Children of the Water (Yander...

By Cloakedranger

559K 28.6K 10.7K

It is told that a monster lives in the abandoned ruins by the village of Watergrove. Children are warned not... More

A/N: Responses to Comments/Questions
Village by the Ruins
Night Whispers
Beneath the Pools
Watering Inquiry
Some Clarity
A Walk in the Water
Dire Duty
Partner in a Deal
Key Findings
Life or Death
Night Escape
Bonded by Metal
New World
Staying Covered and Close
Advance into Darkness
Close at Camp
Second Arrival
Rough Ascension
Top Overlook
Onto the Third
Abandoned Shadows
Near the Heart
Placing the Pieces
Warmth before the Storm
Snow Covered
A Strike of a Smile
Upon a Rumored Tale
A Court with Pixies
Bargain Struck
Screeching Halt
Smoke Filled Night
Smiling at Reluctance
Delicate Flower
Cold yet Warm
Conversation's Clue
Discovering a Reaction
Night's Taste
Falling Catch
Hidden Pages
A Mark of Fear
Runaway Fish
Risk with a Bet
Concealing Retreat
Last Chance
Unconscious Return
Angered Relief
Loosened and Restrained
Caught at Night
Out by the Water
Upstream Quiet
Falling Stars
Snow Pixies' Trouble
Sorrow of Tails
Dreadful Awakening
Coming to Council
Something Disclosed
Something Stolen
Bring to Save
Future Circumstance
A Spy's Spy
Strike and Fly
Around the Water
Hidden Views
Nearer to the Edge
Down into the Abyss
A Surprise of Warmth
Dancing Waves
Dangerous Exit
Covered View
A Dreadful Display
Careful Steps
Execution's Break
Going to the Main
An Undesirable Lesson
Magic's Arrival
Dual Dislike
Water Run
Final Opportunity
Published Copy!
New Cover

Fish in the Water

3.4K 229 105
By Cloakedranger

A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

A pleasant smell emanating from the pot, her stomach almost grumbled. (E/c) eyes trained on the food, she intertwined her fingers and rubbed her thumbs together. The warm flames sent a satisfying wave of warmth her way as she found that she could actually relate somewhat to what he had just told her. "I think that's also what drew me to my husband. He lived out in the woods, and it was quiet. My old home was so confining, and, with him, it was very freeing."

Of course, Tarhuinn didn't live out in the woods, but the rest was true in a way. Despite the troubling parts of this journey, she was experiencing more of the world. "Or, maybe, it was more curiosity that drew me to him. I had never lived out of a village setting before, and he seemed to offer something much more thrilling in life. There was the chance to leap out and explore something new."

While explaining this, however, she didn't notice the expression of fondness that began to paint her face. (F/n) didn't register at first that a few tears had begun to run down her cheeks. Sure, Tarhuinn had caused her immense pain from calling out to her, and he was overprotective on an unhealthy level, but he had trusted her enough to take her out on this journey. He had given her a chance at adventure that she never would've had before, yet she had left him behind to the pixies.

(F/n) knew already that she had made the right decision. She had told herself this before. If she hadn't taken this course, they would both be dead. It was simple, yet the image of Tarhuinn's countenance when she broke their agreement was difficult to handle. To him, it was like she had taken his own dagger and stabbed him in the back.

Resting on her left shoulder, a hand snapped her out of her memories. She now felt the tears on her face, and she quickly wiped them away. "I'm sorry. It's just that I wish this had never happened between us. Our marriage was doomed to fail, though, wasn't it? I was too much in a fantasy. I was looking for that perfect moment too much to realize that he just wanted me for my body in the end." A sob left her lips before she covered her eyes with her hands. (F/n) needed to get back into the game; she could only let so much truth slip. If too much came out into the open, the false pieces of the story might look questionable.

Wood scraping against wood sounded before Will faced her. He rested both hands on her shoulders, sending her a sympathetic smile. "Your marriage from the beginning wasn't predestined to fall apart. Your husband made that decision a few nights ago. He's the one who destroyed your relationship by not having trust in you."

Pulling her hands away from her face, he set them on her lap before he went to wiping away her tears. At first, she leaned away from him, but when he persisted, she forced herself to relax. She didn't meet his gaze, though. Instead, she pretended to be shy. Her eyes turned to her left some while she bit her bottom lip to fight back another sob.

As he tended to her sorrow, Will was chuckling on the inside. It was obvious that the woman before him still cared for her husband deeply. There was just enough vulnerability there, however, that he could twist her to his liking. He could sink his fangs in steadily and let the poison corrupt her in such a way that she wouldn't notice it until it was too late.

