Bondi Rescue Imagines

By effyxjamesxdunn

63.4K 524 88

Andrew 'Reidy' Reid Chris 'Chapo' Chapman Dean 'Deano' Gladstone Bruce 'Hoppo' Hopkins Trent 'Maxi' Maxwell R... More

Andrew 'Reidy' Reid
Jesse Polock
Trent 'Maxi' Maxwell
Jesse Polock
Andrew 'Reidy' Reid
Max Ayshford (request)
Ryan 'whippet' Clark

Jake Nolan

7.7K 74 2
By effyxjamesxdunn

I was sat in the tower at work with all the boys, it wasn't your typical summer's day at Bondi beach. No instead the weather was overcast and rather than all being stood by the water watching over the swimmers we were instead watching the water from the tower. With all of the on duty lifeguards sat in the tower there wasn't much space to move about and there certainly weren't enough chairs for everyone. This is what led to me being sat on Jake's lap watching the water as Max was sat next to us searching through the internet, I could see that Harrison was also watching the water and when I asked what Bacon was doing the response I received was checking when his next training session would be. 

An hour later we were all still sat in the tower, I was still sat on Jake's lap watching the water whilst he was scrolling through his Instagram. His arms were wrapped around my middle keeping me on his lap as he slowly swayed side to side rocking the chair. I turned slightly in his lap so that I was able to look at his phone screen. "What?" he asked me moving the phone away, his face inches from mine "just wondered what you were looking at" I smiled whilst attempting to grab his phone from him as he held it higher above my head. Eventually he managed to close whatever he was looking at but I had managed to grab his phone, I opened his most recent tab and saw that he was in fact looking at a photo of us that I had posted earlier in the week. "Are you stalking my Instagram?" I asked him, looking up to meet his eyes. It was then that I realised that I was now straddling Jake and our lips were inches apart, I gasped lightly causing him to give me a confused look before he too noticed the position that we were in. 

I noticed that Jake's eyes were flickering from my eyes to my lips before he began to slowly lean forward, by this point our foreheads were pressed against each other and our lips were just brushing against each others but before our lips could connect completely "Is that a car on the beach?", comes Harrison's voice from beside us. We both quickly moved away from each other before standing up to see what was going on. "What are you talking about?" I asked moving over to him "What is that?" Max asked as I moved between him and Harrison. I could see Jake grab the binoculars "it is a car" he almost shouted in shock, "what?" I asked still confused as we all began making our way out of the tower to see what was going on. I jumped on the quad before heading over to the car with Harries and Harrison. 


At the end of the shift


I walked out of the tower and towards the locker room to grab my things before heading off. I got my bag before checking my phone to see an Instagram notification from Jake. I clicked it to see that he had not only liked the photo that he was looking at earlier but had also commented with two red hearts and two emoji's with the heart eyes. I smiled and liked the comment before heading out of the locker room whilst still grinning at my phone screen. "Look at you" I heard, causing me to jump and turn around. "All lit up like a Christmas tree" Jake said smiling back at me, "have you got a problem with that Jake?" I teased. "Well that all depends on what's brought on this oh so happy version of (Y/N)" he teased back whilst stepping closed to me, "if you must know I was looking at my Instagram" I continued whilst taking another step towards him "and what about Instagram could possibly make you smile like that?" he teased once more whilst taking the final step towards me which resulted in our bodies being almost pressed against each other. I turned my phone to show him what I was looking at. He smiled, it was the biggest grin I had ever seen before he took the phone from my hand and placed it into his back pocket. 

"Hey!" I gasped as he suddenly took my phone, I tried to grab it back from him but he grabbed my arms, stopping me from doing so. So here we were, standing inches apart with him holding my arms. His hands gently moved from my elbows caressing my arms before he reached my hands, holding onto them. I looked up at him but he was so focused on my hands that he hadn't seen my questioning gaze, "I - uh-" Jake started, looking up at me before cutting himself off.  "You what Jake?" I asked calmly whilst giving his hands a reassuring squeeze telling him to continue "I don't really know how to say-" this time I cut him off "Just be blunt, you always are anyway" I said chuckling slightly. He smiled back at me before releasing his grip on my left hand, moving it to caress my cheek before he began to slowly lean in. He paused, his lips inches away from mine as if asking for permission causing me to close the gap between us. 

Our lips met and I felt a sudden rush of adrenaline, much like the rush I get when I'm doing a rescue. As the kiss continued I could feel my legs weakening from the pure joy that I felt from finally after two years of working together, I was kissing Jake Nolan. I felt Jake wrap his arms around me, holding me up as the kiss continued. We were suddenly pulled apart by the other boys hugging us and whistling with mumbles of 'finally' and 'about time's'. When they finally let us go Jake walked back over to me, taking my hand in his "do you maybe wanna go out tonight...with me I mean...just us" he asked nervously. I smiled and kissed his cheek "I would love to" I smiled at him "YES" he screamed lifting me up and spinning me around as I giggled, he stopped spinning before slowly lowering me back onto the ground. 

He placed both his hands on either side of my face gently pulling me towards him, kissing me softly before his hand returned to it's place in mine. "Home?" he asked me "home" I nodded smiling back at him. 

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