Reincarnated in another world...

By hikari231

167K 6.3K 700

[Highest Rank: #1 in magic (14/06/2018) #1 in shounen (30/11/2018)] Tsukishima Na... More

I was reincarnated because.....
I am a boy now.....
Six months.......
Nature of magic........
Nature of magic (part 2).........
Birthday (part2)........
A normal day............
Lilian (part 2)............
Lilian (part 3)................
Lilian (part 4)...............
Invitation to Ball............
The Ball............
Meeting in the forest..........
Going on an adventure..........
Singer near the lake.............
Missing Allen.........
Reincarnated: Ray's POV.............
Reincarnated: Ray's POV (part2)...........
Reincarnated: Ray's POV (part3)............
Let's talk...................
The Five Year Ceremony Arc: Royal Capital...........
Exploring Selia.........
The Five Year Ceremony........
The Five Year Ceremony (part2)..........
Waking up..............
Healing (part2).............
The Five Year Ceremony Arc: Returning Home..........
A normal day (part2)...........
Teacher arrives............
Katherine's condition...............
Studying is hard, Test is harder..............
Investigating Oletha Household.............
Investigating Oletha Household (part2)..............
Investigating Oletha Household (part3)..............
Investigating Oletha Household (part 4)..............
Investigating Oletha Household (part5).................
I always keep my words..............
Inspecting Shein Village..............
On the way back........
The boy.......
The battle at the hideout...........
The battle at the hideout (part 2)............
The Battle at the hideout (part 3)........
Making new friends.............
Making new friends (part2)...........
White Fang.........
A day in hell..........
A day in hell (part2)........
A day in hell (part2.5).....
We're big brothers now....
Author: Something happened...
Starting from scratch....
Starting from scratch (part2).....
The battle at the Oletha Mansion......
The battle at the Oletha Mansion (part 2)...
The battle at the Oletha mansion (part 3).....
The battle at the Oletha Household (part 4)......
The battle at the Oletha Household (part 5).....
The battle at the Oletha Household (part 6)....
The battle at the Oletha Household (part 7).....
Umm... A Conversation

Reincarnated: Ray's POV (part4)..........

2.2K 80 6
By hikari231

Edited by: dragonsam656


After the ball party our days have been going on normally. For entertainment we could only hope for story books which we got bored of reading after we read each and every one nearly tens of times. So we started to visit the forest near our house to practice our magic.

We have been going there for quite some time now; Allen’s going there more than me, mostly alone. After a few hours when Allen did not return I went to the forest to call him back.

When I found Allen talking with a black haired girl who looked really cute, I approached them I called out to Allen and bring him back home. He greeted the girl and promised her about going on some adventure.

After a few days we again went to the forest there he introduced that black haired girl to me as Luci. After the introductions we decided to go on the so called adventure which was us touring the forest.

We made our way deeper into the forest. The scenery that we got to see was so mesmerizing that it could make one feel like it was heaven, the sunlight escaping the covers of tree falling on the leaves below where deer’s were eating. Or the scenery where cubs of magical beasts were being fed by their mothers, it gave the feeling the oil painting. One could spend a lifetime watching it but still not get tired of it.

We spent a few hours roaming around and watching different kinds of animals or magical beasts. As the time for us to return drew near we decided to head back.

When we were finally about to reach the rendezvous point where we started our tour from we heard the rustling of bushes. It caused us to take a defensive stance as we got ready to get out of the woods. As we about to make a run suddenly a demon wolf jumped out of the bushes. Allen took Luci's hand and got ready to run so did I.

Suddenly Luci spoke out, "Don't make any sudden movements or noise."

We complied with her words; she was quite stern as she spoke. The wolf approached us and started to smell me and looked at us with murderous intent in his eyes as he checked the surrounding area.

After that he walked towards Allen and Luci and smelled them too. After sniffing Luci he startled and ran with his tail between his legs. We took a breath of relief as he went away and Allen and Luci bursted into laughter.

As we got to the place we started our adventure we decided that Luci should come with us. We did not find it safe to let her go home alone especially after what just transpired. So we planned to take her back home and ask someone to drop her off. As we were walking out of the forest some faint sounds were coming from the direction of our house. So we quickened our steps to see what the sounds were. As we got closer the sounds became clearer and it was someone calling our names.

