeated forcefully.

"All year," Bobby answered.

Catty scoffed softly, putting her glass down. "Oh, you got to be kidding me."

"And I'd do it again," Bobby told them.

Ness looked at Bobby incredulously. "Why?"

"Because you got out, Ness," Bobby answered. "You promised that you would walk away from the life, and you did." He looked at Scarlett, Catty and Dean. "All of you did. And I was so damn grateful, you got no idea."

"Yeah, and you knew what walking away meant for me," Ness told him. "For all of us."

Bobby nodded. "Yeah." He looked at Catty. "A man and a home for you." He looked at Ness and Dean. "And you two together and not getting your guts ripped out by age 30." He looked at Scarlett. "Even if you were with an Angel who was in the middle of fighting a Heavenly war, you still had someone with you, and you were able to quit the life at the age of 18. You're 19 now, Scar, about to turn 20, and you get to live your life. That's what it meant."

Ness scoffed, shaking her head, looking away.

Catty looked at Sam. "That man? I went to Brett because you asked me to."

"Good," Sam told her.

"Good for who?" Catty asked. "I showed up on his doorstep half out of my head with grief. God knows why Brett even let me in. I drank too much. I had nightmares, of the normal variety."

Dean looked at Sam. "You came all this way to Bobby's house, but you couldn't take another 20 minutes to give us a pop up visit?" Sam didn't answer. "You know, I looked everywhere. Ness helped me collect hundreds of books, trying to find anything to bust you out."

"You promise you'd leave it alone," Sam told him.

"Of course I didn't leave it alone!" Dean told him. "Sue me! A damn year? You couldn't not only put me, Scar and Catty out of our misery, but Ness, too? She took your death about as hard as I did, Sammy."

"Wait, did Los know you were back?" Scarlett asked.

"No," Sam answered. "Ava didn't even know I was back until just recently too. I might have prayed to Cas and Ava, but I didn't pray to Los, because I knew he would tell you I was alive."

"Of course he would have told me," Scarlett told him incredulously. "And you should have told all of us."

"Look, I get it wasn't easy," Bobby told them. "But that's life. And it's as close to happiness as I've ever seen a hunter get, let alone four."

"Dad--" Ness started.

"It ain't like I wanted to lie to any of you," Bobby told them. "But all of you were out."

"Do we look out to you?" Ness asked.

Bobby didn't answer, pointing at Ness. "You promised me that you'd stay out."

"Yeah, well, that was before I nearly got overdosed by a couple of Djinn," Ness replied. "I'm not gonna sit this one out."

Catty shook her head. "Whatever. I can't do this right now." She looked at Sam. "You're gonna take me back to New York so we can make sure Brett stays okay."

"We're just gonna have to make a little pit stop to, uh, talk to the Campbells and get their help," Sam told her. "You know, in case the thing shows back up."

Catty nodded, turning around, walking away.


On the Road

Sam's Charger drove down the road.


Campbell Compound

Sam, Catty, Scarlett, Dean and Ness walked in. Christian was standing nearby the fireplace. Gwen was sitting at the table. Mark was keeping to himself.

Samuel was cleaning his gun. He looked up at Ness, speaking to Sam, Catty, Scarlett and Dean. "This Ness?"

"You Samuel?" Ness replied.

Samuel nodded. "That, I am. Nice to meet you. Heard a lot about you."

Ness looked at Sam. "Yeah, I bet." She looked at the other hunters. "So, what's the plan?'

"Well, right now, we stock up, get set," Samuel told them.

"So, you're saying there is no plan," Ness told them.

"We'll find them," Samuel told them. "Just got to be patient."

"Yeah, okay," Ness told them. "Oh, here's an alt. Why don't we go kill the sons of bitches that tried to kill the five of us?"

"Relax, Ness," Gwen told her. "We got it handled. Djinn are hard to draw out. Now, you're a Singer, you're not a Campbell, or a Winchester, and you've been out of the game for a while. Leave it to the professionals."

