Believer | The Maze Runner

By Lil_Red_Warlock

16.6K 467 51

"Falling like ashes to the ground Hoping my feelings, they would drown But they never did, ever lived, ebbing... More



1.1K 34 1
By Lil_Red_Warlock


The pack stared at the door where Stiles, Peter and Isaac had exited.

"I'm not sure about you, but that is the happiest I've ever seen Stiles and I didn't meet him before his kidnapping." Mason pointed out. Only a few acknowledged his statement which says a lot about the way the pack was ran. Corey gently squeezed his hand as he let out a sigh.

"What the hell was that? Since when is Stiles friends with Peter and Isaac?"

Scott looked hurt that Stiles had chosen Peter and Isaac over him. Peter freaking Hale was apparently closer to Stiles then he was.

The only ones not shocked by this revelation were Malia, Mason, Corey, Kira and Lydia. Unlike Scott, they apparently paid attention to how their friend was doing. They were annoyed at the "True Alpha's" negligence of a pack member. He hadn't even felt the bond between Stiles and the pack vanish after the nogitsune. Sure, he had just lost Allison but it should have been obvious that Stiles wasn't okay after that. Mason and Corey hadn't been there at the time so there wasn't anything they could've done, Kira hadn't known Stiles well enough, Malia had just gotten out of Eichen House and Lydia had been lost in mourning Allison and Aiden.

They were all happy to let Peter comfort the boy who had demons similar to his. They had seen the father and son bond form between the two and Peter had almost gone feral again after Stiles had been kidnapped. Scott and Derek hadn't even realised he'd been missing until they needed some research done about two weeks later. Liam and Hayden had never met Stiles before so they assumed that his behaviour was normal. Scott should have realised straight away because Stiles had been his best friend since they were four years old.

Lydia let out a sigh as she looked at Scott's kicked puppy expression.

"Well, if you had finally paid attention to Stiles since he got back you'd know that Isaac and he had become friends when Isaac came back. Peter has been there for Stiles since the nogitsune. All of us-" She gestured to the group that had migrated to her sides. "- knew that Peter has been helping Stiles with his nightmares and anxiety. Peter was one of the first people to approach Stiles once he got back."

Kira forward and twined her hand with Malia's. She had seen Scott's cluelessness as an insult. Stiles had never done anything to her personally and was always nice to her. Since getting back he had been helping Malia with maths and Kira with her control issues. He had been nothing but helpful to them and Scott had just forgotten about him.

"Stiles has more friends than you think. Just because you've been friends since you were kids does not mean you can ignore him and expect him to be your best friend still. Isaac and Peter are the ones he trusts the most at the moment. He's friends with most of us and he's mentioned some others who lived out of town. You would know that if you paid attention to him."

With that she and Malia walked out of the clinic. They were followed by Lydia who only glared at the others. Corey and Mason sent apologetic looks to Liam before following the strawberry blonde female.

Scott and Derek stared at their packmates before looking at the others.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm gonna follow Stiles. I don't trust Peter and I don't know who these new people are. They could be potential threats to our territory." Scott explained before walking out of the clinic towards his dirt bike.


Stiles sat in his father's office, almost unable to contain his excitement.

The station had noticed the change in his nature and we're happy to see the Stiles they knew return. Since returning from WICKED he had been more quiet, serious and had an air of loneliness around him. It was a huge difference from the sarcastic, hyperactive boy he was. Stiles hadn't been that quiet since his Claudia had died when he was younger. Even then he'd still had been relatively hyperactive because of his ADHD. After being kidnapped though, it was almost as if he'd never had it.

