The Reincarnated Twin

By LavendorQueen

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Shaula Walburga Black, twin of Sirius Orion Black and previously known as Chloe Thompson holds the knowledge... More

Chapter One - Rebirth
Chapter Two - Growing Up
Chapter Three - The Letters
Chapter Four- Hogwarts Train
Chapter Five- Sorting Hat
Chapter Six - First Day
Chapter Seven - The Howler
Chapter Eight - Halloween Pranks
Chapter Nine - First Hogwarts Birthday
Chapter Ten - Slytherins and Muggleborns
Chapter Eleven - Christmas Planning
Chapter Twelve - Sick Day
Chapter Thirteen - Christmas Rejection
Chapter Fourteen - Family
Chapter Sixteen - Coming Home
Chapter Seventeen - Lestrange Dinner
Chapter Eighteen - Help Each Other Out
Chapter Nineteen - Pick 'n' Mix

Chapter Fifteen - We're Siblings

2.2K 81 2
By LavendorQueen

The twins sat in silence for a moment, Sirius waiting for Shaula to speak and Shaula attempting to find the right words. Shaula looks down for a moment, picking at some of the fluff from the pillow she was sat on, unable to keep her hands still. She bit the skin on her lips, wishing she was braver like her twin. Her head shoots up when Sirius lets out a huff of air before going to stand, and without thinking her hand grabs at Sirius' robes and holds on desperately. He turns to glare at her.

"If you're not going to tell me why you wanted to see me in private then I'm leaving. I'm not wasting my time here just to be insulted," Sirius said as he dislodges Shaula's hand. He does however sit back down on his pillow. 

"Right, sorry..." Shaula trails off. Not even a few moments ago had she been insulting him, and now she didn't know what to say, her anger calmed. 

"If this is about the Yule holidays I'm spending it with the Potters. You should as well," Sirius says blankly, staring straight at her, challenging her to argue against him. Shaula's eyes narrow at him at his blatant dismissal of their younger brother.

"I would love to spend the holidays with the Potters Sirius, but Regulus comes first over anyone else. He is family, or have you forgotten him?" She sneered her question, feeling the anger in her begin to rise again. She took a couple deep breaths to attempt to calm herself whilst Sirius scowled at her. 

"Of course I didn't forget about Regulus, but it's not my fault that he isn't allowed to come with us. It shouldn't stop us from going to the Potters for the holidays," He snarled back at her. 

"So you don't want to see Regi? See how he's doing? I know Mother and Father aren't that nice to be around but this is our baby brother!" She responded, desperation leaking into her voice. How could he not see that blood family was just as important as those without their shared blood?

"Obviously I want to see Reg! But I can't help that Mother said he can't go to the Potters!" Sirius was almost shouting now, just as desperate to get his point across. He didn't want to spend another second in Grimmauld Place, not if he had the chance to spend it elsewhere. 

"Sirius, because we are at Hogwarts now we only get the chance to see Regi just over 2 months of the year. 6 weeks for summer, 2 weeks for Yule and 2 weeks for Spring. On the other hand you get to see James just under 10 months of the year! And you want to sacrifice these two weeks of Yule you could be spending visiting your baby brother and instead spend it with James and his family." Upon revealing how little time they actually get to see their brother Sirius winced. He hadn't realised how little time he got with Regulus until said brother joined Hogwarts. Sirius didn't respond then, thinking over what he should do. 

"I made a promise to Regi that I would be with him for Christmas. I'm going to keep that promise. He's my brother, but so are you. Yuletide isn't Yule without both of you. We're siblings, the three of us. We should stick together, as we never know when it'll be our last," Shaula says quietly when Sirius didn't respond. He looks up at her, giving a sad smile, remembering back when they were six and Shaula had fallen so ill they believed she would die.

'If she wasn't a Ravenclaw, I would have thought she'd be a Hufflepuff with this loyalty.' He thought to himself. 

"I want to spend Yule with you and Reg, but I don't want to be with Mother and Father for Yule. They always make it about galas and pureblood mania and all that horrible crap." Sirius  grumbled. 

Shaula gave a small laugh and responded "Sometimes you have to suffer for your loved ones Siri."

Sirius tried to think back to all the times Shaula or Regulus had suffered for him and groaned to himself. When he was three and he broke a vase, Shaula said she fell and knocked it over. She had been forced to stay in solitary confinement in her room for a couple days. When he was five and cut his fancy Yule gala robes up in anger, Regulus blamed it on his accidental magic. He was lectured and received a nasty stinging hex from their Mother. When he was ten and was covered in mud from refusing to come inside when it rained, Shaula and Regulus also covered themselves in mud and stayed outside. They all took responsibility for this one and were all forced to take extra etiquette lessons and received a belt whipping to the back. Regulus and Shaula either took or shared his punishments with him, suffering either with or for him. All because they are siblings: Sirius knew he had to go home. 

"Fine... I'll come home." He groaned out as he collapsed onto the blankets and pillows in front of him, his head landing in Shaula's lap. Shaula laughed and grinned. 

"Thank you Siri, thank you!" She stroked his hair as she spoke, delighted that they would both get to see Regulus and spend Yule together. She continued speaking, "If it makes you feel better, I'm sure you could go to the Potters for New Years?" 

Sirius perked up at that statement. "Oh yes! They should be okay with that. I'll ask James though, just in case." 

The mention of James brings back a memory to Shaula, which she decides to address, "Mentioning James, I was wondering. What were you thinking bringing him here? When I asked you to come alone?" She gave a fake smile down at her brother, irritation and annoyance gleaming in her eyes. Sirius tensed, giving a forced laugh. 

"James? Here? Never Shau. Not without talking to you beforehand." He lied as he slowly sat up as he spoke, wary of her reaction. She raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for a better answer.

"Uhhh... I think I hear Remus got to go, bye!" He quickly stumbles out before making a mad dash to the door, slamming it behind him. Shaula rolled her eyes at her brothers antics before getting up herself. She gathers her things and leaves as well, heading towards her common room. 

Shaula was aware that she terrified her brothers, her tempers were horrible and she was prone to lashing out. Sirius most likely feared she would lash out at him for bringing someone she hadn't agreed to, to their room. When the twins initially found the room, they had agreed to keep it secret, only inviting people if both agreed to it and they were both okay with. The only person they had agreed on without saying was Regulus, as the twins wanted to keep their privacy and use it for when they wanted to spend time together alone. Whilst Shaula wasn't angry that Sirius had shown James the room, she was disappointed and upset that she wasn't consulted first so that she could agree to it. It was their room, away from others, and whilst she believed that James would leave their room alone, it wouldn't be long before the rest of the Marauders would take over the room she feared. 

Oh well. If Sirius could bring James without consulting her, she was going to bring Pandora. Shaula smiled to herself. Yes, she was going to bring Pandora. 

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