Regals✮Sebastian de Poitiers

By twtvdwttp

52.3K 904 176

Katerina Hadjiev. Soon-to-be Queen to Bulgaria. She is kind. She is precious. She is beautiful. She is wealth... More

posters and manips
snakes in the garden
hearts & minds
i'm back!


4.1K 71 11
By twtvdwttp

iii. I do enjoy you

In Bulgaria, a young boy who was no older than 10 was collecting eggs from chickens near the coast when he was approached by a guard, not a Bulgarian guard either "We've no quarrel with any body. We're just farmers. But... You're welcome to share our breakfast." The young boy offers.

A smirk appeared on the elder guard causing the boy peered behind the guard to see men, loads of men, all in armour and some were on horseback, some on boats, edging closer to the shore, "You're going to need a lot of eggs."


After Sebastian returned back home after finding a murdered Colin, he sat at his chamber, his mind drifting to Katerina. He wanted to forget him after how she rejected him but he couldn't. He just couldn't.

But snapping him out of his thoughts, the door opened revealing Katerina, the woman he was previously thinking of walked in.

Sebastian rose from his bed, standing up, "Katerina" He said, "What are you doing here?"

Not answering his question, Katerina strode towards him before placing her hands on his cheek and kissing him, her lips as soft as he had imagined and the kiss just as passionate as he wanted, "I think I've fallen for you, Bash"

Sebastian grinned pulling her back in for another kiss, leaning her up against the bed frame, tangling his hand in her hair as the other stayed on the side of her face.


Sebastian sat up, frowning at the oh so realistic dream he had just had. He wanted something so badly but could never get it, due to being born a bastard.

Katerina would never want him. Or that was what he thought.


Katerina sat on the green grass with her ladies, Mary and her ladies, they were talking about their best kissers, "All right, Kenna. It's your turn. Not your first but your best kisser." Mary said and Kenna smirked, "It was a man, not a boy."

"Who? You must tell us." Katerina said but all Kenna did was grin, "All I'll say is that there's no point in waiting for boys our own age who have no idea what they're doing. Either find yourself a man or... Take care of your needs yourself." The group erupts in laughter at what Kenna had previously said before she added, "Anyway, I think that it's Emilia's turn, isn't it?"

"My first kiss... is in the very near future. I think I've found the man. He's tall, dark and noble. Tomas, the son of the King of Portugal. He's here negotiating some kind of trade deal, but he's taking his time about it, and I think it's to stay with me."

"Emilia, it's dangerous to get involved with a prince. You know they marry for alliances." Katerina said, placing her hand on Emilia's. "Your family aren't as important as a true Royal's." Anne added.

"Tomas is a King's bastard, like Bash. Favored, too, but with money and land. I'm not a fool. I know a true royal would never look at me except to ruin me. I can take care of myself."

"What about you, Katerina? Your first kiss" Mary smirked, moving away from the sore subject. "Well... I haven't had my first kiss but I have dreamed of it"

The girls began to laugh and Kenna and Mary questioned "Who?!" But then Anne opened her mouth, before smirking at Katerina, "Do you dream of kissing Bash? You're always with him, defending him, giving him heart eyes" She said, causing the Mary and her ladies to gasp.

"Kat! How come you never told me?" Mary asked but the Bulgarian Princess shrugged, "When you said you saw something between us, that's when I realised I felt attraction towards him but when I almost acted on my feelings, I stopped myself and I think he took it the wrong way and now, he won't speak to me"

Since Kenna, one of Mary's ladies and Evangeliya were sat besides the girl, they embraced her but were interrupted by horses neighing in the distance and a servant approaching the girls.

"Your Majesty, Your Uncle, Duke of Bulgaria, Nikolov Petrov, is here and wishes to see you at once." The servant said to Katerina, who stood up to go inside the castle.

"Katerina?" Rosita called and the Princess turned back around, "Have I ever told you how I love having the same surname as your uncle?"

"Yes, Rosita. About one hundred times" Katerina said, chuckling at her friend before walking away.