Sam, Catty, Scarlett and Dean looked as if they knew that was the wrong thing to say.

Scarlett looked at Gwen. "Oh, you made the biggest mistake ever. You just told Ness to bring it."

Ness nodded sarcastically, scoffing softly. "Yeah. Tiny suggestion. You see, Djinn are easier to draw out when you got bait. They want Sam, Dean, Scar and Catty, and they came after me to get to Dean." She seemed to be doing mental math without much thought. "Me and Catty were hit in the same night, 1,385.5 miles away from each other. That's about a 21.3 hour drive, depending on how fast a driver or how much in a hurry you are. Dean and Scar were hit in the same night yesterday, when Dean was with me in Sioux Falls, and Scar was in Colorado Springs, which is 693.5 miles apart, about a 10 hours and 40 minute drive." Mark raised his eyebrows, impressed, silent. "So, that leads me to believe that there were Djinn in Sioux Falls, Colorado Springs, and in New Paltz. And, according to Sam, you all already scoured my town when I was out. That means the Djinn aren't here anymore." Christian scoffed in agreement. "And they're not in Colorado Springs, either. But we already know one place they will most likely be at. If they came after me to get to Dean, what makes you think that they won't go after Brett to get to Catty? Brett, who is with his family up in New York. Now, I may be an outsider to all of you, but I have been going at this since I was five years old, and while me and my Dad picked up tricks along the way, we have been pulling..." Ness looked at Sam, Catty, Scarlett and Dean. "These four out of the fire, feeding them every which, way and ward for legend, monster, Demon, Ghost, and Angel, for six years now." She looked at the other hunters. "And I may not have been hunting in a while, but I'm gonna stick my neck out and guess Brett's place is a pretty good place for us to go." She looked at Sam, Catty, Scarlett and Dean's amused reactions. She looked at Gwen. "See? It's almost like I'm a professional."

Gwen narrowed her eyes at Ness, looking down.

Samuel smiled in approval, looking at Dean. "Got yourself a keeper here."

Dean looked at Ness, smirking. "Don't I know it."

Ness smiled a small smile.


New Paltz, New York

Brett's Loft - Living Room

The Campbells, the Winchesters, and Ness were setting up in front of the walls of windows. Ness looked out of the windows, taking in the view of the city. The others were rummaging around Brett and Catty's things. Mark was looking at a picture of Sarah, Kyle and Abby.

Dean was looking at a picture of Sarah, Kyle, Brett and Catty at a hospital. Sarah was in the hospital bed, holding Infant Abby. He looked at Catty. "You were here when this kid was born?"

Catty nodded. "Six months ago, yeah."

Scarlett smirked. "Uh-oh. Super Nanny to the rescue." She picked up a magazine from the table, looking at Catty. "Huh, I love this one. Yours, or, uh, your husband's? Are you and Brett that serious, sis?"

"You're hilarious, Scar," Catty told her sarcastically.

Scarlett smiled. Christian was lounging in one of the expensive chairs, legs propped up on the table. Sam was chewing gum, tossing it aside carelessly. Samuel was just standing there, noticing how overwhelmed Catty looked even though she hid it well. Catty walked out of the room, leaving.



Catty splashed her face with water to cool herself off. She dried herself off, pulling out her phone, making a call.

Brett: (voice mail) "Yeah, it's Brett. Can't get--"

Catty hung up without listening to the full voice mail.

Samuel walked in. "Nice loft. Hell of a view."

Catty tired not to react to the same words Brett/Alastair had used. "Oh, yeah. Chef at the local restaurant, baby-sitter, whole nine. Go ahead, say it. Call me a soccer Mom. Whatever."

"'Soccer Mom' huh?" Samuel asked. "Well, I'll have to look that up on the 'intranet'. You know, believe it or not, I... I get it, Catty. You wanted a normal life. Your Mom wanted a normal life, too. You remind me of her, actually. A lot. She ever tell you that she named you after her cousin, Catalina, Christian's mother?"

