WoF OC Reviews


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Wings of Fire OC Reviews! Not my original idea. (If you don't know what OCs are, they are "Original Character... More

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All 10/10 Characters!
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(Technically Princess?) Flame (re-do)
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Papaya (re-do)
Princess Skyseeker
Princess Mischievous
Ex-King Thaw
King Fog
Prince Andronikos
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Prince Aerodynamic
Ex-Captain Alligator
Soveliss (re-do)
Commander Shadowstalker
Dr. Maroon
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Prince Sirelabus
Prince Sirelabus (re-do)
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Ex-King Nocturnal
Queen Nisaetus
Princess Humpback
where the hell have i been


257 6 21


Name: Soveliss

Did the dragons call him by this? Because if the other dragons (like the ones who enslaved him) were to name him, they'd probably name him a regular dragon-name (ex: Kestrel, Oasis, Anemone, Peril, etc.). So, um, this is odd. Unless he named himself, then it's okay.

Era: Literally ANY


AU: Imperium (check the book on my profile.

It's an interesting concept, really.

Gender: Soveliss is a shapeshifter so he technically doesn't have a gender. But Soveliss, in his true form, is a male. And he prefers to take on Male forms.

Okay. I'll just call Soveliss "him", then, if you don't mind.

Age: He was created during the scorching, so do the math!

He's like, 5,000 years old, wow.

Sexuality: Pansexual/ Bisexual partially due to his/its shapeshifting, and partially due to actual preference.

Huh. Okay, makes sense.

Tribe: N/A

Of course. Question, though: Does he prefer to take on the form of a tribe? Also, when he shape shifts into a different tribe, does he then gain the abilities of that tribe? (Ex: IceWing form has frostbreath, SeaWing form has gills, etc.)

Abilities: Shape Shifting, mind manipulation, summoning and manipulation of magical energy. Animation of statues and inanimate objects. Basically a wizard... sortof...

If Soveliss uses his abilities too much, he/it can be hurt (ex nosebleed, sickness, or the like).

Hah, that reminds me of Eleven from Stranger Things. Anyway, this is pretty good. It all pretty much makes sense, looking at the backstory and such.

Rank: Soveliss often finds itself in a position of serving directly under a queen or other powerful figure. Soveliss is more than content in serving others, but also likes to hold and exert power of its own (reasons why later).


Family: Soveliss has had many romantic liaisons over the ages, so he has had multiple mates over the years. But nothing he really commits to.


Physical Description: Soveliss, as a shapeshifter, is capable of altering his physique and appearance down to the slightest detail. Soveliss can't make himself bigger than Darkstalker was, but could be as small as a spider if he wished.


However, if incapacitated, or otherwise hindered, Soveliss enters his true form: A below-average sized dragon with completely dark purple scales. In this form he has the wings of a skywing, the horns of a nightwing, the stinger of a sandwing, and the gills/webbed talons of a seawing. Soveliss dislikes being in this form because it is ridiculously easy to identify him/it as what it is.

However, no matter what form Soveliss takes on, he has eyes that have royal purple colored pupils. This purple has intermittent dots of gold.

Huh. Okay. Cool appearance, but um, why did he get all these bits of different tribes? If I were an animus and brought a spirit into the world in a body, I probably wouldn't add "make it so he has some bits of different tribes in his appearance and abilities". This is kinda confusing.

Queen they Support: When it comes to alliances of any kind, not just with queens, Soveliss has a mercenary mentality. He always asks the question "how can we make this mutually beneficial?"

Makes sense.

Personality: For the personality, Soveliss has five ways he acts, he switches between these modes of action with little rhyme or reason. It isn't multiple personalities. But merely modes of thought he can employ in situations where it is called for (or uncalled for).


This is when Soveliss is disguised and wants everyone to think he is somebody else. If impersonating another individual, Soveliss can do it perfectly, down to the slightest. If masquerading in an alias, then he perfectly acts to the personality he created for this alias.


