
By thatsshitwritingdude

84.9K 2.3K 888

Life's not been too great for Sam. His dad left when he was 9, his family's broke, and he's not exactly the... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty

chapter eleven

2.4K 78 13
By thatsshitwritingdude

Authors note -

Hey! So I added cover pictures (^) to all chapters so far (check them out!) because I thought it just added a little more to the chapter.

Anyway, like always comments and votes are appreciated! Tell me if you see any grammar/spelling errors and I'll fix them.

Enjoy :)


One month later

For the last month or so they had kept quiet and drawn no attention to themselves. They only shopped when necessary, slept in the car and stayed on the road. They were really damn far from where Sam lived now - and the prison.

It was safe to say that their case had gone (or was beginning to go) quiet. They weren't on the news or in papers as much as they had been when they had first escaped - which was good, seeing as they had ran out of money.

They'd only been buying essentials and eating a lot less than usual, but it was all spent up. They needed to pull a job.

"Well, think of it this way" Noah began. They were parked on the side of another empty road, having just woken up, and Sam was already worrying about what they were gonna do that day "if we do this today, then tonight we'll eat like kings" he smirked.

Sam rolled his eyes but actually couldn't think of anything better as he dug into yet another nature valley bar. The only things they'd really been eating were breakfast bars and cheap, shitty snack foods.

He was looking forward to sleeping in a bed again, too. They'd just been sleeping on their reclined seats. Some nights Sam attempted to lie across the seats in the back, but it was pretty tight on space. He'd repeatedly thought about asking if they could find an inn or something, but then he'd remember that they had no money. So, yeah, he wouldn't mind having the extra cash.

"So... we're just gonna rob a shop?" He questioned, looking over to Noah who was rooting around for something to eat as a sorry excuse for breakfast. Noah looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah, maybe two depending on how much money we get"

Noah sighed.
"Look, I know you're worried about this Sam. I can just go on in by myself, if you want. I mean, we'll need a get away driver anyway".
Sam thought about it before nodding. He'd be much more comfortable with that.

"Okay then, it's settled. Just remember to watch my back, alright? Shout for me if you see cops or anyone about to call them"
"Yeah, sure".


After another day of driving aimlessly and it was getting dark again, Noah decided it was time to 'do the deed'.
They could see a lone shop up in the distance which still had lights on, meaning there was still someone occupying it.

Noah slowed down the car and stopped at the side of the road, to Sam.
"Okay, so here's how it's gonna go" he started to explain, grabbing Sam's full attention. "I'll go in, wave the gun round a bit and get the money then leg it back out to the car and you drive, kay?"

Sam nodded.
"You're not gonna shoot anyone, right..?"
Noah shook his head, dismissing the idea straight away.
"No. It's just to freak whoever's in there out a bit so they empty out the register. I wouldn't imagine that there's any customers in there at this time of night, anyway".

"Yeah, I guess" is all Sam said in reply, gnawing on his bottom lip.
Noah place a hand on his shoulder in somewhat reassurance.
"Hey, I've robbed banks before - this'll be easy peasy" he tried to lighten the mood.

Sam raised an eyebrow at him.
"You obviously couldn't have been that good if it ended you up in prison, stupid" he scoffed.
"I've got away with many before, maybe it was fate that I got caught so I could meet you" he teased, raising his eyebrows.

Sam snorted and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Yeah alright, you flirt. Let's get this over with, then".

Noah nodded and turned around, reaching into the back and grabbing the backpack with all their stuff in. He unzipped it and pulled out two ski masks and a pair of gloves, pulling the gloves on then handing a mask to Sam, and then a gun. Sam had no idea what type of gun, but it looked pretty standard and was quite small.

They both pulled their masks on and got out of to car to switch seats, Sam sitting behind the wheel for once (Noah always argued that he enjoyed driving, so Sam was usually just content to sit back and enjoy the ride).


Sam pulled up just past the shop, close enough that Noah could run to and from fairly quickly, but far away enough that no one in the shop could see their car.

The shop wasn't big, it was really only a pit stop. It was small and just sold snack foods and other roadside essentials. There weren't any other buildings in sight for a long while, either. Noah figured there wouldn't be much money in there, so they could try another place some other time. Sam begrudgingly agreed.

"Alright, time to shine" Noah spoke up.
He slowly turned towards the door and his hand hovered over the handle, before he turned back to Sam.

"So...what? No good luck kiss?"
"You're unbelievable" Sam rolled his eyes, before giving in and pulling up the bottom of his mask. He leant over and lifted up Noah's, too, giving him a quick peck on the lips and pulling back again.
Noah pouted.
"That it?"

Sam quirked an eyebrow and smirked.
"You might get more where that came from later. Now hurry up and go"

Noah laughed quietly, pulled his mask back down again and got out the car, shutting the door behind him, which caused a draft to flow throughout the car. The weather was was warming up, though, and summer was was just around the corner.

He walked towards the shop with a goofy grin still on his features, although it was hidden by the mask.