As the Bulgarian Princess walked through the door, she embraced her uncle, who she had not seen in ages, before the two bowed before each other.

"You look well, Katerina. Your aunt sends her affection." Nikolov says as he hands her a letter but stops her from reading it, "Read it later. You may be assured the love is in there, as is the news of a crisis in Bulgaria. There's a war and we're pretty sure it's who massacred your parents."

"Why would you think this?" The brunette asked. Her uncle sighed, "It's not one country, it's a mix. There's some English and Russian and we've seen some Spanish. We think they've returned for the rest of the Royal family. You, me and your Aunt. They're massing on the border. And these are not the normal skirmishes. They're out in number. They're looking for weakness, and if they find any..."

"We must respond with strength. Yes. Surely my Aunt has sent soldiers." Katerina said, but the next comment disappointed her, "Of course. But not enough. We need more men."

"Our strongest ally is France and Scotland. King Henry and Mary will help us, surely." Katerina assures and her uncle nods, "He's been asked, and he's been slow to answer. We haven't tried Scotland yet, surely you can do that. You were sent here to keep the alliance strong with Scotland and France by being there for Mary and Francis' wedding before going off to find a King. Did anything happen?"

"Nothing happened. They're being politicians. Things are different here now. As soon as danger hits them, they'll want my help but they do not reverse rolls, Mary however I can convince to help" Katerina says and the Duke nods, "As Queen, you must do something, convince King Henry."


Katerina and Mary made their way to the throne room in determination. And as Katerina opened the curtain and gave a look to the men to leave to be alone with King Henry and Francis, the King stepped forwards, "Katerina. Mary."

"We've been... discussing this business in Bulgaria. You have my sympathy." The King says but the Princess gives him a cold stare, "Father, I believe Her Majesty is here for more than just sympathy." Francis noted.

"Of course. We're sending wagons, gunpowder, supplies for your army" The King said and Katerina decided to speak up, "Supplies are useless without men. Surely you can spare a few, Mary has. You have so many more soldiers than we do."

"And... Many more borders as well. You only have to worry about whoever is attacking your country, since your all the countries at your borders are allies, devoted to your country. I have England, Spain, a hundred Italian and German principalities..."

Katerina rolled her eyes, scoffing. "You are supposed to be our ally. If our positions were reversed, Bulgaria would help."

The King sighed, "Katerina, I'm very sorry."

"Eight companies." The Princess said but the King ignored, "Six!" She proposed, much louder as it was a voice of desperation.

"I hope I will have the happiness of seeing you tonight at the entertainments. Yes?" The King asked, kissing her hand but Katerina gave him a look of annoyance and anger, "I hope you understand the position you're putting us in. Lives will be lost"

Katerina then linked her arm with Mary's and the two strode away from the King and his dauphin. But Francis soon caught up with them, "Katerina. Mary, Katerina, my father just... The political situation is complicated."

Mary scoffed, deciding to speak up for her friend, try and convince her fiancé to help, "Complicated? People will be dying soon. Isn't that complicated enough?"

"I agree with you." Francis said curtly. "You do?" Katerina asked with surprise lacing her voice, "I think France should help Bulgaria in this. We're at a tilting point: If England, Spain and Russia invades Bulgaria and succeeds, it'll be that much of a stronger enemy to France."

"Then we're on the same side." Katerina said but the blonde let out a sigh. "For all the good it does. One day, if things goes well, me and Mary will rule France and Scotland and we'll be together. Now we have no real power. We have to wait."

"No. I'm tired of waiting. And this is not about your allayment with Scotland but to Bulgaria. But if you have no power, then I must find a way of getting some."


After leaving the castle feeling quite ticked off, Katerina came across a ball, kicking it hard, letting out her frustrations.

"Come play with me?" A young voice belonging to Prince Charles asked, "Happily. Sometimes you just need to kick something." She said as the two carried on walking, kicking the ball to one another.

"You're not like a girl." Young Prince Charles notes, "What did you think girls were like?" The brunette asked the young Prince.