This thought process occurs when Soveliss doesn't really have any objective and wants to be himself. Soveliss is witty and doesn't remotely have an off button. If there's an opportunity, he WILL talk. Soveliss is not afraid to be brutally honest, even if it is rude or inappropriate (he/it once told the mudwing queen she smelled like a cross between crocodile sh@t and poorly mixed perfume).

My real problem with this is that he was being honest, and that a queen actually smelled like that. Ew. Queens shouldn't smell that bad.

Soveliss is knowledgeable and well-informed. He is prone to rambling onward and thinking aloud, as well as blurting out something he shouldn't.


If pushed too far in some way or another. Soveliss becomes nothing short of malicious and cruel, even sadistic. In such instances, he is more than content to rip another dragon's wings right off, regardless of who is looking. When Soveliss stops acting like this, he often has a mental breakdown, out of a mixture of regret, shame, and hatred for himself.

Aw. But it makes sense.


In this situation, Soveliss believes he must acquire information. He is silent, and seldom speaks unless spoken to. Even then he/it is short and to the point. He often makes a point of carrying around a journal and reading as much as possible.


In this mode of thought, Soveliss is charming and charismatic to a fault. Nobody can resist his charms. It is through this way that Soveliss has seduced many princesses, queens, even Princes from time-to-time. It is here that he is flirty, suggestive, and risque, but in an appropriate way.

It makes sense that he has different personalities because of his shape-shifting abilities, looking at some miscellaneous facts that I happen to know. Like, for example, a multilingual person often adopts different personalities and switches to these personalities each time they switch their language. Interesting fact, huh?

Point is, I'm thinking it makes sense because if someone has multiple personalities for their languages, then I don't see why someone can't have multiple personalities due to their shape-shifting abilities.


Part 1: Creation...

Soveliss was brought into existence during the sorching. At this time he/it was a disembodied spirit, who used various methods to become known about. The scorching was going poorly for the Dragons, who became desperate. They captured an animus of the icewing tribe and forced the dragonet to cast a spell that would bind the spirit to the world. This was done to create a weapon, a spy.

Why did they use Soveliss, though? They could've popped up a fugitive or a prisoner and turned that into a weapon, which also fortunately would've spared the dragonet animus's life and given them more power to hold.

The process and the power required for the enchantment killed the dragonet.

Makes sense, I suppose.

He was bound so that he would have no choice but to obey the commands of any who shared the bloodline of a queen (of course, a Queen's command would receive more priority than a princess,' whose would receive priority over a Prince's).

Makes sense.

Soveliss was created with one more weakness so the dragons could control him: the object enchanted to summon him was an amulet. The amulet is gold with an amethyst jewel. If the amulet is damaged, Soveliss endures intense physical trauma (the amulet, and therefore Soveliss, heals itself three days later). If Soveliss dies but the amulet survives, Soveliss resurrects in a few decades. If the amulet is destroyed, Soveliss is gone forever. The amulet had two more qualities: anyone who wore it, would be able to command Soveliss. Finally, Soveliss cannot touch the amulet, only others can.

But wait, how did they enchant the amulet? Wasn't the animus dragonet already dead?

It was with this enchantment that he was created.

Part 2: the actual freakin' backstory...

Soveliss was, at first, a perfect weapon for the dragons. It was with him that they won the Scorching. Through the scorching he became something of a hero, but also a villian. For all knew his power and vengeance would be great if he escaped his enslavement.

It was on the final day of the Scorching that Soveliss faked his own demise by creating a near-perfect replica of the amulet that controlled him, and manipulating a power-hungry princess to steal the actual amulet for him. With that, he was able to make it seem like the amulet, and therefore Soveliss, was killed.


Soveliss, with his newfound anonymity took the last preparations to ensure he would never be enslaved again.

He was able to trick an animus from the sea kingdom to remove the part of his curse that forced him to obey a queen. However, out of fear of accidentally banishing himself, Soveliss did not dare tamper with the enchantment on his amulet.


Soveliss hid the amulet in the vaults of the Ancient Night Kingdom where he was confident nobody would find it.

Soveliss was almost ready, now all that was left was to let the last whispers of his name die out. He took on the identity of a seawing sage and scholar named Vermintide.

