Depression & Obsession//H.S

By freyanivea

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Depression & Obsession don't mix well, but that doesn't stop Angel's art teacher, Mr.Styles, from having an o... More



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By freyanivea


It's been a few weeks since I came back to school from the hospital and surprisingly everyone has been nice to me especially Harry

When Niall came back he wouldn't let go of me and he's been allowed to come to my room as long as Harry is there

I've been working harder in classes since I feel like I've been slacking a lot and Harry's counselling has been a lot more serious which is good I guess because I don't feel the urge the cut as much when I do something wrong

Currently, it's Saturday and it's a rainy day so instead of playing golf Niall and I are in the gym working on our endurance

He sneakily turned up my speed on the running machine every 10 minutes saying "you'll thank me one day" as I rolled my eyes playfully

I was so focused on not tripping over making a fool of myself that I didn't notice Niall had stopped running and someone else turned down the speed

I followed the arms owner to be met with a pair of piercing green eyes staring straight at me I turned back and turned it down to walking past catching my breath before turning it off and stepping away from it

"Mr.Styles..what brings you here?"I panted wiping a towel Niall threw at me around my face and the back of my neck

"I came to do some weight lifting with lou-Mr. Tomlinson but he is still asleep, lazy git" he huffed walking over to the rowing machines "but instead I'm going to row," he remarked sitting down and strapping his feet

"have fun Sir" I smirked as he looked at me flaring his nose before winking

"meet me in the library after super" he pleaded quietly so no one else heard

"if I must" I joked making him smile and quietly saying "yes" to himself whilst I walked away with butterflies in my stomach. Recently we've been spending a lot of time together and I always get butterflies and I don't know why.

"Love is in the air everywhere I look around
Love is in the air every sight and so-" I quickly shoved my hands over Niall's mouth as students look at us funny

"Niel if you don't shut up I will tell Katy that you like her" I whispered angrily pulling my hands away because he licked them "you're disgusting," I said wiping my hands on his arms whilst he burst into laughter but suddenly stopped looking at me seriously

"if you do that her fuck toy will strangle me whilst I sleep" I raised my eyebrows taking ahold of a medicine ball "precisely, now stop slacking n get cracking"

I started to do squats as he came over to my hands-on-hips with an unreadable expression, he looks serious and hurt but at the same time he looks like he wants to laugh "first of all don't call me Niel and second of all that's my catchphrase" I scrunched my nose and stuck my tongue out as he turned around a got a medicine ball and copied my moves

Once we had finished we went back to our rooms to get cleaned up and dressed for the evening

I was tidying my desk when I heard Harry's door open and close telling me that he's back, then minutes later his shower started running

My phone buzzed nearly making me have a heart attack, I opened it to see that Niall wants me to meet him by games room in 5 mins

I shoved my phone in my back pocket and put my trainers on leaving my room after locking it and jogged down the stairs and through the halls being careful not to bump into people

I started to walk as there were more people in the halls now, I walked past a group of boys who turned around and started Woolf whistling at me and making cringe comments

"Let us make you feel good baby girl"

I didn't give them any attention because that's all they want and instead I carried on walking, finally, Niall came into view as he sat on a ledge that faced the courtyard, knees up to his chest with a smile on his face as he watched the girl of his dreams from afar

"Oi lover boy" I shouted causing him to lose balance and fall onto the floor, I started to laugh hysterically as he peered over the top of the ledge but quickly shuffled along the floor and slammed his back against a pillar scowling at me

He motioned for me to get down and be quiet so I covered my mouth to stop laughing and slid my back down a pillar next to his

"Angel what do you think you're playing at?" he whispers shouted furrowing his eyebrows, I shrugged my shoulders and smiled at him causing him to rub his hands over his face before crawling over to me

"Creep" I whispered but he ignored my comment "if she caught me staring at her she would want nothing to with me at all then my chances will be over for sure" he looked over the ledge once more before sighing in relief "she's gone"

I quickly stood up brushing the dirt off before helping him up

"Why did you want me anyways?"I pondered out loud once we started walking away

"Oh yeah, I need you for homework?" He said bluntly turning to me as we neared the artsy side of the school