"Well, my Dad did," Catty answered.

"Well, you remind me of her, too," Samuel told her. "Mary and Catalina Campbell were two peas in a pod, and you remind me of them so much. For one thing, looks, definitely. The attitude, for another." Catty smiled a small smile, looking down. "It was actually Djinn that killed Catalina back in the '70s."

Catty looked at Samuel. "Oh, the irony. Bet Christian is just itching to get his hands on some Djinn."

Samuel nodded in agreement. "Your brother tell you what we been dealing with the past few months?"

"No, not really," Catty answered. "What's your theory?"

"You tell me," Samuel told her. "All we really know is it's all hands on deck. We're counting on each other right now. That's how it is with Campbells. We need you, Catty."

"Look, I hear you, but..." Catty trailed off.

"You don't know what you're part of, Catty," Samuel told her. "You know, you had ancestors hacking the heads of vamps on the Mayflower." Catty raised her eyebrows, slightly impressed. Samuel nodded. "What I'm saying is that we're your blood. And we're out there, dying, trying to get in front of whatever this is. Maybe not the best time for an apple-pie life."

Catty hesitated, looking down. "Look, obviously, Brett's not here, he's not at his club, and he's not answering his phone anymore, so I'm gonna check over at his sister's house. When Brett's not home or at work, he's usually baby-sitting his niece over there for her and her husband. So... I'm just gonna go."

Catty turned to leave.

"You shouldn't go alone," Samuel told her.

Catty turned to face Samuel. "I won't be."


Living Room

Catty strode past Gwen, Christian and Mark without a look, looking at Scarlett, Sam, Dean and Ness, but didn't pause on her way toward the door. "Let's go, bitches."

Catty walked out, leaving.

Dean watched her go, looking at Scarlett and Sam. "Dicks."

"Jerks," Sam replied.

"Sluts," Scarlett finished.

Scarlett, Dean and Sam followed Catty, leaving.

Ness smirked, shaking her head. "You guys are morons."

Ness followed them, leaving.


On the Road

Sam's Charger drove down the road.


Sam's Charger

Sam was driving. Catty was in the passenger seat. Scarlett, Dean and Ness were in the backseat. Catty seemed lost in thought and worried.

Ness noticed. "You okay?"

Catty nodded. "Oh, yeah."

"Yeah?" Ness asked, unconvinced.

"No," Catty answered. "This is... This is crazy."

Scarlett looked at Sam. "I mean, you, Grandpa. Whoever brought you back..."

"They don't want to be found," Sam finished.

"Yeah, I get that," Scarlett told them. "But who are they, and what do they--what do they want? Why?"

"That's a good question," Sam told them.

"Do you remember it?" Dean asked.

"What?" Sam asked.

"The Cage," Dean answered.

"Yeah," Sam answered.

"You want to--" Dean started.

"No," Sam answered.

"Well, if anybody can relate..." Catty trailed off.

"Guys, I don't want to talk about it," Sam told them. "I'm back. I get to breathe fresh air, have a beer, hunt with my family, see you guys again. So why exactly would I want to think about Hell?"

No one answered.


Night - Sarah and Kyle's House - Living Room

Sarah and Kyle were dressed for work, walking toward Brett. Sarah was holding Abby.

"Brett, where'd your girl run off to?" Kyle asked. "Scared off after being caught nearly killing a dog?"

"Look, Ky, it's complicated," Brett told him. "Let's just say she's got a right to be jumpy."

"I was right, wasn't I?" Sarah asked. "She got involved in something dangerous and is trying to get out of. Like psycho ex in severe need of a restraining order and a gun permit." Brett sighed, but didn't answer. Sarah raised her eyebrows. "Brett?"

Brett scoffed. "Believe me when I tell you that is probably the least bad thing that's happened to her, Sarah. But it's my place to tell, so..."

