Things End, Deal With It

By teenwoIff

1.5K 110 37

"I thought we were forever, babe. I guess I was wrong." (cover by tenniskirt) MAGCON AU More

two in chloe's pov
four // part one
four // part two
seven // mikayla and hayes
eight // part one
eight // part two
eleven // part one
eleven // part two
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine |epilogue|


65 3 8
By teenwoIff

After my allergies got at least well enough for me to want to get out of bed, which was two days after Cam and Nash stayed over, I did. I called up Sam and asked if he wanted to hang out. About fifteen minutes later, we were walking down street.

"So Sam, you got a girlfriend?"

"Woah, woah, woah. Is this why you wanted me to come hang out with you? So you could come onto me?" he joked and then laughed.

"Ha, ha, ha. I'm just making conversation. I mean you know I have a boyfriend so I was wondering if you had a girlfriend."

"Well, we're fuck buddies, but I'm pretty sure she's developing feelings for me, and I'm not ready for commitment." I snort.

"I'm sorry, but that was some cliche ass shit right there. If you don't want to be in a relationship, just be up front about it." He nods. "It looks like it's gonna rain," I state, looking at the sky. Gray clouds were rolling in, and the air was humid. "I would say let's wait and walk in the rain because that's actually kind of fun, but that's super cliche, and I'm don't roll like that." Sam shakes his head.

"There's a lot to figure out about you, isn't there?"

"Yep, here's one thing you need to know: I have trust issues, so you better be damn glad I'm friends with you."


"What's your favorite color?" Sam asks, sitting at the end of my bed. We were currently laying a lame ass game of twenty questions. The only reason I agreed was because Sam promised ice cream, and I really like ice cream.

"Gray and black, you?"

"Why the hell do you like gray?"

"Hey, that's two questions. You're only supposed to ask one. But since it's already out there, it's a neutral color."

"That's not a reason to like it."

"Yes, it is. Now, just tell me what your favorite is."


"Thank you. Do you sleep on your back, stomach, or side?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"I get kind of weird, so if you don't answer the damn question, I'm not playing." I cross my arms over my chest, and he rolls his eyes.

"Stomach, what about you?"

"Same or side. It really depends on what position is comfortable that night." He looks at me strangely. "If you got a problem with the way I sleep, you shouldn't have asked." I stick my tongue out at him, and he chuckles.

"Well, I'm bored. I'm done playing. I'm taking a nap." He crawls up under the blankets and flips onto his stomach.

"You really think-" He puts his finger to my lips and shushes me with his eyes still closed.

"Shh, I'm sleeping." I groan.

"Fine, I'm going to sleep too." I stand up and turn the light off. I lift the covers and slide in. "If you wake up before me, don't bother waking me up. Okay, thanks. G'night." I try to go to sleep, but I don't really feel comfortable with him in my bed. I take my pillow and a blanket from the end of my bed. I make a not-so-comfy bed for myself on the floor and fall asleep.

"Why don't you love me? You said you loved me, but tonight you proved you don't. You clearly never did so I don't even know why you said it in the first fucking place, you asshole."

"When I said I loved you, I meant it. Damn it, Cheyenne. Just believe me."

"If you loved me then we wouldn't be havin' this argument in the first place!"

"I thought we were forever, babe. I guess I was wrong."


"I'm hungry," I say as soon as I wake up. Sam isn't in the bed, but why am I? I sit up on my elbows and look down to the floor. Sam is fast asleep, lying on his stomach and drool dripping from his parted lips. I get out of bed and squat down beside him. I stick my finger out and poke his shoulder. He doesn't move. I poke his nose. He doesn't move. I poke his lip.

"If you poke me with that cold ass finger of yours one more time, I will bite it off," he growls, but then smiles.

"Get up," I whine. "I want that ice cream you promised I could have."

"You sound like a child." He sits up and rubs his eyes then rubs a hand over his face. "What time is it?" I sit on the floor beside him and grab my phone.


"Damn, we slept a long time." He pushes his long fingers through his hair, trying to make it better, but only making it worse.

"I'll fix it, you idiot." I brush back his hair and try to fix. "Okay, I'm not very good at this." I keep trying, and finally, get it to look normal. "It doesn't look perfect, sorry." He reaches up and ruffles it. "Rude," I mumble.

"Let's go get ice cream and then dinner." He stands up then reaches out for me. I take his hand, and he pulls me up.

"Wouldn't it make more sense to eat dinner and then ice cream?" He glares at me.

"Shut up, I'm tired."

"Hi Tired, I'm Hungry." He lowers his eyes at me. "I saw the chance, and I took it."

"Whatever. C'mon." I follow him downstairs, and we put on our shoes. "Are we gonna eat at the ice cream shop or somewhere else?"

"I was thinking we could do that. I'll pay, we'll just have to go get my wallet from my house." I lock the door, and we get into his truck. When we arrive at his house, his roommate is there. "I guess you're gonna meet Ian."

what was in italics after she fell asleep was a dream btw

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