"They sit around, afraid they're gonna mess up their dresses." Katerina chuckled at the boy's words, "You like to have fun." Charles adds.

The Princess kicked the ball again, with much force and it got stuck in the tree, causing the Princess to let out a chuckle. "Oh, oops"

She turned to face the Prince, "Wait right here. I'll go and fetch the ball" The Prince nodded and soon enough Katerina was in the tree, trying to get the ball.

"It's stuck. Maybe you should fetch someone with a ladder. Wait, I've got it!" She then threw the ball on the floor and it landed right by a dark haired and tall man. Who was stood besides Emilia.

"Your Majesty, may I present Tomas of Portugal, lord of palmela? Tomas, Katerina, Queen of Bulgaria." Emilia said, Boeing her head, as did the fellow besides her. "Hello. Do you often stroll in trees, Your Majesty?"

The Princess chuckled, "Um, I climbed up here to fetch Prince Charles' ball, but I guess he got tired of waiting." She said and the Lord enjoyed the sound of her accent, "Are you sure? Because from down here, it looks like Scotland attacked Portugal without provocation." The brunette chuckled, "Um, turn around so I can come down."

"We may have a diplomatic incident here, Your Majesty." Portugal's bastard commented with a smirk, "Emilia, please get your friend to turn around. I can't climb down with him staring up my skirts." Katerina exclaimed.

The two turned around and as Katerina was about to climb down, she stood on the bottom of her skirt, causing her to fall out of the tree and onto Tomas.

She grunted as she got back up but noticed as Tomas clutches his arm, "Oh... Your arm!" Emilia uttered. "I'll be fine. Are you all right?" The bastard asked Katerina.

"Yes. I'm so sorry." The Princess said, "Just promise, no more attacks from the sky. Portugal surrenders." He then turned to Emilia, "Lady Emilia of Bulgaria, I look forward to seeing you tonight." He then bowed to the Princess, "Your Majesty."

After he left, Katerina faced her brown haired friend, "I might not have made a very good first impression, but I see why you like him."

"Isn't he perfect? I have it all planned. The boating party's coming up. I'll pack a picnic basket, we'll be out there on the lake under the moonlight. And nature will take its course." She smiled.

"Your first kiss." Katerina realised and her lady nodded, "And a beginning, I hope. Well, good luck. He definitely looks worth the wait."


Whereas in the castle Bash was sword fighting with his father. He was hoping it would rid Katerina and her rejection from his mind but it didn't, which caused him to end up on his back on the floor.

"Your mind's elsewhere. Tell me?" The King asked, "I doubt you'd be bothered, you'd find it utterly stupid." Bash replied, getting up from the floor.

"Is it a woman?" His father asked, chuckling. "She's not just any woman, father. She's generous, selfless and absolutely beautiful- but I guess it doesn't matter, she had to marry someone with a title, not the King's bastard"

"'The King's bastard' that's a title" The King says and the two chuckle. But the laughter stops as Francis enters the room, "We should help Bulgaria. Not for Katerina but for France."

"By all means, explain." The King said, "When you say that the border is quicksand, you assume that we'll lose. They haven't sent the entire army to the castle yet. They're poking to see what reaction they get. We could strike fast, hit back hard and win. But if we do nothing, we risk losing the entire Bulgarian alliance. Years of alliance, wasted." The blonde explains as Bash nodded besides him, thinking it was a good idea.

"So it's a balance of risks either way. Very good. Except I've decided the... Reasons against outweigh the reasons for. And guess what: I'm King." Henry said before looking to Bash, "Another round?"

"You never spar with me." Francis notes, taking the wooden sword from his brother. "Is it a good idea for a King to spar with his usurper?" Henry asks, "You mean his inheritor."

"If you win, I shut up about this whole subject. If I win, you send those six companies of men."

After duelling around the place, the blonde beat his father, holding the wood to his neck. The King nodded, amused. "Very good. Very good."

