Love in the Time of Tenacity

By Epicocity

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Ancienverse Book Six. A month has passed. The Day of Stars approaches, and under the encroaching threat loomi... More

Chapter 1: A Reverie
Chapter 3: A Day
Chapter 4: A Past
Chapter 5: A Pool
Chapter 6: A Gift
Chapter 7: A Fog
Chapter 8: A Despair
Chapter 9: A Hope
Chapter 10: A Recovery
Chapter 11: A Settling
Chapter 12: An Other
Chapter 13: An Elite
Chapter 14: A Celebration
Chapter 15: A Link
Chapter 16: An Apology
Chapter 17: A League
Chapter 18: A Concert
Chapter 19: A Light
Chapter 20: A Sunshine
Chapter 21: A Final
Chapter 22: A Mending
Chapter 23: An Exhibition
Chapter 24: A Summoning
Chapter 25: A Song
Chapter 26: A Beast
Chapter 27: A Similarity
Chapter 28: A Dreaded
Chapter 29: A Mother
Chapter 30: A Goodbye

Chapter 2: A Gathering

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By Epicocity

I'll be the first to admit the opening here isn't super action-packed...yet. But it will be. Also, some chapters will post a little earlier (hour-wise) than others. Whatever, Chapter 2 time!

Chapter 2

A Gathering

The waves sloshed and swished as the boat cut through the waters, aiming for its major destination; one where it had not been in a month. One to which it was returning at long last. The sun was rising over the water, turning the sea sparkling with its golden rays. Wingull flapped around, as though the events of a month ago had done little to stop nature from continuing onward just as it always had. That was likely for the best as, around the boat, the day was coming to life.

Serena breathed in, placing a hand behind her head as her blonde locks flowed out behind her. They had grown a little, with no time to do maintenance on her hair over the last month, now almost touching her shoulders, though she was perfectly fine with it. Her skin had grown a little more tanned, as well, and on her wrist still sat the glittering Z-Ring. It had been a long month; one of searching, physically and emotionally.

"Lillie, are you almost set?" Serena called down into the cabin of the ferry once she'd finished exhaling. She got no response and stepped around to look down into the space that was occupied by all of her companions, as eccentric and zany as they were. Her eyes flitted up to their driver, a man who'd said little over the last month, except for when they had arrived at a village on Poni Island and he'd visited his family. The man remained stoic even now, offering but a small shrug. "Lillie? Jessie? James?"

"Present and accounted for, twerpette. Stop shouting!" Jessie's voice snapped within the cabin. Serena stepped back as the magenta-haired woman finally emerged with a rather light scowl on her face. She was not an early riser, Serena had discovered, much to her amusement. Not that Serena had much room to complain, considering there had been some days she'd slept in as well.

"Maybe our bodies are here, but I'm pretty sure my brain is back dere..." Meowth lamented.

"You'll be fine," Serena remarked. Meowth, and Wobbuffet who trailed behind him, gave no comment. She rolled her eyes. They had spent a month together...well, roughly. There were a number of times that Team Rocket seemed to like running off, doing their own thing. One time it was a Ceremony for Jessie to earn her final Lei on Poni Island (no longer keeping her secret identity hidden from her rival), and another time they were trying to take a strange souvenir from some cave. The trio had been trapped inside there for days while Lillie and she looked for clues on the mountain pass. They were tired and silent for the next few days after that.

All in all, the month had done her relationship with Team Rocket some good...not that much had changed. They still vowed to capture Pikachu daily, and sometimes Meowth would try to swipe some of her pokeballs, only for Komala to slam the feline on the head. Really, it became a push and pull between them that essentially made their relationship exactly what it was when they'd left the Aether Foundation a month ago. The only difference, Serena noted as James lethargically joined his companions (complete with Crabrawler clamping on his head), was that Jessie was a little nicer to her. If one defined "nicer" as training with her and liberally insulting her technique in a condescending manner.

Serena could admit, however, that she had learned quite a bit from the older woman, promising to meet her in the finals of the Hope Leilani. Though, at times it felt like more than that. Training with Jessie, seeing her technique had made herself smile, reinforcing the view she'd come to accept. More than that, she had started to develop a new view of accomplishing her dream; though, with them constantly on the move, it was hard to prove, let alone accept.

"You'd think after a month that they wouldn't be this way in the morning," called Lillie's voice brightly. She emerged from the cabin, her pink backpack slung over her shoulders as she smiled. A month had done Lillie the most good of all. Refusing to let what her mother had done get to her, Lillie had truly grown in leaps and bounds, evidenced by Komala resting comfortably on her head. She raised a hand upwards and Serena caught sight of the glittering Z-Ring on her wrist. The honey blonde grinned at it.

"You'd think, but I'm not sure Team Rocket can ever change," Serena giggled out. Lillie was finally fully out on the deck, staring across the water as she stretched her hands upward. She turned back to her bag.

"We're almost home, Nebby," she spoke fondly. No response came, but Lillie didn't let her smile drop. Instead, it transferred into a look of determination. She hadn't expected one, Serena knew, but it was the exact reason they could now see the floating island on the horizon. "It'll be good to see everyone."

"Yes! We can finally snag...I mean, see Pikachu again," Meowth said, rubbing his paws together. Serena rolled her eyes at his rather obvious slip.

