To Catch A Killer

By HollyMD

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Ashley is a new detective with the Atlanta Police Department. As her first major case, she is tasked with fin... More

Detective Davies
Recon: Day 1
Spencer Carlin: The Accomplice
The Calm Before the Storm
What Are You Doing?
We Need To Talk About Glen
A New Game
The Perfect Alibi
The Cost of Love
The Struggle
No Regrets

Our Past, His Present, Your Future

707 33 5
By HollyMD

This chapter contains mature content. 


Spencer could remember vividly the first time she'd realized that her twin brother was different. They were sitting at the top of the slide about to go down when a little boy, 6, named Tommy came up the stairs behind them and kicked Glen in the back. Tommy had kicked so hard that both Glen and Spencer went flying sideways down and off the slide.

Spencer cried as she hit the hard turf, but Glen, Glen stood up, wiped off his clothes, turned and climbed right back up the slide they'd been pushed down, up to Tommy who was just giggling away at what he'd done.

"Why'd you do that?" Spencer heard Glen say as she continued to cry. Her mom completely consumed with her phone, oblivious to what was happening. Later on, she'd know why her mom was so into her phone.

"It was just a joke, Glen. No need to get all pissy about it." Tommy said as he and his friends that had come up behind him laughed.

Glen wasn't a particularly big six-year-old. By averages he was technically kind of little for his age, his growth spurt not happening until his late teens. But just because he wasn't big doesn't mean he didn't feel as if he was.

Glen turned and looked down at his sister as she sat up to get a better look at the cut on her knee. He noticed blood dripping from it. He snarled as he turned back to look at the taller boy in front of him.

"You hurt my sister." He said with narrowed eyes.

Tommy shrugged and sat down at the top of the slide. Readying himself to go down it. "She'll be okay, don't be such a baby. Move, I'm going down."

Glen's eye twitched as he stared at Tommy with more anger than a six-year-old should possess.

Spencer saw a side of her brother that day that could never be unseen.

Glen mounted Tommy and started hitting him so hard that she could physically hear as each punch landed. Even when Tommy was bleeding profusely and clearly unconscious, Glen continued to hit him. Paula, who was laughing at something on her phone finally looked up to see Glen being pulled off of Tommy by one of the other parents.

"What is going on here?" Paula asked as she reached the circle that had now surrounded the kids.

"Your son is crazy!" Tommy's mom shouted.

"He pushed me and Spencer down the slide," Glen said stoically. Spencer stared at her brother as he wiped the blood from his hands. And then suddenly he changed, Glen's face switched and it was like he was a different person. His features were that of a six-year-old again. "Spence is hurt, mommy." He said in a sing-song voice. "Tommy pushed us down the slide. Nobody hurts my sister." Glen shook his head with a pout and sad eyes.

Paula stared at her son for a moment then looked over to her daughter, who was wiping away the tears and finally standing up from the dirt.

"Maybe you should pay better attention to your son, it seems he's the one that started all this." Paula said, matter-of-factly. She grabbed up her children and started pulling them towards the car.

"Are you okay Spencer?" Glen asked her as Paula continued to pull them to the car. Spencer could only nod. She didn't know what to say to her brother. Truth be told, he scared Spencer so much that day. "I won't let anyone hurt you." He added with a half-smile. "Not ever."


"We need to talk about your brother."

Ashley's words rang in Spencer's ears. This was it, the moment Spencer had been dreading. This is why she tried to distance herself from the brunette. To avoid the eventual heartbreak... well, the heartbreak and prison.

Spencer sighed as she locked eyes with the brunette. She could tell that Ashley was in pain. Glen knew exactly what he was doing... he killed someone that Ashley knew so if Spencer ever did decide to tell Ashley, there would be almost no chance of Ashley being able to forgive Spencer.

"I'm sorry about your friend Ashley." Spencer whispered and pulled the brunette into a hug.

"Yeah me too." Ashley said as she pulled back from Spencer's embrace. She had to admit that being in Spencer's arms immediately made her feel a bit better.

"What about my brother?" Spencer asked in a low voice. She didn't want the answer to the question, but she needed to know what Ashley knew. With Glen shutting her out for the past few weeks she had no idea what was going on.