"When can they leave?" Francis asked with a smile, "Oh. No one's going to Bulgaria." The King differed, "But your word, your wager." Francis said.

"Well, that's what Kings do. We make promises to everybody, and whatever works for the realm, we keep. Otherwise, they never happened. Lesson for today." The King said, exiting the room.

"That's not the way..." Bash started but Francis interrupted him, "Don't need any more lessons right now." Before also exiting the room.


Katerina entered the kitchen, where she found a kitchen servant and Emilia, "Emilia? I've been looking for you everywhere."

She gave Emilia a look and they both left the kitchen, "You said Tomas was in from Portugal to negotiate a trade deal. What kind of deal?" Katerina asked.

Emilia shrugged, "I don't know. Something about buying French timber for ships." Katerina nodded, "Ah, that makes sense. They're expanding their fleet...war ships, exploring vessels for the new world. Of course they need timber."

"Why are we talking about wood?" Emilia asked chuckling. "Because, Emilia. It occurred to me that if a Queen can't command what she needs, maybe she can buy it."


"May I know where you're taking me, Your Majesty?" Tomas asked as he and Katerina walked along a bridge. "I didn't want to be overheard." Katerina replies curtly.

"Mm, intriguing. Is it romantic? Conspiratorial? May I have a hint?" Tomas quizzed, "It's about timber."


"Timber. Bulgaria has trees, too, you know. Whatever deal you have with King Henry, I'll do better...if you close the deal now and if you send us men instead of money." The Princess compromises.

"Your country is in need. But surely, King Henry will help you. I mean, the alliance." Katerina looked down at the floor and Tomas sighed, "I see. Well, my father The King empowered me to make whatever deal I think best. And I'd be a fool to turn this down. But... Henry considers our deal almost made. And it's not a small thing to anger a King in his own house. Meet me this afternoon. I'll confirm our transaction then."


As the afternoon came around, Katerina had arrived, on horseback besides Tomas of Portugal, at a field with buildings that had tumbled to the ground, "What is this?"

"It's an old church, made by Louis VII. Meant to last forever, but... nothing does." He says. "Why have you brought me here?" The brunette quizzed, as she got off the horse and approached a carriage.

"I wanted your advice. I sent for this from my ship in the bay. The new world has brought us wealth... Beyond imagining. Do you think these might make a woman think kindly of me?" Tomas asked.

"I think you might have a chance, yeah." Katerina said, she thought it was cute how he wanted to give something to Emilia. Or so she thought.

"I'm glad you think so." He said, kneeling on the ground, ring held out for her, "I don't understand. I thought you and-and Emilia were..." Katerina stuttered, completely and utterly baffled.

"What does Emilia have to do with this? She's a lovely girl, but... I've seen you... And I can't look away. There is... there's a wildness in you, as you play... Ride, as you climb trees. I see your spirit... And I believe it's like mine. Just thoughts I would have kept to myself, but I see your struggle here in France. Left to solve your problems alone. I'd never do that. Never. Wed me. Wed me, and I won't make you wait. Say yes, and you'll have your men. Say yes."

"Tomas... y-you're kind, you're handsome, you're very charming..." Katerina trailed. "I sense a refusal." Tomas commented.

"But I am a Queen. And flattered as I am by your attentions, I must marry a nation, not a man." Tomas handed a rolled up piece of paper to the brunette, "What is this?" She quizzed, unrolling it.

"My father's been writing to the pope, arranging to have me declared legitimate. My father is dying, and I'm his only living son. His grandson is next in line, and he's only three years old. My father doesn't trust the regent to safe guard Portugal. He wants me on the throne. The announcement will be made any day now. So, you see... I can lay my heart at your feet, and my country as well. We can save Bulgaria. If you marry me. Will you?"


"A real proposal from The Future King?" Anne asked as she tightened the corset strings on Katerina's hunting outfit. She was not going to attend the event this evening but was getting on the first boat out of France. To fight in battle.

"What does your uncle think?" Anne asked, "I haven't told him yet." The brunette admitted. "Because you're worried he'd press you to accept Tomas, and you're not ready to let Bash go? It's all right to admit it, Kat."