Serena said nothing to all of their joyful expressions at reuniting with the others. She, too, felt ready to see them all again. A month apart made her long for her family not tied by blood more than usual. While she had spoken with Clemont once or twice when he seemed to have information that she was looking for through his research, Bonnie was pretty much off the radar. Only snippets of her, Lionel and Greninja were ever heard of. Nor had Serena heard from Ash, but somehow, she expected that and wasn't worried. Serena was all too happy and ready to see him again.

"Land ahoy!" James finally said, shaking his lethargy away in the sea breeze. Serena stood next to Lillie and looked up to the Foundation that was now approaching quickly. It really had been too long. Looking towards the manmade island, Serena could still see the wrecked places where Latias had obliterated the cannons. They were nicely covered up, but to those who knew, it was very obvious what had happened.

At the very least, this time they weren't attempting to assault them so violently.

"Look, Komala, we're nearly at the Foundation," Lillie pointed out, reaching up to pat her Pokémon on the head. Komala yawned, but still didn't wake up, though Lillie accepted it as acknowledgement. The boat began to slow, drawing into the harbor. Serena walked forward, up to the railing, and looked out. Someone was standing there, clearly waiting for them and their arrival in the midst of all the activity there. "Ah! Miss Wicke! We're back!"

"Welcome back, Mistress Lillie!" Wicke's voice called out. Serena also raised her hand and waved to the portly woman that was smiling up at them all kindly. "And you, as well, Miss Serena. I trust you've been well the last month."

"What are we, chopped liver?" Jessie demanded. No one acknowledged her, though James patted her kindly on the back. At long last, the boat slowed itself to a stop and the ramp instantly expanded, touching down upon the harbor. Looking around, Serena noticed that theirs was the only boat that was in the harbor at the moment. Lillie was ahead of her now, running down the ramp with enthusiasm. Serena shook her head and followed after. Seeing Lillie smile gave her hope.

"Are we the first ones back, Miss Wicke?" she asked. The woman was currently caught up in a hug from Lillie, but once the blonde had separated and taken Komala into her arms, the older woman finally answered.

"So, it would seem; though I don't believe Clemont's group will be arriving. He called Master Gladion earlier," Wicke informed them. Serena nodded, accepting this piece of information. On the other hand, Lillie was pouting just a bit and Serena had more than a fair idea as to why she was, but decided to not act like Bonnie and tease her mercilessly about it. "Speaking of, the young master is waiting for you all on the upper level."

"Well, we should get going, then," Lillie said cheerily. Team Rocket was quickly scrambling off the ship by this point, making to follow after them. Wicke smiled at the trio briefly and turned around, nodding her head to two employees with obvious instructions to wait for the other boats. That done, the older woman began to lead them straight to the elevator. "Are the League people and ARC still here?"

"Champion Lance left about a week ago, on orders to help with a shipment. Goodness knows we didn't have that much Psychium-Z to distribute, since Faba used so much of it in his experiments, trying to replicate the energy," Wicke said, shaking her head like it was deplorable. Of course, it was deplorable, but that seemed to be beside the point. "Of course, he succeeded with that infernal totem-aura device, though I'm not privy to whether it's the same thing or if he just dumped them for energy consumption."

"Looks like you guys have had to do a lot," Serena commented as their large group stepped on to the elevator. Wicke pushed a button and the machine closed around them before moving upwards.

"It's been a process," Wicke said with a slightly tired sigh in their direction. "Master Gladion has been handling it well enough, and those employees which weren't involved in the heinous tasks that Lusamine had set have been very supportive of his moves. Thankfully, we've had ARC aiding us."

"I saw his announcement on Serena's tablet," Lillie said calmly. Serena shifted her blue eyes to the girl as her hands gripped to her backpack straps. "He really came off as the head of the company, even if it was a lie."

"Well, of course it would be a bad thing to tell everyone the head of this organization was bonkers and did stuff to Pokémon," Jessie said, folding her arms like it was the most obvious thing in the entire world. Both Serena and Lillie raised their eyebrows. "Well, I mean, come on..."

"Sort of like a member of a bunch of Pokémon thieves telling her rival that she's been competing in Ceremonies this whole time?" Serena asked slyly. Jessie's teeth suddenly gritted while James put a hand on her and held her back. The woman was thankfully prevented from retaliating due to the elevator coming to a slow, already bringing them to their destination, faster than Serena could remember.

"In any case," Wicke continued, like the conversation hadn't even been interrupted in the slightest, "Aether has undergone massive changes under Master Gladion, and I couldn't be happier. Having the support of the public in the president's 'sickness' does help, I'll admit."

"Tell me, Miss Wicke, when we bring mother back, does he intend to stay on as president?" Lillie asked. The question seemed to make Wicke stop, and Serena didn't blame her. It had been one of Lillie's closely guarded secrets; that she hadn't given up on her mother, determined to bring her back to her senses. Perhaps it was a lingering hold that Lusamine still had over her, or maybe it was just Lillie wanting to bring her back so they could try to be a real family again. Serena wasn't sure. However, Serena knew the girl was resigned for whatever outcome could occur (perhaps Lusamine was beyond saving, or perhaps she was...) but to hear her voice aloud that she wanted to bring Lusamine back was a surprise for anyone that hadn't heard it. Wicke turned back.

