By kasiobi

2.2K 292 35

One doesn't rise in love or climb in love, but rather "grows in love". True love are various emotions linkin... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
Chapter Nine
charpter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
charpter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter Twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty_two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter Twenty eight
Chapter Twenty nine
Chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter Thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter Thirty-five
chapter thirty-six

chapter seventeen

70 4 0
By kasiobi

      Wrapped in the aftermath of their passionate night, she was nestled in the protective cocoon of his arms. The warmth of their entwined bodies spoke volumes of the emotions shared in the fervent embrace. His presence was a comforting constant, their hearts synchronized in a rhythm that echoed the profound connection between them. As she stirred, the reality of the morning unveiled itself. A momentary haze enveloped her senses, and she reached out to feel the sheets, half-expecting to find them still occupied by the remnants of their shared intimacy. However, the sheets were empty, and the sensation of solitude began to creep in. With a subtle frown, she opened her eyes to a room bathed in the gentle glow of the fully awakened sun. Her roughly tousled hair bore witness to the intensity of the night. Casting her gaze around the room, she sought a clue of his presence, but there was only emptiness. The echo of his absence lingered, and she found herself alone, surrounded by the lingering traces of their shared passion.

As a wondering thought meandered through her mind, she found herself contemplating the enigma of his departure from the bed. Questions about the depth of his feelings and the authenticity of his love for her began to cloud her thoughts. The residue of their shared night, the way he held her, and the profound gaze she glimpsed in his eyes all suggested a connection that surpassed mere physical desire. Yet, the lingering uncertainty loomed, fueled by his apparent reluctance to express emotions openly. A wave of introspection washed over her, and she acknowledged the complexity of understanding someone like him—someone who wore a mask of stoicism. The words he spoke, centered around wanting her, resonated in her mind. In these moments of contemplation, she grappled with the contrast between his actions and his seemingly emotionless facade. The struggle to decipher his true sentiments played out within her. Seeking to dispel the lingering negativity, she made a conscious effort to focus on the positive—the way he made her feel. Her fingers traced the same path his had trodden the previous night, a tactile exploration of the shared intimacy. The imprint he left on her, both physically and emotionally, became a tangible reminder of a connection she never anticipated. Despite the uncertainties, she was determined to savor the present and extract every ounce of bliss from the profound moments they shared.

As she stretched and rose from the sheets, a sudden awareness dawned upon her—she was still entirely unclothed. With a nonchalant grace, she ambled towards her box, the prospect of finding something decent to wear occupying her thoughts. However, a swift descent into disappointment awaited her as she delved into the contents of her luggage. The exclamation that escaped her lips echoed through the room, a blend of frustration and humor. "Oh, kill me now!... Debbie!... What did you pack for me?" The rhetorical question hung in the air as she confronted the reality of her wardrobe choices—or rather, the lack thereof. A quick survey of the box revealed a collection that erred on the side of alluring and short, leaving her with limited options that aligned with her quest for something more modest. In this sartorial predicament, she couldn't help but shake her head at the oversight in her packing. The absence of a suitable garment to cover herself added a touch of irony to the morning after a night of intense emotions. With a sigh, she faced the task of making do with what she had, navigating the fine line between fashion and practicality in the limited choices her luggage presented.

Surveying the room for an alternative to her scant wardrobe, her eyes fell upon Roy's shirt nonchalantly strewn across the floor. The garment, an unintended gift from the events of the previous night, beckoned to her. With a spontaneous decision, she seized the opportunity, slipping herself into the oversized shirt that cascaded down to her laps. The fabric enveloped her, imbuing her with the comforting essence of his scent—a tangible connection to the intense and passionate night they had shared. A subtle smile played on her lips as she embraced the makeshift attire. The shirt, once an intimate part of his ensemble, now draped over her form, resonating with the traces of their shared moments. It carried a certain allure, a blend of casual intimacy and lingering desire. Eager to reunite with Roy, her steps quickened as she made her way to freshen up. The anticipation of seeing him again, coupled with the desire to be at her best in his presence, motivated her to wash away the remnants of the night. A swift cleansing ritual ensued, ensuring she felt comfortable and free from any lingering sensations that might distract from the moment they would share once more, She picked up her phone and noticed tons of messages from Kate and Debbie, she blushed knowing what they were all about.