"I'd be exchanging a man I... I think I'm falling for... For a man I barely know."

"And true support for Scotland. Tomas seems nice. Feelings may come in time." Anne said, trying to convince the Queen. "And what of Greer's feelings? She had her eye on Tomas." Katerina asked.

"A crown prince would never marry her... she's not even a possibility." The blonde commented, "Well, it's entirely possible that nothing will come of it, and that Tomas will return home to Portugal. I asked him to be discreet while I considered the proposal."


Katerina stuck a dagger in her boot and a blade in her belt as well as her sword. She glanced at the quiver and bows before sighing. Could she do this?

A knock was heard at the door and Katerina called out "Come in!" Leaving the knocker at the door to enter her majesty's chambers.

In the mirror she saw a familiar figure. One she gave much heart ache to and she still felt incredibly upset. She knew she wanted him but she didn't know if she could get what she wanted.


She couldn't help the smile as he entered the room, "What on earth are you doing, Katerina?" He asked, noticing the sword that hung from her belt and the quiver that sat on a chair. "Where are you going?"

"Does it matter to you? You've been ignoring me" The Princess asks, putting her cloak over her body, not turning around from facing the mirror.

"Of course it matters to me! Katerina, I-"

"You what?" Katerina quizzed, "It doesn't matter" Bash sighed, leaning against the chair that held the quiver and arrows.

The Princess was about to speak but Bash wouldn't let her, "Now, where are you going, Katerina? Please don't tell me that you're going to Bulgaria"

"And if I am?" She questions, tightening her cloak, so it wouldn't fall off. "Please. Don't" The bastard begged, not wanting to think of all the terrible things that could happen to her. "If, if something happened to you. I couldn't bare with myself"

"You'd get over it, Sebastian. I'm only useful for a small amount of time. People get bored of me, use my heart to get to me. So now I'm taking things into my own hands, I'm going to defend my country. If I don't, then I have to do something I don't want"

"And what's that?" Sebastian asks, "Tomas of Portugal. He's getting legitimised and he promised to send out men for war... if I marry him" The brunette explained.

"You don't want it?" Bash quizzed. "There's something off about him, a dark side. I do not know what to do. This is all I can think of"

"Think about it. Give me tonight to convince you not to and if you still want to go by morning, I'll go with you" Katerina turned to face him with a surprised look, "Okay."

She then took off her cloak, placing it on the chair before returning to the mirror. "Could you help me?" She asked Sebastian, "With what?"

"Well, I cannot attend the event in this now, can I? Could you undo my corset strings? My ladies are attending to get themselves ready and I cannot do them myself"

Sebastian made his way towards the brunette, standing behind her. He began to pull on the corset strings, untying them.

Katerina closed her eyes as her lips parted, feeling his warm breath fanning over her neck. As he saw this through the mirror, he couldn't help but smile, perhaps there was something between them. Perhaps she felt it too, he thought.

"What is it you want?" Bash asked suddenly, "Pardon?" Katerina asked opening her eyes, looking at his admiration ones through the mirror.

"You don't want to marry the Portuguese man, so what do you want?" He cleared up as Katerina took off the corset, leaving her in a blouse that showed some cleavage, the girl sighed, "I want to follow my heart"

"And what is it your heart want?" He quizzes, Katerina turned to face him, placing her hands on Sebastian's chest, "It's telling me that I should have kissed you that day, that I should kiss you now"

"What's stopping you?"

That one question caused Katerina to place her hands on the side of Bash's face and lean closer to him, placing her lips on his soft ones. The kiss was slow but sweet and left a tingly feeling running throughout the two's bodies.

When they pulled back, they gave each other loving and lust filled looks before Sebastian pulled the brunette back in for another kiss, this time it was rougher and lustier but just as passionate as the last.

Sebastian's warm hands moved up and down the Princess' body, pushing her against the wall, a gasp escaping her parted lips as he did.

