No Turning Back (A HTTYD Fanf...

By HttydFanatic

228K 4.5K 3.8K

Banished from Berk for befriending a Night Fury, Hiccup and Toothless leaves Berk and they are never to retur... More

Author's Notes
Twenty One


4.5K 105 56
By HttydFanatic

Hey guys so as you know I have decided to continue this fic.

To be honest, I was kinda hesitant about posting this chapter because I thought you might find it boring and you might want to try to force me to change it, like some people from the comments in the previous chapter. So Idk if you will like this chapter.

It will probably disappoint you an I can never forgive myself for that.
But you wanted a chapter after so many weeks, so I decided to type it up. But still I don't know what your reactions will be. You might not read my story again after this chapter.

After the long wait, here is the chapter you have been waiting for.


Stoick couldn't believe his eyes. There standing in front of him was his son; the boy he thought had been mauled to death by that wretched Night Fury; the boy he banished and disowned years ago.

Guilt stabbed his heart, realising his mistake.

It hadn't been his intention to banish the boy, but he only did for the best of his people. But the real reason was he had blindly followed ancient Viking laws without thought.

Yet, here his son was, albeit different, but in good shape.

He was alive, yet the Chief believed he was being delusional.

Hiccup was dead. He attended his funeral years ago. He remembered that day like it was yesterday.

He believed that Night Fury had turned against the boy, despite being claimed he was a creature that was misunderstood.

Stoick knew how these dragons were. They were heartless monsters, devouring countless lives.

Maybe Stoick was dreaming right now. He'll wake up and the boy in front of him would disappear; like he was just part of his memories.

"Hiccup?" Stoick choked out is words. He tilts his chin, staring the boy up and down in disbelief.

Stoick had to admit, the young Viking had grown so much since the last time he saw him.

"Is that really you, son?"

Hiccup nodded, holding back tears.

Right now, he had an impulse to fall into his father's son. But he held back, knowing his father was still angry about everything.

"Hi, Dad," Hiccup managed to say, "I guess you weren't expecting to see me, huh? Look, I know I'm not supposed to be here," he frowned, lowering his eyes, "Y-you banished me. I'm sorry I'm not the Viking you wanted. I'm sorry I can't kill dragons. I don't see them as horrible monsters, dad. They're kind, amazing creatures, who are misunderstood. I know I went against traditions, but maybe change isn't a bad thing. Change is-''

To his surprise, Hiccup felt his father's large arms wrapped around him, embracing him in a hug.

Tears. They were the most unusual things Hiccup saw rushed down the Chief's melancholy face.

"Oh, son. I'm...I'm sorry for banishing you..." he choked between sobs, "All this time...I regret what i did. I never meant to hurt you. I didn't realise how much you mean to me,"

Stoick pulled away from the embrace. He fixed his gaze onto Hiccup's stunned green gaze.

"I thought I lost you. We all thought you...the Night Fury killed you. So," he gave a bewildered look, "how did you do it? How did you survived that dragon? Did it try to hurt you? Where have you been all this time?"

Hiccup stared at the ground, avoiding his father's stern, but curious gaze.

He drew a breath.

During the flight to Berk, Hiccup tried to plan how he would explain to his father about Toothless. He thought about explaining about the Isle of Edon; about how he found his mother there.

There were so many things Hiccup wanted to say. Yet, he wasn't sure how to begin.

"Dad...I can explain," Hiccup scratched his neck nervously, "But there is a lot to take in,"

Stoick lifted a brow, suddenly intrigued. He sat in his chair, eagerly listening to what tales Hiccup has yet to share.

Hiccup glanced around his surroundings.

In truth, it felt good to be back on Berk. It hadn't really changed much, especially his house.

The distinct smell of smoke and earth combined when he entered reminded him of memories growing up here.

They remind him he was still a Berkian, albeit residing in Edon now.

"Son, tell me what happened," Stoick broke Hiccup out of his thoughts, "Where did you go? I'm curious to know,"

Hesitantly, Hiccup pulled up a chair, and then met his father's gaze.

A sigh escaped from his as Hiccup prepared to explain himself.

First, Hiccup told Stoick about how he and Toothless crash landed in the Isle of Edon during a frightening storm. Soon after, they settled into the island, and met some friendly faces.

Of course, Hiccup left out the moment when he almost drowned because Toothless was after a salmon.

Who can blame him, though? The Night Fury was starving after a long journey.

Stoick wasn't convinced this Night Fury named 'Toothless' wouldn't harm Hiccup. He was a dragon; a beast that can rip a man to shreds.

