Bad news.

بواسطة fgslukee

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When Brooklyn Flynn moves to Birmingham, her families fresh start was turned upside down as soon as she joins... المزيد



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بواسطة fgslukee

"Good morning Brooklyn!" My mum cheerfully spoke from the door way, causing me to let out a groan and bury my head into my white pillow. "Good morning mum, I can't wait for my first day at my new school!" She had a mocking tone and I picked up my head out of my pillow and rose my eyebrow up at her.

"School?" I groaned and rolled my brown eyes, "can't wait?" I sarcastically commented.

"Less of the moping missy." She instructed me, causing me to slowly get up out of my bed. The thing is, if my mum tells you to do something, then you do it, she's super strict. But she's lovely, I honestly do love my mum a lot. I ventured down the stairs, following my mother.

"Smells lovely Mum!" I commented, walking into the kitchen and stubbing my toe along the way, "Ouch!" I cried out and I heard my younger half brother, Kai, chuckle. Oh he is a monster, I thought to myself, he's so rude!

"It's pancakes for yours two first day at school." Mum smiled as I walked into the room, giving my kai the evils along the way.

"Thank you Mum!" I smiled, she passed my plate of pancakes and she returned back the smile.

"So do you know where the office is at school guys?" Mum checked, sitting down with us at the breakfast bar.


"Yes." Kai rolled his eyes at me, "I'll show you where it is!" He had a huge fake smile on his face. God. Just because his dad is in prison and apparently "messed" up his life, does not give him a reason to be rude to the one whose dad actually bothers to see her.

"Okay!" I smiled back at him, with the same fake expression, he kicked my leg under the table and I scowled at him.

"Aw thank you Kai," Mum actually thought he was helping me, oh nah. "You'll have to take the bus because I've been called into work about some important case, I'm really sorry." My mums some next level fancy lawyer that get pays loads, she runs her own business which she had to move from London to Birmingham after what happened.

"It's fine mum." I rolled my eyes jokingly and she laughed. "Right, I'm finished so I'm going to get ready." I excused myself and ran up the stairs. I unplugged my phone and saw that I had a message from my best friend Darcy.

Hey girl, hope you have a brilliant first day at school. mine is going to be super boring with out you! Tell me if you meet some hot guy. I giggled, it was typical of her to say something like that. I quickly typed back I reply about how I would try to have a good first day, apologised for leaving her and I would tell her if I meet any hot boys. I put on my uniform, a white shirt, black blazer and skirt with black ties and yellow tie. Ew, this certainly sucks. I used to wear non uniform at my old school so this is going to be a shocker.

After half an hour of doing nothing apart from reading some 5sos fan fictions Kai finally came into my room.

"We've got to go now."

"Finally! And people say girls take too long to get ready." I harshly retorted, catching him off guard, causing him to stammer on his words. Finally, he turned around and walked down the stairs and we began the walk to the bus stop.

In complete silence.

Butterflies wandered around my stomach as nerves took over my body. I didn't want to start over again, I used to be the most popular girl in school back in London, everyone wanted to be me and all the boys loved me. But that all had to change of course because of the stupid rumours. This is going to be our fresh start so I will try my best to get back to where I was. I will try.

I was brought of my thought process by Kai shouting something at some people, I'm sorry but how can he make friends that quick we literally moved a week ago. "Got to go sis, got a ride to school!" He laughed, running across the road and getting into a black car with four other males in. Oh thanks Kai, first day at school and you're already leaving me alone. We're not even there yet! I thought to myself as I watched the car speed off, making sure to give him one of Brooklyn's extra special glares. I shook my head and walked to the bus stop.

There were three other boys there, wearing the same yellow tie as me meaning we were in the same year. I remember that from the meeting, I don't really remember much else.

"Oh you're the new girl?" A black haired boy asked, oh shit he saw me staring at him. My eyes widened as I nodded. Please don't mean I'm in trouble already.

"Er yeah?" Oh for god sake why did it sound like I was questioning myself? Hello, confidence levels, where you at?

"Hey, I'm Blake, that's George and that's Reece." He pointed at the other boys with him, both blonde, just one a darker shade than the other. He smiled, pulling out a hand and offering it for me to shake, I took the offer.

"I'm Brooklyn Flynn."

"Brooklyn, tell me are all new girls as good looking as you?" George (I think), flirts causing me to give my signature eye roll.

"I wouldn't know I'm new." I sarcastically commented. Reece laughed.

"Don't mind George, he'll properly calm down he doesn't really communicate with females." He yelled, as two younger females walked pass, causing them to giggle, flirtatiously. Of course.

"So I take it from that, he does and everyone loves him." I laughed.

"I'm George Smith, everyone loves me around here." He strikes an over the top pose, causing us to all burst out in laughter.

Wow. I want to be friends with them.

The bus came just as we recomposed ourselves from our fit of laughter and we climbed on board

I climbed of the yellow bus and looked over at the looming tall, brick building. Here we go.

"Hey, we are going to our form room do you want to come?" Blake asked, a massive grin painted across his face.

"I'm sorry, I would do but I've got to go the office." I wish I could but Kai probably won't even bother to turn up to this meeting so I don't want to get on the bad side of Mum. She'll already be mad about Kai not turning up.

"Do you want us to show you where to go?" He asked, the grin disappearing, almost.

"No it's fine!" I told them. We said our goodbyes and I walked away.

After ten minutes I regretted saying I would be fine because, I was right earlier. This place is massive, I can't even remember where the canteen is - that's important because that's where the food is. I need help. I walked pass a few lockers, I swear I've been here already? Everything looks the same.

CRASH! I fell to the floor.

"Watch it!" I heard a male voice snarl, I looked up.



When Darcy said to tell her if I saw any boys that were good looking, I didn't think I'd find one this soon. But then again Reece, Blake and George were good looking. But I mean, well, seeing three good looking boys in the space of thirty minutes. Man this boy looks like he's the son of god. He's beautiful.

It looks like I have a lot to tell Darcy.

A/n: hmmmmm I wonder who she's seen :)

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