By huntinbaby96

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Ima update tonight


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By huntinbaby96

Hey everyone this is my first book so i hope yall like it im trying lol dont be mean but tell me what yall think... enjoy.:) oh and i don't really know what to rate it because i have no clue how the whole story will plan out so i will warn y'all if the chapter is a little rated R       

                                        ARIEL POV       

 "Ariel wake up"! i hear a whisper but i ignore it.

        "come on little sis its your 18th birthday wake you ass up and come down stairs." my older brother Blake says and walks out of the room. i get up and jump in the shower, i hate that i have to go to school on my birthday but at least its Friday. i get out of the shower and go to my closet camo tank boot cut jeans and my boots. i straighten my brown reddish hair and do light make up I'm not really skinny I have curves but i am not fat. Oh and by the way I'm a werewolf well i will fully be one today now that I'm 18.

        I am becoming a werewolf so i can smell real good and I like what i smell what is that? FOOD.! I walk down the stairs and walk into the kitchen I see my mother father and brother standing in the kitchen with a huge breakfast. my mom crying and my dad with a huge smile on his face my brother just looks hungry, i laugh at him.

       "Mom stop crying its just my birthday." 

        " Ariel your growing up by the end of the night you will be a full on werewolf." my mom say hugging me. My dad dose not even have to say anything i know he is proud he has been looking fowerd to this day for weeks. My family is not ranked but we are in the sunshine pack. We all eat together and i leave for school i get in my lifted muddy chevy and head off to school. 

        i hated school and i always have i was one of those people that no one really talked to and i got bullied a lot,  I did have my best friend Tammy she is always there for me she has blonde hair really skinny and beautiful. She was 19 so she was happy for me to be 18 so that i could go run with her. another thing about turning 18 is that you get to find your mate, Tammy already found hers he was the beta of the pack Randy. I never really talked to him but he was a nice guy and Tammy really loved him.

        I get to school only to see Tammy with a huge smile on her face with a cupcake and a present. oh my this girl is always in a good mood. i park and barley get out of the truck before she tackles me.

        "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU" She starts singing while I sit there laughing at her. i cut her off because that cupcake looks good.

        "OKAY Tammy I love you girl now can i have that cupcake!" i say smiling.

        "But of course and you can have your present but you may not open it till later so put in in the truck."

        "But" i say pouting as she takes it and puts it in the truck for me." 

        "No buts now lets go girl and you better not have any plans tonight because we are going to a party no if ands or buts about it now walk ms. birthday girl" she said while i just stand there i really don't like to go to party's. no one really talks to me.

        We walk into the school to be welcomed by Randy kissing Tammy and then wishing me a happy birthday. 

        "RANDY" a voice yells it sounds amazing he has a country draw. and the smell is to dye for ,vanilla. my wolf Sara yelling 'MATE' i look around to see where it is coming from then i spot him staring right at me. why him i tell my self.

so that was chapter one i hope y'all like it let me know what y'all think...


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