Even if his son claimed Toothless to be this kind animal, still, Stoick needed evidence.

Though, he was more curious about this Isle of Edon.

"Edon. Hmm, I have never heard of such a place," Stoick stroke his beard, deep in thought.

"It's an island south of the Archipelago. A one day trip from Berk, if by dragons," Hiccup explained.

Stoick lifted a brow, "And these people...ride dragons? They thrive among dragons?" he gave an incredulous look, "Are they not afraid what these beasts can do?"

Hiccup shook his head, "No, these people have lived among dragons for centuries. They are assigned with a dragon from birth, and, well, they train and bond with them as they grow. Dad, this place is amazing. I've learnt so much about them, about their culture, about dragons. These people are Vikings, who don't kill to survive. They don't see dragons as bloodthirsty monsters. They see them as kind, intelligent-''

"Dragons and people living together?" Stoick brushed that thought aside in disbelief, "That's impossible. We all know dragons and humans cannot get along. We were at war for three-hundred years, Hiccup,"

Hiccup flinched at the seriousness in Stoick's voice.

"A dragon even killed your mother," Stoick paused, saddened by the tragic loss of his beloved wife; the woman Hiccup never knew.

Or so he thought.

Hiccup shook his head, "No, Dad. She isn't dead. I actually met her. And she's been rescuing dragons for the last seventeen years. She has a dragon sanctuary. It's amazing,"

Stoick's eyes shot wide open, "Val? She's alive? You met your mother?" he paused, frowning in disbelief, "B-but she was taken away by that dragon that night. We thought she was dead,"

"The dragon that took her is Cloudjumper, a Stormcutter," Hiccup explained, "And he didn't hurt mom. He actually bonded with her. Just like Toothless and me. Mom also lives with me in Edon. I..." he smiled at the thought of his mother, "I'm glad to have met her, Dad. She's shown me so many things about dragons,"

Stoick lifted a perplexed brow. He wanted to believe Valka was alive, but that idea seems so absurd, so farfetched.

"Why did she not return to Berk with you?" he asked, quite disappointed.

Hiccup thought back to the conversation he had with his mother the day before.

"Dad, mom misses you. She would have love to come," he drew a crestfallen breath, "but she wasn't sure if coming here would be a good idea. She isn't used to being back in a place where people kill dragons, especially since she rides one. To be honest, I felt that way too. But I needed to come back to see you,"

Hiccup was about to tell Stoick about how he and Toothless saved Berk from the Red Death. But perhaps that is a conversation saved for another time. When he was ready to tell.

"So, how is Val anyway?" Stoick asked, interested, "You know, I would love to see her again,"

Hiccup nodded. He knew how his father would slip his mother in their conversations when he was growing up.

"She's doing fine," he replied, "Dad; she didn't mean to leave you and me. She had to leave because...she couldn't kill dragons. Just like me. She thought leaving would be best for the both of us, especially for me. But she tells me she regrets it,"

Stoick was left speechless. Now knowing the reason his beloved wife left, questions spiralled in his head, desperate for answers.

For a moment, the two of them said nothing. But silence was they needed to process everything said for the last twenty minutes.

"How long will you be staying here?" Stoick asked after a brief silence, "Will you be going back to Edon?"

Hiccup hummed in response, "Yes, Edon is my home now; but that doesn't mean Berk is too. I plan to stay for a couple weeks. I...I wanted to see how everything is," he paused, giving a glum look, "Dad, am I still banished?"

Guilt stabbed inside him, remembering that day when he denounced Hiccup as his Viking heir.

He had been blinded by rage that day. He thought banishment would be a decent decision when it only caused the Chief to hate himself for it.

Now that Hiccup was here, banishing him was irrelevant. That day was nothing but a nightmare.

Now, Stoick needed to focus on the present. He needed to forget of such a deed that happened long ago now.

"Son, you're no longer banished," Stoick declared, and then frowned, "You're welcome to visit here. I shouldn't have banished you in the first place. It had been my mistake, my wrong doing. Will you ever forgive me?"

Although Hiccup was still hurt by that ordeal, he shouldn't hold a grudge. After all, what's done is done.

"I forgive you," Hiccup replied with a smile, "Maybe we could start over?"

Stoick chuckled wholeheartedly, "I'd love to, son. You probably need some rest. You had a long journey, I presume,"

Yawning, Hiccup felt drowsiness kick in. He clambered up the stairs to his old room, then collapsed on his old rickety bed.

For a moment, he glanced at his drawings on the wall and his desk, where it was always a cluttered mess of sketches and brushes.