Ashley grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the crowd. "I'm sorry that I have to ask this. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation, but I have to ask." Spencer took a deep steadying breath. "The last victim... well there was a witness that put your brother outside of the building shortly before the body was discovered and I'm just wondering if you knew why he was there? My boss wants me to bring him in for questioning but I wanted to talk to you first Spencer because I know that if it were my family I'd want that same courtesy. So I'm asking you, do you know anything?"

Spencer contemplated her options. Tell the truth, let it all out right here and now or lie... yet again.

She really was getting sick of covering for him. But Glen had protected her so many times when they were kids; from bullies, mean girls, hurtful strangers and parents of other kids that found out what had gone down between their mom and the woman she left their father for. Their childhood was anything but easy, and Glen had always had Spencer's back. And when her parents looked at her to protect him as they grew older she never really hesitated because of that fact.

"Which building was this?"

"Midtown, the Arlo. It's just that a witness said they saw him leaving. Here." Ashley reached into her back pocket and pulled out the sketch the witness had produced. Spencer unfolded it and stared at it. It was Glen alright. There was absolutely no denying it. The sketch artist got every detail right, down to his smirk. "I'm sorry I have to—"

"No," Spencer shook her head, folding back up the paper Ashley handed her. "I get it. You're doing your job. Um, I'm not sure why he would have been coming out of that building." Spencer told a half-truth instead of a whole lie.

"Do you know if his girlfriend maybe lives there or-"

"I'm not sure." She shrugged. She was done covering for him. She wasn't going to flat out tell on him but she was done being his clean-up crew.

"Darn. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to bring him in. I'm sorry, you understand that I-"

"You want me to text him and let him know to meet you at the station?" Spencer asked as she noticed Ashley's partner headed over towards them.

"Yeah. That'd be great thank you. And thank you for being so understanding about this. I know he's your brother and I'm sure there's a good reason for him being there."

Spencer forced a smile but didn't reply as Avery reached them.

"I thought I told you to go home, Davies."

"When do I ever listen to you, Avery?"

Avery smiled and shook his head at the smaller brunette. "This is true." He said and turned to look at Spencer. "And who might this be?" He asked, looking back to Ashley. Ashley blushed and bit her lip to keep from smiling too wide. She hated how much she liked the blonde in such a short time and how the blonde had such an effect on her. The weeks they weren't talking were miserable for Ashley.

For Spencer too, but Spencer was used to not having anything she wanted. Ashley, on the other hand, wasn't and every second she spent not talking to Spencer was miserable.

"Spencer." Spencer answered for Ashley who seemed to have lost her voice.

Avery's eyes widened. "THE Spencer?" He asked.

Spencer's brows furrowed as she glanced over to Ashley who looked as though she wished she was a turtle so she could retreat into her shell. Spencer smiled and she watched Ashley not so subtly hit Avery who looked apologetic.

"I guess so." Spencer answered after a moment with a smile. She really liked Ashley and the fact that Ashley talked about her to someone else solidified her feelings that much more. She was falling for the brunette, but the outcome of all of this was inevitable. "So you've sent her home you say?" Spencer smiled at Ashley then turned her attention back to Avery.

"I have." He nodded. "The victim was-" Avery stopped and glanced at Ashley.

"I told her." Ashley nodded. Avery narrowed his eyes at Ashley momentarily before turning back to a curious looking Spencer. She wanted to know what that exchange between them was just about.

"Well go home, Davies. You're sitting this one out."

"Actually, I was just about to go back to the station. Spencer's gonna send her brother so I can interview him."

"It can wait until tomorrow. Go home." He pointed a stern finger at Ashley and then turned to look at Spencer. "Take care of her tonight Spencer, okay?" Spencer nodded. "Goodnight ladies." Avery smiled and turned to head back towards the building.

Spencer and Ashley shared shy smiles before Ashley's phone rang breaking their staring contest. Ashley pulled her phone from her pocket and answered it.


"Didn't I tell you that it was weird to answer your phone that way?" Kyla said with a chuckle.

"Oh my God, Kyla! Hey!"

"Well that's a nice reception. I think I'll want that all the time now. Please and thank you." Kyla joked. "So, I'm in town tomorrow and wanted to see if you'd like to-"

"Of course." Ashley said before Kyla could even finish. "You don't even have to ask, Ky."

Ashley looked at Spencer who was staring at her with a smile. She grabbed her hand and laced their fingers. Never had anyone's hand ever fit so perfectly with hers. She held in a content sigh.