"We get it," Sarah told him. "We don't mean to pry."

Brett nodded barely.



Sam's Charger pulled up to the house.


Sam's Charger

They could see Brett, Sarah, Kyle and Abby in the living room through the large window.

Catty sighed in relief. "Thank God."



Kyle sighed, looking at Sarah. "We better be going."

Sarah was about to hand Abby to Brett. "I promise to get Dad to switch my schedule so I can take care of my daughter and have a job, Brett."

Four Djinn walked in, two female, leading the way, the two flanking them male. They all had a familiar face.


Flashback - 6.01 "Exile on Main St."

Day - Construction Site

One of the men's arms grazed with Dean's.

Dean chuckled. "Watch it, Pete."

Pete smiled, hugging Dean with brotherly gusto.



Night - Sarah and Kyle's House - Living Room

Pete was one of the Djinn.


Flashback - 6.01 "Exile on Main St."

Day - Restaurant

Scarlett was working, carrying dishes to the counter, accidentally bumping into a girl. "Sorry, Stacie."

Stacie helped Scarlett steady herself, her skin touching Scarlett's, as she helped put the dishes down and clean up the mess. "It's fine, Scarlett."



Night - Sarah and Kyle's House - Living Room

Stacie was one of the Djinn.


Flashback - 6.01 "Exile on Main Street"

Night - Main Street Bistros

Catty put another plate on the counter, dinging the bell. "Isaiah!"

Isaiah took the plate from Catty, handing her a piece of paper stealthily as he did, smirking, his hand lying on hers for a moment.



Night - Sarah and Kyle's House - Living Room

Isaiah was one of the Djinn.


Flashback - 6.01 "Exile on Main Street"

Night - TJz

Brigitta took a glass of alcohol from Ness, putting a hand on her arm.

Ness looked around the empty bar. "Look, Brigitta, last call."


Now - 6.01 "Exile on Main St."

Night - Sarah and Kyle's Apartment

Brigitta was one of the Djinn. "I don't think you have to worry about that."

Pete and Stacie laid a hand on Sarah and Kyle's arms, their tattoos glowing as they poisoned them. Isaiah took Abby from Sarah's arms before she could drop her, poisoning her, placing her down in a stroller nearby. Brigitta placed a hand on either of Brett's cheeks, her tattoos stretching and glowing as she poisoned him. A lot more poison was used on Brett than was used on the others. Brett's eyes rolled back into his head with a blue hue.


Outside - Sam's Charger

Ness, Dean, Scarlett and Catty watched in horror as they watched Sarah, Kyle and Brett fall to the floor.



Ness, Dean, Scarlett and Catty got out of the car, running toward the house.

Sam followed, putting himself in front of them and the house. "They're already dead, and you know it."

"This is happening because of me!" Catty told him, running toward the house.

Dean, Scarlett and Ness followed. "Catty!"

Sam gave in, running inside. "Guys!"



They ran inside.

Catty knelt next to Brett. "Brett, hey." She cradled Brett's head in her lad, looking at Sarah and Kyle to see that their eyes were almost as bad as Brett. "Kyle. Sarah."

Ness looked at Abby. "Dean, where's the--"

Dean pulled out four antidotes. "Right here. Right here."

Sam, Ness and Catty each took one. Scarlett picked up Abby carefully, holding her gently. Ness injected Abby gently yet quickly. Sam injected Kyle quickly. Dean injected Sarah quickly yet carefully. Catty injected Brett quickly and carefully.

"We just have to get them to the hospital and see if they wake up," Sam told them.

"If?" Catty repeated.

"Catty, the Djinn gave them a higher dose, and you know it," Sam told her. "We didn't get to them as fast as we got to you, or to Ness."

Dean looked behind Sam and Scarlett. "Sammy! Scar!"