Then we realized that we have been found out and mama and everyone were frantically searching for us. We immediately got out of the bushes and headed towards mama who spotted us coming out of the bushes. She ran towards us with a worried look.

But as she got closer to us, suddenly, her worried expression turned into horrified and cautious.

She shouted, "Allen, Ray, get away from him." as she looked at Luci.

"Him? Mama do you mean Luci? She is a friend of mine and Ray's." said Allen trying to calm her down.

"Both of hurry and get away from him, he is a de........" she continued but before she could complete it a hoarse voice came from behind causing me to stiffen.

As I looked back, instead of Luci there was an androgynous man standing. He assured mama that he won't hurt and asked Lilian to drop his weapon to which mama and Lilian complied. After that Allen asked him, "Who are you?"

He told us that he was the demon king Lucifer who had come here to investigate some case. He also assured mama that he does mean any harm and as he considers us friends he won't let any harm come our way. As he asked mama to let him meet us, we too begged her for the permission. After sometime she agreed to it but on the condition that if anything dangerous happens and we get involved in it she will never let him get away and that she will never let us meet again.

When Papa found out about it he was definitely not happy about it and even tried to fight with Luci every chance he got but after sometime and a few requests he complied.

Luci visits and plays with us quite often now and everyone has gotten used to him coming here.


Today Luci visited us and spent time in the garden as I read a book and Allen made crowns out of the flowers and we got to know about Luci's grandfather, the demon who fought the hero 1000 years ago. After that, a quarter before noon Luci left.

After that during lunch we were joined by Arnette. Seeing Arnette Allen immediately went to sit beside him which made Papa very jealous and the atmosphere very awkward for Arnette so I sat beside him. And as for Lilian he was maintaining a fair amount of distance from Arnette as usual.

While we were having lunch Allen asked Arnette to teach him swordplay which made Papa let his hostility overflow. Arnette suggested that Allen should ask Papa for help because he is a better swordsman.

It was actually quite an interesting idea, so I joined in. But because mama still haven't forgotten about the time with magic Papa firmly refused to teach it to us before we turned 5 years old but promised us to show his swordplay.

After the lunch mama, papa, and Arnette went to the study while we went to our rooms.

Allen went to the forest after we returned to the room but I didn't go along with him today as I wanted to finish this. But after Allen came from the forest he was a little depressed.

At first I thought it was just because of some magic spelling he tried to create and fail but as the days passed he became more and more depressed. Everyone was able to see that he was depressed about something.

I figured that his depression is related to the forest so I followed him one day.

As he entered forest he was still acting ok but after going a little deeper suddenly he started to run towards the lake like a crazy person and then suddenly stopped near the lake. He looked around a few times and ran to someplace and came a few minutes later, as he returned he looked at his reflection on the lake with an expression like he was about to breakdown crying.

‘What is making him so pitiful?’ I thought inwardly.

After that Allen went back and so did I.


During the night I woke up because of some of footsteps sound. I immediately casted a fireball spell out loud.

Suddenly a familiar voice came from the other side of the room. As I inquired further, it turned out to be Luci. He came forward to where there was a lighter so I can clearly see his face.

After that he immediately changed topic as he asked about where Allen was. As I was telling him about Allen sleeping on his bed as I pointed it out but then I realized there was no one there.

‘Where is Allen? Where did he go? What should I do?’ I thought as panicked. Luci helped me calmed down as he asked me about anything strange happening with Allen. I answered him truthfully not hiding anything from him. As he listened his expression got more and more tensed. He asked me to call mama and papa and tell about Allen's disappearance.

"No, I'll come along with you." I retorted.

"Ray, listen, I know you are worried about Allen but we need your parents help. So, while you alert them about this. I'll search for Allen and you can later come to help find him with them. Ok?"

"Ok" I replied.

As Luci jumped off the window, I went to Mama and Papa's room to tell them about Allen. After they heard about it they called out only Lilian and some guards. And everybody went to search for him. I told them about the lake in the forest and we ran there as fast as I can. There I found Allen lying down unconscious; seeing him all wet and unconscious gave me a scare and I immediately went towards him and found Luci coming out of water. Before I could ask anything Luci said, “Look after him. His breathing and pulse is weak." As he said he went into the woods.