A knock at the door caused the two to pull apart, "Come in!" The Princess yelled breathlessly. A servant entered the room, bowing to Katerina, "Queen Mary was wondering if your whereabouts. The party has begun. Is everything alright, Your Majesty?"

Katerina nodded, ignoring the smirk sent her way by Sebastian that made her cheeks flush a rosy colour. "Everything is quite alright. I'll be down in a moment. I have to get ready"

The servant nodded before bowing once more and scurried out of the room. Once she did, Katerina was pushed back up against the wall and lips attacked her neck.

Giggling, the Princess pushed Bash away as a grin graced her lips, "I must get ready, Mary has noticed my disappearance, she could walk in"

Sebastian nodded as a smile was placed on his lips as he watched the beautiful brunette before him beam up at him, "Okay, I'll see you down stairs?"

Katerina nodded, "Yes, I assure you, you will" She walked him to her door and he stepped out the door but stepped back in to place another kiss on her lips before leaving for real.

As Katerina closed her bedroom door, she touched her lips lightly with a smile, remembering past events.


Katerina approached an alone some Francis. He smiled at her, but it was more of a smirk, "You're late, along with my brother" He said and a chuckle escaped Katerina's mouth, "He was helping me with something."

"Was he now?" Francis asked, eyebrows raised. "Nothing like that, he was helping me with a decision I was conflicted with"

Francis nodded and Katerina noticed the gaze coming from the Portugal King's son, Tomas, "Is the King still refusing to send the men we need?"

Francis gave her a sad look, "I've pushed as hard as I can." Katerina nodded her head, "Well, I know you've done your best. Thank you." Before walking away to sit at a table with Mary, her ladies and Katerina's ladies.

"Where have you been? You and Bash both arrived late. Wait..."

"Did you two...?"

"No. No, we didn't do it but we may have shared a kiss or two" Katerina admitted and all the girls laughed and squealed, "Girls. Voices down" Katerina chuckled but stopped as the music stopped because of King Henry.

"Nostradamus. Why don't you share your wisdom with all of us."

Nostradamus bowed to the King, "I don't understand." The King gave him a stern look, "Always at my wife's ear. What do you whisper? I hear Emperor Maximilian has a seer in Prague who can... Tell fortunes using playing cards. Tell the fortunes of Queen Katerina, Queen Mary and their ladies." The King commands.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I'm not skilled at cards and I don't control my visions. They come and go as they will." Nostradamus apologises.

"You're not as good as Maximilian's seer?" King Henry teased, "Leave him alone, Henry." Catherine warns. "Oh, come, the man must have something to recommend him since you rely so deeply on his counsel."

Nostradamus approached the table filled with girls, "Each of you pick a card. Have your question ready." He then turned to Mary's lady, Lola. "Will I ever love again?" She asked.

"You'll meet a dark, handsome stranger. Be wary of flattery. Life will offer many challenges. You'll meet them with grace." Nostradamus replies. "Well, that's not very specific. Give us a fortune, not a platitude. Or is that the best you can do?" Henry critiques.

"The lion will fight the dragon on the field of poppies." Nostradamus mumbles, "Pardon?" Katerina asks and he repeated his statement, "The lion will fight the dragon on the field of poppies."

"Who will I...?" Emilia starts, "You'll fall in love with a man with a white mark on his face." Nostradamus says.

"When will I see my family?" Aylee asks, "You'll never go home." Nostradamus speaks. "What do you mean 'Never go home'?" Aylee asks, worry written all over her face.

"That's all I was given. You know no more than I." Nostradamus assures before moving on to Evangeliya, "When will I leave France?"

"Will I fall in love?" Mary asked and Nostradamus sighed, "You will hurt the one you love dearly"
"Soon, very soon"

He turned to Anne, "Will I get married?" She asked and Nostradamus nodded, "A man with a high title and owns many lands"

Since Rosita passed on a fortune, it was now Katerina's turn. "What is the gist of my future?" The brunette asked. Nostradamus closed his eyes but only for a moment, "After all the darkness you have been through, you will over come one more before having a great future with the one you love" He answered, "Nostradamus, people like me don't get fairy tale endings" Katerina argued but Nostradamus just shrugged, "Apparently you do"

"Well, there's a showman for you. Musicians, dancing music. Enough of this foolishness." Queen Catherine said and the music started back up.

