Galaxias: Retaliation

By WingedWarrior1731

746 129 105

Second place in The Rising Star Awards # 9 in Science-fiction # 28 in Survival (A Wattpad featured story) "So... More

Author's Note and Copyright
Never Getting On The Bad Side
Trouble Magnet
Rebel Sympathisers
Attacked by the Chitauri
Birth of the Rebel Alliance
Failed Mission
Being the Badass
A Clash with Destiny
Harsh Reality
Strange Confessions
X Factor
Confessions and Unanswered Questions
Captured by a Storm
Twisting Circumstances
Answers (Part 1)
Answers (Part 2)
In Transit
In the Lion's Den
The Final Battle Begins
We Fight Back!

Capturing London

35 5 5
By WingedWarrior1731

Narrator's POV

"Some competition at last!" Corvus exclaimed in relief as he drove his glaive into the heart of a human. Beside him, Ebony was busy dodging laser fire and tending to the wounded Cull Obsidian.

"Really, Glaive?" Ebony sighed." Cull is bleeding to death and you're excited about competition?"

"Hey, this is the first time we are encountering some resistance from the pathetic humans!" Corvus ducked to dodge a missile." And besides, everyone knows that you can heal that clumsy ox."

"Hey!" Cull drawled." If you'd been a little more watchful, maybe the building wouldn't have collapsed on me."

"Yeah yeah." Corvus shouted and raised his weapon." Chitauri, advance!"

Ebony sighed." He'll never grow up."

The Chitauri advanced, their weapons hot and armed, yet they met with a strong resistance from the Rebels. The longer they attacked, the more the humans resisted. Slowly yet steadily, they kept on reclaiming lost ground and pushed the aliens back.

The Chitauri relied more on their advanced weaponry and arms, while the humans stressed on their speed and skill. Swiftly, they would run through the alien army, blasting them, bombing them to shards. Dodging sniper fire, the "suicide bombers" would charge blindly at the army, destroying hundreds of aliens at a time.

"We're losing ground!" Ebony shouted as he shot down a sniper from a rooftop.

The whole of London had become a warzone. Running through no-man's-land, dodging enemy fire, ducking behind bullet-ridden walls-the humans effectively fought back against the alien invaders.

The Chitauri fought mercilessly, but the taste of freedom, the hatred towards the alien invaders, the crave to avoid subjugation, and the desire to fight for the safety of their fellow species pushed the humans to such desperation that they hesitated in nothing to fight for freedom. There were heavy casualties on both sides, yet the humans fought relentlessly, mercilessly, desperately in order to stand against the oppression. They threw themselves in the line of fire,knowing that they would die, yet not hesitating to pay the ultimate price in order to retrieve their freedom. Slowly, they pushed the Chitauri back.

"Army, fall back!" Ebony shouted. Grabbing the injured Cull, he stumbled back towards higher ground while Glaive covered their retreat.

"Tank incoming!" Corvus shouted." They're lining up!"

Ebony cursed. Stacking Cull behind a wall, he joined Corvus in keeping the humans at bay. Even then, they were way too close for comfort.

The tank roared, blasting the nearby aliens to pieces. Structures came falling down, gunfire echoed as the Chitauri kept falling back.

"We're done for if we can't destroy that tank!" Ebony noted as he shot two more humans." The armour is too thick for our blasters."

"I've got an idea!" Corvus exclaimed." Cull, use your axe."

Grunting, Cull sat up. Clutching his axe, he swung it over his head twice before launching it towards the tank.

It exploded with a deafening noise, sending sharpnel, ammo and human flesh everywhere.

"You did it!" Corvus smiled as he readied his glaive." But they're still coming!"

"Shit."Ebony cursed suddenly as a blaster cut through him like a metal blade. He had seen it coming, yet he couldn't avoid the beam in time, extending right into the centre of his heart. Every muscle gripped tight. He felt as if he was being electrocuted, but the pain didn't stop. It seized his entire body. Pain erupted in his brain, so violent that everything became a blur and he blacked out, then woke, all in a matter of seconds.

