It's Too Sweet.pjm ✓

By LadyAdmi

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A curse like no other, a contract like no other and a life like no other. Most people get to the top through... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Book of Swiller.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.
Chapter 55.
Book 2!
It's Too Sweet: Sweet Temptation
Sweet Temptation.

Chapter 23.

74 10 32
By LadyAdmi

I scrubbed of as much of the ruined milk with my school uniform and put on the one Min-Yo borrowed me. So-hye had some perfume to erase the smell that was eating me up. I left my hair down because it had to dry, so that was the only thing smelling, but it wasn't as bad.

I'm sitting next to Vernon who keeps laughing at me. The picture that went viral, is me in my humiliation of this morning. My uniform all spoilt with chunks and dirty colours of white creamed milk. My hair and face messed with coating of powdered milk making me look absolutely ridiculous.

You would have thought that I'd be beyond furious and run out the cafeteria and create a scene. But no, I'm actually in the cafeteria laughing my butt off with Vernon. This idiot.

When I entered the cafeteria it was really sad. Everyone looked, whispered and the one that broke me was when they laughed. I looked over at the popular table where Seolhyun sat. I noticed that she, Choa and Sowon had angry faces. I bet they expected me to come back with tears, which I won't lie, I was another verge of dying. But once I saw Jimin's encouraging face and Hoseok's pleased smile, I couldn't help but also be happy.

I decided to sit next to So-hye because I honestly couldn't face Seolhyun again. I'm sure Hoseok will get back at her one day.

I will my love

Vernon, well he's part of Kai's group and he's pretty shy. But once he saw me all that shyness swept off his face like water. He cracked up, adding to everyone else who were already laughing. Later on when he calmed down and Kai scolded him he showed me a better way of seeing it. He said something about people being jealous and that karma never forgets them and went on to saying other things. I forgot what he said but I know I cheered up immediately.

He showed me the picture and video that people had been sending around. What he showed me was the same video but it looked more funny when I didn't picture it as me- wait No- now it sounds bad..well of course if it were someone else I wouldn't laugh but because it's me..I have to laugh. It's like "Reconciling with your mistake," as Vernon said it. "Now you know what you did wrong in your past and its time to change it,"

"I get that," I sigh. "But that doesn't change the fact about what they did to me,"

"It doesn't," he shakes his head. "But it's you who has to change your reaction. Don't show them that you're upset. Just keep on laughing on the things that they thought would make you upset. And keep sleeping around with other people to prove the-"

"But I never slept with anyone." I interject just as much as So-hye does.

"And to prove what exactly?" She scrunches her face. "You contradicted yourself, you said she must change and now you're telling her this,"

Vernon looks to us both as if we attacked him. "Hold didn't sleep with Jimin? Then why did they do that?"

"Because they are mean girls and stomp on anyone they want," So-hye says.

I sigh again. "Does that mean everyone thinks I slept with Jimin?"

"Only the idiots and loyal Seolhyun fans believe that. The rest of us who know Seolhyun and what type of person she is, know you didn't do anything," Kai says. "For a minute there Vernon was giving such good advice you know. Until he turned into an idiot again,"

"It's still funny though," Vernon says making me chuckle at his stupidity.

"Who's she?" Kai asks. Vernon and I both look up from his voice to Min-Yo. She smiles at me.

So-hye grabs her and brings her over. "This is Min-Yo she's one of my other friends."

"Sorry to intrude your little friend group," Min-Yo says. "All my friends are idiots who think Yoona is a bitch. I wasn't gonna sit there and listen to that crazy bull,"

"Damn So-hye how many friends do you have?" Kai asks.

"And how many more are coming because of Yoona?" Vernon asks.

Min-Yo stares as Vernon weirdly. "You're from the music class right?" She asks. He nods his head.

"Our music class?" I ask perplexed.


"How come I don't recognize you?"

He thinks and looks at me with his brown eyes. "Well you're always with her and you hardly look when I'm looking at you?"

