Behind The Pseudonyms

By Bellisima1009

511 16 15

WARNING: This story contains explicit material and some languages which may not be appropriate to everyone. R... More

1: Suspect: The Grieving Widow
2: Reality Strikes
3: The Savior
4: Recurring Dream
5: Chasing Love
6: Lover's Tale
7: The Evidence
8: Runaway
9: New Beginning
10: Powerless
12: Captured
13: Freedom
14: Apprehended
15: The Killer
16: Trial by Jury
17: Engagement

11: Sweet Sixteen

27 1 0
By Bellisima1009

Bree wakes up at 8 AM the next day from a good sleep. After days of listlessness in California, this place spells a vast difference. Cape Town is away from bustle and hustle, very quiet and rejuvenating.

She opens the door and steps on her villa's back porch offering the magnificent view of the beach. Very exquisite panoramic view, she wouldn't trade this for New York neither California. This feels heaven.

She needs to call the Asylum. 

She goes for a jog after asking the resort attendant if she can have Luke for a drive around the area plus she needs to buy some stuff. Luke shows promptly at her doorway. He drives Bree around town while educating her about the areas thereby receiving a hefty tip.

Bree stays first at the reception lobby to watch the comings and goings of people. Then she walks to the restaurant around 11. She calls the Asylum while waiting for the waitress to serve her order. She is unaware that a man is eyeing her from a corner.

She must transfer her patient here. For sure this will be a good place for recovery. She dials the law firm and asks for Nathan.

"Yes we can do that but why do you wanna keep running away?" The man on the other line asks. "You can stay here in New York. You'll be 21 and you can get your money."

"Nathan, it's still complicated. I just want peace right now. If you can handle the transfer of our patient here to Cape Town, it would be better. I'll call you again. Thank you." She hangs up.

She dials another number "Brent this is Nikola."

Amidst Brent's surprise, her voice is like a gush of fresh wind that brings excitement.  'Where are you?"

"I can't talk much. I didn't kill Gem so as the men who were murdered in California."

"Then come here or I can pick you up wherever you are." Brent is trying to convince her.

"All evidences are pointed at me. I can't come out unless Diego is in Police custody. Find him first and I'll go to you." She hangs up.

Bree should be careful. She must plan everything diligently. She leaves the restaurant after meal. She strolls along the beach then tosses away her new phone before heading to her villa.

The beach gives her a nostalgic memory. Almost five years when she became really close to Ahmad. He liked the beach. They had a day together and it was lovely. So as the days with her mom who taught her to wander in different places.

A mix of bitter and nostalgic smile is bestowed upon her lips as her mind brings her back to those days.....

She was 6 months away to her 13th birthday when her mother started to give her a taste of the trips. Their first destination was a one week hiatus to the Philippines, a country boasting of 1,100 islands. They stayed in El Nido, Palawan. Nothing defines Palawan more than the water around it. With seascapes the equal of any in Southeast Asia, and terrestrial and aquatic wildlife, the Philippines' most sparsely populated region is also the most beguiling. Because of the silhouette of its main island - a long sliver stretching 650km all the way to Borneo - there's a certain liberating logic to travel here.

Their next vacation tour was a Caribbean cruise as present for her 13th birthday. They boarded Oasis of the Seas, a perfect choice. The 5,400-passenger behemoth (along with island-hopping sister ship Allure of the Seas) feels more like a floating resort than a ship. What's more, its Coney Island-style boardwalk; array of restaurants, bars and activities double the fun with two rock-climbing walls and surf simulators made the their one way cruise an unforgettable experience.

Alex enjoyed this with her mother. Their bond grew stronger. They held on to each other and there's no perfect time to celebrate their freedom from her controlling father but to spend his money in these fabulous getaways. Sandra taught her how to book flights and hotels. Soon enough, Alex was hooked. She scheduled every Holidays or special weekends to places where they can spend time to chill and enjoy whatever their money can afford.

Not all good things last forever.

The impending doom of losing her mother happened. After coming home from one of her trips, Mr. Wan from Malaysia escorted Sandra home. This made Alex revolt. Not her mother! And what was worse, they already married in Malaysia.

"What will happen to me? I just started high school! I cannot go and pack then leave everything else here to be with you in Malaysia." Alex was crying as she talked with Sandra while Mr. Wan was in Sandra's bedroom sleeping soundly.

"I'm sorry sweetie", Sandra hugged her daughter. "I already called Larry about this and we'll all have a meeting at lunch tomorrow with the lawyers to talk about your welfare." She tucked her daughter in bed and kissed the young girl's forehead whispering 'sweet dreams'.

