One Shots + More

By Moosika

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My (hopefully) wonderful book of One Shots and possibly more. Be warned, some of them do indeed thoroughly s... More

One Shots + More
Project Fat Suit
One of the Boys
The Lovely - Excerpt

Living With the Walker Boys

429 6 0
By Moosika

My Entry

What if Rob had hit Mason?

Emma's Point of View


Have you ever felt hollow? Empty even? Yeah, well that's how I felt when I walked in and saw my husband slap my son across the face. Yes, of course I screamed. We fought. Then we came upon a compromise. Divorce. Telling our seven sons and Zoe about such a compromise was. . . tough. Quite nearly impossible. Though we accomplished this feat. Though, from the coldness in my family's eyes, I'm not quite sure they'll ever forgive me for it.


The seat beneath me was cold. Actually, quite freezing. No matter my attempts, I could not prevent myself from shivering, out of both fear and cold. A thin baby blue sweater was wrapped around my slim shoulders. I wore a pair of loose fitting white and periwinkle plaid shorts. My shirt was once a dark purple, but is now weathered to a pale shade of periwinkle. I was quite aware of how poor my choice in clothing for such a day was. I looked like a grandma, which I was hoping that I wouldn't be any time soon. My seven sons, Mason, Chase, Carson, Ethan, James, Joseph, and Cody, and Zoe sat in the stands. My lawyer, Ms. Alice Crowe, sat by my side. She wore a tight fitting black pencil skirt around her thin waist. A rather puffy yellow covered her top half. Her dark brown hair was done into a tight bun on the top of her head. Her eyes were scanning her notes carefully. "It's alright, Emma. The children are almost yours," said Alice.

I nodded. "Oh, God, I hope I gain custody over them."

Alice narrowed her pale blue eyes at me. "Emma, you could easily win custody over them if you told the police about Rob's. . . actions. It's child abuse. The bruise on Mason's face proves so."

I sighed quietly. "I just couldn't do that to Rob," I whispered. "We're not actually d- d-" I couldn't get the word out. It would make it all seem too real. "I'm still his wife," I whispered.

Alice's eyes looked over me disapprovingly. "Do you really want to do this, Emma? You don't really seem all for it. Maybe this whole divorce idea was simply a 'in the heat of the moment' situation. Maybe the anger and tension got to you?"

"You sound like Lizzi, my therapist. I went to her for about a week after I saw Rob slap Mason, but I need to do this. I can't live with a child abuser." Tears pricked my eyes. "Oh, God, not more tears." Alice patted my back gently. Her eyes were softer now. I turned slightly. Immediately I spotted Zoe fiery red hair that stood out against the rest of my family's black and brown hair. She was looking at me with a sad expression that looked so unnatural on her pretty face. She rubbed Mason's back in a calming circular motion. Her head was placed on Mason's shoulder. Mason's eyes were fixed on the back of Rob's head. That night he had screamed at Rob repeatedly for both making me cry and slapping him. Every time he looked at Rob his hand twitched, as if he was silently wishing to slap him in return.

"It's going to be okay," said Alice quietly.

"Recess is now finished," announced Judge Arthur Morris. "Ms. Crowe, please come and. . ." Yes, I kind of lost interest and began to think. . .

Thoughts of the day I met Rob for the first time invaded my mind -

He was handsome. With his perfect dark hair and his gorgeous hazel eyes, I fell in love. I was in a small cafe near the section of the mall that sold my line of clothing. He was sitting a mere two tables away from me. My eyes wandered to his face continuously throughout the time I was there. Carefully I peeked over the top of my fashion magazine from time to time to get a glimpse of him. A poster board shaped and designed to look like a life-size me was place at the entrance of the cafe.

I looked over the top of my magazine again, and what I saw caught me off guard. The man was walking towards me. I set my magazine down gently and gave him a blank expression. He held out his hand, a small smile curving the edges of his mouth. "Hi, my name's Rob Walker. I happened to see you (my face went a tad red at that) and you look. . . familiar. Do I know you?"

I took his hand. It was rough, yet gentle to the touch. "Yes, you probably know me." His face twisted into a baffled expression at that point. "And, do you happen to be Rob Walker, owner of Google?" I asked. He chuckled lightly.

"Hmm. . . Will anyone I meet not know who I am?" he joked. I laughed, a blush coming to my cheeks. Yes, I was twenty-three, but I was feeling and acting like I was sixteen again. "I didn't quite catch your name," said Rob with a smirk.

"Sh*t," I muttered. "I was hoping you wouldn't ask." He laughed.

"Yeah, well, I'm just that awesome."

"Cocky aren't we?" I teased.

He laughed. "You're making me feel like I'm sixteen again."

"Yeah, well, I'm just that awesome," I said smirking. He rolled his hazel eyes.

"Well, I'm waiting."

"For what?" I asked innocently.

"Name please."

I sighed. "Emma Marci."

Rob choked for a second. "The Emma Marci?" he gagged. "Because if you are, I'm wearing your coat right now."

I laughed. "Yeah, the Emma Marci. Oh, and you're really pulling off my amazing coat." He raised his eyebrows.

"And I thought I was famous," he muttered under his breath. Then loudly he asked, "So your coat's amazing now is it?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Duh. I made it!" At that we both laughed.

"Well, Emma, would you like to experience a date with me?"

"Experience?" I asked, chuckling.

"Well, duh. You don't just go on a date with me, you experience one with me."

I laughed. "Sure, so where are we going oh Great Rob."

"I like the sound of that. . ."

