
By Secretly-Pretty

84 8 3

I didn't know what was going on. I just knew that I wanted to escape. I wanted to escape the constant beeping... More

The Real World

The Begining

66 5 2
By Secretly-Pretty

I didn’t know what was going on. I just knew that I wanted to escape. I wanted to escape the constant beeping noises and strange voices. I couldn’t see, but I heard everything. At first I didn’t understand but then one day I suddenly understood everything.  They were talking about me, I was experiment 26. I could feel as they poked me yet I couldn’t move. I couldn’t scream out in pain.

Something is flashing in front of me. I’m struggling to open my eyes, I’ve never opened them before. They seem so heavy and hard to lift. A blinding light fills my sight. I can see! “Pupil dilation seems normal.” I hear a man in a lab coat in front of me say. I feel him holding my head in his hands. He’s staring straight at me. I take a deep breathe, as if it was my first.

“Good, good its breathing is normal. It seems to be adjusting well outside of the fluid.” He says glancing away. I turn my head to see what he is looking at. All I see is more men in white coats. All of them seem to be poking away at their tablets. I try to say something but it just comes out as a moan.

The man holding my head looks at me surprised. “If 26 is not at the vocal stage yet then how is it making noise?” he asks the man closest to him. “That’s not normal. They don’t usually make any sounds until we program their IQs. Is it a defect?” the man replies tapping on my forehead. I shake my head, I’m not a defect. What are they talking about? “S-stop.” I mumble to the man tapping on my forehead.

A gasp lets out over the room, and I’m suddenly being surrounded by the men. “Did she just say stop?” One man asks, “It hasn’t been programed yet! How is it speaking?” I hear from across the room. “Let’s dissect it!” I hear from a man who lifts up my leg. I pull my leg from him and I hurdle up into a ball, my senses spinning as I feel myself moving.

I can feel the clamps that’s been pinching me, and suction cups sticking to me. I feel aware of something large sticking out of my back. My whole body throbs and my ears buzz from all the talking around me. “Shut 26 down?” “No, observe it more before we take it apart!” “Get its’ brain!” I heard men shouting all around me, discussing my fate as an experiment. Then unexpectedly the room goes silent.

I look up to see a tall man wearing a black coat instead of white. He stares straight at me, his eyes seeing into my very being. I try to sit up but I feel dizzy and the tubes get in my way. I end up falling back in an awkward position. “Who are you?” I manage to ask. I watched a grin spread onto his face in a crooked way, and heard a deep chuckle from the bottom of his throat.

“Experiment 26 I am your creator.” He said as he laughed. I somehow was able to sit up. I couldn’t help but stare at him. This man had an evil look on his face as he said that. I looked around at the place I was in. I was in a lab, surrounded by computer screens and scientist. I looked down at myself. My skin was just like the men’s only tanner. “What do you mean?” I asked glancing to him and back down to my hands.

“I brought you into existence from nothing. I crafted your DNA from nothing. I gave you breath from nothing. If it was not for me you would still be nothing.” He said as he took a step towards me. I had an uprising fear, I didn’t want him coming near me! I quickly pulled out the needles from my arms and legs as he stepped closer. I backed off of the metal table almost slipping onto the cold floor. I tried to support myself on the table but I couldn’t get a good grip and I fell on my hands.

He loomed over me. His large creepy smile all over his face. “You are mine.” He said as he reached towards me. I couldn’t control myself as suddenly my back began to ache and wind gusted around me. I felt like I had arms reaching out of my back, stretching for the ceiling.  I felt my heaviness being lifted off the ground and into the air wildly. My back felt a wondrous feeling, as if I had wings! I looked behind me to see two large violet sheets flapping, I do have wings! The suction cups fell off of me and I pulled the clamps off. I tilted my weight up and up I flew until I hit the ceiling.

“Stop her! She’s trying to escape!” a man yelled down from bellow. “Get the tranquilizer!” “Where is that gun?” The lab coats yelled as they scurried around. I looked down at the man in black, he stood as if nothing could hurt him. His smile was even wider. “You can fight it all you want but it was fate that made you mine.” He said in a low voice.

I pushed my wings up and down, feeling the rhythm. I tilted my weight and dove towards the man. I was headed straight towards him, then I pulled up as I saw the white of his eyes. I flapped and stretched out my wings as far as they would go and I glided towards a glass window into another room.

I quickly folded my wings behind my back and I crashed through the window. I felt the sharp edges of broken glass poke into my sides. I saw the wall of the new room and I pulled to the right and rode against the wall. I unfolded my wings and flew out of the open door.

I was in the hallway, unsure of which way to go I stopped for a second and fell to the ground. I could hear my heart racing, and my I could feel my wings hurt. I brushed off some of the glass that was in my side. “26 is in the east hallway!” I heard someone shout. East hallway? Maybe if I went west I could find a way out! I spread out my wings and clumsily ran down the hall. Another man ran out if front of me holding a needle. I jumped up and flapped my wings hard.

I flew over him, watching his gaze fallow me. Suddenly I felt his grip around my ankle. I kept flying forward with him trailing along. I kicked wildly trying to get him off but he wouldn’t let go. I felt a pinch at my leg and he let go, falling to the floor. “She should be sedated soon!” He yelled to the men chasing after me. I looked forward and saw it. A wondrous sky in front of me. I folded my wings again and crashed through the window and felt a gust of fresh air hit my face!

I flapped as fast as I could to get far away from them.

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