Isaac and Peter were sat next to him on the couch in Noah's office. They had never seen Stiles this excited, even before the Maze Trials. They, of course shared his excitement. The two wolves had heard a lot of stories about the odd pack that had been through hell. From the phone call they knew that the alpha was coming as well as Minho, Frypan and Gally. From what the two could remember, Trix was a werefox that had taken to being Stiles' older sister and mentor. She was one of his most trusted friends along with the banshee, Minho. Gally was the only wolf in the small group coming and had an odd friendship with Stiles. One that almost mirrored Stiles and Jackson's newly formed friendship. Frypan was the cook of the Glade and was also the witch that scared even their alpha at the best of times. There were others that Stiles had mentioned, like Brenda and Jorge, who didn't appear to be joining them.

The door opening had the three turning their heads. Sheriff Stilinski had entered the office with a look of curiosity on his tired face. Just as he was about to ask what was going on, Stiles beat him to it.

"Dad! Trix and the others are coming to town!" he practically yelled.

Noah's expression melted into a wide grin. He had briefly met the group a few times when they'd been in the next town over. The main four he'd met seemed to bring the best out of Stiles. He smiled, was sarcastic and almost his previous self when he was around them.

"Actually, I think they're outside. I just heard an SUV park up." Peter interrupted. "It seems like they might have misjudged the time it would take them to be here. They're almost an hour early."

Stiles' eyes briefly flashed gold as he ran towards the front of the station. The others followed his at a slower pace only to see the mole covered boy jumping onto a pale, leather clad figure. They embraced for a few minutes before he released them to reveal Trix.

"Bloody hell Tommo, I guess I underestimated your excitement."

She turned to the group who accompanied him out of the station. Dark aviators masked her eye colour but did nothing to hide the scars on her face. Claw marks covered a portion of the right side of her face by her eye region. Another scar took up residence on the left side off her face. It looked to start from just above her dark eyebrow to the corner of her lips and curved almost unnoticeably. Her snow-white hair covered some of her face, hiding some of the damage but it was still visible. Her skin was a pale like the silvery light of the moon. She stood at around 5 foot 7 with blue lips that made her look as if she was suffering from sickle-cell anemia or hypothermia. Of course, they all knew different.

"Noah, it's so good to see you again." The brit hugged the sheriff as she said that. He squeezed her gently in return before she parted to look at the two wolves she didn't know.

She looked them up and down, analysing them briefly before extending a hand.

"Name's Trix. You must be Peter and Isaac, right?" She checked as Peter shook her hand. "Nice to meet the two who can keep his arse safe. Green Bean has a habit of running headfirst into danger without thinking things through."

Stiles mocked a look of heartbreak as the others chuckled at them. They shared a look before letting out chuckles themselves.

Trix looked back in the direction of where the SUV was parked before looking at the group again.

"I hate to be a bother, but do you think we could get some food. I'm scared that Fry's killed Minho whilst I've been over here. Not even Gally is willing to get in the way of an angry Fry. He's the bloody reason we're early as well. He was twitching and sparking when I left. " She turned to Stiles. "How about you join us and point us in the right direction and Noah, Peter and Isaac follow us. You know that hell hath no fury like a hungry Frypan. You might distract him from murdering us."

The group agreed and parted ways whilst chuckling to themselves. As Stiles and Trix approached her vehicle they could hear Fry threatening Minho with a hair removal curse before Minho leapt out of the door. He immediately spotted the two and launched himself at Stiles.

"Thomas!" He yelled in glee. Both Fry and Gally popped their heads out of the SUV at the exclamation, their expressions switching to ones of happiness.

"Greenie, how ya doing?" Gally greeted him before Fry shoved him into a group hug. They all stayed like that before quickly separating.

"Well, Tommo Boy here is gonna direct us to some food whilst his dad and friends follow. Unless you're suddenly not hungry Fry?"

The laugh she got from Stiles was worth the glare Fry directed at her. His laugh had rarely been heard since Newt and the nature of their visit was possibly going to cause him to revert back into the shell he'd formed when Newt died. It was going to be heart-breaking and they all knew it. Hopefully, Stiles knew that they weren't joking around or trying to cause him more pain. If there was a possibility Newt was alive then the younger fox would join them in a heartbeat.