I feel a blush creeping on my cheeks. Kai laughs out loud catching most people's attention.

"What?" Vernon embarrassingly laughs, like the little cute boy he is.

"You really jiinx yourself a lot dude?" Min-Yo says. "No wonder I recognize you. Yoona, he's the creep that keeps looking at you,"

Oh I remember him. Do I?

"How long have you been looking at her Vernon?" So-hye asks shaking her head and drinking her milkshake, the only one who bothered to get anything. Vernon had strawberries which he gladly shared and Kai's on a 'diet'. Min-Yo takes a seat next to me.

"Its not my fault," he defends. "She's got beautiful legs,"

We all look at him in confusion. Is this guy really that blank. He's worse than Taehyung.. Taehyung..

I glance over at the table which, as Kai said is on the other side of the cafeteria. They seem to be talking... nothing else. Seolhyun looking pissed as Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi laughed. I guess they're pissing her off. Maybe I am a little special to Jimin.. but as for Seolhyun. Gosh.

I'm just the new girl who was unlucky picked by Seolhyun to be humiliated. I'm sure she'll make my life hell, now that she's seen she hasn't 'affected' me. Tisk tisk- and I thought I could fit in with the bad asses, high, cool people of the school.

By now the cafeteria continued on as normal seeing that there laughing and doing other things- didn't have any effect on me.

I really am thankful to Vernon for what he did, actually to Kai and So-hye and Min-Yo. They were all so kind too recruit me in there group.

"Look," Vernon shows us a zoomed picture. Of my legs covered in milk. "Pretty," he looks over raising his eyebrows.

"This is why I don't chill with you," Min-Yo says to So-hye. "Your Kim people are weird.".

"You're a Kim too," she laughs. "So you're stuck with us now,"

After school..

I sigh, minute after minute while waiting outside the L.Class. The place where all the Leaders meetings will be held until the end of the year. Everyone is inside, except So-hye and I. Eleven minutes of waiting outside, anxiously waiting for So-hye. Is she not coming?

I'm waiting for her so that I don't feel like a loser when going in and facing them. After all, the only people who I can really be comfortable with are Hoseok, Kai and So-hye.

I glance at my watch..

Great. Now it's twelve minutes of waiting outside-

"Young lady,"

I face the owner of the voice, "Oh," I bow. "Afternoon sir," I greet Mr Kwon.

"What are you doing out here?" He motions with his eyebrow to the L.Class. "Are you a leader?"

He can't know why I'm out here. Wait, does he even know what happened to me today? Probably so..the teachers aren't very sympathetic.

"Uhm I'm waiting for someone, So-hye,"

"Oh, so you're not a leader?" He smirks.

"N-yes I am."

He just smirks my way his gaze shifts to the door behind me. I finally feel relieved. He looks back at me and turns his heels.

"Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow young lady." He starts walking away.

"Wait! Uh sir?" He doesn't look back but pauses in his tracks. I continue, "My name is Yoona,"

"I know," he looks over his shoulder meeting my eyes. "We all do,"


I hear a faint whisper of Hoseok. Wait what does Mr Kwon mean 'we'. Before I can even interject he looks straight ahead, "I'll see you tomorrow. Yoona,"

Wait what does he-

"Hey Yoona! What are you doing here?" So-hye holds large files and papers on top of each other.

"I was waiting for you,"

"For what?"

"For this," I smile at her taking a few of the piled books. Her stack becomes less and lightens up.

"Thanks, c'mon let's go in." She says. "Jimin is probably mad," she twists the nod and walks in. I hold my breath walking after her. My eyes enlarge at the sight of the inside of the room.

It's like a large lounge. There's a long rectangular table right in the middle with four chairs on either sides and two chairs on one end. There's boards on all four walls. The room is normal looking but beautiful in terms of design and colour, which is the typical school colours blue, maroon and gold. White walls, dark blue table and white boards but with either gold boarders or maroon boarders.