He was quite tempted, however, to reach over and nip at her flesh to have a taste. Unlike his past house guests, she had never been touched there before. Will could barely resist on finding out what her flesh's difference would be. Patience would be vital, though. If he rushed into this, he might spoil the exceptional prize before him. There was also the possibility that he would never have a house guest like this again, so he should savor her. Besides, she had amused him genuinely several times already. Her innocence really brought some interesting characteristics to the table.

Maybe tonight, he might steal something of hers. A small taste wouldn't hurt if she didn't notice. She was recovering for the moment, though. Sliding his hands away from her tantalizing skin, he sat up straight in his chair once more. "You did nothing wrong, Bluebell. Just remember that. You stayed loyal to your husband, but apparently that wasn't good enough for him."

Shifting her (e/c) orbs over his way, she let a small smile grace her lips. "Thank you for the kind words ... I suppose that you're right. It's just hard to still accept everything that's happened. I'm terrified of him, but I want to remedy things as well. Still if he's alive and if I go back, I know that he'll kill me. The fantasy in my mind can no longer become a reality, yet it pains me to acknowledge that."

She clenched her hands around the skirt of her dress like so many times before. Will desired for her to clench a little harder so that the skirt would rise up a little. This want remained only mental. Only a caring expression fell upon his face and eyes.

"I would go search for your husband and learn of his state, but my fear is leaving you behind here. If he is alive, he could do some damage if he found this place and you inside. Hopefully, you understand that."

"I do. You're concerned for my health even though you've only known me for less than a day. I appreciate that very much."

Smiling gently, he nodded before he turned his chair back to the fire. He intertwined his fingers and rested his chin on his knuckles. "Your fantasy by the way," he looked over her way to make sure that her gaze was on him, and it was, "can still happen." Confusion flashed onto her countenance.

Will turned his gaze more onto her. "Let's say that your husband is deceased. You can move on. You can find another love of your life. I believe that it's fair to say that your husband didn't deserve it. You shouldn't stay fixed on a man like that. For awhile it might be hard to think like that, but I assure you that it will be better for your health. You have your whole life ahead of you; don't waste it on him."

Silence was his answer, but he could tell that she was debating his words. That's all that he needed. He just needed to plant the seed. Now as it grew, he would have her soon. She would come over to him, and she would come to care for the man that helped her through a time of great trouble. Will had her in the proper mold. Now, it just needed to harden.


Lying on his back, he pretended to still be asleep. Currently, some of the scouts were giving a report to their king and queen. He knew that they were talking about (f/n) and the mage. To his relief, it sounded like she hadn't given her name away. Instead, the mage took to calling her 'Bluebell.' It still bothered him immensely, though. If anyone were to compare her to a flower, it was to be him, not some other male.

Regardless, he was able to listen to the report calmly until the scouts mentioned that she had bathed in front of him. In an instant, he shot up and reached out to grab the nearest pixie. Cries sounded before they flew out of his reach. If he didn't have bonds on, a good few of them would've just been killed. "What do you mean that she bathed in front of him?!"

"It's exactly how it sounds, kelremm," the king answered calmly. "He was facing away from her a few times. Whenever he looked back her way, she would throw a fish at him. Apparently, she hasn't taken our advice to heart yet. Now, do you have to be put back to sleep, or will you remain calm?"

This clarification did ease him somewhat, but he would kill this mage when he had the chance. How dare he try to see (f/n) nude. The perverted b*stard would pay dearly for that. Moving into a sitting up position, Tarhuinn sat cross-legged before his stomach annoyingly rumbled. A mumble of irritation left his lips before he searched for one of their packs.

"Your food will be saved while you stay here. I've had some fish and rose petals prepared for you," the queen responded as some pixies swiftly placed a plate in front of him before flying off.

"I'll not eat something of yours."

"Then, you'll starve. It'll be a shame if your wife returns only to find you dead because you wouldn't accept our hospitality," the king voiced in way to indicate that he was tired of Tarhuinn's behavior. When the kelremm still didn't eat, the king asked, "Shall I have the plate taken away, then?"

Clenching his fingers, Tarhuinn pressed his lips into a thin line. He held back a remark before he brought the plate closer. Reluctantly, he began to eat. These pixies were inflaming him more, though. All he desired to do was go after (f/n) and kill that d*mned mage. If something were to happen to her, he would lose himself. There wouldn't be a point to him living. His twelve years of waiting would come to naught.

They had been married, however. That was something, and the ring now beside him and the one on him reminded him of that. If she were killed and he gave completely into fury, at least they would've had that much. Hopefully, it wouldn't get to that point. He didn't wish to discover that she had been murdered in some brutal fashion. All he could do at the moment was hope and try to get out of his bonds. For that, he would have to eat the pixies' food.

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