"I don't believe the young master has thought of any such plans," she said sharply. It answered everything. Once more, Wicke faced forward and began to lead them through the restored garden, to the manor in the distance. There were some workers and Pokémon about, a far cry from what it was a month ago when they fought Team Skull. As they did so, Wicke attempted to rapidly fill them in on what had occurred within the Aether Foundation, even though Serena knew they'd share all of their information once they were gathered.

"Since Madam Lusamine's departure, Master Gladion has worked in healing the rifts caused by her and Faba's illicit activities," she was telling them. "The secret lab in the manor has been shut down, as has the entire science division. I do believe that work is being done alongside Aidan to promote a much cleaner science program, but until such a time as that program's details have been worked out, we can't restart projects.

"Likewise, we've been working in concert with the League. Our weaponry has stood down and some money has been given in reparation towards the League. The Aether Turbo was dismantled, replaced with the system of helicopters we had before to ferry citizens and employees alike. Just as well, we've used our efforts to clean up Po Town in Team Skull's absence. Thanks to the same construction company that built Blush Mountain's facilities, we've had an easier time of it. Plenty of volunteers. It's looking more beautiful by the day."

"So, those bozos really did vanish," James commented, stroking his chin.

"Dat's what da powa of Team Rocket can manage!" Meowth stated triumphantly. Serena continued to ignore them, as did Wicke, it seemed.

"Of course, there are still issues. Keeping the alliance with Team Skull, along with other sordid details, a secret has been a task. We do intend to go public eventually, but with the Day of Stars looming, now is obviously not the right time. Beyond that, Clemont and Champion Steven's theory has been proven correct: we found Kahuna Olivia's missing shipment of Buginium-Z...or what was left of it, at least. They must have taken the crystals to have on hand. He should be able to explain more."

"Sounds like a plan," Serena said confidently, nodding towards Lillie. They were close to the manor, now, and the two men standing outside. Both were easily recognizable. "It's good to see you again, Mr. Aidan, Tau."

"Miss Serena, it's been a while," Tau stated with a smile. Serena had a feeling that Aidan had called him in to aid with the restoration of the Aether Foundation. "I'm glad to see you're well."

"Me, too," Serena laughed out. Aidan didn't waste his time with words and promptly whipped around to lead the group into the manor proper. Tau wore a bemused expression, but offered his hand for Serena to shake. If she was honest, it felt rather weird, yet right at the same time. "What have you and ARC been up to?"

"Mostly cleaning up the little things," Tau answered, following after the man that was essentially his boss. "I know you've met with Chi at Mount Hokulani, and Theta is busy with the restoration of Po Town. Already has a plan for revitalizing the area, too. I'm just here lending my business expertise."

"Oh, yes! You were some radio manager guy, weren't you?" James said, plopping his hand to his fist like he'd discovered the mystery of a lifetime. Jessie looked instantly enamored.

"Then perhaps I could have a big radio debut!" she said excitedly. Meowth and Wobbuffet regarded her with skepticism while Tau laughed, running a hand through his slicked back hair.

"That was another lifetime." He certainly meant it, and he'd also said all that he needed to say as they were reaching the conference room where the decision to separate for a month had been reached by all of them. Aidan opened the doors, and Serena and Lillie instantly caught sight of the one they had both been considering for a month (one more than the other).

"Lillie. Serena," Gladion said upon sight of them, having been facing the door at the moment they had both been opened. Lillie ran forward, and suddenly threw her arms around her brother. Maybe it was because they had separated so soon after connecting once more, or maybe it was just the relief that Gladion hadn't sunk into the abyss, but Lillie was certainly more emotional than Serena thought she'd be. She was definitely more emotional than Serena, who was instead staring at the creature beside Gladion, sniffing papers on the conference table.

It looked like a wild, yet tamed, and different version of Null. The bottom of its body had grown jet black, but for the tail, which seemed to shift in colors every time it was in the sunlight. As her gaze traveled upwards, she could see its body was made of white fur, fangs bared and taller than Null was, as though no longer constrained. She opened her mouth and shut it, especially when she heard Team Rocket talking about what a rare Pokémon it would be to steal.

"You look well, brother," Lillie said, drawing back. Gladion blinked and nodded, looking away just as quickly. He seemed to still be holding guilt over what he'd done to his sister, despite Lillie's obvious forgiveness (though it had hardly been easy, no matter the words she'd parted with).

"So do you...Is that...?" Gladion questioned, pointing down to her wrist. Lillie lifted it, grinning, and the whole entire room was watching it.

"Gotten from Tapu Fini, itself!" Lillie said positively.

"But that's a story for another time," Serena interjected quickly. No one said anything to that, but decided to abandon the course of the conversation for a time. The slight shutting of the doors indicated that Wicke had departed once more for the docks to pick up the next arrivals. "Gladion, is that Null?"

"Srrrr!" the creature growled, as though it disliked the name. She took a step back while Gladion patted the creature on the head.

"Silvally," Gladion said. The Pokémon, Silvally, seemed to enjoy the affection, nuzzling Gladion's hand that contained the Z-Ring, the object giving off a soft glow. "We were doing some of the trials, battling Nanu, when Null's mask broke and his full power was unleashed. We've been mastering it ever since then."

"It looks very impressive," Lillie stated. Gladion seemed to scoff a bit at that statement, though Silvally looked proud at its strengths being praised.