Soon, he closed his eyes, and drifted to sleep.


Hiccup wasn't sure how long he was asleep, but by the time he was up, it had been almost lunch time.

He was going to head to the Great Hall to grab something for him and Toothless.

After all, he wasn't going to mingle with the others in the Great Hall, especially since it wasn't safe for him to yet.

Hiccup decided to go for a walk around the village, though being as discretely as he could.

He didn't want to capture anybody's attention.

It didn't take him long until he reached the arena, the place where dragons used to be killed.

Now that the dragons no longer attacked, he wasn't sure what the arena was used for.

Hiccup sat in between the metal bars, swinging his legs. He clasped his hands onto the bars as he gaze down at the arena below.

Flashbacks of his dragon training days rushed through his mind.

Before he freed Toothless in the woods, Hiccup was eager to kill dragons like everyone else. But after learning that dragons weren't horrible beasts that kill on sight, Hiccup decided he couldn't kill dragons.

It was against everything he believed in.

Yet, his father had been the one to force him to do dragon training without giving Hiccup a chance to have a say.

As he reminisces about his past life, Hiccup thought about the other teens.

He wondered how much they've changed over the past two years. If they didn't kill dragons, what did they do now?

Will they remember him if they saw him? Would they want to even see him?

Anxiety rushed through his veins the more he thought about them. Maybe he was being a wee bit dramatic here.

"Hiccup, is that you?" Hiccup stopped in his tracks. He whirled around to find Astrid wielding her axe.

Sweat ran down her face, and it was no surprise that she had been out practising.

With her were Fishlegs and Snotlout, who had the same surprise expressions as Astrid.

Then Hiccup notice two people were missing; the twins.

"What? You're alive?" Fishlegs exclaimed, shocked, "We thought you were dead!"

"What are you doing here anyway?" Snotlout crossed his arms, frowning, "Didn't Uncle Stoick banished you? Shouldn't you be dead?"

Snotlout was known to hide any emotion.

It was no secret that he was glad to see his cousin again. But he chose not to show signs that he cared about him being back.

Ever since Hiccup left Berk, Snotlout hadn't stop to worry about his cousin. He felt bad about taking his place, and wish he hadn't been so heartless and cruel to him in the past.

There were times where he could give anything to see his cousin again. Now, his wish had come true.

Astrid shot Snotlout a glare.

"Hey guys," Hiccup smiled sheepishly, "You probably didn't expect to see me again, right?"

Snotlout scoffed, "No. We thought you got lost in the wilderness or something," he sniggered to himself, "So, why are you here? I thought that Night Fury ate you. You're supposed to be dead, right?"

Astrid shot him a murderous glare, "Seriously, Snotlout? Why don't you knock it off already? Of course Hiccup isn't dead, you muttonhead,"

Ever since the day Hiccup was banished, Astrid knew his Night Fury companion would never hurt him. She knew he was alive all this time, exploring the world, while keeping his companion safe.

She had waited for her friend to come back, and now that he was, Astrid was relieved.

As Astrid was about to beat Snotlout, Hiccup raised his hand, stopping them.

"No, I'm not dead. I didn't get eaten,"

After two years, the others have changed a bit.

Though, personality-wise, Hiccup  didn't think they've changed at all.

But it was good to see them again, nonetheless.

"And I didn't get lost in the wilderness," Hiccup went on, "I found a place to stay; the Isle of Edon. You never believe it, these people live with dragons. It's incredible,"

Fishlegs gasped in excitement, "Oh! I heard about that place. From a book I read. So, what's it like there?"

Hiccup glanced at the three teens. He knew he had many things to tell.

They probably had so many questions to ask, and answers eager to be answered.

Hiccup glanced back at the forest in the distance. He knew he needed to check up on Toothless, in case anything happens to him.

But maybe there was nothing for him to worry about.

After all, the Night Fury couldn't fly without him. He was in the cove, which was secluded from the village.

So no Vikings could ever find him.

"It's a great place," Hiccup sighed with contentment, "I've met so many great people, and learnt more about dragons than I could imagine,"

Astrid nodded, intrigued, "So, does your Dad know you're here?" her face suddenly faltered, "Stoick hasn't been in the best state. Believe me when I say he misses you. He thought you were dead. Most of us did. He regrets banishing you. It had been a mistake, believe me,"

Hiccup nodded, "I...spoke to him this morning. To be honest, I thought he would be mad that I'm here when he threatened for me to never return. But he seems relieved and kinda happy. Not the reaction I was expecting, though," he paused, remembering one specific thing Stoick said, "And, he said I'm welcome here, I guess. We both agreed to start over,"

The others exchanged looks, and then shrugged it off. They never thought their Chief would be quick to forgive a 'traitor' so easily and forget their wrong deeds.