Then my thoughts drifted to our honeymoon, which happened to be only seven months later -

I was sitting on Rob's lap. A polka-dotted hat was perched on his head, hairs stood up at awkward angles around the borders of the hat. "Why do I have to wear this?" moaned Rob.

"Come on," I said with a laugh. "You know you love it." Rob laughed as did I.

"Almost done!" announced Jess, the artist whom was painting Rob and I. "Can you guys stay still? I'm trying to paint here."

I laughed. "Yeah, sure."

Twenty minutes later, an amazingly realistic painting was set on a table in front of me and Rob. In the painting I sat on Rob's lap, my head was thrown back in mid-laugh. Rob was kissing me on the cheek, his polka-dotted hat slightly brushing my forehead. My arms were wrapped around his tan neck. "Wow. . ." I whispered. "This is amazing!"

"You like it?!" exclaimed Jess.

"Love," I said grinning.

"Hey, don't I get any say in this. What if I hate it?" teased Rob.

"You can't hate this, it's amazing," I said, flicking him softly on the head.

"Ouch, that hurt," he said sarcastically.

"Shut up." Before he could say anything in return, I pressed my lips against his. It was going to be an amazing day. . .

I sighed. Why couldn't Rob still be funny, likable, romantic guy he used to be? Yeah, I don't really know. I sighed again.

Suddenly applause rang out. My eyes snapped to Alice. "You won custody!" she shouted, hugging me. I gave her a weak smile before my eyes drifted to Rob. He was talking quietly, quickly, and rather seriously with his lawyer. His hazel eyes drifted to me, they were filled with sadness. Immediately I wanted to rush over to him and hold him. I wanted to feel his strong arms around me. I wanted everything to be okay again. Though Rob's eyes darkened and snapped back to his lawyer. "Emma, are you okay?" asked Alice. "You look like you're going to be sick."

I coughed. "I'm okay. I just can't believe this is happening. We were so perfect for each other," I whispered.

She hugged me again. "It's okay. I know how hard divorce can be." I looked at her sadly, but didn't say anything. I looked up to see Rob eyeing me with longing. I felt more tears welling in my eyes. Rob looked away.

"Emma?" asked a voice softly. I immediately recognized the voice as Zoe. "Are you okay?"

I turned to look at her. Her dark eyes were red and puffy. Her make-up was slightly smeared. "I'm fine."

She shook her head. "No you aren't." With that, she walked off.

"Zoe, come here," I barked. She ignored me and kept walking. It was then that I realized where she was going - to Rob.

I watched anxiously as she yanked on the back of his shirt. He turned abruptly and his look darkened. "If you're here to tell me off for what I did to Mason-"

I watched as Zoe cut him off, but her words were too fast and quiet for me to hear. Rob looked up as she finished. His eyes met mine, their was hope within his. Quickly he strobe over to me. "I- I-" he stuttered. "I don't know what to say," he whispered sheepishly. He was looking me straight in the eye. I could see his lip twitch as if he was worried he had said something wrong.

"Rob," I couldn't think of anything to say. I turned my head slightly, embarrassed. I noticed Mason watching us apprehensively from the stands. Carson was by his side. I coughed.

"Are you okay?" I turned to Rob. His eyes were sad and worried.

"I don't want this to happen."

His eyes widened, but he remained quiet.

"Though, I don't apprecite how you've been. . . acting, towards our children," I said carefully.

His eyes clouded. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I- I don't know what happened. I guess I kind of took out all my frustration on Mason. Work has been so hard. There's so much competition. So much to worry about. I was angry with my life, and then Mason came and sort of set me off. I wish it never happened."

I could feel more tears flowing from my eyes. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mason and Carson heading angrily towards us, obviously assuming the worst. "I love you," I whispered.

"I lo-" I cut him off by pressing my lips against his. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I dug my fingers into his hair. I could here Zoe say to Mason in the background, "I'm so awesome." Mason snorted. I didn't care.

I was a bit busy at the time. . .



I forgave him. Though, I think it will take a bit of time for Mason to do so too. The divorce was revoked, and once again, we were a happily married couple. Rob was even sweet enough to retrieve the painting of us on our honeymoon and hang it in the kitchen. When the boys first saw it they gagged, but Zoe was practically bouncing off the walls with happiness.

"Oh my gosh! It's so cute!" she yelled.

I hugged her. "It is isn't it?" I asked dreamily.

"I wonder if Mason will do something like that on our honeymoon," Zoe wondered out loud. Suddenly she covered her mouth in horror. "Did I just say that out loud?"

I decided to ignore her question by asking one of my own. "So, you're planning on marrying Mason?"


I laughed and hugged her. "Well, it's fine by me."


"Are you serious?"

"Yup," said Rob happily.

I hugged him tightly. "I can't believe this! We can have our honeymoon all over again!"

"Only better," added Rob.

"How did you remember the exact hotel we stayed at?" I asked.

"How could I forget? It was the most amazing week of my life!"

I giggled. "Remember when we went scuba-diving and you saw that jellyfish? Then you screamed like a girl and swam back up to the boat?"

"Don't remind me about that. It's not my favorite memory," he said pouting. I laughed and hugged him.

"This is going to be amazing!"

"You know it. . ."

- - - - -

Do you like it? Is it awesome? Do you think that I will win? Hmm. . .

Notice that the pic to the right is of a younger set of Emma and Rob. I thought it was fitting since alot of this is about them when they were younger. Love you all! Bye!

P.S. Most of the characters in this story are owned by @knightsrachel not me.

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