"Well I didn't know if you'd be working or something. Also, I wanna meet the girl you haven't been able to stop talking about for the past month." Ashley glanced at Spencer and tried to hide her stupid grin.

"Fine, fine. What time are you coming in?"

"Noon. Don't worry about picking me up, I'll catch an Uber. Did you move since I was last there?"

"Yeah, I'll text you the address."

"Okay sis. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you."

"I love you too, Ky." Ashley said and hung up the phone.

"Your sister's coming into town?"

"Mhm." Ashley nodded as she slid her phone into her back pocket. "I haven't seen her in so long. I can't wait."

"I can tell." Spencer teased and bumped shoulders with the brunette as they started to walk towards her car. "I can sleep at home tonight and let you have the day with your sister if you-"

"You will do no such thing." Ashley stopped their progress and turned to look at the blonde. "You're staying at my place for your safety remember, and because I love having you there. My sister coming doesn't change that. And plus she wants to meet you."

"You told your sister about me?" Spencer asked, genuinely surprised.

"Yeah." Ashley nodded, taking her lip between her teeth. "Is that okay? I mean I know we've only been dating for technically like a week but I feel like I've known you so much longer Spence like you've been a part of my life forever but I'm just now realizing it."

Spencer couldn't help the ear-splitting grin that appeared. "I know what you mean."

"I drove. I can see you did too. Meet you back at my place?" Spencer nodded. "Okay." Ashley leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on the blonde's lips. It felt like something she'd done a million times before. Much like everything else when it came to Spencer, it all felt so natural.

Ashley turned and headed towards her car and they both headed to Ashley's place.


"How are you feeling Ashley?" Spencer asked as they laid in the bed cuddling and watching T.V. Spencer was sitting back against the headboard and Ashley was laying with her head in Spencer's lap and Spencer's arm was draped over Ashley's back, lazily stroking it.

Ashley seemed okay, considering everything that had happened earlier that day. Spencer couldn't understand how Ashley was so... good.

Ashley shrugged and looked up at the blonde. "I don't really wanna think about it. I don't want to believe she's gone. I mean, I know that she is, but I just wanna pretend, at least for tonight that if I called her right now she'd answer and we'd talk about our days and she'd get upset at something on the TV and start yelling at it for half an hour, then apologize for going off but tell me how much she hates millennial television and all the reasons this generation will be the last." Spencer smiled as she watched the brunette talk about her friend. Spencer could hear the pain in Ashley's tone. She was hurting... and trying so hard to hide it.

"Ashley." Spencer said softly. The brunette looked up at her, locking eyes. "You don't have to pretend to be okay with me. You don't have to hide your pain or act like everything's okay. It's alright to feel whatever it is you're feeling. You can tell me about it or we don't have to talk. We can just lay here and I can just hold you. We can do whatever you want." Spencer reassured the brunette.

Ashley's heart swelled. Spencer was saying all the right things and it was something she'd never really had with anyone else. The feeling that forever was a possibility...

"Kiss me." Ashley whispered, but Spencer heard her. She leaned down and placed a barely there kiss on Ashley's lips. Ashley leaned up when Spencer pulled back, reconnecting their lips in a deeper kiss. "I want to feel you all over. I want to drown my thoughts in you." Ashley pulled back from the kiss. She sat up so that she was straddling the blonde. "Can I have that?" She whispered.

"Yes." Spencer answered quickly. Ashley wasted no time reconnecting their lips in a heated kiss. It was sloppy and rough and exactly what Ashley needed.

She wanted to feel Spencer. Every part of her and she wanted Spencer to feel every part of her. Ashley pulled back to remove her shirt and then Spencer's before reconnecting their lips hungrily.

Ashley moaned as Spencer took her bottom lip between her teeth, biting so hard, she almost drew blood. Spencer skillfully lifted Ashley lightly to flip their position so she was now on top and the act alone almost made Ashley orgasm. She stared up at the blonde as Spencer stared down at her. Their eyes were conveying something. Something they both wanted to say but didn't dare open their mouths to say it.

"Spencer..." Ashley whispered then took her lip between her teeth. This is was unlike the first time they'd had sex. The first time was pure lust. Bodies on bodies. This time it was so much more.

Hearts, bodies, minds, emotions... the perfect combination.