After taking a minute to compose himself he entered the store, lifting up his gun and pointing it towards the ceiling (deciding against firing a few warning shots).
"Alright everybody, hands where I can see 'em"


Sam sat in the car, anxious and watching the shops windows. He couldn't really see anything but kept watching anyway. He knew Noah had done this multiple times but he still worried.

He sighed and slumped forward in the drivers seat he was sat in, biting at his nails (it was a nervous tick he had tried multiple times to stop doing but never did).

Noah had been in there a while, and Sam started to contemplate getting out the car and checking on him. That's was when he he saw a familiar face in the wing mirror and he let out another sigh, one of relief this time.

Noah was running towards the car with a bag in his hand, and Sam could somehow tell he had a smug grin plastered on his face even though it was covered up. Then the passenger door flung open and Noah was on the seat next to him, panting and telling him to "go go go!"

Sam pushed his foot down and began to drive up the empty road. He turned to Noah slightly before looking back at the road again.
"Think they'll come after us?"

Noah shook his head, pulling his mask off and chucking it into the back of the car, Sam doing the same. He ran a hand through his hair before replying.
"Nah, there was only one guy in there and I told him not to bother" he shrugged.

He opened the bag and revealed stacks of notes.
Sam's eyes bulged and he had to pry them away from the bag to focus on the road.

"How much money did you get?!"
"Uhh" Noah flicked through some notes "dunno. It's a small shop so they never empty the till, which means this is probably, like, months worth of cash" he laughed.

"Just-" Sam shook his head, still shocked "you- count that, I'll"
Noah nodded and got to work, sorting through the wads of cash.


They'd been driving for a while and it was fully dark outside now, and soft rain was tapping against the roof of the car.

"So, how much is there?" Sam questioned, keeping his eyes on the road.
"Uhh, 'bout... 800 quid? Could be more or less, dunno. I'm sick of counting now" Noah dropped the money back into the bag.
The money mainly consisted of fivers and the odd tenner, which was why the bag appeared to hold so much cash.

Sam nodded, then asked another question.
"Where to now?"
Noah hmm'd before replying.

"I say we find an inn or something for the night, then find a bar and get absolutely hammered" he laughed, turning to face Sam who also let out a snort at the idea.
"Sure, I could go for a drink".

"Hope you can hold it" Noah winked, causing Sam to laugh loudly.
"Trust me, I can. What do you think I did on Friday nights when I was 15 and had put my brother and sister to bed?"

"Sat alone in your room on your phone?"
"No" Sam rolled his eyes "I snuck out all the time and went to, like, so many house parties".
Noah faked a gasp.

"But you're so...good"
Sam shrugged.
"I used to be pissed off all the time that I was stuck watching two little kids while my friends were all out. My mum still doesn't know I used to sneak out" he cringed a little at the thought.

"Eh, I wasn't exactly good as gold during my youth, either, I can't judge" Noah also shrugged, but internally laughed at the thought of a wannabe edgy teenage Sam.
"You're not good as gold now, either, Noah"

Noah laughed, leaning his head on Sam's shoulder and looking up at him.
"You love me for it"
Sam raised an eyebrow
"Do I?"

Noah scoffed and shoved him on the shoulder lightly and Sam grinned.
"Kidding! Kidding"


They kept driving until they came across an inn (it was a little dingy, but cheap) and got a room.

Sam was awake this time around and helped Noah to carry all their bags up and chuck them on the floor next to the bed. The room consisted of mainly beige colours, from the curtains to the duvet cover on the double bed, and it was pretty drab.

The two quickly changed into different outfits, (they had been sporting all black) both consisting of skinny jeans although Sam wore a light coloured button up and Noah a burgundy t-shirt.

There was a few local bars near the inn so they decided to try some of them out (although they weren't exactly spoilt for choice).

Noah grabbed the door handle and opened the door, a grin spreading across his face.
"Alright, let's get pissed!"


They tried the first bar they saw and walked in, taking in the atmosphere. It was surprisingly full, seeing as everywhere else in the area was dead silent.

The two of them walked up to the bar, Noah ordering a beer first and waiting for Sam to also decide.
Sam decided to just start off with a beer as well and ordered one.

"ID?" The bartender asked in a gruff voice.
Sam frowned.
"What? You just served him" he gestured to Noah "and I'm clearly over 18"
The guy just shrugged "coulda fooled me".

Sam didn't have any ID on him, it was all in his house which was miles away now. He scoffed in disbelief and looked to Noah with a 'what now' expression.

Noah, meanwhile, was holding back a laugh.
"Okay okay, sir, I'll buy him the drink, then" (they were using the same money anyway, so it didn't exactly matter).

He dropped some coins on the counter and the two of them went and found a booth at the back corner of the bar, away from the liveliness at the centre of the building. They sat down opposite each other at the table.

Sam gulped down almost half of his drink before placing it on the table, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Woah, slow down there" Noah chuckled, taking a few sips of his own.

"Wasn't the point of coming out to get sloshed? Anyway, how come he asked me for ID and not you?" Sam crossed his arms over his chest, still slightly offended.
"Uhh, cause I'm 6'4? Maybe?" Noah grinned, causing Sam to huff.

Noah laughed again and Sam necked the rest of his beer, before smirking at him across the table.
"Care to buy me another?"

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