"What's more impressive is that you managed to get a Z-Ring from Tapu Fini of all the guardian deities. From what I've heard, it hasn't chosen one in fifty years!" Gladion remarked, praising his sister. She took it with a flush of embarrassment, hand running through her hair with a light laugh.

"Either way, it means that things are about to move again," Aidan, at last, spoke to the group. He was walking over to a screen on the wall, swiping a hand across it to turn it on. "The Tapus have all chosen their champions; they've all sung their songs...the world is on the move again."

"Let's not forget what Nanu delivered to us: Team Skull is also on the move once more, amassing near the Altar of the Sunne," Tau instructed, as though it was all quite elementary.

"So, our hypothesis was right!" Lillie said cheerfully, bringing her fists close to her chest in victory. Serena smiled; finally, something was really going right for them. Aidan finally nodded as various squares and bubbles appeared on the screen. The bespectacled blond clicked on one, and it began to connect.

"I believe more than just our hypotheses were correct. You haven't known these last few weeks, but there have been many theories that we've been testing, and it's prepared us for the battle that is to come. Once we have the Sun Flute and its counterpart, the Moon Flute, we should be prepared," Aidan said quite confidently. A smirk began to stretch his face and he turned to the screen. "I'll let someone who really knows tell you more, but for now, we can't wait for the others. Pass information along as we go: Team Skull's movement necessitates immediate action."

His statement was followed by the screen suddenly bursting with light, and some very familiar faces at last appearing on it. Serena couldn't help the absolutely unadulterated grin from stretching across her lips at the sight. They weren't quite aware that they had been connected to yet, so Serena chose to expedite that. "Clemont!"

"Ah!" the inventor spoke, fumbling with a screwdriver that was caught by Charjabug before it could cause any damage. "Thanks, Charjabug. Serena, it's great to hear your voice again!"

"And don't forget about me!" Hau said jubilantly. Both boys on the screen had turned around, Hau throwing his arm around Clemont cheerfully. They both looked to be in good spirits, if a little tired from their likely constant work. They were about to begin speaking again when another face suddenly intruded on it.

"Rotom is happy to see Serena and Lillie again...though Rotom could care less about Team Rocket or Gladion..." Rotom said excitedly. Gladion predictably scoffed while Team Rocket, or at least Jessie, predictably got absolutely infuriated.

"Hey, you stupid bag of bolts! You want to talk smack about Team Rocket and I'll show you my boot!" Jessie snapped angrily towards Rotom. The Pokédex whistled an innocent tune of boredom.

"Jessie, let's not cause problems, or everything we've done will be moot," James pointed out. Meowth sighed and shrugged liberally.

"Wouldn't dat be a total hoot."

"Wobba wobb..."

"Yes, Rotom, it's good to see you, as well," Serena laughed out, shaking her head at everyone's antics. Rotom looked particularly smug, only to be suddenly pulled back by Clemont and placed down next to Charjabug and Bunnelby, the latter holding it down. "And you two, Clemont, Hau, you both look seasoned."

"So do you," Clemont felt the need to point out. "I see Lillie has a Z-Ring."

"I sure do," Lillie said, holding the glittering ring upwards once again for the inventor to take a look. The blond nodded, partially because he was proud, likely, but also because it seemed to please him for the battle that was ahead. Serena watched his eyes for just a second, noticing them clear themselves and focus on what was to come.

She didn't even need to be with him to know that he had grown over the last month. His insecurity was gone, it seemed. It was likely his time battling alongside Hau, or maybe just putting his own particular brand of expertise to use in the situation. Before he could explain anything, Hau jumped right into the conversation, pretty much as expected. "That's totally awesome, Lillie! Maybe one day we can have a Z-Move battle!"

"Maybe later, Hau," Lillie giggled out, hiding the faint blush on her cheeks from his compliment. "Right now, we have very important work to do!"

"You're totally right! We've got that big battle ahead of us, and then the League, too! I've cleared all my trials, see?" Hau suddenly reached down and came back up with his amulet. It was completely filled in, Serena noticed, glittering with the orbs and wedges to signify that he had earned his access to the first ever Alola League. It made her wonder how Ash was doing in that regard, if he had moved forward with it at all. "But the Battle Tree is totally tough!"

"He's right," Clemont confirmed, his eyes steely. "I've only fought such difficult battles with Ash, and only League battles have been close to comparable to the level here. Not that they're all on that exact level, of course. Then again, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't running research on my off days and evenings, but I think I've grown a lot from taking part in these."

"And Rotom has recorded much data!" Rotom said, though it was still locked in place by Bunnelby's rather strong ears, making its voice sound muffled. "Rotom has seen many Pokémon, strategies, trainers, and even updated some of Rotom's functions while Rotom was here! All the better to tea-"

"So, Clemont," Aidan spoke clearly, cutting across the raving Pokédex. The blond looked to him, clearly understanding what Aidan was about to ask of him in any regard. "You've shared a good chunk of your research with us here at Aether, but I think it's time to do so for the rest."

"Sure thing, but what about Ash and Bonnie? I don't see them there," Clemont remarked. Aidan waved it off, like the whole issue was actually completely unimportant in the long run. The boy sighed, but soon straightened himself. "Right, so I've been spending time creating analysis machines to aid Gary and Champion Steven in researching the Resolution Cave, and we've found some most interesting stuff."

