Things End, Deal With It

By teenwoIff

1.5K 110 37

"I thought we were forever, babe. I guess I was wrong." (cover by tenniskirt) MAGCON AU More

two in chloe's pov
four // part one
four // part two
eight // part one
eight // part two
eleven // part one
eleven // part two
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine |epilogue|

seven // mikayla and hayes

71 4 2
By teenwoIff

Mikayla's POV (what the hell? I'm doing someone else's POV? that's new.)

"Hey Hayes," I say into the phone.

"Hey babe. How was your day?" I giggle. He called me 'babe'.

"It was fine. How was yours?"

"Not good," he replies, solemnly.

"Aw, why?"

"Because you aren't here." My cheeks heat up. Why is he flirting with me? I mean yeah, I like him, and yeah, he likes me. Ya know what? Nevermind.

"I'll be home tomorrow. We could hang out." I bite my lip.

"I need to ask you something when you get back."

"Why can't you just ask me now?" He chuckles.

"I don't really like asking girls out over the phone." My eyes go wide. "I didn't just say that. Crap. Okay, now I'm embarrassed. I can't believe I did that. I hope you didn't hear that. I just.. I'm nervous," he mumbles.

"I.." I couldn't form a sentence.

"You don't have to say anything. I gotta go."

"No, Hayes. Wait." But he had already hung up.


"Tell me, tell me baby. Why did you leave me? 'Cause even though I shouldn't want it, I gotta have it. I want you." I nail every note and lyric in the song as it comes on the radio. The only part I miss is when Iggy sings. I can't rap.

I laugh at myself, and my mom turns around in her seat to look at me.

"What?" I ask, and it's her turn to laugh.

"Nothing, sweetie. We're almost home, by the way. Are you going to go hang out with that boy your always talking about?" I blush.

"Mom," I groan.

"Who's this boy you are speaking of?" my dad butts in, looking at me through the rearview mirror.

"No one, just a guy I've been texting. We met at school."

"What? Mikayla has a boyfriend?" My older brother just had to say something, didn't he?

"Put your earphones back in and blast your music, Derek." I stick my tongue out at him because I'm just childish like that. He makes a weird face at me before putting his earphones back in and looking out the window. "Just tell me when we're home." I put in my own earphones and turn on Pandora. I drowned out everything around me and focus on the music. I hum along to every song until my mom taps my leg and says we're here. I wrap up my earphones and help get the luggage inside. I take my bags up to my room and begin to unpack. I put everything back into my bathroom then put my clothes away. Afterwards, I text Hayes and ask if he wants to hang out; at his house of course. He said he would love to so I asked my mom, and she agreed to give me a ride. "Thanks Mom, love you."

"Love you too, sweetie. Have fun," she calls as she drives away. I knock on the Grier's door, and who I'm guessing is his dad answered.

"Um, hi Mr. Grier. I'm Mikayla." I stick out my hand for him to shake, and he smiles.

"Well, you are one polite girl." He takes my hand and firmly shakes it. "Are you here for Hayes or Nash?"

"H-Hayes," I stutter.

"Well, come on in. Don't be nervous, I'm not that scary." I try to laugh, but it comes out more as a cough. I have no idea why I'm so nervous. "Hayes!" he calls through the house. "You can call me Chad by the way."

"Um, okay, but I think I'll stick with Mr. Grier."

"Alright, sounds good to me. Kinda makes me feel old." I laugh, an actual laugh this time. Hayes jogs down the stairs shirtless in basketball shorts.

"Oh, uh Mikayla. You can, um, come up to my room." I nod slowly.

"You two don't do anything stupid." His father shakes a finger at us.

"Dad, I'm thirteen."

"Fourteen soon." Hayes shakes his head.

"C'mon." He grabs my wrist and pulls me up the stairs. "That's Nash's room," he points to a door on the right. "And this is mine." He opens a door directly across from Nash's, his brother I think he mentioned. "You can have a seat, I'll put on a shirt." I hesitantly sit on the edge of his bed and watch him rummage through some drawers before pulling on a clean shirt. He sits down beside me, right beside me, and smiles. "Do you wanna maybe listen to music or somethin'?" I nod. "You don't talk much, do you?" he teases and pokes at my side. I giggle.

"I talk. I'm just a little nervous."

"Why? Oh, yeah. Sorry about that."

"No, it's fine. I actually have an answer for you." I bite my lip and have the urge to cover my face.

"Can I at least ask you out properly before you answer?" I nod. I can't even talk now. He sighs and smiles again. "Mikayla, we've been talking for awhile now, and I've grown some... feelings for you. So, would you like to be my girlfriend?" I nod, a million times at least.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes." I lean over and hug him. I squeeze him until I'm tired and out of breath. "Now, we can listen to music."

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