Spencer reconnected their lips, running her tongue over Ashley's bottom lip requesting entrance which Ashley happily granted. Their tongues danced, eliciting moans from each of the women. They kissed and touched for what seemed like forever. Time obsolete at this point. Ashley sucked hard on Spencer's tongue and the blonde slammed her eyes shut and attempted to keep herself from cumming. They'd started a steady rhythm. Ashley's leg was positioned between Spencer and the blonde was rocking furiously into the brunette as the brunette did the same.

"I wanna be inside you so badly." Ashley moaned and took Spencer's ear into her mouth, sucking and biting gently, getting more moans from the blonde.

Spencer reached behind her with her left hand and grabbed Ashley's hand that was resting firmly on her ass and pushed it down her pajama shorts she was wearing.

Ashley moaned when her hand reached Spencer's center which, even through Spencer's panties, she could feel just how soaking wet Spencer was.

"That's all you baby. You make me so fucking wet Ashley. Touch me." Spencer whispered and Ashley wasted no time sliding her fingers into Spencer's panties and cupping her. The palm of her hand pressed against Spencer's clit was almost enough to make the blonde cum.

Spencer tried to move and start a rhythm but with her free hand, Ashley stilled her body. "Let me just feel you for a minute." Ashley pleaded, moving her hand ever so slightly over Spencer's clit, teasing the blonde.

"Ashley, I need..." Spencer swallowed thickly as the brunette curled her finger down, her middle finger entering Spencer's wetness.

"Tell me what you want, baby." Ashley took Spencer's earlobe between her teeth yet again as her finger started a rhythm that Spencer eagerly met with the rocking of her hips.

"I want more of you. All of you. More." Spencer mumbled incoherently as she squeezed her eyes closed tightly, reveling in the feelings the brunette was giving her.

Ashley was happy to oblige, curling her ring finger down to enter the blonde. Spencer's lips parted ever so slightly to release a breath. She snaked her tongue over her lips then took her bottom lip between her teeth as the rhythm of her hips picked up. Ashley matched her, moving in and out of her quickly.

Then suddenly Ashley withdrew her hand. Spencer's eyes snapped open, but before she could say anything Ashley was flipping their positions and removing the rest of both of their clothes. She repositioned herself over the blonde with her leg between the blonde's, her thigh pressing against Spencer's center and without the clothing barrier she could feel just how deliciously wet Spencer was.

She started a slow rhythm with her thigh, up and down Spencer's center as her own center did the same on Spencer's thigh that was positioned between her legs. Spencer reached up and grabbed Ashley's head, pulling her closer to reconnect their lips in a hungry kiss. Their teeth clashed briefly but neither of them cared. They wanted everything the other had to offer. Every single each of the other's body.

"Please Ashley." Spencer begged. Her pleas entering Ashley's mouth as they refused to separate, even though breathing had become a problem. Ashley's arm snaked down between their bodies finding its destination quickly and wasting no time to enter the blonde. Three fingers plunge into the blonde and finally, they separated as Spencer's back arches off the bed and her head is thrown back as she tries to absorb the mixture of pain and pleasure.

Ashley attacks Spencer's exposed neck as she moves her fingers in and out of the blonde. She expertly repositions herself, putting both legs between the blondes so she can push Spencer's legs open wider. All the while still attacking Spencer's neck.

As she plunged in and out she used her thumb to brush over Spencer's clit and as Ashely sucks and bites on the blonde's neck. She brought her free hand up to massage Spencer's left breast.

"I'm so fucking close Ashley." Spencer moans.

"Cum for me baby." Ashley whispers in the blonde's ear, then licks up the length of Spencer's neck and that was all Spencer needed to push her over the edge. Spencer's body convulses as her orgasm rips through her and her scream gets caught in her throat. Her toes curl and her back continues to arch off the bed as she tries to slow down her breathing.

Ashley wastes no time sliding down Spencer's body and using the flat of her tongue to lap up all the cum.

"Mmm. You taste so fucking good baby."

"Oh fuck." Spencer grunts as she looked down at Ashley licking up all the cum from her center. The sight alone had her close to the edge again. "Ashley you're gonna make me-"

"Yes, please cum again. I want you to cum in my mouth." Ashley continued her tongue assault on the blonde's center. Circling her clit quickly then sliding her tongue between her folds. She tilted her head slightly and pushed her tongue deep into Spencer's center and the blonde came instantly.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." Spencer muttered over and over as her orgasm, which was even more amazing than the first, rushed through her.