"What kind of stuff?" Lillie asked, tilting her head to the side. Komala nearly slipped off, but remained fastened. Serena found it a little cute, the way she was sort of emulating Ash in that regard, her ponytail shaking to the side.

"In general, we've come to two conclusions. One is based on the cave itself, and the other revolves around all of the different things we've been looking for," Clemont explained to them, holding up two fingers. Hau already looked bored, as though he'd already heard all this before, or simply didn't care to listen to it at all. "The first is this: much of the cave seems to be made of the material that makes up the Z-Rings. It's the same principle employed in the barriers around the trials, or the Tapus' shrines. The Z-Ring emits a certain energy that, in large quantities and tied in with the connection to the Ultra Space, can prevent entry to a location where it amasses."

"The Altar of the Sunne," Serena noted, nodding her head to show she understood Clemont's comment. The boy nodded to her before reaching down and picking up a crystal; more particularly, a Z-Crystal.

"Yes," was the simple answer. "Gary's immense knowledge on the rifts formed and Steven's knowledge on stones has led to our analysis and theory being proven true. The Altar of the Sunne, and the Lake of the Moone, are directly tied to the Ultra Space, as though they are anchoring points, which in concert with the sparkling stones creates a barrier that can only be passed through with a Z-Crystal; the same exact principle used in making Z-Moves happen. The effect is stronger by the Altar, it would appear, though."

"In other words, as long as we have a Z-Crystal, we can pass through the barrier," Gladion concluded for him. It was an easy enough explanation, and certainly not a problem for any of them. It also explained why Team Skull had misappropriated the Buginium-Z and Aether had gone searching for Z-Crystals. A lot was really making sense now.

"The only issue, of course, is that the sky surrounding the Altar seems to be watched. Steven contacted some members of the International Police, but from what I know..." Clemont didn't need to finish his statement for them to all understand that one: Team Skull was back in the open again, watching the skies around the Altar of the Sunne. It only further proved their very points. "Either way, unless we can get Team Skull occupied, the only way to the altar is through a narrow canyon, perfect for an ambush. If we want that preemptive strike, we'll need to push through it. That's why I'm staying on Poni Island."

"Then I guess we'll be joining you there as soon as we have possession of the Sun Flute," Lillie said emphatically. Clemont nodded, but Serena had a little more on her brain than their battle formations.

"What was the second thing you discovered?" Clemont's eyes brightened at that, but before he got a chance to answer, the doors were opened once again, allowing light into the room. That same light blinded Serena for a moment, and she knew that couldn't see much. She could feel, though, judging from the pressure that suddenly exerted itself on her waist. When said pressure pulled back, Serena looked down to see Bonnie grinning at her. Atop her head was Dedenne, while Squishy and Bluey were traveling in style within her bag. Beyond her was Lionel, grinning as he stepped into the room alongside a laconic Greninja. Said Ninja Pokémon looked elsewhere, probably thinking about Ash, but had enough presence of mind to nod stoically at Serena.

"Clemont! Big brother, how are you? !" Bonnie shouted excitedly the second she saw Clemont on the screen. He laughed nervously and waved to his sister.

"I'm doing just fine. You look taller, Bonnie," he noted. Bonnie grinned proudly, placing her hands on her hips. He hadn't been lying; Serena could see how different Bonnie looked from her month away from all of them. Her skin was tanner, and she was taller, even if it wasn't by much. More importantly, she carried herself with a presence of her assured self, like she was already a Pokémon trainer, in spirit if not in name.

"Of course! I grew an inch! We measured me against Greninja yesterday," she spoke confidently. Lionel strode forward now, clasping a hand to the little girl's shoulder with a toothy grin. He didn't look much different, though Aidan might have thought so from his rolling eyes.

"Bonnie's become very capable," he said, his eyes flashing just a little with amusement. "We've braved many adventures together, high and low, Greninja and Squishy leading us on good trails and false trails until we finally reached that covetous prize!"

"Stop drawing out the drama, Lionel," Aidan commented, garnering a chuckle from Tau. Bonnie seemed to pout at the moment of their big triumphant return seemingly being ruined. She just looked at the screen, noticing Rotom there. The two seemed to glare at each other, but had no words of reunion to share.

"We're all glad you're doing well, Bonnie," Serena assured the lemon blonde. Bonnie grinned once more and nodded. "So, you found it then?"

"As promised," Bonnie stated. Squishy and Bluey dove into the bag and pulled out the object that had evidently been the source of their search. Serena, Lillie and Gladion all leaned in closer, while Team Rocket simply tried to find a way around them to take their own look. It was a small flute, yellow and orange in color, with the bright crest of a sun on its wooden surface. It looked majestic in its own way. "The Sun Flute!"

"It looks marvelous..." Lillie commented. "With this, we can restore Nebby!"

"And Nebby's been...?" Lionel asked. Lillie didn't answer verbally, and Serena pursed her lips while the blonde dug into her bag to pull out the poor eye-shaped creature. "I see..."

"Nothing's changed, for better or worse," Lillie stated. She looked a little sad saying it, but there was still a source of hope that was in her voice. "Nebby's been completely silent since that day. I think he just needs energy, and maybe the flutes can give it to him."

"I still think it's a long shot, especially if we're connecting it to the Ultra Space," Aidan commented tersely. Lillie didn't look the happiest at that, clutching Nebby closer to her, not a sound being heard. Bonnie reached up to place a hand on the little one with her.

