By Ender_Paige

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Z-Virus Book 1 It was the second week of July, the first day of school when a plague has started to spread in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
A Letter

Chapter 6

139 15 17
By Ender_Paige

Leiloni's POV

Using the water dispenser, I filled the plastic cup, that I got from the mini-kitchen of the clinic, with cold water while staring at it until it was full. I gave it to Elio and he drank it like he never had water for months.

"Thanks," he said and gave the cup back to me. I placed it to the table beside us and sat on the chair in front of him.

"So what happened? Why are you inside that cabinet?" Lauren asked who was sitting beside me.

"That guy you guys just killed is my best friend," he pointed the lifeless body floor, "Yesterday before it all started, I went to the canteen with him and I noticed a short-haired girl, her skin was so pale and she was just standing there staring at the students who pass by," wait is that the girl from yesterday? I looked at Troy and I know that he's thinking about that girl too.

"That girl suddenly attacked one student and started to bite its arm. Everyone panicked and so did we. Luckily we escaped the canteen so we decided to call the guard. We went back to the canteen with the guard and a girl student but it was too late. Everyone has gone insane, they started attacking one another and blood was everywhere. One student covered in scratches and bites suddenly looked at us, the guard tried to warn the student as it was walking towards us but he did not listen at all and suddenly attacked us. Oliver protected me so he was the one who was scratched by the crazy student instead of me. It left a wound on Oliver's arms. Everyone is in chaos so the four of us decided to hide somewhere. We went inside the stock room but we decided to go here because his body temperature was getting higher and I thought that someone could help us here. The guard and the girl didn't follow us all the way here though because the girl was scared." He stopped talking and took the cup of water Troy gave to him.

"After we got here his wound got worse, some kind of a purple liquid was coming out of the scratch mark on his arm. And his vomit was purple as well and has a very strange odor. I told him that we should get him to the hospital but he was too stubborn. Instead, he locked me inside that cabinet and after that, I have no idea what had happened after that. But one thing I know is that he had already turned into one of them." He stood up and went to Oliver's body and caressed its hair that was covered in blood.

"Every time I make a sound he bangs the cabinet from the outside while growling. I know that he already turned into one of them, so even if it's hard for me, I accepted the fact that he's... he's gone," he looked down and went silent. I can feel his pain and it feels like someone is crushing my heart.

"Uhm Elio, we were planning on getting out of this school, you could come with us," Lauren said breaking the silence.

"Thanks, but I just wanna ask, how are we going to get out of this school alive?" Elio asked that made us all look at each other, "I mean, if we want to get out of here alive we should arm ourselves or something for protection from those vicious monsters," he added.

"He's right, getting out of here alive is a very lucky chance. We need help from someone for us to get the hell out here." Aaron said looking so serious.

"The main gate is still blocked with monsters, there is no other way out," Troy said which made us, even more, lose our hope.

"So how do we get out of here?" Melissa asked that made all of us turn quiet. All of a sudden, something from Elio's pocket vibrated which made all of us stare at him. It was so quiet that we can totally hear the vibration. Elio took something out of his pocket and it was a phone, someone was calling him.

"Answer it quick!" Lauren commanded and Elio quickly answered the call.

"Hello?" All of us watched in silence as Elio held the phone to his ear.

"Thank goodness you're still alive! I thought the two of you were already dead," a voice a girl said from the other side of the line.

"Kellie, is this you?" Elio asked but there was no answer.

"Y... We... Stockro..."

"What? Hello?" Elio looked at his phone and it was already out of battery.

"Who is it?" Lauren asked which made Elio look at her.

"It was the girl that I was talking about, I think she's still inside that stockroom with the guard," Elio stood up getting himself some water.

"That's good to know, wait, did you just say that the guard is still with her?" Troy asked looking at Elio who's gulping a glass of water.

"Honestly, I don't know, but I'm sure that Kellie is still there," Elio said wiping his mouth.

"Let's go to the stockroom then, if the guard is still there he could probably help us find a way to get out of here," Troy suggested and we have no other choice but to give it a shot since no one has given a better idea.

I just really hope that the guard is still there, he's our last hope in getting out of here. Though we still have a problem to face and that is getting to the stockroom safely. Aaron took out something from the wall and placed it on the table, it was the map of our school with an evacuation plan in case of fire and earthquakes. They should really start making an evacuation plan in case of an attack of flesh-eating monsters or something.

"This is where we are right now," Aaron said pointing on the yellow-colored rectangle on the lower middle part of the map labeled as 'main building'.

"And this is the stockroom," he pointed on the small red-colored square located on the lower left of the map.

"It's only a short walk from here if we will use this route," he pointed on the small passageway just below the main building, "the problem is if we'll use this route, we need to get through from those creatures outside so we have no other choice but to take the long route instead."

"And where is the long route?" Troy asked.

"First we will exit this building on the other side of it to the oval grounds, then, we will go all the way to the senior high building because the other passageway here was closed two days ago for the renovation project of the principal," Aaron pointed on the small passageway above the main building. How did he know about all of these? "And lastly, we will pass through the cafeteria before we could reach the stockroom." He added and asked if we have any questions or other better ideas but all of us just remained quiet.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Troy said and carried Melissa's backpack since it's too heavy as it was filled with medical supplies. 

Aaron slowly opened the door and peeked outside the vicinity. He motioned his hands as a sign that we should start moving. All of us exited the clinic and tried to be as quiet as possible. I glanced at the gate and there they are, a herd of flesh-eating monsters was standing near the gate. I noticed that since morning even before we arrived here on the main building, those monsters were already there standing near the gate. There must be a reason why they were there.

We were walking through the corridor of the main building but we couldn't move fast since Alexis can't properly walk because of his foot. As we finally got out of the main building, the scorching rays of the sun touched our skin.

"Hey Elio, can you give me a favor and carry this bag because I'll carry Alexis behind my back," Aaron said and Elio did not hesitate to get the bag from him. It was a good idea that Aaron will carry Alexis because it will really take us longer to arrive at our destination. And Aaron did not have any trouble carrying Alexis since Alexis is a skinny guy.

After almost half an hour of walking, we have finally arrived at the senior high building. Good thing we haven't encountered any monsters all the way here. I told them that I should go get my bag inside our classroom because the charger of my phone is inside of it. I badly needed it because dad might have already texted me.

All of them allowed me to go get my bag so I told them to wait outside the building. However, Lauren and Troy went along with me because they need to get their bags as well. As we entered our classroom, there were some dead bodies on the floor that made a stench like rotting meat. I covered my nose as I can already feel myself vomiting anytime now. I hurriedly took my bag and glanced at Lauren who's rummaging inside her pink shoulder bag.

"Holy shit!" Lauren cussed that made Troy look at her too, "someone took all of my food!" She added while his face started to look furious.

"Don't worry we will get some on the cafeteria, I bet there is still plenty of food there," Troy said that made Lauren calm down, thankfully.

I was about to tell them that we should go when a sudden shriek from outside made my heart pounding. That voice, it was Angel. I looked at Troy and he was already looking at me with his terrified look. The three of us immediately rushed outside the room and the first thing I saw was Alexis, he was laying on the ground with his face contorted in pain holding his left foot. I saw Aaron too laying on the ground with a flesh-eating monster on the top him, gnashing its teeth trying to reach out for Aaron's face.



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