"What took you long So-hye?" I jump a little hearing Jimin's voice. He so happens to be sitting front, the boys on his left and girls on his right. "And Yoona you're late," he says stoutly.

"I was helping So-hye,"

So-hye looks at me and I plead with my eyes at her. "They were heavy and she was helping me. We're here now," she puts the books and papers down, she takes the rest from my hands and signals me to sit down.

"Since you're both late you'll have to catch up on the rest of the rules and regulations," He says. So-hye goes around placing in front of each person 4 booklets than she sits down next to Jimin, on his right hand side so that she's on the girls side. He takes the other booklets from her going through them.

"So now we get to Portfolio's," he spreads the five portfolio's on the table.

Now this is where our fate lays- actually where my fate lies. I'd really like to work in the Educational Portfolio and nothing else.

"The five Portfolio's are: Education, Cultural, Entertainment, Charity & Volunteering/Fund raising and Student peering." So-hye reads them out.

Jimin takes over next, "As rules given I, So-hye and the teachers had to decided to which Portfolio you guys would be going into," he says. "Also since we are mixed its going to be boy partnered with girl."

Right across from me sits Yoongi, next to him is Hoseok, Kai and Namjoon. Yoongi looks bored as always but something about him makes him look attentive. Right next to me is Uni, next to her is Racheal then Seolhyun.

"If you guys don't like where you have been assigned to, you are free to complain and we'll hear you out," So-hye says. "At the end."

Jimin nods his head and adds, "And if you give a valid complaint we might change you," his eyes meet mine but only for a few seconds. I couldn't read any emotion in his eyes but, I'm also glad I couldn't read anything in his eyes.

"Alright we'll first start with the Educational profile," He picks up the file and reads the names.

please be me... please be me.

"Namjoon and So-hye," Namjoon smiles and accepts the portfolio from Jimin. So-hye picks up the next one giving it to Jimin. Where am I going to go now?

I look up into Hoseok's eyes that had been staring at me. He slightly smiles shaking his head. My heart warms up.

"Okay Cultural Portfolio will go to Hoseok and Uni," he passes the file to Hoseok who gladly takes it. At least he's happy in his assigned portfolio.

"Next is Entertainment which will be given to Kai and Seol," he passes the file to Kai. I pretty much expected Kai to go in that Portfolio because of his dancing. As for Seol in entertaining- well she did a great job on me..

"Charity, Volunteering and fund raising will be myself and Rachel," He says. I peek over at Rachel, she is seated straight in her seat with a focused and fixed look on Jimin. Her eyes are cold and intimidating just like Seolhyun, but instead Seolhyun has s smirk glued to her mouth.

"And lastly is Student Peering," I look down at my hands already knowing that's where I am going. "Yoongi and Yoona," he says passing the file over to Yoongi. My eyes meet Yoongi's eyes and he looks pleased.


Seolhyun chuckles in her seat, we all look at her. "Suits her," she whispers.

"Is something funny Seolhyun?" So-hye asks, her voice clear of hate.

Seolhyun looks at me and rolls her eyes. "Nothing,"

Jimin clears his throat bringing the attention back to him. "I'd like to address something but before I do, is everyone happy with their positions?"

A hand shots up besides me. "Why is there no sports portfolio?" Uni asks in a timid yet bold voice.

So-hye speaks up, "In our school we strictly praise intelligence as it is our number one priority. Sports is just to level a student, with balancing themselves with their brains and to keep their muscles in shape. It's important but not that important. But if you so badly love sports we have the charity, Volunteering and fundraising run by Jimin and Rachel," So-hye points out to the two. "They will organize different ways of fundraising and in doing so sports will make an appearance."

"Okay," Uni retreats.

"Do you want to change your portfolio?" Jimin asks, she shakes her head quickly looking at Hoseok then back to her hands, a blush forming on her cheeks. "Anyone else?" He poses.

"Um," Kai starts glaring at Seolhyun. "I don't like my partner," he says bluntly. My eyes open widely.

"I don't like you either," she says.

