Shooting Star, Saviour

By nelenawritesxoxo

27.1K 891 106


Shooting Star, Saviour
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 36

508 19 1
By nelenawritesxoxo

Selena went back to the studio with me while Joe went to get Demi. We were going to meet at Culina's by Beverly Hill, the menu is one that suits Selena's stomach the best.

We headed out the studio in silence, not speaking much until we got to the car. I opened it for her and she replied, "Thanks."

I got in and started the engine, we were just making out way into the beautiful thing at 4 o'clock called Los Angeles' rush hour traffic.

She turns to me, and I felt her hand overlapping mine that was resting on my thigh. I turned to her, since traffic was moving slowly and did not require me to pump much gas.

"I'm sorry I walked out," her voice came out a little hoarse, as she fidgeted our fingers, "The song was beautiful, it really was Nick."

I waited for her to continue.

"But it was also emotional for me," she explains, meeting my eyes, "Don't get me wrong, its emotionally good but also saddening."

"I know," it came out almost like a whisper, I interwined our fingers, "But I wrote it a few nights ago, and I want to--"

She came close and enclosed my lips with hers, pulling away slowly, that I still felt her warmth breath on my lips, "I love you."

I smiled pulling her back from behind, my hand presses on the small of her back. Our lips collide again, her hand gropes on my shirt. She was about to pull away, but I kept her close, greeted by a smile.

She starts to giggle as my kisses became a little sloppy, finally pulling away.

"We're going to get honked at," she giggles against my lips.

"Fine," I pout, pecking her nose before she shifts on her seat, "Can we just ditch the dinner?"

She burst out laughing, "No! I haven't seen Demi in so long and it is just too cute that they're back together."

Soon we arrived to the Italian restaurant, it wasn't too filled up yet but a line was starting. Usually they required a reservation, but I suppose Joe had connections.

The waitress gave me a flirty smile as I tried to look away, I looked at Selena who pretended like she saw nothing. But she was probably mainly trying to act like a friend than a jealous girlfriend.

The brunnette led us to a table on the patio, where Joe and Demi were giggling and whispering into one another's ears. Selena smiles widely, running over and collided into Demi's arm.

She got a lot skinnier, and her hair was ombreyed, she looked wackier and more rocker style than in high school. But it was so her, so original.

I smiled too and tried to give Demi a hug from her and Selena's squeals. Demi releases Selena and gives me the same treatment: embracing me tightly like wanting to strangle my airways.

"Oh my gosh Nick!" Demi brings me so close my airways were about to pop, "I haven't really seen you personally in so long, I meant magazines yea... but omg!"

I laughed and hugged her back, "Well how about we have a seat first."

People in the restaurant began to stare, and some elderlies there even gave us dirty looks. We finally sat down and ordered our food.

"I can't believe you're a producer," Selena comments with a pellucid smile.

"Me neither, I mean one day I was just getting an internship and gosh.. the next I met Harold Jenkins, he owns the studio, and he just heard some of my pieces than BAM" she claps her hand together, "the deal was signed and here I am."

"That's my girl," Joe kisses her feeling all noble. Demi just giggles and pulls away, then looking at us.

"Are you two...?" she points, watching us suspiciously.

"Actually--" I wanted to tell Demi the truth because I feel like I could be frank with her.

"No," Selena buds in with a laugh, even shuffling away a bit, "He's with Olivia."

I gave her a look and she notices it but brushes it off. But Demi knew me just to well that she could see the distressed by Selena's answer.

"Hmm... I thought you guys were always the cuter ones, I actually expected you guys to be together more than me and Joe," Demi utters.

Joe than coughs, breaking the awkward silence Demi led on. He brings his glassware up to he middle and raises it, "To our reunion and a new beginning."

"To our reunion," we all said and clashed our glass together.

Dinner went smooth, no one bothered about the topic with me and Selena anymore. But I glanced at her way too often that Demi keeps eyeing us, she nudges me under the table and nods to Selena.

My eyes widen and shook my head with a goofy smile.

She rolls her eyes, "Hey, I'm actually getting a bit tired. Sorry to be such a party pooper."

"Party pooper," I chuckle, "You and Selena could have a competition on that one."

Selena eyes me than chuckles too, getting the choke, "It's alright, it's getting a bit late I should probably head home too."

"Yup," Joe agrees and calls for the bill. We treated the girls and headed out the restuarant, we parted ways by the front of the restaurant where the bust boy drove up to us handing over our car keys.

"It was really great seeing you again Dems," Selena moved forward to embrace her and Demi did so too, giving a friendly hug.

"Call me so we could hang some time," Demi snuggles into her.

Selena giggles, "For sure," and they pulled away as I gave her a hug too.

"Alright, good n--" Joe said.

"Smile here.... over here... c'mon guys.... are you on a date Nick?... Joe is that your new girl? Who is she?.... HEY its the same brunnette...." the questins threw at us as the flashes came, binding our eyes.

Joe and I immediately tried to get into the car, I covered Selena, trying to hide her face from them. The paparazzi just continues to hover over us, it was getting harder and harder to get into our vehicles.

The security guard from the restaurant had to come out to escort them away from us as it was beginning to cause some serious public disturbance.

Selena looked hid under my embrace as I got her into the car first. Joe and Demi didn't really had to care because they didn't have a relationship in the industry, well now they do, just before it wasn't someone famous.

Demi got in quickly and so did Joe.

Not long both our vehicles stroded off, and the engine faded from the restaurant. I was just wondeirng when they were about to show, did they know about this dinner? Was that what they were waiting for?

I was so angry with them, I hated how they got pictures of Selena.

I punched the wheel, it frightened Selena as she jumped from my gesture.

"God.. I hate them," I hissed, trying to not look back.

"It's okay.." Selena cooed, brushing her hand on my bicep. But I was too frustrated, I flung her hand off. And immediately regretting it, hearing her hand drop on the hard cup holders. She winces a little.

"I'm sorry," I turned to her concerned and she shakes it off softly

"It's alright I'm not hurt," she promises, "Look Nick, don't worry about these things, news come and go, and so do gossips."

"But I don't want you to be up there," I sighed, parking the car under my flat, "I don't want them to hurt you."

Her smile softens, cupping my cheeks, "As long as you're with me, no one could hurt me. I trust you."

"I love you," I held her hands that was on my cheek.

"I know," she nods, pressing her lips on my cheek.

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