Even if the so-called 'traitor' happens to be his own son.

But knowing Stoick had regret such a decision, announcing Hiccup as his son again was one step to setting things right.

"What happened to your leg?" Snotlout eyed Hiccup's prosthetic leg suspiciously. He let out a snort, "Did you get bitten by a dragon, huh, Useless?"

Useless. That was a nickname Snotlout would often call Hiccup when they were younger.

Back then, Hiccup would see that nickname as an insult, but now it didn't really bother him as much. He has learned to brush off that nickname as a joke.

Hiccup stared sheepishly at the ground, "Well, it's kind of a long story,"

Hiccup stared at the ground, as he gathered as his thoughts. He drew a breath and began to explain.

"Berk hasn't been getting attacks because...I ended the three hundred year war between Vikings and dragons,"

The others stared at the young Viking with disbelief and confusion.

"The dragons only attacked Berk because they were enslaved by their queen; the Red Death," Hiccup went on, "Toothless found this nest, and together, we fought off their queen with the other dragons' help," Snotlout and Fishlegs exchanged surprised looks. Only Astrid seem to be less surprised. She had seen the nest when Toothless accidently took her and Hiccup there.

What they saw was the most terrifying beast that could have doomed all humans and dragons if the beast wasn't defeated.

"Guys, dragons are not as bad as we thought. They're only misunderstood,"

This seems to intrigue the teens, yet part of them could only brush off the idea that the Night Fury, the unholy offspring of lightning and death wasn't harmful.

"Berk could live among dragons," Hiccup declared, "I've learnt so much about dragons. I could prove you they're not beasts. Change -"

He was suddenly cut off by a familiar male voice.

"Guys, you would not believe what we just saw. It was awesome,"

Interrupting their conversation were the twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, who had wide grins on their faces.

"Yeah. It was so cool!" Ruffnut exclaimed in agreement.

The others exchanged weird, yet intrigued looks.

Although the twins looked older, and a little different, Hiccup thought they were still the crazy, weird Thorston twins he knew.

Growing up, Hiccup was always the primary target of the twins' bullying, led by Snotlout.

So he wasn't exactly that much close to the twins. He didn't know them too well, except the fact they were the ultimate troublemakers in the village.

But he was glad to see them again.

"We saw a dragon! In this cove place," Tuffnut declared, "It was big, covered in black scales, and had huge green eyes. It was awesome and scary," he turned to Hiccup, and gave a casual wave, "Oh, what's up, Hic? Did anything mu- wait, Hiccup? Is that you?"

Tuffnut went over to the brunet, limiting the personal space between them.

The blonde twin squinted, eyeing Hiccup's features closely.
As if he wasn't sure whether Hiccup was actually there or just a delusion.

The others exchanged strange looks.

"Wait, so you're alive? You didn't get eaten by a dragon?" Tuffnut's eyes widened with hope, "I mean, you do look real. Are you real? Or are you a gho-''

Ruffnut punched her twin from behind, knocking him unconscious.

"He's not dead, you idiot!"

Groggily, Tuffnut stood up, rubbing his aching back.

Ruffnut marched towards Hiccup, jabbing his bony chest.

"You got some explaining to do, mister," she stood back, crossing her arms, "If you aren't dead, then what are you doing here? And where were you all this time? We thought you were dead! We came to your funeral!"

Hiccup met the twins' puzzled faces.

Like everyone else he encountered, they were confused with the fact that he was alive when they believed all this time he was long gone.

An explanation is what they needed; right here, right now. Yet, Hiccup wasn't sure how to begin.

He needed some time to think; to gather his cluttered thoughts.

As Hiccup opened his mouth to speak, Fishlegs interjected.

"Wait, you saw a dragon?" Fishlegs exclaimed, suddenly intrigued.

Astrid lifted a brow, "Funny. I thought they disappeared. I mean, we don't get attacks anymore. And I've never heard of black dragons, except-"

"Who cares? Let's kill it and bring it to Stoick," Snotlout suggested with determination.

Concern filled hiccup's eyes. He knew which dragon Tuffnut had seen, and was worried about the outcome of this.

"Does that dragon happen to be a Night Fury by any chance?" Hiccup asked, his voice quivering, "Because, Tuffnut, you just seen Toothless. And you can't tell anyone he's here. None of you can,"  

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