But there's no sweet dream since then. It was a month- long custody battle and at every hearing Alex realized how her mother lost the chance of winning.

Full custody was granted to her father. Larry had more money and having a clean slate as a businessman, the Judge was on his side. Sandra had a history of alcoholism and depression. This background did not sit well with the judge even if U.S. law usually favors the mother. The only consolation was she can visit her daughter as she pleased.

Her father's new wife did not want Alex to stay with them in Cape May so Alex lived her life alone in New York with Lucy as authorized guardian in the absence of her father. Larry also hired a driver to monitor his daughter's whereabouts. He promised to give his daughter a weekend visit but it did not happen.

Sandra always flew to New York every month for half a year until she stopped and only called Alex stating that she put up a business with her new husband and they're busy.

The poor girl celebrated her 14th birthday for the first time without the presence of either her parents. Lucy bought a cake for her and they had it as dessert at dinner. Sandra invited her to come to Malaysia for a short stay but the girl declined.

What for? You left me too. I better start learning to live alone for the rest of my life.

Shortly after celebrating her 14th birthday, Alex received a call at dawn. Larry was rushed to the hospital when he collapsed after coming home from a friend's party. He was comatose for hours then succumbed to death from cardiac arrest.

Larry Clayton's WILL

It was stated  that his wife had 50% of his assets and the remaining 50% was equally divided to his children but Alex only got 17% when the new Mrs. Clayton showed proof that she's 5 months on the way with twins.

Being a minor, Alex's inheritance was put in a trust fund as per instructions on the Will. She could only get half of her inheritance a day after her 18th birthday, if she's still single. If married, she gets nothing and must wait for her 21st birthday  to get the other half only when she joins the Clayton corporation.

Sandra was very upset but she cannot do anything even if she tried to fight for the money of their only child. She sold the New York Home and everything in it including 2 cars then flew back to Malaysia with Alex.


Alex tried to adapt to her new environment. She was under home schooling for a year while getting acquainted with the new place. Sandra knew it was a drastic change for her daughter so she wanted to go slow for Alex.

After a year, the 15 year old girl convinced her mom that she wanted to go back to New York. Perhaps, she can stay in a small flat while studying but she later learned that Sandra cannot send her back to New York. All their money was put into business operated by her stepfather who refused to finance her studies unless she stays in Malaysia. He also did not adopt Alex saying that he already had four children from previous marriage and that's enough under his name.

To console her daughter, Sandra enrolled her to a private International University with a presence across Africa, Europe, and Asia. Still she felt uncomfortable because most of the girls were not nice to her. She got close to a popular Malaysian student named Ahmad who always defended her against detractors. Their friendship blossomed. Ahmad belonged to a rich family involved in Telecoms, the Khrisnan clan.

One day, Alex went home and found Freddie dipped in the pool. Sandra was not home yet. It was only 4pm on a Friday. Sandra always got home an hour later.

"Come, join me". The stepdad waved at her.

Alex was having second thoughts but maybe she could give him a chance. She was never close to her real father, why not try to act like a normal daughter for this man. For a year, Freddie was just civil to her.

She changed from her school uniform to a blank tank top and jersey shorts then dove in. She did a few laps. Freddie approached her when she was resting at the edge of the pool. They were standing side by side with backs against the pool's wall.

"Kids really grow fast. You were only 13 when we met. Look now, you'll soon celebrate your 16th birthday." He was smiling at her. Alex smiled back. Freddie kept talking about life in Malaysia compared to New York and the difference in lifestyle.

"So, what gift would you like to receive from daddy? I'm thinking it's not really bad to adopt you and be a legit Wan after all." It was the first time that Alex heard it from him.

She smiled, answering with closed eyes. "How nice of you. A cake will do, I guess."

"Daddy is rich, a new car maybe?" Freddie continued.

Alex grinned without looking at him. "Yeah, why not?" You have all our money anyway! She thought.

"What type?" He's tempting the teenager.

"Sports car." She replied.

"Toyobaru twins?"

Alex laughed. Really. it's $75,000. "You'd buy it for my birthday present?" She opened her eyes and looked seriously at her stepdad.

Freddie put his arm on her shoulders. "Why not? You're a good girl. As long as you continue to be one."

She chuckled. "How to be Freddie's good daughter?" Alex met his 4 sons. Maybe, he's really being nice because he never had a daughter.

"Easy". He grinned as he positioned himself infront of her. Alex's back rubbed against the edge of the pool as she tried to keep a distance from him. "Are you still a virgin?" His chest now against hers.