Isaiah grabbed Sam from behind, restraining him. Stacie restrained Scarlett, choking her. Pete grabbed Dean in a chokehold from behind. Ness stood, grabbing a lamp, trying to help. Brigitta grabbed Catty from behind, restraining her. Ness had to stop, knowing that the Djinn could control who they poisoned, knowing she was outnumbered.

Brigitta smirked. "You made it through those last trips, so how about a big, fat, double dose?" The Djinn started to poison Sam, Scarlett, Dean and Catty. "Bad news? It'll kill you. The good news? At least you'll go fast. That's for our father, you sons of bitches."

Ness raised the lamp toward them. "No!"

"Yes," Brigitta told her, pushing Catty's hallucinating body aside.

Isaiah, Stacie and Pete let Sam, Scarlett and Dean's hallucinating bodies fall to the floor. Isaiah, Stacie, Pete and Brigitta turned to Ness. Ness looked at the nearby baby rocker, pushing it into Brigitta and Stacie, making them fall to the floor. She backed away from Isaiah and Pete, opening a closet from nearby, taking out a golf club. Pete advanced on Ness. Ness swung toward Pete with the club. Pete ducked back twice. Ness hit Pete with either side of the club in the face on either side of his face, making him fall to the floor, using the club to bash in Pete's head. Ness swung toward Isaiah. Isaiah caught it, reaching toward Ness. Ness slid her hands further away on the golf club, not letting him touch her. She rammed the club into Isaiah's stomach, making him double over in pain, raising the club over her head, slamming it over Isaiah's, making him fall to the floor, bashing his head in a few times to kill him. She held the bloodstained golf club in between her and Stacie and Brigitta. Stacie and Brigitta stood.

Ness looked at Brigitta, breathless. "So much for being drinking buddies, huh, Brigitta?"

"Oh, we still can be, Ness," Brigitta told her, stepping closer. "I'll drink your blood when I bathe in it."

Ness smirked, chuckling. "Well..."

Stacie and Brigitta made Ness back into a corner. Ness swung the golf club toward Stacie. Stacie ducked, making it hit a lamp and pictures on the table next to them, making them shatter and break, grabbing the golf club, pulling it away, tossing it aside, reaching a hand toward Ness. Ness backed away as much as she could, looking behind Stacie.

Samuel arrived behind them. "Ness!" He tossed a silver knife dipped in lamb's blood to Ness. Ness caught the knife, stabbing Stacie in the heart while she had been distracted by Samuel, killing her, taking the knife out, letting her fall to the floor. Brigitta looked between them. Samuel handed four more antidote needles to Ness. "I got her. Go get Sam, Scarlett, Dean and Catty."

Ness took the antidotes, running out of the room into the living room. Samuel turned to Brigitta with the knife. Brigitta held her hand toward Samuel threateningly.

Christian arrived behind her, pulling a bag over Brigitta's body to keep her from poisoning anyone else. "Got her."

"Relax, hon," Samuel told her. "We're not gonna kill you." He looked at Christian. "Get her in the van. Quick, now, before they get back."

Christian pulled Brigitta away. "Come on. Come on."

Christian walked out with Brigitta, leaving. Samuel looked over his shoulder shadily.


Day Five

Morning - St. Luke's Cornwall Hospital - Outside

Catty's Mustang was parked nearby the hospital sign.


Catty's Mustang

Catty was in the driver's seat. Ness was in the passenger seat. Dean, Sam and Scarlett were in the backseat.

"So, Samuel and the cuzzes?" Scarlett asked.

"Don't know," Ness told them. "They left in a hurry."

"I'm meeting them back at their place," Sam told them. "You, uh, you guys coming with me?"

"Yeah, I don't think I'd be welcome there, Sammy," Ness told him.

"Yeah, well, I think you just proved yourself to them last night, Ness," Sam replied.

Dean looked at Ness, shaking his head, looking at Sam. "No. We both promised you and promised Bobby that we'd stay out. That it was just this one last job."

