The King's War

By immortal-hearts

316K 14.8K 1K

The long-awaited conclusion to The King's Choice. __________________________________________ Avery Crawford... More

Before You Read
1. The Messenger
2. The Honeymoon
3. The Delegation
4. Old Friends
5. Together Apart
6. Plans
7. Bitterness
8. The Bells
9. Chase
10. Spellwork
11. Unwelcome Guest
12. Threats
13. Welcome Home
14. Hope
15. The Body
16. The Cell
17. Over
18. Broken Promises
19. A Warning
20. Bait
21. Evasion
22. The Duke
24. The Bullet
25. The Experiment
26. The Secret Weapon
27. Dissent
28. Betrayal
29. Disgrace
30. Burned Bridges
31. Prisoner
32. The Ultimatum
33. Death
34. Rebirth
35. Kill
36. Blockade
37. Interrogation
38. The Warship
39. Escape
40. The End of an Era

23. Abel

5.7K 316 35
By immortal-hearts


I stood in the elevator of the tallest building in Houston, Texas, feeling like I was getting closer to my execution with each passing floor. Two of my guards flanked me, but their presence gave me little comfort given what I was about to face.

The search for Avery has turned up empty, and the suspicion of Daphne Sinclair's involvement left me with few options. Knowing she was very likely working with the rebels was one thing, but proving it was entirely something else.

My investigation of the other suspects, the Bell family, had not given me anything to go on yet. Certainly nothing that would allow me to charge them with treason. All of their known properties had been watched closely, and I'd thought the lakefront cabin with a secret million dollar remodeling job would prove to be a lead. The Bells consented to a search of the place, but all I'd found was a rather spacious storm shelter stocked for a zombie apocalypse. Odd, but not incriminating.

Chase Colter turned out to be a dead end as well. Not only did he not fall for my bait, but he'd somehow managed to evade the team sent to survey him. It was as if he'd anticipated the move, laughing at my incompetence all the while.

What was becoming worryingly clear though, was the fact that the someone with a high degree of authority must be helping the rebels. Someone with inside knowledge of my movements and patterns. It was the only explanation I could think of for why they'd evaded me for so long. And of course, they had a powerful witch on their side, stacking the cards against me even further.

I'd been a fool to think Daphne Sinclair could ever have been my ally.

The elevator dinged its arrival. Dread coiled around me in a suffocating embrace. Was it too late to turn back?


This was the only hope I had of ending the rebel menace and to find Avery. For that, I'd endure the humiliation I was about to face a thousand times.

I stepped out of the elevator into a spacious reception room with white marble walls and floors and swirling gold trim. It was garish, furnished like some excessively opulent Las Vegas casino. Ahead of me was an enormous set of double doors guarded by four stoic men in white suits.

I saw my nervous expression in the door's chrome plating and winced. Steeling myself, I walked forward to address the guards. "I've come to see His Majesty," I announced, wincing at the hesitation in my tone.

The guards barely acknowledge me before simultaneously pushing the door open and allowing me through. I walked past them into a long rectangular room with vaulted ceilings and tall windows that showed the glittering Houston skyline. The space was large enough to make my footsteps echo. A red runner with gold trim trailed across the room, ending in front of a white marble platform on top of which stood a marble desk. King Abel sat behind it, watching me with predatory eyes.

Abel Hudson looked like a World War II propaganda poster come to life. Blonde, strong-armed, lantern-jawed, and ready to give the Axis Powers hell. It was completely incongruous with his actual habits of draft-dodging and letting others do his dirty work.

"You are the last person I'd expect to see here, Bryce," Abel said to me, his voice echoing ominously in the cavernous space.

No, not after I had so thoroughly rebuffed him and his emissary. It must please him all too much to see me here, groveling for his help. Though Abel kept his expression composed, I could tell that he could barely contain his smug glee. Darren Frost certainly couldn't, when I'd contacted him to set the meeting up. Having to beg him for a second chance had been torture, and now I was in for a second round of humiliation.

"I'm humbled that you're willing to receive me, Abel," I said, though I couldn't force myself to muster up the proper level of enthusiasm for groveling. This was going to be a difficult conversation.

Abel rubbed at his dimpled chin. "Yes, it does please me to see you in such a humble position."

The insult made me bristle, but I didn't fire back. "I trust that you know why I've come."

"Oh yes. Darren was very eager to share the news of your change of heart." He leaned forward to rest his elbows on the table. "Therein lies the problem, however. It's clear that to me that your loyalty is only to yourself. You aren't here out of solidarity with me and my kingdom. You wish to use me for your own selfish motives, to fulfill a goal you can't accomplish alone."