She was confused at his question then she felt his hand on her pubis. What the fuck!

"I'll be gentle. You're my daughter anyway." His fingers tried to get inside her shorts.

"Asshole!" Alex bent her knees and hit his groin. She kicked him again until he sprawled on the water with unbearable  pain.

She stepped out of the pool. Sandra just arrived and saw her husband cursing in pain while holding his groin as he tried to climb out of the pool. Alex's face was painted with so much anger.

'What happened?" She grabbed her daughter's arm.

"You're fucking husband wanna have his hands in my panties!" She ran out crying inside the house when everything did sink in. Freddie was trying to rape me!

Alex packed a bag with a few clothes and headed out still hearing the argument of the couple at the poolside.

"I had good intentions. My father was Indian and he initiated all the first sexual experiences of his daughters. It's a tradition!" Freddie explained.

"We're not Indians....!" Alex heard Sandra yelled but she did not wanna hear more neither stay in this house ever.

She went to Ahmad's house unannounced. Ahmad's family lived in Casona Luxury Homes. She saw his car parked outside. She pressed the door bell but the housemaid said he's gone for the weekend.

She had nowhere to go. She dialled his number and was relieved when he answered after the fourth ring. Between sobbing and wantonly narrating her ordeal, Ahmad only said to meet him at the Hentian bus terminal which was more than 2 hours away. She had no choice.

Alex was crying all the way to Hentian. She's not sure if she can fully trust her classmate. They were friends but not really close. She doesn't know where to go. If she goes to US Embassy and report, it might cause an uproar and she doesn't wanna put her mom in a compromising position between her and the Wans.

When they met at the bus terminal, Alex hugged her friend tightly as if she found a strong refuge from the forbidding claws of a monster.

"I'm sorry" The young man caressed her hair as she sobbed on his chest. After composing herself, the boy led her to the hotel which was just opposite the terminal. They checked-in.

"You have money for this?" She asked. She's doubtful if this is right but if he does something wrong, he'll kick his balls too.

Ahmad smiled. "Relax. I have a privilege card here. This hotel is my mom's client. Listen, you stay here tonight and I'll be back tomorrow morning. I only need to attend my grandpa's birthday party in our rest house. You'll be safe here."

She was relieved that he's not staying in the hotel for the night.

Ahmad ordered room service for her food before leaving. Alex did not sleep good. She thought of her mother's safety. How can she convince Sandra that Freddie's only wearing a cloak to hide his evil ways.  Sandra can sell her stocks from the corporation then divorce him. They can go back to New York after the alimony is granted. She drifted off thinking ways on how to talk her mother out of the marriage.

In the morning, a knock on her door woke her up. Ahmad led her to their breakfast table.

"Wow, aren't we hungry!" Alex giggled.

"We can bring left-overs for picnic at the beach". The young boy replied as they sat and started eating.

Alex was elated. "Now I feel so pampered."

"Well, been saving up for a weekend chill and I believe it's the best time to spend it with a good friend".

"I'm such a lucky friend!" She smiled the first time since yesterday. Ahmad had been treating her right eversince. The first man who ever did.

"I like seeing that smile. Wear it always and you're in for more treats." He said joyfully as Alex giggled.

Ahmad pitied his friend for the ordeal that she had to endure since she came to Malaysia so he wanna make-up for her against the bad people around her. He has 2 younger sisters and he's always protective of them as the eldest.

"Don't go to school tomorrow. I'll look around to check lodging house or dorm near the school so you don't have to go home until your mom figures out how to fix the mess between you and your stepdad". It wasn't a request but a command.

Being the oldest child, Alex understood his authoritative behavior. She'd been admiring the young man's very adaptable behavior in crisis like this. She realized why he's very popular in school apart from being the class president and assistant editor of the school paper, he's also dependable and smart. Not at all because he belonged to a rich family with good looks.

"Thank you Ahmad. I don't know how my life turned out yesterday without you. Perhaps it had gotten worse." She smiled sadly as they dipped in the pool of the hotel after breakfast.

"Hey, enough of the bad thoughts. I'm your friend. I'll do whatever I can to help you." He curled his little finger.

Alex grimaced, not understanding his gesture. Ahmad guided her little finger to hook agaist his then said 'friends for life, deal?'

Alex giggled. "Deal!"

Ahmad really liked Alex even if she's always aloof and withdrawn. But when he interviewed her for the school paper, she opened up a bit though still keeping her distance. She won't go out with him alone. He asked many times and he was surprised yesterday. She called him the first time when in the past she won't answer his calls. She's different from other girls. She's studious and not concerned about make-ups or fashion. Her casual way did not display that she came from affluent family. Most girls in school did otherwise. Everyone was showing-off.