"Scar, you can come with me, you know," Sam told her. "I mean, Los is still in Heaven, fighting a war with Cas and Ava. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you started hunting again."

"You're right," Scarlett agreed. "I'll go with you."

Sam nodded, smirking. "Catty?"

Catty looked at the hospital. "No. I'm gonna stay with Brett. I can't leave him now, not like this."

Dean, Scarlett and Ness nodded in understanding.

Sam sighed. "Look, I practically shoved you guys at this life."

"That's a funny way to put it, but all right," Ness told him.

"I'm just saying, Bobby and I, we really wanted that for you," Sam told them. "And when we told you to go, I--I thought... you could have it, you know? But now I'm not so sure. I mean, you got to consider the fact that... once you're a hunter, you never really stop being a hunter. I proved it after I quit Stanford. All of you proved that last night."

"Especially Ness," Scarlett told them.

"Right," Sam agreed.

"Yeah, but you did go to Stanford, Sam," Dean told him. "You wanted out. You wanted a normal life. Hell, I think it's time that we get one."

Sam nodded. "I hear you."

Ness nodded. "All right, then."

Catty look at the hospital. "I just gotta check something." Ness and Scarlett nodded understandingly. Catty looked as if she was trying to convince herself to get out of the car. "Ness... Scar..."

Ness and Scarlett knew without a word being said, looking at Catty, nodding, getting out of the car, closing the doors behind them. Catty sighed, slightly more relieved, getting out of the car, closing the door behind her.


Inside - ER

Ness, Scarlett and Catty stood at the front desk.

Ness showed a fake ID to the doctor. "Here to see the poisoned patients with the questionable poison."

"You guys got here fast," the doctor told them.

"Not fast enough," Catty told him.

Ness, Scarlett and Catty walked down the ER hallway. A gurney was wheeled past them with a sheet covering its body. Ness, Scarlett and Catty walked toward the ICU.

Catty sighed. "Ness, Scar, thanks. But... just give me a minute."

Ness and Scarlett nodded understandingly. Catty walked toward Sarah's ICU room.

Scarlett turned back to the gurney, seeing a blue-hued hand off the edge of the stretcher. "Wait."

The nurse stopped wheeling it. Ness showed her fake badge, walking closer, lifting the sheet slightly to see who it was, and so Scarlett could see who it was. They closed their eyes, not showing a reaction.


Sarah's ICU Room

Sarah was hooked to a breathing machine in her room.

Catty walked closer. "Hey. Listen, about last night, I wanted to explain--"

"No need to explain anything," Sarah told her. "Look, whatever those things... were last night, they made me see things. They explained for me."

"So you know a little about what's really out there," Catty told her.

"Yeah," Sarah answered. "I do. And I know that you saved me."

"I almost got you killed, Sarah," Catty told her. "Those things were coming after me."

"You. Saved. Me," Sarah told her.

Catty hesitated, nodding, looking down. "What about Kyle?"

"He's okay," Sarah answered.

"And Abby?" Catty asked.

"She's... critical," Sarah told her.

Catty looked down in guilt, nodding as if she had known this, dreading the thought of the next name she was gonna ask. "Brett?" Sarah didn't answer, tears starting to form in her eyes. Catty took a deep breath in surprise and denial, tears in her eyes. "Oh, my God."

Catty turned away.

"It's not your fault," Sarah told her.

Catty turned to face Sarah. "How can you even say that? I brought this into your life. You wouldn't be here right now if I hadn't walked into your life. Your husband, and your baby wouldn't be here because of me. Brett wouldn't be..."

Catty couldn't finish, looking away.

"Because you saved me," Sarah answered. "You saved Kyle and Abby. You tried to save Brett. I know you cared about him, and I know that you would do anything for him. And I know that Brett wouldn't want me to be angry with you, or to hate you."

Catty looked at Sarah. "I can bring him back."

"How?" Sarah asked.

