Way To Allah (Guide)

By NaazHira

2.2K 276 21

Asalamualaikum.. It's my first book of quotes. It's all about the way to live your life by Allah's guardians... More

[1] Sign Of Momin(True Muslim)
[2] Beard According To Sunnah
[3] Importance of Time
[4] Advantage of Dua
[5]Partnership In Business
[6] Beauty Of Allah
[8] Hijab
[9] Fajr Prayer
[10] Hope
[11] My Anger With Sabar
[12] Happiness
[13] No Use
[14] Real Love
[15] Oh! Allah
[16] Adhan part-1
[17] Adhan part-2
[18] On Fuhsha
[20] Best Dua
[21] Istikhara
[22] Happiness
[23] Hazrat Ayesha (R.A)
[24] Dua For Money And Success
[25] Dua-When In Difficulty
[26] Ways To Receive Mercy From Allah
[27] Shab -e- Meraj
[28] Best Duas To Thank Allah swt
[29] Surah An-Nur
[30] SURAH AL-LAHAB (The Flame)
[31] Zina
[32] Ramadan
[33] Breaking Of Fasts In Ramadan
[34] 6 Kalimas Of Islam
[35] Purify The Soul

[19] Jahannum Description

48 4 0
By NaazHira

Assalamualaikum Warehmatullahi Wabarakatuh  It Is The Very Important Information ✔✔

Our Lord!  Surely, whom You admit to the Fire, indeed You have disgraced him, and never will the wrongdoers find any helpers." (Quran 3:192)
The Names of Hell
Hell Fire has different names in Islamic texts.  Each name gives a separate description.  Some of its names are:
Jaheem – fire -  because of its blazing fire.
Jahannum - Hell - because of the depth of its pit.
Ladthaa - blazing fire - because of its flames.
Sa'eer - blazing flame - because it is kindled and ignited.
Saqar - because of the intensity of its heat.
Hatamah - broken pieces or debris - because it breaks and crushes everything that is thrown into it.
Haawiyah - chasm or abyss - because the one who is thrown into it is thrown from top to bottom
Its Collected Information

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