"That's the issue I wanted to address actually," Jimin says. "But right now Kai that's not a valid reason to change you-"

"I don't want to change, I just don't like my partner-" Kai says in a 'matter of fact tone'.

Seolhyun interjects loudly with a little chuckle, "If you have a problem with me suck it up and deal with it because I'm not changing."

Kai looks at her for the last time and closes his eyes.

"Kai are you changing?"

"No. I'll deal with it," he says leaning back in his seat.

"The issue I want to address is concerning us the Leaders." Jimin starts. "If we are not 'one' then the school is not one." He looks to Kai and Seolhyun.

"You need to understand that we are a unit and will be a unit till the end of the year. We are the leading group of this year. A trust and support system amongst us has to be established," he looks to me. "What ever differences you have with each other you need to put them aside and tolerate each other,"

"I'll be damned if we leave this school having failed on our mission as Leaders. I need you guys to work together as one body- as a unit and not parts." He says "Reputation is the cornerstone of power. Through reputation alone we can intimidate and win, however when it slips we'll become vulnerable and attacked on all sides. Therefore we need to make our reputation unassailable, let me remind you we are a top district school, everyone wants to knock us down. So we have to be alert on every potential attack and while doing that we have to learn how to destroy our enemies by opening holes in their own reputation. Then stand aside and let public opinion hang them." He says like a boss. "But like said, there's no 'I' in team. But there is tame, meaning that we are not wild but instead domesticated and a home." He finishes. "Therefore through our actions not only do we groom proper manners in the learners but we set a high standard for our school."

"Yoongi and Yoona, you are both in charge of the Student Peering which means in charge of The Leaders happiness as well, it's all in the booklets that have been handed out." He says. "Each and every month you have to report back to me, we'll have meeting like this every Friday for an hour but with specific groups, as well as every first Friday of the month we are here all together," he says. "Do you have anything else to add?" he looks to So-hye.

"Just like Jimin said that the Student Peering, Yoongi and Yoona, will be in charge of the happiness of everyone in this school. You guys will also hold the accountability of the Discipline Portfolio,"

"That's what I was waiting for," Yoongi whispers loud enough with a limo smile looking to me, I nod ecstatically in response.

"So it will be Student Peering and Discipline Portfolio," So-hye says with a smile, facing me.

"Alright all set. Any other questions?" Jimin asks.

Rachel raises her hand and speaks in a composed way. Her face has so much decency and authority with power. "These booklets that you have placed in front of us," she looks once to the books then back to So-hye. "May I ask there purpose?"

"The first blue files have the rules, regulations of the school and Leaders Code of Conduct as well as rules to abide by. The pink file for the girls and red file for boys those files are empty, but have blank pages inside for you to jot or plot down ideas you have for The Leaders despite your assigned groups," So-hye says in one breath. "And the last file is a reward file, as achievements of the school and leaders. Like Jimin said we aren't doing this for ourselves but we representing the school and its reputation," she answers.

"Thank you," Rachel says monotonic.

"Any more questions?" Jimin asks. No one else raises there hands or speaks. Jimin nods. "We are done then, you guys are free to go. Please exchange numbers with your partners and discuss your Portfolio's with each other," he says.

I stand up from my seat putting the files in my bag. My phone beeps in my pockets, I pull it out reading the message.



I glance at him.
He peeks at me from the corner of his eye while talking to So-hye and smiles.

"Hey Yoona," Yoongi catches my attention. "You already have my number right?"

"Yeah I do. Oh gosh I have a few ideas on-"

"How to punish Seolhyun? Already on it," he laughs. I stop him and shake my head.

"Did you not hear what Jimin said?" I ask.

Yoongi just snorts out a laugh. "Oh please, that bull was to make sure we don't give his girlfriend the full penalty of punishment,"

I tilt my head in thought deciding but he thinks forward for me. "You don't have to if you don't want to. I'm sorry for what that girl did to you. It was very... It shouldn't have happened to you of all people. I'm sorry,"


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