"Regardless of whether it is, we need to give it a shot," Gladion spoke up. "Lusamine and Guzma are inside there, and they likely have an idea of what we've been planning. We need to ensure our efforts aren't wasted. Even a long shot is still a shot I'm willing to take."

"I don't believe it's as long as you might think it is, Mr. Aidan," Clemont commented, clearing his throat in the process. Serena's eyes went back over to her friend, eager to hear what was likely the second conclusion that he and the others had come to. In the background, Hau looked to be packing their bags. "Inside Resolution Cave seemed to be a small pocket of space, completely unstable...but it's been growing more so, almost enough to see inside it, though we haven't risked touching it. There is no doubt in my mind that this is connected to the Ultra Space, possibly a result of the first opening of it centuries ago, and due to its proximity, the Altar and Lake are connected as well."

"But what does any of that have to do with the flutes?" Aidan pointed out. To this, Clemont began to laugh.

"Heh heh heh...because I am certain that the flutes have the ability to draw out the dormant power within, safely!" Clemont answered. "I would need to examine them, but I am sure similar properties to the Z-Crystals rest inside, and as we know, Z-Crystals, Totem Pokémon and the Ultra Space are all connected. However, unlike Faba's barbaric methods, I believe the flute could act like a crystal to swathe Nebby in power and restore its form, and just as well, open a gate to the Ultra Space. Without him, I would think we might need an open rift, but if we play with the two flutes at the Altar, then we could..."

"For that, we'll need Kahili," Lionel concluded. Now that Serena recalled it, Kahili had mentioned that the Moon Flute would be easy enough to find, indicating that she either had an idea or knew exactly where it was.

"Well, that's simple enough. She should be returning with Ash, right?" Serena said. Lillie nodded, finding the answer clear, but some of the others in the room were all silent at the statement. It made a little bit of worry flood into her veins. "What?"

"'s just..." Clemont started, taking his glasses off to clean them absentmindedly, "has anyone even heard from Ash in the last month?"

"I haven't," Bonnie said, throwing her hands behind her head, nearly knocking Dedenne off in the process. Squishy seemed bored with the conversation and dug further into her bag. Bluey remained alert however.

"You don't count mini-twerpette," Jessie said lazily, waving her hand back and forth a few times. "No one's heard from you either."

"I matter more than you," Bonnie said, glaring at Jessie vehemently. The two females of vastly disparate ages leaned in, glaring at one another like they were about to throw down in some epic brawl for all time. Rotom seemed to find it amusing from the other side of the screen.

"Yes! Death Match: Jessie vs. Bonnie!" Rotom cried. It managed to break free from Bunnelby while Serena resisted the urge to facepalm from its actions. "Who will win? Betting pools start now, and Rotom will record every single as-"

"Bunby!" Bunnelby's ears suddenly slammed back down onto Rotom once again, crushing it against the table. Clemont reached over and patted his steadfast partner on the head.

"Thank you, Bunnelby," he told the Digging Pokémon. "I should have never let Rotom watch those battles...In any case, seriously, has anyone heard from Ash?"

"Unimportant whether we have or haven't," Gladion said sharply. "We all have our own things to do. We may need Kahili, but right now it's just as important to secure the Altar of the Sunne for the ritual, isn't it?"

"By the way, where did you guys find the Sun Flute, anyway?" Lillie asked, turning to face Bonnie. Said girl stuck her tongue out and winked at her. That caused another pout to rise to the blond's cheeks while Hau laughed on the other end of the line at both of their expressions.

"It's secret," she said, making herself, Dedenne and Lionel share in the chuckle. It was clear they wouldn't give it up to any of them. "Let's just say we climbed mountains, plundered caves, swam in oceans and even saw an underwater temple."

"Bonnie has clearly expanded her vocabulary, too..." Rotom said with a muffled voice, still held fast against the table. Bonnie adopted a sly look on her face, prompting Serena to sigh; this was clearly going to take longer than any of them planned, thanks to the ever belligerent duo lobbing insults at one another.

"Bonnie saw lots of cute Pokémon, too!" she insisted, forcing Rotom to grumble. Lionel laughed at his companion's statements. Clearly the two had managed to bond over the last month. Aidan groaned loudly.

"Can we please stop with all this? The League is gathering its forces as we speak," the blond remarked snappishly. "We don't have time to sit around on our behinds, twiddling our fingers. The time for the preemptive strike we all decided on is here, now. We must secure the Altar of the Sunne, obtain the Moon Flute and play the Champion's Song to restore Nebby to its glory and open our way into the Ultra Space before the Day of Stars."

"Easier said, than done," Tau pointed out. It was a sobering statement to all of them. Despite all of their successes in the last month, there still remained the obstacle before them of Team Skull and finding the final item needed. Serena's eyes drifted to the inert form that was Nebby and she sighed. They still had a long battle ahead of them, and that was before they could even consider the Hope Leilani and League.

Ash...she couldn't help but think. It had been too long since she'd seen him, touched him, held him, kissed him. She missed him quite a bit, even if the month apart was a breath of fresh air. Really, it just made her wish to see him all the more, and she'd found herself counting down the days in the last week until they'd reunite. At least no one thought of suggesting Ash He was probably too busy training to even think about anything else (even her, she imagined).

