One Shots + More

By Moosika

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My (hopefully) wonderful book of One Shots and possibly more. Be warned, some of them do indeed thoroughly s... More

One Shots + More
Living With the Walker Boys
One of the Boys
The Lovely - Excerpt

Project Fat Suit

484 23 0
By Moosika

My Entry

Note - (Almost) All characters belong to @not_present, creator of Project Fat Suit. (Some) Ideas, places, personalities, and such also belong to her. NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED!!!!!

Now that that's cleared up, let's begin, shall we?

Six Years in the Future

Liam's Point of View

It was as if everyone was holding their breath. Serena's fingers were cold against mine. She seemed to radiate beauty, and happiness. She had bare minimum make-up applied to her face. Her dress was strapless and flowed to the floor, but at the moment the only thing I was concentrating on was her lips.

"Do you?" I watched as Serena's brow creased with worry.

"What?' I asked stupidly, turning towards the Priest.

"Do you take Serena to be your wife?" asked the Priest, looking slightly annoyed.

"Oh, um, yeah. I do." Serena looked to be biting back a laugh. A smile overtook her face.

"You may kiss the bride." I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around Serena's waist as pressing my lips to her's. An audible 'awe' sounded through the crowd. Though the moment was short lived.

"Oh my gawd! Daddy, he's eating Auntie Rena's face!" screamed Tommy, Holly and Trent's four year old son. Serena pulled away, laughing hysterically. She doubled over laughing.

"Thomas Samuel!" shrieked Holly. Her face was bright red in embarrassment. And of course at the moment, Serena tripped over her dress and fell face first onto the floor. At that I began laughing so hard my stomach ached.

"Damn it, Liam help me up!" hissed Serena.

A little girl in the front row covered her ears screaming, "Bad word, bad word, bad word!" Who's kid was that? At the Priest started laughing. He cupped his hands over his mouth in an attempt to stop, but failed miserably.

The bed of the hotel was lumpy, and the springs poked at my back. "Reeennaaaa," I whined.

"What?" she asked with a sigh, coming out of the bathroom in nothing but a tank top and panties.

"Put on some clothes, woman!" I yelled. I couldn't help myself. She stuck out her tongue, but picked up a pair of shorts from the floor and slipped her legs into them. "My back hurts," I whined. "This bed is stupid."

"Well, sucks to be you," said Serena, without even glancing at me.

"Fine, I guess I'm not going to take you to the buffet."

Serena's ears perked up at the mention of 'buffet.' "Aw, come on, I didn't mean it, hon. I'm sure the bed just doesn't like your shirt," said Serena, scanning my shirt.

"What's wrong with it?" I asked, defensively.

"It's pink. You look like a girl." I stuck out my tongue.

"You know what? As punishment for your insults I'm taking you hiking." Serena's eyes bugged out of her head.

"No, I didn't mean it. You make that pink shirt look sexy," pleaded Serena. I grinned evilly before strutting across the room and throwing her over my shoulder. "Please, Liam?" begged Serena. I just cackled evilly. "Aw, come on, this is supposed to be our honeymoon," whined Rena.

I shrugged. "Well, I'm having fun."

"You're stupid," she muttered. "And your shoulder is hard. . . and stupid," she growled.

I laughed. "No, you're stupid."





"Shut up, Liam!"

"Win!" I cheered, pumping my fist in the air.



"I'm done with this game."

"Aw, I'm sorry, quit being all pouty."

"No, your shoulder is stupid, your shirt is stupid, you're taking me hiking, which is stupid, and you haven't even moved yet. So I've been draped across your stupid shoulder for the past ten minutes."

"It's been like two minutes, and you're whiny." Rena groaned.

"Please, Liam? I love you with all of my heart. Will you please put me down so we can go eat?" begged Rena.

I sighed. "You're too good at this game," I mumbled, setting her down. She grinned and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"I know," she whispered, a smirk covering her grin. "And you love me anyways."

"Can't argue with the truth," I muttered before pressing my lips to her's.

Five years later

"NO! Kierra, that is NOT a hat!" I heard Rena scream from the other room. Little four year old Kierra, Serena and I's daughter, came running from our bedroom. Serena's underwear was placed on her head. "Kierra, come on! Give me back my. . . undergarmets," said Serena awkwardly. I burst out laughing, and Serena shot me a glare. "You try chasing a kid around when you're seven months pregnant," she said, sticking out her tongue.

"When I'm seven months pregnant, I will gladly do that," I said smirking.

"Dork," she muttered. She slowly began to creep up on Kierra who had lost interest and was now watching TV.

"RUN, KIERRA!!!" I screamed as Serena was about to steal her underwear from Kierra's head.

Kierra shrieked, but took off running down the hallway. Serena sighed in exasperation. She pointed towards Kierra's retreating figure. "Go get the panties," she growled.

"I am not going to get your underwear. I am perfectly comfortable sitting here and playing on my phone."

"GET THE DAMN PANTIES!!!" screamed Serena.

I raised my hands in defeat. "Okay, babe, I was kidding," I said innocently. I placed a kiss on her cheek before running down the hall after Kierra.

Faintly, I could hear Serena mutter, "Ass."

"Just give me the underwear and I'll buy you ice cream," I coaxed.

"Uh uh, Daddy," said Kierra.

"Come on, it's ice cream," I whined. Kierra shook her head. So, I took out the big guns. "Fine, if you give me the underwear I'll buy you a Barbie doll." Kierra's eyes widened in delight.

"Really, Daddy?"

"Um, yeah."

She waited a moment. I felt my hope rising, she was going to give me the underwear. Okay, that sounded weird even in my head. Finally, Kierra shook her head no.

"Give me the damn underwear," I growled, losing my temper. Kierra screamed and clasped her hands over her ears. "Shit," I muttered under my breath. "You didn't hear that, okay? I said darn." Gosh, Serena's going to kill me. I bet Kierra's going to give her pre-school class a list of new words.

"Having fun?" called Serena. I froze, but slowly turned to face her. She didn't look angry, so I figured she hadn't heard my outburst.

I nodded slowly and turned to face Kierra. "Please?" I asked softly. She threw the underwear at my face and ran inside. Ew. . .

- - - - -

Well, that was fun to write. @not_present I hope I've eased your boredom. I think you can tell what team I'm on :)

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