At that moment I got to know what real horror felt like. I felt shiver going down my spine as I used light magic to heal him as I called out to him, Natsumi and Allen interchanging without me noticing. After a few minutes he woke.

As he took my support to get up and asked me how I knew about Natsumi, I told him everything after that he started crying uncontrollably as he hugged me. "I thought you forgot everything, I thought you did not have any memories of when you were Tetsuya, Why didn't you tell me you me that before?" As he said that he fainted again. I supported him.

Wait, he didn't know about us being reincarnated as siblings? I was lost. I didn't know what I should do next. As I was contemplating on Lilian called out to me. And inquired about Allen being wet.

I didn't answer him and tightened my grip so he wouldn't take Allen away from me. I felt like if Allen went away from me now I may never be able to see him again. That thought made me feel scared to my bone.

Lilian approached me and patted my head as he calmed me down a little and assured me that he won't take Allen way from me. He picked Allen up and started to walk back towards home when mama and papa came. Seeing Allen unconscious they hurriedly rushed over worried. As mama touched Allen's forehead she said that he had a really high fever. 

As we were heading back, suddenly, a black figure came behind us and attacked Lilian and Allen. Papa took me away at the last moment as they dodged his attack. Lilian too dodged his attack.

As mama and papa got ready to fight they ordered Lilian to take me and Allen home. But the black thing attacked us again and this time it was clear that it wanted to hurt Allen. But before it could come near us a black fire wall stood between us and that thing, dividing us.

The one who created the wall was Luci.

After that the black thing changed its form to a woman. And started to talk to Luci as they conversed Luci asked her why did she tried hurt Allen. She answered, "Because he is an oddity. He is the oddity of the human race. If I gained his powers I can overthrow the current hierarchy of the demons."

‘She is the one who hurt Allen?’ I thought inwardly as I looked at her appalling face. I refused to move from the spot I was standing at. "How dare dare you hurt Allen." were the only words that came out. I wanted to kill her and rip her heart out. But I couldn't use powerful magic; I didn't know how it would affect Allen.

I used gravity magic to crush her but she was able to endure it. After I used water magic and forced her to kneel down. Just as I was preparing to cast another spell, Lilian squeezed my hands lightly which made me come to my senses. I stopped my incantation as the water pressure reduced Luci stepped in to best her up. As I saw the whole thing I clenched Lilian's trousers tightly. After everything got settled the firewall extinguished itself.

All of them came towards us and checked Allen's condition. Mama told us that his fever was getting worse so we took back to the manor immediately.


After we reached the manor, mama took Allen and casted a healing spell for hours until it was dawn. I was sitting outside on papa's lap as he kept reassuring me that Allen will be ok.

Mama came out of the room and called papa and Luci in the study and asked Lilian to take care of Allen but after I stubbornly refused to leave his bedside mama and papa allowed me to stay with him. Everybody in the house was told about Allen's fever but not the cause behind it.

Sitting beside Allen's bed and watching him suffer… I couldn't help but feel like crying but he was suffering more than me, how could I cry. As I thought I held back tears refusing to let them fall at any cost. I prayed and wished with all my might for Allen to get better.
"It is my entire fault; I should have told him me being Tetsuya before. What was I thinking? It’s my fault that Allen is suffering like this. Is he going to die? Is Natsumi going to die again? Will I be alone in this world without her?" As I thought more about it the more terrified I became.

"Natsumi please don't leave me alone here."


Even after five days Allen has not wake up. Lilian and everyone are getting more and more worried.

As I was sitting beside Allen's bed, Lilian approached me, "Ray-sama please eat something and get some rest. It's not good for health to stay up all the time and not eat anything. It has been four days since you ate anything or slept. At this rate even your will deteriorate."

I didn't answer him as I sat in a daze like a wooden statue not taking my eye off Allen. As I sat there Lilian still tried to persuade me.

Suddenly I heard a vague sound. I asked Lilian to shut up and tried to listen more carefully.

"Wa.......water." a weak looking Allen requested as he opened his eyes slowly.


(Alright guys my exams are over or at least they should have been over but due to some idiots who cheated now I have to give one exam again alongside 5 lakh other people (500000 students) so it sucks but now that I have a lot of time on my hands I'll try to update daily. And hope you enjoy the story. Thank you.)

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