"Serena." Gladion's loud voice drew her back and she blinked at Lillie's brother. His mouth was in a thin line as he spoke. "Now that we know what Clemont wanted to share with us, you and Lillie still haven't told us what your group discovered."

"Right," Serena said with a nod, realizing that they had been receiving all of the information, but had yet to truly share a piece of their own. Not that their own quest had really been all that important in the scheme of things when it came down to their preemptive strike...mostly because they weren't nearly as successful in all of their goals as the other groups seemed to have been. She looked over to Lillie and the blonde walked forward, placing Nebby and then Komala upon the table. The latter cuddled up against the former.

"So, first things first, we went to Poni Island," Lillie said with confidence. She held her wrist out to show off the Z-Ring that she had gotten from Tapu Fini. To this day, Serena could remember the sight of it. Maybe it was because she had her own Z-Ring from Tapu Lele, but she had seen the whole event happen. Team Rocket hadn't...mostly because Tapu Fini was as fickle as Kahili suggested and sent them blasting off quickly. "It's a bit hard to describe how it all happened, but if we meet at the Ruins of Hope on Poni Island, I can show you."

"That sounds like a good idea," Serena agreed. "It's possible we can reunite with you there, like a rendezvous point, Clemont. That way we can show you before we enter the canyon. Beyond the Champion's Song being played, that place was...different."


"Totally weird."


"Wobba." Team Rocket's well-timed quips would have been enough to make Serena sigh, but she didn't. Instead, she was too busy suspecting that Lillie potentially had ulterior motives for wanting to show them Tapu Fini's shrine. It was certainly the most different one she'd ever been to, but it made all sorts of sense with what Kiawe and Hapu had spoken of so long ago, regarding the waters. Plus, there was still the possibility that the Tapus weren't done for them quite yet.

"Then I guess we'll have our meeting spot, and you have me intrigued," Clemont agreed. This prompted Bonnie to give a silent nod on their side of the screen. "I mean, things are weird here, too, but I'd certainly like to see what it's like there."

"Is it possible that the Tapus could give aid to us in regards to the Ultra Space and our preemptive strike?" Lionel asked, his rather facetious attitude having been completely dropped at this point. Serena and Lillie instantly and simultaneously shook their heads.

"The Tapus are preparing for war, though they didn't tell us anything," Lillie explained. "I think they're amassing their power, like they're creating another Z-Crystal, or just gathering their power."

"They're pretty, er, well...fickle, like Kahili said," Serena explained, rubbing the back of her head with a slight chuckle. "I'm surprised Tapu Fini chose to give Lillie a Z-Ring, but I know there was a reason behind it. The only question is really what that reason was."

"I'm not telling...yet," Lillie said with her own little wink. It soon faded to a genuine smile that reminded Serena of how much Lillie had grown. She was no longer the same meek and scared little girl that she had been before. "Either way, I'm pretty sure the Tapus won't be helping us, and I'd be surprised if they did. I'll tell you more once you've seen Tapu Fini's shrine."

"That works out," Clemont said. Hau seemed to agree, slamming both of their bags on the table. He was grinning, just like always.

"We're all ready to go on our end. How about you guys?" he said cheerily. Clemont frowned at him, though he didn't say anything. Rather, he was cut across by Aidan moving to ask his own question in his usual brusque manner.

"Serena, what of your other search? For your father? This world's Michael?" he asked. There was silence at that statement, and even Lillie hung her head. She had finally been told the exact nature of the events in Kalos during their separation, and certainly understood the meaning behind Michael's interference in Alola. Serena sucked in a breath, thinking of how best to broach the subject that Aidan had now put before them.

"It's a little complicated..." she said honestly. Her hands knitted together, twisting her fingers just a little as she considered all of her words carefully. "We did a lot of searching."

"Yeah, my feet are killer," Jessie complained. As if to emphasize the point, she collapsed in one of the chairs that was there. Most of them completely ignored her and her complaints. James and Meowth joined her, though, while Wobbuffet just tripped and fell flat on his face.

"I mean, the first place we started was the Seafolk Village, and I know it was random, but they traffic in a lot of information there."

"Poni Island practically thrives on obtaining and bartering information from the outside world," Lillie explained to those who were unfamiliar with the way the place worked. Serena let her do so, thinking back to their time spent there, gathering information. It had been such a happy place, and she felt they'd helped to make it just a little happier. "The Seafolk Village, especially, has a lot of information, if you're willing to help them out with things."

"It took three days to get the smell of fish out of our uniforms," James said handily. Again, they were ignored.

"Point is, I think my theory was right: my father is in Alola," Serena said simply. Aidan and Lionel looked to each other, harsh lines being drawn on to their faces from hearing it. She didn't blame them; after their long war with the other Michael, hearing about this version must have instilled some trepidation inside of them. Serena, however, still held to hope that they would ultimately have nothing to worry about in the long run. "The information we got there indicated that someone who looked like me, honey blonde hair and blue eyes, had visited the village about two months prior, looking for Resolution Cave to study its properties and ancient traditions."

"So that's why you called..." Clemont expressed, obviously putting the pieces together. Serena nodded. "Your father must have been the one that Gary encountered."