"The fuck do you mean?" I asked getting a bit worried

"I need to take photos of someone for photography using lighting so I chose you to be my model" he explained whilst we entered the photography room picking up a camera and motioning me to a spot in the room as he pulled down the blinds and turned on a spotlight telling me to stand in front of it

After what seemed like forever he printed out the photos of me and I'm not going to lie they look really good

"I sure hope these are good enough because I'm not redoing that again" I huffed sitting on a desk as he laughed

"No I'm really proud of these actually," he said leaning back in his chair looking at the photos than me

"Shall we go then?" I nodded getting off the desk and beating him to the door laughing as he lifted me up walking me out the door whilst I kicked my legs, squirming in his arms I screeched as he licked the side of my face

"I'm gonna be sick" I groaned wiping my face on his top whilst he put me back on my feet laughing still

"So it's you two making all this noise" I turned to see who's deep voice stopped us in our tracks

"Blimmen hell Harry you scared me" I laughed as he walked towards us letting out a breathy laugh

"Sorry sweetheart" he smirked at me

"We're gonna be late to dinner love birds" Niall hiccuped walking down the hall raising an eyebrow

We all walked down to the dining hall in time for supper as Harry parted with us and went and sat next to Louis whilst me and Niall sat at the end of a table near the teacher's table

Whilst we were eating Niall looked between me and Harry before smirking "have you kissed him yet?" He said chewing his food

"First of all close your mouth when eating and second of all no, what makes you say that?" He rolled his eyes at what I said first

"You two have been spending a lot of time together recently and you both literally have heart eyes for each other," He remarked finishing his food and taking my already finished plate and placing it on top of his

I only hummed in response before getting up "I have to go to the library, I'll see you tomorrow " I smiled at him as he nodded hugging me goodbye

"see you later," he said as we left the hall going different ways

I quietly entered the library smiling to the sweet old librarian before going to the back away from everyone else and choose a book called 'music through the years' and started reading

I was so engrossed in reading the book I didn't realise that someone was stood a few feet away from me until they bent down and lifted my chin up to look at them

I was greeted with warm, piercing green eyes

"Harry!" I whisper shouted "stop scaring me"

He stuck his tongue out as we stood up and I put the book back and turned around back to him

He opened his arms out for me to hug him, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he snaked his arms around my waist

"Why did you want to meet in the library?" my voice was muffled because I was facing the crook of his neck

"because of the homework I gave you, the majority of the class will mostly go online to research but there's a book by the artist himself in this library which has everything you need for the homework" he replied putting me down onto the ground before motioning me to follow him as he scanned the shelves

He picked out a thick book before going to the librarian asking if he could borrow it, she nodded before I and Harry walked back to my room

It's been a few hours and I finished the essay with the unwanted help from Harry

I know that most normal people would love their teachers to basically tell them the answers but I don't, I want to actually succeed and if it's being spoon-fed then when it comes to an exam I'll fail, so every time Harry tried to tell me the answers I'd put my finger to his lips to signal that I want him to be quiet but it wasn't till near the end he suddenly got the message

I stood up from the bed to put the stuff away, I turned around to see that Harry had stood up to holding his hand out for me to take

"what are you doing?" I asked once I took his hand and he went to the door giving me my shoes to put on, letting go of my hand he got a blanket from the bottom of my cupboard finally turning around to face me with a devilish gleam in his eyes as a smirk tugged at his features

"I'm taking you somewhere no one apart from me knows about" and with that he took my hand and led my down the moonlight filled halls to a part of the school I've never seen before

The halls were only lit with the moon bouncing off the glass that was covered in beads of rain as the inside was a layer of dust from years of neglect

The air had a faint smell of smoke as we walked down, even more, the atmosphere was tense as if there were something lurking in the dark spots where the light did not reach or someone was following us with bad intentions

I was scared stiff, my hands and feet were ice blocks as the hairs on my body stood up whilst a shiver ran down my spine creating a lump in my throat preventing me from speaking as if someone was poking their fingers harshly into my neck

We reached a staircase made out of stone like most of the ones in the school but they were lined with maroon carpets unlike this one, this was bare and cold to the touch; unwelcoming

The further we went the more they spiralled and narrowed making us go in a single file till we reached the top where Harry slid his hands underneath my legs telling to jump so he could carry me