"I love watching you cum." Ashley murmured as she kissed her way back up the blonde's body.

"I need a moment." Spencer ran a hand through her messy blonde hair as Ashley kissed her shoulder blade and then dropped down on the bed beside her.

"You taste so amazing baby." Ashley turned to face the blonde. Spencer turned on her side to look at Ashley.

"I wanna be inside you now." She said and moved to quickly straddle the brunette. Ashley smiled up at her.

"I thought you needed a moment?" Ashley quirked a brow which only turned Spencer on more. Spencer closed her eyes and held in a moan.

"Have you seen you? I need to be fucking you right now." Spencer said and slid down the length of Ashley's body and wasted no time diving her tongue into Ashley's center.

"Holy fuck!" Ashley screamed out as her body practically shot up from the bed.

"Fucking hell Ashley, you taste heavenly." Spencer mumbled into the brunette's center as her tongue worked miracles.

Ashley came soon after. And again... and again...

They spent the entire night pleasing each other... discovering every inch of each other's body and thoughts of the CFK were nonexistent... even if only for the night.


"Mmm... morning." Spencer rolled over to see the brunette staring at her with a smile.

"Good morning."

"Were you watching me sleep?" Spencer asked, getting a nod from Ashley. "That's not creepy at all." Spencer quipped then covered her face with her hands and attempted to roll over.

"Don't. You're so beautiful Spencer. I like looking at you. I love you in my bed and I love waking up next to you. I made you breakfast." Spencer grinned as Ashley rolled over and grabbed the tray of food off the nightstand. "French toast and eggs." Ashley handed the tray to the blonde. Spencer sat up and up placed the tray on her lap.

"Ashley." She looked at the brunette with admiration. "You really didn't have to."

"Eat." Ashley commanded then rolled out of bed.

"Mmm." Spencer moaned as she took a bite of her French toast. "In case you're wondering, I'm moaning at your bossiness. However, this French toast is delicious as well." Ashley smiled and shook her head at the beautiful blonde in her bed.

"I'll be right back." Ashley said and Spencer nodded. Ashley walked out of the bedroom into the kitchen and grabbed the OJ from the fridge. She grabbed two glasses from the cabinet and placed them on the counter. As she poured them each a glass her thoughts couldn't help but drift back to yesterday...

Bryce was gone. They hadn't talked a ton since college but they were still friends and nobody deserves to die the way she did.


"Hi." The blonde smiled as she held her hand out for Ashley to shake. "I'm Bryce, and you are?"

"Ashley." She shook her hand.

"Well it's nice to meet you Ashley. Are you from Atlanta or just here for school?"

"Born and raised in Brookhaven, Georgia." Ashley smiled.

"Oh cool, I'm from Marietta. I'm so glad you're from here, now we can avoid those boring conversations about all the cool stuff Atlanta has to offer." Bryce rolled her eyes and gave Ashley a cheeky smile.

"I know right!" Ashley returned the smile as she placed her box on the bed on her side of the dorm room.

"What are you majoring in?" Bryce asked as Ashley started to unpack.

"Criminal Justice."

"You wanna be 5-0?"

"Well, a detective but yeah I guess." Ashley chuckled.

"Oh God! Out of all the people I could get paired up with I get 5-0." Bryce sighed and flopped back on her bed.

"I'm not like a narc or anything though, I promise I won't-"

"Ashley, I was kidding." Bryce laughed as she sat up to look at the wide eyed brunette. "You're cool. We're gonna get along just fine... granted you don't snore that is."

Ashley held her hands up. "Never snored a day in my life." She smiled.

Bryce shrugged. "We're good then."


"Ashley what's the matter, why are you crying?" Spencer asked as she rushed up to the brunette. Ashley didn't realize that she was full blown crying, snot and all.

"I'm sorry I-"

"No, don't apologize." Spencer shook her head then reached around Ashley to grab a paper towel off the roll and wiped Ashley's face. "Talk to me."

"She's gone Spence. We didn't talk every day or anything, but if I needed to talk I knew she was always just a call away. Now that's not true and I don't know how to deal with it."