The ride to the diner was filled with laughter and memories of the Glade. Including one of Trix chasing after Minho with a machete. They still refused to admit why that had happened but judging by the secretive looks everyone was sharing, Stiles decided he was better off not asking at all. The drive didn't seem as long as it would've been by the time they'd arrived. The group of five exited the vehicle still laughing at a particular memory of Alby trying to cook in his first month in the Glade. Trix was the only one there to witness it and had taken over cooking until Fry had joined the Glader family.

Sheriff Stilinski, Peter and Isaac approached the group as their laughter began to calm down. Stiles grinned at them and stepped forward.

"Dad, you remember Minho, Frypan and Gally. Guys this is Peter and Isaac. I think I've told you about them on our Skype chats before."

All of them shook hands with each other as Stiles and Trix watched. They all walked into the diner and smelt the mouth-watering scent of unhealthy fast food. It was probably one of the things the group had missed from their time in the Glade. The group followed Stiles to a booth in the back which had extra seats to allow them all space. It didn't take long for them to order and start exchanging embarrassing stories about Stiles. One that made them all crack up was how Trix found him stuck mid shift. Whilst eating, she explained in detail how adorable he looked with his ears and tail out. She cackled as Stiles tried to cover her mouth to stop his embarrassment from continuing.

"To stop myself from being targeted here, why are you guys here? You said you needed to talk to me about something that you couldn't over the phone."

Immediately the laughter fled the scene. Joyful expressions faded to stoic ones. Stiles could tell that this conversation was not going to be pleasant. Especially when she motioned for Fry to put up a privacy spell around their booth.

"Normally, I wouldn't believe in things like this straight away. However, I did. We have reason to believe that WICKED is plotting something and that it involves some of our fallen friends." Trix started before sighing and slumping her shoulders. "A couple of days ago, I got a letter in the post. It was coded except for the name they used and a phrase beneath it. Only one person knew that name besides myself. I thought it was impossible, but... Newt's alive."

She handed the pieces of paper to Stiles. One was the coded version and the other was the one she had rewritten after translating it.

"I know it's a hard pill to swallow but, we're planning to go get him and any others WICKED has also got a hold of. I don't expect you to join us, but you're my beta. You deserve to know especially since it's about Newt."

Stiles continued to stare at the letter. He knew the handwriting was Newt's. The letter Newt had written to him proved that. It didn't make him any less sceptical.

"Thomas, you know I would never joke about this. I've already got the others onboard. Jorge and Brenda aren't too far away from here but Vince and the others are planning to meet us at Elysium. You don't have to come -"

"I'm coming." Stiles cut the alpha off. "When do we get started?"

Noah didn't look all that surprised by his son's decision. He had heard about Newt and suspected there may have been more than just friendship between the two. He hadn't even described Lydia in the amount of detail he did when he was talking about Newt. Although he didn't like it, he still supported Stiles' decision to help his friends. It looked as if Peter and Isaac agreed with him.

"You got room for a couple more?" Isaac asked the group. He knew that Peter would join as would Chris Argent and the remainder of the pack that actually cared.

Trix seemed to consider the question before answering. Her posture had straightened and she gave off an air of intimidation. Now they could see why she was their alpha. Her posture made her look strong and protective over her pack. Which they knew she was.

"Only if Thomas trusts them and they'll listen to us. I don't need anyone with a superiority complex or anything thinking they can run this show. They're my pack and I'll do anything for them. Even if it isn't entirely legal." Her cold tone showed them just who was in charge. "Other than that, I think we'll need all the help we can get. The last time we broke into WICKED didn't go as planned and I don't want to have to jump 15 feet from a broken window again."

The last comment was directed at Stiles causing the table to chuckle as they recalled how Trix looked after that happened. Peter shot off a text to Chris and Malia whilst Isaac sent one to Lydia and Kira.

"We can all meet at my place." Peter suggested. "Only myself, Chris, Stiles and Malia knows where it is. That way you can meet the part of the pack who actually noticed Stiles wasn't okay."

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