They spent half a day strolling around the city. Then in the afternoon Ahmad brought her to a beach resort.

They strolled along the shore, swam against the waves and watched the stars and counted them at night. This day with Ahmad was the best since she sat foot in Malaysia.

"So how many girls have you brought here?" Alex asked as they enjoyed listening to the rustling of waves while they were laying face down inside an opened tent in the resort's campsite.

Ahmad chuckled. "I don't bring girls anywhere. Seriously, only you. I really like you Alexandria." He held her hand.

Alex smiled back and snatched her hand away from him. "C'mon! No girlfriend?"

The boy shrugged. "I promised my Ibu that I won't be attached to any girl unless am out of College and earning my own money. You know my father died when I was 12 and she's the only one who raised us with Datuk".

Ibu means mother in Malay and Datuk as grandfather.

"So what course are you getting in College?" She liked Ahmad too but she's too young for love. She had many things in mind and her priority would always be going back to New York with her mother.

"Law." He answered shortly.

"Really? I wanna be a lawyer too. Perhaps we can be Wall Street lawyers." She said excitedly.

"Deal?" Ahmad raised his little finger. Alex hooked hers and said deal!

The teenagers enjoyed the starry night. They slept in the same tent and enjoyed a platonic friendship. The next day Ahmad brought her to a dorm near the school. She called her mom that she's okay. Sandra deposited money to her daughter's ATM card when Alex refused to come back home.

Sometimes fate heads to a different course. Three days before she turned 16, her mother met a car accident. She was imprisoned on a wheelchair while undergoing therapy. The loathing she had for Freddie was immeasurable which witheld her to pay Sandra a visit in the hospital.

16th Birthday

On her birthday Sandra requested her to go home. She did after school at 4 PM. Ahmad accompanied her but did not tag along. His car was parked two blocks away while waiting. Alex said she'd be back in less than an hour  then they can  drive  back to school dorm. She did not want to see Freddie at all.

Table lit dinner was set when she came home. A maid was helping her mother. Sandra hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead and cheeks whispering 'Happy 16th Birthday.' The mother was tearful.

Been 2 weeks since she last saw her child storming away from this house. She called Alex numerous times convincing her to go back home, promising that Freddie will never lay a finger on her anymore. Yet the teenager was firm not to go home. Rather,  talked about going back to New York which was very impossible especially now that she's an invalid.

"I won't stay long mom. I only relented to your request." She sat on the chair opposite her mother at a long table.

Sandra smiled. "Blow your cake." No discussion on Alex's birthday. She never wanted to spoil her daughter's special day.

They ate the cake after the sixteen year old blew the candle. They talked about school while eating. Alex also mentioned her good friend Ahmad who helped her from the day she left home up to finding a dorm near the school.

The maid left at 5 PM. After half an hour, Freddie came with a woman.

"Oh the prodigal daughter is here!" He said joyfully.

"Who is she Freddie?" Sandra asked looking sternly at the woman beside her husband.

Freddie dipped his forefinger on the cake and licked it. "We need company for celebration, don't we?"

"I'm asking you Freddie!" Sandra yelled.

"Can't you see the obvious? You're on a wheelchair and cannot fully perform your wifely duties. I cannot just sit and stare at your miserable state forever." His spatting remark was like a dart in Sandra's heart moreso as he continued. "She's staying here starting tonight. She'll help in the house. She's a nurse by the way...." Freddie paused then looked at his stepdaughter.

"But if your daughter stays here and performs the duty that I missed from you, I can send this woman home. Now we leave you two to decide over dinner as we enjoy our bed. We'll join later for drinks." Freddie laughed and put her arm around the woman who was giggling. They went upstairs.

For a moment Sandra was in a daze, speechless. She cannot fully take in her husband's words all at once.

"Mom are you okay?" Alex stood up and walked to her mom in a frozen state. "Come with me. He's a pig! Let's just leave this place."

Sandra suddenly realized what was happening. This is not just surrogate. Her husband's cheating right infront of her very eyes?! This is crazy. Very absurd. She pushed away everything with anguish and shrill cry.

The candle kissed the table cloth and the spilled wine add more to the flames. Fire was in uproar but Sandra did not stop.

Alex screamed.

Ahmad was listening to music in his car stereo. His headset was plugged in his ears while  he hummed with the music with  eyes were closed. He was disturbed by loud taps on the car window which was slightly rolled down.

POSTED: APRIL 25, 2018

EDITED: MAY 30, 2018

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