Spencer nodded and listened, electing not to say anything and potentially make it worse. She was torn up inside that Ashley was hurting and it was her brother who'd caused Ashley's pain.

At some point they ended up on the couch with Spencer rubbing circles in Ashley's back as Ashley sobbed into her chest.

The ringing of Ashley's phone brought them out of their trance. Ashley attempted to stand to go and grabbed it but Spencer pulled her back down and said she'd get it. When she returned to the living room the phone had stopped ringing. Ashley grabbed it and saw she had a missed call from Avery and a couple of text from Kyla and an unknown number.

She read the text from Kyla. Both confirming her trip information and that she'd still be taking an Uber.

Ashley replied quickly to Kyla and then opened the text from the unknown number.

'You should really choose your company better. The answers you seek are right under your nose. Catch me if you can ;-)'

Ashley shot up as she stared at her phone, reading the message over and over.

"What's wrong?" Spencer asked, noticing Ashley's change in demeanor.

Ashley wordlessly closed out the message and dialed Avery's number.

"I need you to trace the last number that texted my phone."

"What happened, Ashley?"

"I think he texted me."

Spencer didn't need any clarification to know who Ashley was talking about. She silently stood up as Ashley continued to talk to Avery and went into the bedroom. She grabbed her phone from her bag and texted her brother.

'Why are you texting her. You're begging to be caught. They can trace your number!'

'Burner phone. Untraceable. Don't worry your pretty little head about me Spencer. You should be worried about your girl though. I've got something delicious in store for her.' Even without seeing him Spencer knew what look her brother was sporting at the moment.

'Glen please. I am begging you. If you love me you'll stop this. Stop all of this and get yourself some help. I can help you. I will help you. Please, just let me help you.'

'Oh you've helped plenty big sis. See you soon.'

Spencer sighed angrily and tossed her phone onto the bed. She needed to tell Ashley before Glen did whatever it was he was going to do.

"Hey." Ashley said coming into the bedroom. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah." Spencer nodded forcing a smile. "I just wanted to text my brother and tell him to meet you at the station later. You still wanted to do that right?"

"Actually, Avery thinks that the techs might have found some DNA at the crime scene yesterday so he wants me at the lab when the results come in while he talks to more building tenants."

"Um, the text you said you think it's from CFK?"

Ashley moved towards Spencer, closing the distance between them. She wrapped her arms around Spencer's waist. "Don't you worry about this stuff Spencer. Avery is running the number. We're gonna get this guy. He's getting cocky and it's only a matter of time before we catch him. Please don't think about any of it, okay?" Ashley moved her head to get Spencer to lock eyes with her.

"I'm scared for you. I told you. I don't like that you're out there looking for a guy that's killed so many girls."

"And I told you, I can take care of myself Spence." Ashley leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on Spencer's lips. "I promise you, nothing is going to happen to me. Okay?" Spencer nodded and kissed Ashley again. Ashley's phone buzzed. She pulled it from her pocket and read the message.

'Flight 11034 Non-stop LA to ATL Arrival 12:02pm.' Ashley stared at the phone unsure why Kyla would be sending her the flight information again. Her eyes widened in realization, it was the unknown number, not Kyla.

"Ashley what's wrong?" Ashley showed Spencer the message really quickly, before pulling the phone back and frantically dialing Kyla's number. Spencer's phone buzzed on the bed. She walked over and picked it up.

'Detective has a sister. :-) How fun.' The message from her brother read.

"She's not answering." Ashley said, dialing the number again. Once again no answer. Spencer looked down at her phone for the time.

"It's ten thirty Ashley. She's on her flight. She's good. Let's get dressed so we can pick her up from the airport, yeah?" Ashley nodded. Spencer closed her eyes and pulled the brunette into a hug, squeezing her tightly. "It's gonna be okay."

"Spencer, if-"

"I know." Spencer nodded and squeezed impossibly tighter. "Come on, let's get ready so we can leave. Oh wait, didn't you have to go to the lab?"

"I'll call Avery and explain. Go shower, I'll be in there in a minute." Spencer nodded and turned to head into the bathroom. She glanced over her shoulder to look at Ashley briefly and her heart broke in two... Ashley was falling apart. Glen was breaking her piece by piece and it was all Spencer's fault.

She was falling in love with the blonde with each passing second and Glen was doing everything in his power to make sure Ashley could never love Spencer back.

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