He heard Corvus's shout of rage directed at the humans as he saw Ebony being hit. He kept in deflecting the laser fire, protecting his injured brothers. But it looked grim for him too.

Suddenly, blaster fire descended on the humans. The front line of the advancing Rebels got scattered as a large barrage of gunfire descended upon them. Ebony saw the humans flying back, engulfed by fire, all in a thick silence as if he was no longer in his body. The blood in his veins drained away." Is this how it ends for me?" He thought.

A palm hit his chest hard. The momentary pain was too fast for Ebony to register. He painfully opened his eyes to see a tall figure looking down at him. He was thoroughly dressed in black, his visor pulled down. Even in this moment, Ebony felt a pinge of fear. The heat from his hand shot through Ebony's heart, then seeped into his body, reshaping the mess which the blaster fire had made in his insides.

"I decide when you die." Nemesis said between clenched teeth.

The pain was unbearable, and Maw directed his focus on Nemesis, who called him back from the oblivion which threatened to take Ebony forever.

Then there was a small explosion in his chest, the first beat of his reformed heart. The heat of Nemesis's palm spread like a medicine finally taking effect, releasing all the muscles and leaving behind a welcome warmth. Nemesis's dark eyes searched his own, looking for evidence of the healing taking effect.

Maw started to breath hastily,his breaths coming out in slow, irregular intervals. He felt no more pain. He felt more alive than he'd ever been, his whole being teeming with life. Sound rushed back to his ears, booming. Reality returned. The blurs became sharp. He looked at his saviour. Why had he resented this person? Why had he grumbled when his father introduced this man to the team? The could rule the galaxies together, as brothers and sister.

Nemesis stood up, his sword clutched in his hand. His height towered above everything around him, his being radiating with power, like a sun at the centre of a galaxy, pulling everything towards him.

Ebony looked at him in awe and reverence, at the person he once hated, the person whom he would not hesitate to call Commander.

The sound of a blaster jerked Ebony back to reality. He quickly tried to sit up, but Nemesis pushed him back down. The unspoken message was clear: Do not move.

Ebony tried one more time." But...but...the humans...."

"Leave them to us, brother." He turned his head slowly at the famaliar voice, and his heart leapt at the wonderful sight. Midnight stood in full battle armour, a plasma cannon in hand, leading a full squadron of Chitauri. There was no time to welcome her, as both sides opened fire.


"Is it over?" Ebony asked. Midnight nodded.
"They stood no chance against us. My squadron took them apart. What was left of them, that is."

"What do you mean 'what was left of them'?" Ebony asked in confusion. Midnight gave a thin smile.

"You should have seen Nemesis. After they attacked again, Corvus dragged you and Cull to our ship for better medical attention. He healed you totally, by the way. His wrath upon the humans was a sight to behold."


"He launched himself in rage like a tiger at his prey. Massacring the human ranks alone, he destroyed their whole army himself. Not one blaster fire could reach him, such was the skill of his sword. Father wasn't kidding when he said he could take us all on."

"Okay." Ebony sighed.

Midnight patted her brother's head." Rest. We'll be going back shortly."

She strolled out of their ship. The battle had ended, and death and destruction remained. Carefully dodging past the broken buildings and bodies on the ground, she made her way to Nemesis, who was clutching the human leader by the throat. The other surviving humans were being rounded up for interrogation.

Nemesis threw the man aside like a rag doll. Holding him by the collar, he brought his face at the same level as his own.

"Tell me, where are your superiors?" He asked, his calm tone foreboding, like the calm before a storm.

The man gritted his teeth and scowled." I'll die before I talk."

"I believe you." And with that, Nemesis plunged his sword into the man's heart.

Question of the chapter: What do you feel about Nemesis?

Hi guys. Updating after a long time. I owed you a better chapter after "Trouble Magnet" I guess. I hope you liked this one. How did you like this chapter? It took quite some time for me to write.
I just returned yesterday from the Sunderbans. It was an awesome trip! We stayed there three days, 11 of us students, and three teachers. It was an amazing and totally out of the world experience! You should check it out too!
Please don't forget to vote and comment.

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