Dark Paradise [ BTS Jungkook...

By Enternitae

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He looked at me, his eyes fixed on me, dark red slowly coloring in his dark orbs. "What can I say The moon i... More



3.5K 130 67
By Enternitae


I woke up. My eyes squinted at the sudden light from outside. I raised my hand to rub my eyes and wanted to turn around, but a strong grip held me in place.

"Stay," A rough morning voice whispered. My eyes widened, but then I remembered what happened yesterday. A light smile spread across my face.

"I just wanted to turn around," I whispered back softly. His arm lifted off my waist. As soon as I turned around his arm landed back on my hip. He pulled me closer to him. My face in his chest. His force a little too strong.

"Can't...breathe," I squeal and he releases me whispering a small sorry.

"Close your eyes and stay quiet" He suddenly moves closer placing his head on mine. Our bodies closer than before. The door suddenly opened and I closed my eyes immediately. As silent as possible multiple people walked through the room.

"Aw, look at them, how cute," I heard a voice whisper.

"How did this happen? At first, they drive each other insane and in the next moment they're all cuddly and everything,"

"That's just how this process works, their bodies and minds need each other now that they found each other, there is nothing to stop this," 

What do you mean we need each other? But how? Why?

Just then Jungkook starts to speak up. "Can you guys please be quiet, she's trying to sleep," He grumbles. His breath tickling my skin.

"We'll leave, but please Jungkook treat her well. You know the process for now and you know the consequences it will have when you're not doing things you're supposed to be doing. You need to tell her everything eventually," With those words footsteps were heard as they headed out of the door.

Jungkook sighs. I slowly open my eyes to look up at him. "What do you need to tell me?" His eyes met mine. A small smile set on his face.

"Not now, princess," He says kissing my forehead before getting up out of the bed leaving me dumbfounded. Since when were we that close? I shook off the thought and got out of the bed myself.

He opened the door and waited for me to accompany him downstairs. When we got there he opened one of the doors that was locked before. I just followed him like a lost puppy. We entered a living room. All the others were there already. The only people I know were Yoongi and Jungkook.

"Hyungs, gather around we need to do this" Jungkook spoke. He gently grabbed my hand and pulled me into another room, the others soon followed. There stood a big table surrounded by a lot of chairs. Is this some kind of a conference room?

Jungkook took place at the head of the table, pulling me onto the chair on the right side next to him. As everyone sat down Jungkook scraped his throat glancing at me.

"Minji we need your full attention right now, what you're about to hear will affect your life forever."

Shivers shot down my spine, his deep voice sounded so serious, it gave me the chills.

"Well, as I already told you, I'm prince Jeon Jungkook son of the king and queen, rulers over the vampires, heir to the throne, and you, Minji, you're my soulmate." He started with the information I already knew so I just nodded my head.

"It's extremely rare for a vampire to have a human mate, that's why Namjoon my smartest man went to the library to find out about how and why," Jungkook spoke pointing at the one with toned down green hair.

"But before we get into that I'll let them introduce themselves to you first,"

"Hi I'm Kim Seokjin but you can call me Jin" The one with pink hair and plump lips smiled at me. He's the one that carried me to the other room yesterday. I smiled back at him. Next to him sat Yoongi. "You already know my name but since we're doing this, I'm Min Yoongi, just call me Yoongi" 

"I'm Kim Namjoon but you can call me Namjoon or RM whatever floats your boat"  Greenish grey hair and cute dimples also the smartest one according to Jungkook's words.  "Hi I'm Jung Hoseok but for you, it's Hobi or Hoseok" vibrant orange hair and a heartlike smile, he seems like the person you'd trust, a happy virus that's for sure.

"Hi beautiful my name is Park Jimin but you can call me Jimin or something else if you'd like" He winks, grey silver hair very plump lips and a strong jawline, clearly a flirt, a guy you could have great fun with that's for sure a bit of a pervert but not over the top. The last one, I guess his name was Tae something. He smirked as we made eye contact and I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Well Princess, the name is Kim Taehyung just call me by my name that's enough" pretty face but he gives off a bit of a creepy vibe. I quickly shook it off me and turned my attention back to Jungkook who started talking again. 

"I don't know if you know this or not or if I told you this already but vampires possess special powers. Their power or powers come with their ranking, they can be earned once you're turned or you can be born with them. If you're bitten by a low rank you'll possibly receive a more common power than when you're bitten by a royal or any other high rank. The higher your rank the more uncommon or the more powers you'll receive." 