Jaw clenching, I took in a deep breath to compose myself. "Is my coming here not an expression of fealty, Abel? What do my reasons matter if I'm still pledging myself to your cause?"

"I don't like being used, Nathaniel," Abel replied pointedly. "If you wanted my help, you should have accepted it when it was offered. You think I'd just forgive you after you threatened to take off my emissary's head?"

"If all you're going to do is refuse me, why'd you agree to this meeting?"

Abel cocked his head and smirked. "To see your face when I told you no."

I squeezed my eyelids shut and counted backwards in my head. It was all I could do to keep myself from crying out in a rage and seizing Abel by the throat, demanding he comply with my request. I exhaled deeply.

"Abel," I began, willing myself to calm down, "I am sincerely sorry for my prior actions. I'm trying to atone for them by offering you my undivided loyalty. We are better as allies than we are as enemies. It would mean a great deal if you would give me another chance."

Abel regarded me curiously. "Why the sudden change of heart? What happened between now and then that made you so eager to go to war?"

I couldn't tell him the truth. Couldn't give him a weakness he could exploit.

"I couldn't care less about territory. You can divide the South up however you wish, I want none of it. I just want Daphne Sinclair removed," I said.

Abel furrowed his brows in confusion. "But the two of you seemed like such good friends, What did her eminent witchiness do that sent you straight to my doorstep?"

"That's classified."

Abel looked intrigued. "Come on. You want me to fight her on your behalf and you won't even tell me why?"

I wanted to bang my fists on the table. His smug prying was the last thing I needed. My goal was to use whatever weapon he had to end Daphne Sinclair. That was the extent of Abel's value to me. He didn't need to know my secrets.

"If I tell you, will you consider my request?"

Abel shrugged. "Maybe."

My shoulders slumped. It was as good as a 'no.' Abel enjoyed seeing me reduced to begging. But if some sliver of the truth was what I needed to say in order to gain his cooperation, so be it.

"I found out she's in league with the rebels from my territory," I explained.

"That's troubling," Abel mused. "Your rebels are a feisty lot, aren't they? They almost got you."

I cringed inwardly, then paused. He'd given me a decent angle from which to approach this negotiation. "That's right," I said, nodding. "You see why aiding me would be beneficial. It would ensure that my territory remains under vampire control. The rebellion will be quashed and won't spread beyond my borders."

"A compelling argument," Abel replied, though he didn't sound the least bit compelled. Then he shrugged. "What the hell, you've convinced me. I'll announce the news of your support at the war summit tomorrow."

I looked at him, stunned. "Tomorrow?"

Abel chuckled. "What, did you think we'd be scared off by a few threats you and that witch made? Give me some credit, Brycey."

Ugh, that old nickname. I hid my displeasure under a smile. "Thank you, Abel. I appreciate your help more than you know."

Abel narrowed his eyes and scoffed. "Please. This wasn't about you. I don't give a damn about your fate as long as vampires retain control of your territory. A rebel-witch alliance is a threat to that order and must be eliminated, simple as that."

"You're very pragmatic," I said quietly. It was the kindest response I could give.

"We're done here." Abel waved his hand dismissively. "Go scamper off to your dreary kingdom. And try not to get shot on the way there."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Duly noted, Abel.

"I think I'd like to stay for the war summit, if you'd let me," I said.

Abel's brow quirked up. "Really?"

"I don't want to just passively pledge my support to you," I said. "I want to help in whatever way I can. Besides, I have valuable intelligence on Daphne Sinclair, including access to one of her former students."

James would kill me for throwing Sabine's name around, but I had to do whatever it took to be in that war summit. I needed to know how Abel planned to destroy Daphne Sinclair.

Abel regarded me for an agonizingly long moment. "Well, then. If you're so determined to prove your worth, the invitation's open."

"I'm glad."

I bowed my head in deference and left the room. If whatever Abel had planned worked, then I'd be rid of not only Daphne but the rebels as well. Losing her support would be a devastating blow to their plans, one that I'd take advantage of with haste. But what will Abel's support cost me?

It didn't matter. Avery was worth any price. Whatever happened, it would all be worth it as long as I got her back. Then we could finally work on putting this twisted ordeal behind us.

Knowing TKC was over at this point makes me want to cry. RIP me. What do you guys think; do you like the direction the story's taken or would you rather have had Avery win the competition and left it at that?

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