"Could you hold this please?" He asked holding the blanket in my face, I took it and put it on his shoulder before placing my head on top like a makeshift pillow

I looked at the ground noticing the floor of grey stone that had been worn out by people walking over them for years and there was no glass in the window pains but instead, there were trees that had grown into the window

Harry suddenly stopped and made a few grunting sounds as he opened a door and walked through donkey kicking it shut before letting me slide through his arms so my feet were back on the ground

"Close your eyes" I did as he asked whilst he held my shoulders turning me around and walking a few steps forward before he said I could see

The first thing that caught my eye was a large window seat with pillows on top before a large pained window that had creamy white curtains with little lavenders printed on

Harry turned on some switches that created a warm and cosy feeling as I looked around to see fairy lights scattered around the room

The floor was like the other ones we've just walked on but it had a carpet on top and in the left corner was a couch with big pillows on each side and in the right corner was a desk with a lamp and pens and pencils with a chair that had a faux fur blanket over the top

There were shelves mostly with candles and cacti's but there were some snow globes and books

"H-Harry what is this? how did you find it?"I asked stuttering because I was dumfounded whilst I turned to him

"Before I came to work here I did some research about this school and I spent hours reading the history" we both walked over to the couch, plonking down and covering ourselves with the blanket

"This school was built in 1888 and was originally for those who let's say had learning difficulties and needed more help than others,

When the first and Second World War came around it became a hospital for those who had shell shock and things like that. Once the war ended this became the school it is today but it was much larger and boys and girls shared lessons,

But in 1973 there was a massive fire in this part of the school because this was the science side and a boy and a girl around your age, who were dating, they were doing an experiment that involved fire and chemicals.

Now both you and I know they don't mix well but clearly, they didn't. They were apparently kissing or whatever and well...whatever happened only three people survived in that class

This side was in flames for hours until it was put out leaving what you see today. From that day boys and girls were separated to prevent silly little distractions happening again.

This site hasn't been used since then and the reason why is because they say there are chemicals in the air still, which isn't true, and it will cost a lot to refurbish and maintain." whilst he was explaining so many questions popped into my head

"that day you and Niall went out for the day the school was extremely quiet so I decided to walk around site seeing, I came across that old door with the no entry sign on and well I opened it and bam I found this.

During the nights I took some stuff up like the desk and couch and then I ordered some glass for the window and added little things to make this place cosy."

"it's amazing" I whispered mainly to myself but loud enough so he could hear

"you must not tell anyone, not even Niall...this is our secret" he warned making me nod hastily

"Oh and one more surprise," he said clicking his fingers, he picked me up and placed me on the window seat as I watched him make the couch click, he then pulled it out making a bed

"We have a bed" he beamed falling back on it making grabby hands to me so I walked over about to sit down but he pulled me on top of him causing me to squeal

"heyyyy" I laughed grabbing a pillow using it as a shield from him licking my cheek like he always does

He relaxed a bit so I pulled the pillow away to see him grinning like an idiot before flipping us around causing me to squeal

"Hey Angel can I ask you something?" He asked looking straight into my eyes

"Yeah" I replied uncertainly of what he would ask

"Well there's this girl on my mind and I think I've fallen so hard for her and I don't know know what to say to her, can you help me?" my heart sank knowing he likes someone else and the fact he would ask me for advice

"Well I-I think you should tell her because life without love is no life at all I guess" I stuttered feeling a lump in my throat

"Okay...Angel are you upset?" He grabbed my face to look at him but I closed my eyes sighing heavily through my nose

"Can't you see, you're the girl I'm talking about?" he remarked biting his lip nervously after my eyes shot open

Before I could respond he cut me off "you know that day when it was really sunny so you and Niall went running around the track?" I simply nodded watching his eyes flicker not knowing which eye to look at

"Well I was in the stands trying to get inspiration for a project that I'm doing and I noticed you two running and pulling faces, then it started to rain heavily but that didn't stop you from running and I was sheltered anyways so I stayed

After a few laps, Niall fell and he looked like he had really hurt himself so I was about to move but my feet wouldn't move when I saw you fall to his side

Trying to help him and I could see you were really worried and were about to cry till he started laughing then you got really angry for a few seconds before laughing hysterically