I blinked at all the information given. Of course, they taught us all about vampires in school but never in my wildest dreams would I have thought about all these things being real. Jungkook's eyes followed my every move, making sure I was okay with all of this. I nodded my head as we made eye contact for him to continue. 

"All vampires have the same basic powers but some of the lowest ranks only have those. The basics powers are superhuman-hearing, -speed, -endurance, and -strength. If you're lucky enough you'll even get night vision and reading minds" 

"Jin owns the powers healing and seeing the future. He can heal everything and anything effortlessly by touching the object of choice, seeing the future is a more uncommon power and it explains itself well." Jungkook stood up from his place and walked over to Jin standing behind him and placing his hands on his shoulders. He walked from 

"Yoongi's powers are more of the dangerous kind. Pyrokinesis and memory manipulation. He can lit everything on fire by just thinking about it, memory manipulation is a rare one, he can control the minds of oneself and others, allowing them to modify, fabricate, suppress, influence, repair, restore, erase, detect, and view them. He can change memories to confuse, wipe away certain memories to cause amnesia, discern and provoke nostalgia, and enter the victim into a psychic vision, replaying their memory which is of course very helpful but dangerous at the same time."

"Namjoon has the powers omnilingualism and invisibility. Omnilingualism is a special power where he can speak, write, understand and communicate in any language, including computer codes, languages he has never been heard before, sign language, lip-reading, illegible words, backwards speech and writing with little or no training. He may even communicate with non-human animals or read body language. The other is less important."

"Hoseok his powers are mind control and telepathy. With mind control, he can control the mind of others with targets being completely subject to their mind control. If the victims were placed into a semi-conscious state, they may not have any recollection of the previous actions that they performed while under its effect. Telepathy is kind of similar to mind control but adds a little bit more things such as reading minds,  communicate with them mentally and/or affect their minds/thoughts." 

"Jimin owns the powers telekinesis and teleportation.  With telekinesis, he can influence, manipulate, move objects and matter with their mind. He can move things or stop things from moving, he can levitate things, hold things or people in place without physical contact etc. As for teleportation it speaks for itself,  he can disappear and reappear everywhere he wants or make objects disappear and reappear without making physical contact. This also counts for both humans and vampires." 

"Taehyung is the only one among us with three powers, he has the powers shapeshifter, duplication and the ability to talk with animals. Shapeshifting is one of the rarest powers among vampires. He can form, transforming and reshaping himself potentially down to his genetic and cellular structure. He can impersonate others or enhance their own body for combat, either by turning into animals, monsters or by making the body stronger. he has particularly flexible abilities and can manipulate their form at will, combining abilities, traits, etc, even being able to form limbs into weapons and reforming after being blown apart by explosives. His other two powers are pretty self-explanatory." 

"Now onto my power," Jungkook starts and I stop him immediately. 

"What? One power?" I ask him and he nods his head looking a little irritated. 

I started to laugh a little finding it extremely funny that such an important vampire has only one power. 

I quickly stopped myself from laughing as I saw him getting angry. 

"I'm sorry, please continue," I say calming myself down, still a little giggly. 

"My power is the rarest power you can find among vampires, only me and my father have it and hopefully it will be passed down to the next generation" He smirked, shooting me a quick wink. 

"What's that so-called rare power of yours?" I asked him folding my hands in front of my chest almost not convincible that it would be 'that' special. 

"Power mimicry" My eyes widened at that. 

"My power is power mimicry"



First of all, we're extremely sorry for not updating in like a month, maybe longer. We died but were back now so everything is okay. 

Both of us were on vacation the past few weeks and because of the lack of wifi, we couldn't do anything. This also came with a huge writer's block which annoyed the hell out of us but we're doing okay now and now that we're both back on track we decided to update our books!!! 

It's been a long wait but in return here is a bigger chapter. 

Second of all, IDOL



IDOL is a bop and you can't disagree with us. We love the answer album and all the songs oh mah gosh. 

Their hair, their outfits, the choreo, the raps, the vocals, the mv itself. 

 ALL of the boys and the music video are: 

Talented. Brilliant. Incredible. Amazing. Show-stopping. Spectacular. Never the same. Totally unique. Completely not ever been done before.  





QOTD: All the boys have powers, which one would you like to have and why? (You can only pick one except Jungkook's since his power is just unfair lmao ) 


EVA: I would like to have Namjoon's power Omnilingualism. I mean if I can speak write read etc. all the languages that would be so cool and fun and I could communicate with everyone around the world!

YASEMIN: I'd like to have Yoongi's power. Sounds awesome to be able to change people their minds etc. and idk it just sounds like some crazy ass shit and i'm down for THAT. skrt.





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