Jeff x Male!Reader

By shellyandshoal123

46.9K 1.1K 286

(Y/N). Young. Dumb. Legally blind. And that's it. Oh, and a serial killer thinks he's cute. There's that too. More



9K 204 90
By shellyandshoal123

*Scrambles into view like a crab*

I don't know if ill add more, but I will at least rewrite the chapters that have been posted :)


Your eyes fluttered open, heading pounding as you got up, you felt cold. A fever, probably. 

"Ugh... where is it..."

You felt around your bedside, feeling for the bottle of pills your mother had left there, she said that her and your dad would be back soon enough, but for right now you would have to deal with what they could find in your sisters old room. (Unsurprising that she didn't get all of them, dad was rushing her to get out of the house)

You froze just as your hand touched the bottle of pills, your vision was horrible, but you knew that you had your bedroom light turned off when you went to take a nap. You couldn't really tell if the sweat was from the fever, or from the knowledge that someone was standing in your room, right by the door.

You reached out and grabbed your glasses, shoving them onto your face and slowly looking up. A boy who looked around your age stood by the light switch, he had a mask on that covered his mouth, but you could still see what looked like a scar poking out from either side of it. His blue eyes bore into your (e/c) ones as you sat on your bed. You took in as many details as you could before he rushed at you, pulling a rather sharp knife out of his hoodie pocket.

You let out a scream and scrambled to your feet, grabbing the first thing you could get your hands on (The bottle of pills) and threw it at him. The bottle rattled as it hit him in the face, he faltered for a second before you forcefully rushed past him. You could hear him swearing under his breath as he made chase.

You tripped down the stairs and slammed your face against the floor, your vision swam for a moment and you registered your blood on the floor. You scrambled for the front door, hearing a thump as the boy hit the floor, grabbing your arms and tossing you to the other side of the room.


You laid still as he stood over you, staring down with an expression your couldn't quite place- at least not with the mask he was wearing. Now that you had no choice but to stare at him, you noticed the blotchy scars covering his exposed skin. His hair was stringy and black. His eyes looked away from you, to the front door, it was being unlocked, you watched as he took a step away from you, looking down.


He rushed into the kitchen as the door was opened, you could hear the sound of a window breaking as he assumingly jumped through the window. Your mom rushed too you as your dad ran to the kitchen.

"(Y/N)- oh my goodness are you okay?"

"... My nose hurts..."

She stared down at you, you could both hear your father calling the cops from the other room, she sat down by you and held your hand until the cops and an ambulance arrived.

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