As Nyri entered the dining area, she was greeted by the sight of Roy sitting at the table, a glass of wine and a stack of paperwork before him. His countenance wore a heavy, contemplative expression, casting a shadow over what should have been a leisurely breakfast. Her mind, ever curious and seeking to understand the dynamics at play, questioned his choice to bring work to the dining table. She couldn't help but wonder if her company wasn't sufficient for him. The absence of a warm greeting or a lingering gaze when she woke up left a trace of disappointment and uncertainty. Caught in her contemplation, she mused inwardly. As the silence lingered, Roy broke it with a directive, "Don't just stand there, come and take a seat. Your breakfast is getting cold." His words pulled her from her thoughts, prompting her to comply. Moving closer, she noticed that he had drawn out a chair for her, a gesture that carried a subtle touch of consideration. However, as he began to serve breakfast, a realization dawned on her, there was only a plate set for her. A flicker of surprise crossed her face. Wasn't he going to eat too? The rarity of witnessing him partake in a main meal struck her. The only instance she could recall was at the wedding reception when, as tradition dictated, she had fed him a piece of the wedding cake. It became a singular moment in her memory, the exception to his usual dining habits.

In the midst of the curated breakfast setting, Roy's words cut through the air, breaking the silence that had settled between them. His tone, though not harsh, carried an air of authority that wasn't to be questioned. "You are still timid after what happened last night... eat and get your energy back," he stated, more as an observation than a query. The atmosphere felt controlled, almost calculated, as if every detail was orchestrated to convey a sense of order. Nyri couldn't help but acknowledge the effort put into making the setting appear perfect, despite the underlying tension. But the real substance of the conversation began to unfold as Roy redirected her attention. "While we are here, I want to set everything there is, straight," he declared, ensuring she was fully engaged in the forthcoming dialogue. His words continued with a confidence that matched his earlier authoritative tone. "I am in charge of everything, especially all of you... Whatever I say stands as conclusion, unless it's something you view not to be right then i might review it." The weight of his statement lingered in the air, emphasizing the hierarchical dynamic he believed in. He went on to explain the logistics of their solitude on the island. "I made sure we spent our time together alone...the cleaners would sail over twice every day to do just their jobs and leave... While that is happening, you can stay covered, but if not, then you should be only in your underwear." The matter-of-fact delivery left little room for negotiation, underlining his expectation of control and privacy during their time on the secluded island.

The exchange left Nyri visibly conflicted, her expressions portraying the inner turmoil she experienced in that moment. "B...but I can't parade myself naked all over the rooms," she stammered, a hint of desperation in her voice. Roy's response was succinct and carried a firmness that seemed to be his trademark. "I said half-naked... or do you prefer I change it to what I really want?" The thinly veiled threat in his words hinted at the consequences of defiance, adding a layer of tension to the atmosphere. Attempting to find a middle ground, Nyri pleaded, "Please let me at least put on what was packed for me... they don't totally cover my body, and they are all laced and short." Her request was a compromise, an attempt to salvage some modesty while meeting his expectations. Roy's expression hardened slightly at her proposal. "Deal... but if you go back on your words, I'll burn every single cloth you have." The severity of his warning sent a shiver down Nyri's spine, and she felt the weight of the consequences of crossing him. The situation left her muscles tense, and her face flushed with a mixture of frustration and submission. In that moment, she realized the precarious balance she had to maintain to coexist with Roy. The internal struggle mirrored the external negotiations, and deep down, Nyri acknowledged a dependency she hadn't fully grasped before, a realization that, despite her initial attempts at independence, she might need him in ways she hadn't anticipated.

Roy suggested preparing a bath for Nyri while she finished her food, there was a moment of tenderness in his care. Nyri acknowledged his consideration with a simple expression of gratitude. The exchange hinted at a shared intimacy, where Roy's actions conveyed a sense of attentiveness toward Nyri's comfort.
Nyri strolled out of the bathroom, humming, Roy's nonchalant demeanor added to Nyri's bewilderment as she walked in on him handling her laced underwear. The unexpected sight prompted her to question his presence in a space she considered personal. "What are you doing here?" she inquired, her voice carrying a mix of surprise and curiosity. Roy, seemingly unfazed, responded with a casual demeanor, "Waiting for you." His nonchalant attitude clashed with Nyri's expectation of privacy. "But you said I could wear..." Before she could finish her sentence, he interrupted her, diverting the conversation with an offhand remark about her her taste in underwear. Despite her attempts to question his presence, Roy's dismissive attitude left Nyri momentarily speechless. He instructed her to put on the laced lingerie. Nyri, caught off guard, approached him cautiously to retrieve the undergarments, half-expecting an unexpected move from him. To her surprise, Roy didn't make a move as she picked up the lingerie. Her anticipation turned into confusion as he didn't react to her proximity. As she advanced towards him, lost in her thoughts, Roy, seemingly amused by the situation, observed her with a hint of a smirk. The unexpected turn of events left Nyri flustered, her thoughts racing as she tried to make sense of Roy's behavior and the dynamics unfolding between them.