Francis made his way over to the Princess and held out his arm for her to dance, which she took, "Katerina, believe me, I've argued with my father. I've explained why politically it's a good idea. I've, I've done more than argue. I've done all I can reasonably do."

Bash watched the frown on Katerina's face and began to approach her, "Then maybe you should be unreasonable." Katerina said before going into Sebastian's arms.

"Are you alright?" Sebastian asked and the Princess nodded, "Of course, Bash" She smiled as they began to dance, "I enjoy you" She said out of the blue.

"I enjoy you, too" Sebastian said, making a smile appear on the brunette's lips. But the smile soon fell as Tomas approached the pair. Literally pulling the Princess from Sebastian's grasp.

Bash was about to step towards him but his brother approached him and stopped him.

"I commanded the musicians to play music from my country. Allow me." Portuguese music began to play and the guests muttered things under their breaths whereas Bash was thinking of not particularly nice things to say to the man that came from Portugal.

Tomas sensually drove the back of his arms up Katerina's arms before putting her arms behind her head. He then dipped her before going behind her, putting his hand on Katerina's waist lowering them causing Katerina to push his hands back up as he dipped her again.

As Bash saw this he stepped forwards but his half-brother stopped him from causing a scene.

Soon the dance came to a halt and Sebastian's jaw was clenched as Francis smirked at him, "Why don't you dance like that?"

"Shut up."

"Not what I meant by 'discreet'" Katerina said to Tomas as she saw the sad look on Emilia's face, "Emilia, don't be upset. It was just a dance." Katerina said as she caught up to her.

"I'm not upset because of a dance." She said as she sniffled, "I'm not upset at all. I'm just going back to my room. I'm not feeling well."

"Please, let's talk." Katerina begged but Emilia shook her head, "There's no need. You're my Queen. You're rich and you're beautiful and you control the most countries. I thought perhaps you could leave Tomas for me. It's not as if you could marry him anyway. You knew how important this was to me. It just wasn't important to you."

Katerina shook her head with tears in her eyes, "No, Em..." But Emilia didn't turn around and kept walking.


"I never thought, you know." Tomas said as he and Katerina walked along the grass in the dark night. Katerina however, was quite distant, giving glances and smiles to Bash whenever she saw him but he always turned away,

"Thought what?" She asked, "My first marriage. I married for love and I loved her deeply. She died of influenza." Tomas explained sorrowfully. "Oh, I'm sorry." Katerina said sincerely.

"When I learned my father planned to make me his heir, I thought, my next union is sure to be arranged, my life nothing but politics, but then I saw you in a tree."

"Please." Tomas said, helping the Princess onto the boat, "Thank you."

As the boat ride started, Katerina began to discuss the terms to the arrangement, if she agrees to it. "It's not a reflection on you personally, but my family will need to confirm all that you've said." Katerina said and Tomas nodded, "I understand you're not ready to trust me. You needn't wait for confirmation from Portugal. My ship in the bay has several companies of men. They can leave for Bulgaria on tomorrow's tide."

"So quickly?" Katerina asked in shock, "I know you're the woman I want and I'll do whatever it takes to keep from losing you."


As Sebastian dunked his head into some water, Francis stood besides him to give him the news, "Send a message to all six captains. Tell them that they'll board ship at Outreau. Are you sure you're all right to ride?"

"I am a riding fiend, little brother. You'll be happy, Bulgaria will be happy, Katerina will be happy, and she will stay. But try not to let her find out about it, I don't want her to follow"

"Why would she follow?" Francis quizzed, "Oh, little Brother, she was about to leave to join the battle earlier this evening... she was very determined"

"Okay, just be careful."

Bash got onto his horse with a smirk, "Aren't I always?" Francis nodded, "Well, if always means never."