The hell's a Vermintide? If it's not actually something, please replace it with something that actually is a noun.

He would create identities similar to this for a few hundred years. However, some scholars and queens were beginning to realize that Soveliss survived, particularly after an archeologist discovered the fake Amulet that Soveliss used was exactly that: fake.


The nightwing queen had, with the help of many scholars, found Soveliss' actual Amulet. She announced across the entire country of Pyrrhia that she had found it. Soveliss, of course, learned of this and surrendered to the Night Kingdom. For the next 600 years he was a servant of the Nightwing Tribe.

Long time.

It was at this point that he displayed his first true murderous nature. After these many years of service, he discovered a loophole in the Queen's commands to him: he couldn't poison them, but that didn't mean he couldn't give poison to another to do it for him.


Soveliss escaped and managed to manipulate various criminals to steal the amulet. This time Soveliss hid the amulet in Jade Mountain. It was here he dug a lair within the mountain. Soveliss spent five hundred years in a strange sort of stasis/hibernation.

Why? How?

Luckily he was left undisturbed at this time.

From this point he continued his various shenanigans until the War of Sandwing Succession. He would normally always be able to hide in his lair whenever the population began to suspect what he was. Until...

Blister discovered him once again and claimed the amulet. She forced him to operate as a spy for her. Blister took great pains to hide the fact that Soveliss served her (which is why he never made an appearance in the books). Soveliss actually came to enjoy working in the war, the thrill of espionage had been forgotten to him, until that point. Soveliss was actually a bit sad when Blister met her end at the Sandwing Capital.

Huh. Okay. Just don't tell Mamba that — Mamba hated/hates Blister with a deep, fiery passion.

Soveliss then attempted to return to his lair in Jade mountain, but soon realized it had become an academy.


Soveliss thusly decided to lay low and wait. He was scared to show himself to the Dragonets of Destiny because he feared they would have the guts to destroy the amulet (and because I'm trying to make this character make sense in cannon without being in Cannon). He continued with old habits until Imperium (check the RP book for the rest of the story there).


Residence: Detailed in the backstory.

I already said this, but please, for future reference, fill this out appropriately regardless of elaboration/explanation elsewhere in the form.

Mate: Soveliss, having had many romantic liaisons over the years, has had many mates. But he would always fake a tragic death because he feared failing as a father.


Dragonets: See above


Other: Soveliss had his amulet hidden once again: he snuck it into the home of a poor family which sold it. Soveliss made this decision on a whimsical note. But he knew that destroying the amulet it a tedious task.

Well, uh, if he did destroy the amulet, wouldn't he die?

He decided for (as he would call it) fun, that he would just let whoever happens to have the amulet, have it. Unless they knew what the amulet was and Soveliss was able to hear the command, it would have no real power over him.

Well, maybe, except for the fact that if it got damaged, he would experience that physical trauma. And if it got broken, he would die. I feel like this really isn't a good idea.

He did this because he just wanted to tempt fate for nothing more than a laugh.

He was afraid to present himself to the DoD because he was afraid they would break his amulet, and here he is, basically asking for his amulet to be broken?

(Speaking of which, Soveliss has a great sense of humor, but his jokes are occasionally dark or inappropriate).

I see.

Soveliss is also quite the party animal. He is a good singer and loves music of all sorts.


Soveliss also has many random idiosyncrasies that would make anyone (at least within the first impressions) think he was absolutely insane.

Huh. Okay. Creative.

My Rating:


Originality: 25/25 (This character is completely original)

Realism: 19/25 (1.5 points knocked off for the weird appearance [lack of explanation for it], 2 points knocked off for the lack of explanation in the backstory on some bits, .5 points knocked off for the name/lack of explanation for the name, .5 points knocked off for the name "Vermintide", 1.5 points knocked off for the lack of explanation in the "other" category)

Interest: 25/25 (I'm very interested in this character)

Uniqueness: 25/25 (This character is very unique)


I really love Soveliss. Most of it makes sense, of course there's a few unexplained bits, but overall I love the character.

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