Eager to impress Roy, Nyri took the initiative to prepare dinner, considering that there were no hired cooks mentioned. Her choice for the evening was jollof rice, a popular and flavorful dish. As she began her culinary adventure, she set a pot of rice on the fire to pre-boil, a crucial step in achieving the perfect texture. Her focus shifted to the preparation of spices and vegetables, a meticulous process that required attention to detail. However, her enthusiasm and determination were momentarily disrupted when, in the midst of chopping an onion, the knife inadvertently found its way across her fleshy fingers. The unexpected pain prompted Nyri to let out a startled scream.

  Roy's office was a battleground of memories and unresolved emotions, with a photograph lying on his desk triggering a storm of mixed feelings. The return of the halfway crippled man, Charles, had reopened wounds that Roy thought were healed but, in reality, were only scarred over. A surge of determination filled him as he saw an opportunity to settle scores once and for all. This wasn't the first time Roy had faced off with Charles, and he suspected it might not be the last. The history between them was fraught with betrayal, hatred, and the weight of past sins. Charles, a psychopath in Roy's eyes, had manipulated their friendship, leading to consequences that haunted Roy to this day. The man had caused his own family's demise, a tragedy for which Roy had felt a strange mix of pity and disdain. Having once let Charles go free, Roy now saw the return of his old enemy as an affront, a challenge to his authority and a reminder of past pain. Forgiveness was not an option on Roy's list, and this time, he was determined to make use of Charles, extracting any information that could aid him in the battles he anticipated.
Nyri's voice sliced through Roy's thoughts, bringing him back to the present. Concern flashed in his eyes as he rushed to her side, demanding to know what had happened. Her response, a simple "I cut myself," prompted him to take her palm into his hands. In that moment, the complex web of emotions within Roy, his history with Charles, his determination for revenge, and his unexpected concern for Nyri converged. The atmosphere in the kitchen crackled with tension as Roy tended to Nyri's cut. His touch, intended for comfort, seemed to unleash a cascade of sensations within her. The friction of his fingers against her skin created a peculiar blend of pain and pleasure, the latter overpowering the former under the magic of his touch. Roy, ever perceptive, noticed the hitch in her breath and the subtle signs of her body's response. With a raw intensity, he questioned her stubbornness, demanding to know what she truly desired. Nyri, caught in the web of emotions, yearned for him to continue the enchanting interlude. His tone, a soothing balm to her senses, echoed through her as her heartbeat quickened. Leaning closer, reducing the distance between them, Roy pressed her to vocalize her desires. In a hushed whisper, she admitted, "I want you." The vulnerability in her eyes laid bare a part of her that she hadn't shown before. Roy, reveling in the moment, pressed for her to declare her desire out loud. Nyri, with the last shreds of dignity, confessed, "I want the traces of your fingers on my skin." It was a plea, a desire, and an admission wrapped in a single sentence. With a devilish grin, Roy pushed her back, making her lean on the counter. His lips claimed hers, the warmth radiating from the center of her body as the pressure of his mouth delved deeply into her throat. A soft moan escaped her lips as his tongue danced with hers, exploring the depths of her being. Nyri melted beneath his touch as his mouth traced a tantalizing path down her neck.
Just as the intensity between them reached its peak, the intrusive beeping of the telephone shattered the moment. Roy, displeased by the interruption, pulled away with a reluctant sound, leaving Nyri in a state of heightened arousal and anticipation. The call, a sudden intrusion, added an unpredictable twist to the charged atmosphere between them.

Nyri wrestled with the internal conflict of eavesdropping, unable to resist due to the intensity of Roy's expressions during the phone call. Despite her efforts, the conversation remained cryptic, leaving her in a state of uncertainty. As Roy flung the phone aside with a displeased look, his brows furrowed in anger, signaling the gravity of the situation. The revelation of an emergency meeting and Roy's imminent departure cast a shadow over Nyri's excitement. The unexpected turn of events left her visibly saddened, her emotions laid bare. She couldn't comprehend the urgency of the meeting that would prompt Roy to leave her alone. The reality starkly contrasted with her idealized vision of their time together. Roy, seemingly indifferent to her distress, assured her of his swift return and attempted to lighten the mood with a grin. Nyri, feeling defeated, questioned his decision to bring work into their shared moments. His response was a peck on her head, an affectionate gesture that failed to ease the ache in her heart. As Roy prepared to leave, Nyri mustered the courage to voice her feelings. "Why did you have to bring work along?" she asked with a tone of vulnerability. His silence spoke volumes, leaving her with unanswered questions. The chopper's arrival signaled his departure, and Nyri, desperate for a moment longer with him, rushed outside. She watched in silence as Roy boarded without a backward glance, no farewell kiss or reassurance. The reality of his departure hit her hard. Doubts and insecurities flooded Nyri's mind. "Am I not enough to keep him with me?" she questioned herself. Hot tears traced down her cheeks as she retreated back into the house, grappling with the emotional turmoil of Roy's sudden departure.

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