"That's what I guess. Knowing he was in Alola was proof enough for me," Serena said, folding her arms across her chest. "I had to figure he wouldn't be on Poni Island anymore, not with what he'd told Gary. So, our group decided to go elsewhere, particularly to the different ruins that we could. If he's anything like the Michael we all know, he continued studying ruins. I have no idea what drew him to Alola, but at this point, I focused in on a key observation."

"We're pretty sure we discovered where he's staying and observing at this moment," Lillie finished up for her. Aidan gazed at them both expectantly, but Serena held her tongue. Right now, there was no time left to worry about her father or anything he was planning or thinking or researching. It was the reason she felt she'd failed in that respect.

"Either way, I'm not ready to 'reunite' with him quite yet," Serena said sternly, imparting her desire to not share the information. "We have a very good idea of where he is, where all of this started in Alola six years ago from the various reports, the ruins, the Tapus and the people at the Seafolk Village, but he can't help when it comes to what we've planned."

"She has a point," Lionel sighed out, agreeing with her decision to not share the information. Serena sighed in relief at that, breathing out just a little bit.

There was actually another reason that she didn't want to see him quite yet, but she wasn't sure that Lionel or Aidan would understand. Nor did she want them to. In fact, she didn't want them there at all when she met her father. That could only go poorly in the grand scheme of things. There was one person she absolutely wanted there at that time, though: Ash. Both of them had had their lives affected by Michael, the other Michael, far more than either of them cared for. If they were going to see the one who could be similar or completely different, but with the same face, they would need to do it together.

"Well, anyway," Lillie said, her eyes sliding to Serena and smiling, "it looks like we have a lot of work ahead of us. You said Team Skull has shown up again, right?"

"That's right," Aidan indicated. Everyone straightened up, firming in their resolve. Serena's heart swelled a little, especially with Lillie's eyes shining brightly with determination. Now was never the moment to give up. They were ready to take their next step. "The battle begins anew from this very moment, only this time, we don't have to win the initial skirmish; we just have to achieve our task."

"Yes," Serena indicated. She gazed around the room at all of her friends (and frenemies, she felt she could consider Team Rocket to be). It made her happy to see them all there, gazing with determination, smiling with the happiness of reunion. A month of beating herself up, searching and wondering certain things was by the wayside now. Her own happiness was returning. The final battle. Then the Hope Leilani. Serena grinned internally at the promise she had Professor Kukui deliver to Miss Akela; this reunion made her figure it out...almost. Now there was just one thing left. One person left for her to try and understand.

I'm almost there, I promise...she thought. Lillie looked to her and nodded, the corners of her lips twitching upwards. It was like a chain, she felt; almost similar to what she'd experienced in the Seafolk Village. The doors opened again, and Wicke stepped back inside, looking positively frazzled. No one was with her.

"Miss Wicke, what's wrong?" Gladion asked, placing his hands upon the table. The woman pursed her lips and then placed both of her hands on her hips.

"I've just gotten word from our boat at Hau'oli City," the woman said sternly. "Ash and Kahili never showed up, and it seems that no one has seen them for the last month."

Author's Note: This was a very heavy information chapter with a lot of stuff going on. Obviously, with a month having passed, things have happened. Some of them don't require details beyond what I've given. Others do. For example, there's not much to know about Clemont and Hau's time at the Battle Tree. But Lillie getting her Z-Ring and the Seafolk Village will be shown later, but that's all I can say. I hope it all transferred over well and that my progression of Serena finding her own answer soon is getting there. She obviously came to one realization about being unable to achieve it on her own at the end of Trials. So, what's the second part?

Of course, the big question is: where are Ash and Kahili? Has something happened to them? I really wanted to create something different in the sense that Ash hasn't appeared for two chapters now, which is odd when it's his story. I hope you're all enjoying it, though.

Now, of course, I want to thank everyone who shared words on this story and is making it a great success in its final run (there's a lot): Batguy2000, BlazingEdge, ChaosOverlord65, Citylover96, Dazzling-Moonblast, DrTheris, JJMAN65, Kagamine Arimonori, Kevin the Amourshipper, Maurice Elias A. Nigma, Nexxus176, Paleb05, Phillip Clark, Rapticon sr. the Goldenhearted, Rebelling Death, RougeClyde, Sapphiria, ShadowHero1927, Taks0708, Technetium2, barry1dm, blue-analytic, dillonsoma, legoboy20, matthewzelesky, ArtisticFoxCat, Vibora1996, miga330, migueleto10 and smashfighter57 for favoriting; Asucru, Demon Shadow5000, GunnersFan55, DabingViper, princelotor81, stardust902, Haney, ThePersonalOne and remisolleke for following; and now for the heartiest of all hearty thanks to PokeGirlPG21, WayoshiM, Vivian Gray, Nina The Fangirl, Amourshiper35, FantasyLover88, Eldergi, Alexandria prime, ultimateCCC, Leaflame, potat lasaro, Gehatik, AdvancedAlto, FrivMasterAnthony2, ShiningAura, The Aura Gardian, ChE clarinetist, Omegaz, SinVallie, thatsmybusiness43, Tenzalucard123, aliensinnoh, TheShapeH31, XDiamondX90, Nega Mewtwo, RWBYSanctum, jlogan2748, micro0951 and 1 guest for reviewing! Maybe this time we can even exceed the number on Trials! I hope this one meets your expectations. So, until next time, please Review and Dare to Be Silly.

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