"I have a few friends," Catty answered. "Cas and Ava and Los. They can help. They've helped me and my family and friends so many times. I just--"

Sarah sighed. "I don't know who you really are. But I know that there is more to you than I ever thought possible. I was close to Brett, but I can't bring him back from the dead. Not if he's in a better place. He is in a better place, right?"

"A guy like Brett?" Catty asked, nodding. "Yeah. Probably."

Sarah nodded. "Good."

"You've got to be the second most well-adjusted person I've met, coming after my best friend Ness," Catty told her. She was trying not to cry, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, Sarah. I can't--I just can't be here anymore. I just can't."

Catty turned to leave.

"Catty," Sarah told her. Catty turned to face her. "Thank you. For saving me, Kyle and Abby. And thank you for trying to save Brett."

"I know it's good enough for you," Catty told her. "But it's not good enough for me."

Catty walked out of the room quickly.



Catty looked like she could hardly breathe. Ness and Scarlett were standing next to Brett's body on the gurney.

Catty stopped where she was when she saw him. "Brett."

Ness and Scarlett looked down the hall to see Catty, looking at Brett, nodding to the nurse to get him out of there. The nurse rolled Brett away, leaving. Ness and Scarlett walked toward Catty. Catty couldn't move. She watched the nurse take Brett away without blinking, trying to keep control over herself. Sam and Dean walked into the hallway at the very end, watching at the nurse roll Brett away as she covered his face with a sheet. Sam wasn't surprised. He seemed numb. Dean was surprised. He looked down the hall worriedly.

Ness and Scarlett wrapped their arms around Catty. "Cat..."

Catty slowly returned the embrace, letting a few tears fall, closing her eyes, hiding her face against Ness and Scarlett's shoulders so no one would see.


Brett's Loft - Outside - Catty's Mustang

Catty was in the driver's seat, breathing deeply, shakily. She looked numb yet despaired, even a little angry. Sam was in the passenger seat. Scarlett was in the backseat.

Catty gazed off unblinkingly. "It's done."

"It's never done, Catty," Scarlett told her. "Cas or Ava or Los can bring Brett--"

"Sarah doesn't want them to," Catty told them. She took a deep breath, remaining unblinking, looking away out of her window. "She wants Brett to be at peace. Just like we wanted Adam to be." She took a deep, silent breath, looking at Sam and Scarlett. "I want in."

"Want in?" Sam repeated. Catty nodded numbly. "I thought you said--"

"I did," Catty told him. "I changed my mind."

"Since when?" Sam asked.

"Since Brett died, okay?" Catty asked. "I just... I can't think about this now."

"You mean you're doing what you usually do and you're running," Sam told her.

"Does it matter?" Catty asked. "I just... I want in."

Scarlett nodded. "Yeah. Okay."

"But answer one question for me, Sam," Catty told him. Sam looked at her, nodding. "Why do you want us in?"

"Don't be stupid," Sam told her.

"No, I mean it," Catty told him. "I mean, you know plenty of good hunters. I'm rusty. Scar is, too. I did something seriously stupid going out there. I almost got us all killed."

"And that's exactly why I want you two," Sam told them. "And that's why I want Dean and Ness back in, too."

"What are you talking about?" Scarlett asked.

"All of you just went," Sam told them. "None of you hesitated. Because you care, and that's who you are. Me? I wouldn't even think to try."

Scarlett looked at Sam in confusion. "Yes, you would."

"No, Scar," Sam told her. "I'm telling you, it's just better with you, Dean, Ness and Catty around. That's all." Catty seemed to take this in without actually hearing it. "But are you sure you really want back in, Cat?"

Catty barely nodded. "Yeah. Now I do. Brett's gone. I don't have that nice, normal, safe apple-pie life anymore." She sighed, looking at Sam and Scarlett. "I'm in."

Sam and Scarlett nodded thoughtfully. "Okay."

Catty looked away, gazing off unblinkingly, either trying to force herself to be strong or to not feel any thing at all.

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