I stood there watching you two on the ground in the heavy rain, no one else around, laughing till you couldn't breathe and I've noticed you always put people before you even if they're unkind you still respect them

I love the way when you say something funny you laugh so hard that you can't finish it and the way your eyes crinkle when you smile showing your little dimple on your right cheek and a deeper one on your left cheek

I love the way you stick your tongue out and frown when you're concentrating and you start to hum the song from the hobbit called ever ah 'song of the lonely mountain'

Or how you speak to yourself or mumble in your sleep in Danish and try to teach me it and not giving up even when I can't pronounce simple things

Or when you stare at me and I notice but you still continue to stare as I do with you

The list goes on forever but all these little things make it so hard to hate you and-"I quickly cut him off by placing my hand over his mouth

I pulled my hand away slowly and placing it on his cheek "Harry you know when I stare at you in class, the dining hall and where ever?" he slowly nodded shifting his body

"well that's because I feel like no one is around and it's just us two and I have this weird feeling at the bottom of my tummy but it's addictive because I feel safer as I think about you" I admitted feeling my cheeks burn. This sounded better in my head but now that I've said it, it sounds so corny and embarrassing

"Sorry I'm not good with words" I whispered watching his lips curl into his classic smirk

3rd P E R S O N

He knew what he wanted to do here, almost every night he had fantasies about her.

His arms were becoming weak from hovering over her fragile body but he was scared if he put his weight on her she'd suffocate

This urge boiled deep inside him to the point where it was agonizing, he placed his body between her legs carefully, scanning her sky blue eyes with dark blue rings around like an ocean after a storm, he leaned in closing his eyes as she did the same

He smashed his heart-shaped lips onto her plump ones, fireworks emitted from their connection as they hungrily attacked the other's lips

Unbeknown to Harry this was Angel's first kiss, she knew what to do because when she was younger Callum was drunk and he told her what to do as he sat on Lukes couch swaying side to side

He told her where to put her hands and whatnot, she didn't think it was weird because she was used to Callum being like this when he's drunk.

She slid her hand around to the nape of his neck deepening the kiss as she gently pulled on his curls causing him to moan and bite her bottom lip making her gasp

He took this opportunity to let his tongue swipe her lip before they fought for dominance, Harry, of course, winning as she pulled his body closer to hers by gripping his lilac knitted jumper in her small hand as the other one was held above her head by Harry pinning it down whilst he held her jaw, scared to let go like she'd disappear

They pulled away gasping for air "sometimes actions speak louder than words" he laughed looking into her hazy eyes that crinkled as she smiled showing her dimples that matched his although hers were much deeper

The young girl underneath him was like someone he could only dream off

Her golden hair sprawled out on the pillows, her big eyes glossy as she looked into his, her little button nose and high cheekbones it was as if god carved her features, her long black eyelashes reaching her eyebrows that were a shade darker than her hair and her plump lips that were now red and swollen

When Harry first laid eyes on her in class he knew she was different, she didn't try to impress him by opening her legs or push her breasts together like the rest of the class instead she started to sketch not paying attention to whoever was speaking

When he walked past her during class he was wafted with her sweet scent of an English garden, that day he knew he wanted to get in her pants but after a few days he started to feel something

She was all he thought about and it was scaring him but like a drug, he was addicted to her

She brought his head down and kissed him just as passionately as before

He went to below her ear and started to leave wet kisses "the things you do to me" he whispered in her ear as her head fell back so he could get more access

She ran her fingers through his hair before letting a moan slip past her lips as he found her sweet spot leaving a mark

He kissed up her jaw back to her lips, he knew if he didn't stop he'd take her right there and then but he wanted it to be special for her so he unwilling pulled away

He fell beside her as she turned to him placing her hand on his chest and snuggling her head into the crook of his neck as he wrapped her in his arms stroking her golden locks before pulling the sheets over them

They weren't meant to stay there but they did because neither wanted to move and be separated from the warmth that held them tightly so they fell asleep

Harry's dreams finally became true as Angel finally felt a new emotion that she couldn't get enough off

AN: long-ass chapter sorry not sorry

So thoughts on Harry and Angel?

Sorry, this took some time to write I was thinking about loads of little ways things could have gone so yeah I got sidetracked like all ways :/

Keep voting and sharing and stuff

Lotta love xoxoxo

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