As the Bulgarian Princess stared out the window, Francis rushed over to her with a grin, "Mary, it's done. Six companies are on their way to Bulgaria tonight."

"What? Oh, Francis!" She grinned, embracing the boy, "But how? You said the King wouldn't change his mind, that you'd done all you could."

"I suppose I was inspired."

"I can't believe it. Thank you!" The brunette grinned.


"Morning." Emilia said as she laid on her bed. Katerina has walked in with two cups, "What's this?" Emilia asked. "You've been avoiding me, so I thought I would try and bribe you with this new venetian drink. It's coffee."

"I'm sorry." Emilia said, sitting up. "The truth is, there never really was much between Tomas and me. Some flirting... all very proper... but that's it. I wanted to believe there was more. Well, you know why. Oh, I imagined the whole fairytale. The perfect first kiss with the man with the white mark on his face. Me as the heroine, helping my family."

"I know you'll find the right man, Emilia. I know you will. Should I tell you a secret? You shouldn't have to rely on a man, or a first kiss. It's okay to wait, trust me, everything works out eventually.

"I suppose so, I just hope it won't happen too late." Emilia said sadly and Katerina placed her hand comfortingly of Emilia's, "It will, have faith"

"Morning." Anne said as she and the rest of Katerina's ladies entered the room, "I suppose that you two talking means that you have made up?"

Katerina nodded embracing Emilia, "Of course we have!"


Katerina was with Francis, discussing how the men got to Bulgaria, "Our men will have gone north to the channel. Calais is in English hands, so our men will take ship at Outreau."

"Guards?" Was heard from outside, along with a horse neighing. Francis and Katerina gave each other a worried look before jogging to the window.

Francis opened it and said the words Katerina feared most, "It's Bash."

The two rushed to where Nostradamus healed people and where Guards were putting Sebastian down. Katerina ran over to Bash, tears slipping from her face.

"Come on Bash" She muttered, "Stay awake. Focus on my voice." She watched as he opened his eyes and looked into hers before closing them for a few seconds.

"How is he?" The King asked, storming inside, "He's gravely injured. I can tend to his wounds, ease the pain, but I make no guarantees."

Katerina couldn't stop the sob that escaped her mouth as Nostradamus said that, "Father, the English... Rode out from Calais to face us. We never made it to the ships. It was a slaughter." Bash murmured butNostradamus shook his head as he spoke, "He shouldn't be talking. I'm give him a potion, put him to sleep. Clear the room. It's the best thing for him."

"Bash? Bash, I'm so sorry." Francis apologised before leaving the room to follow his father. "Princess, I think you should leave too"

Katerina shook her head, "I cannot leave him." She cried stroking Sebastian's face. "Marry him" Bash coughed. "What?"

"Tomas. Marry him, I have to do right by you... and let you go" He murmured. Katerina shook her head, sniffling, "I don't want him. I want yo, Bash. I-"

"Please don't say it" Bash begged before closing his eyes once more.


With a sigh, Katerina raises her hands into fists before tapping on the door. The door to Tomas of Portugal's room.

The door opened, revealing the dark haired man which caused the Princess to speak up, "Well... I suppose you're going to have to teach me Portuguese."

The Portuguese Prince smiled, but Katerina had no idea what was in store for her.


The Bulgarian Princess watched as boats began to prepare to float away, troops were being sent to help fight Bulgaria's war.

"I'll make you happy." Tomas said, causing the brunette to look up at him, "You already have." But she knew he could never make her feel as happy and special as Sebastian did.

"There are eight companies of fighting men on that ship. They'll be in Bulgaria in two days." Tomas informed as the flag came down, showing a dragon, making Katerina remember what Nostradamus had said.

"The English lion will fight the dragon on the field of poppies."


Here's chapter three! Hoped you like! Poor Bash... poor Katerina.
Next chapter, Katerina and Bash find out what Tomas is really like and how he likes to treat women.
How will Bash react?

New chapter every Friday!


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