10k (One Shots)

By le_queen_777

117K 1.3K 261

-Just a quick warning, this book is extremely poorly written. I was 12 when I decided to make this freak show... More

Angry sniper (10k fiction)
Snipers girl (10k fiction)
Fun (10k fiction)
So hot (10k fiction)
Fight (10k fiction)
Northern light (10k fiction)
Tough love. Pt 1 (10k fiction)
Jelousy (10k fiction)
Tough Love pt2 (10k fiction)
Red (10k fiction
What the fuck (10k fiction)
Found Pt1 (10k fiction)
Found pt2
Taken and raped
Valentine's day
Maybe more
Found Pt 3
Nothing to say
Daughters Dad
You Bitch
Seeing Red
A good day
Pyrokinetic pt2
Holy Crap
Face reveil
Every word
Alien boy
Let them be children
Man child
Why does it hurt so danm much
Cuteness overload
Never doubted
Seeing Red pt2
Wow (Request)
Roses are red but blood is redder
Secret stash
Nothing to say Pt.2
Red Pt2
Makeover (Request)
Jelous (request)
Addy and 10k (request)
Bumping into you (request)
Hooked on you (request)
Still with you
Dew drop
Found pt4
Poems (An)
Are you jelous
Peeping Tommy
Weird lovers
Oh my god A/n
18 Year old virgin
Drunken mistake
Sketchy and Sleezy
What's your problem
Over protective
Group vs group pt1
Group vs group pt2
The magazine
Who are you
Dirty talk
Sorry A/n
10k! A/N
Tom boy
Miss Jello Legs
love birds
Another face reveil/ questions
I love you

You should be scared

966 11 2
By le_queen_777

I motion for Tristin to follow me as we search for that group. They killed some of our men about an hour ago and we want to return to favor.

"Snipe we should go back to town. You know how Melissa gets". I turn to face him, holding my shotgun tightly.

"Tristin those were my men back there, I was supposed to keep them alive and safe, now there all dead and its my fault. I need to find that group. You can go back if you want, but im going". He sighs. My walkie crackles and I pull it out of my waistband.

"Sargent Snipe do you copy"?

"Copy you loud and clear James".

"We need your men to get back here, Is that possible"? I sigh.

"That's a negitive, my men were shot and killed back on the highway by 6 survivors". He groans.

"Wait did you say 6"?

"Yes that's what I said. 4 men 2 women". He laughs.

"We have them here held hostage. Come back as soon as you can". I feel myself smile.

"Roger that James. Over and out". I put the walkie away and run down the street, Tristin following close behind.

We reach the gates and I bang on them. Georgia opens them and greets me with a smile.

"Hey Georgia, where's James"? She points to the medical house and I run towards there. I run inside and see James helping a civilian.

"James, where's the group"?

"There in your house, but there being guarded by Sargent Shriver and Lieutenant Colonel". I nod and mouth a thank you.

I make my way to my house and nod to the guards. I open the door and walk in. Someone quickly grabs me and pulls me into them, pressing the blade of one of my knives to my throat.

"Get off her"! Sargent Shriver points a gun at the man but I raise a hand, telling him that it's ok. I swing my heel up, hitting him in the crotch. He drops the knife and falls to the floor.

I turn around and face the pale boy on my floor.

"Crap, your young, but don't ever do that". I turn back to the rest of the group, there all holding my knives from my duffel bag upstairs. I glare at Sargent Shriver.

"Why didn't you keep watch on the inside? I don't train you every morning for you to be stupid! Go away, I don't want to even look at you right now". He sighs and walks away.

I turn back to the group and shut the down.

"Im not going to kill you guys. You can put my wepons down". A darker skins lady shakes her head.

"Why are we here"? I sigh.

"My group is not the brightest, they take random people hostage". She sighs and lowers the knife.

"If they didn't bring you here I would have killed you out there".

"Why? What did we do"? I scoff.

"You killed about 10 of my men on the highway". She swallows hard.

"They tried to take from us". I shake my head.

"From what I saw, you jumped out of the bushes and your sniper buddy shot one of my men before they could even speak". The boy I kicked groaned and trys to get off the floor but fails.

"Damn. You kick hard". He breaths out.

"Well I don't like knives pressed against my throat". I snap at him. His eyes a shut tight and he's holding his crotch. Did I really hurt him that bad? I sigh and scratch the back of my head.

"What are you going to do with us"?

"Nothing. I probably should-". I was cut off by an explosion outside. I open the door and step out. My men are fighting off a hoard of Z's.

"Shit! Georgia you fucking dumbass". I mutter and walk down the steps.

"Get to the bunker! Everyone get to the bunker"! I yell to everyone running by. I glance around and see a little girl sitting on a window sill, crying. I glance back at the group and there following me.

I run down the street towards the girl and look up at her.

"C'mon honey. You need to jump, come down". She in a two story house and I could see smoke coming from downstairs.

"I'll catch you, I promise". She shakes her head and crys harder. I sigh and open the door.

"Stay there im coming to get you". I look at the group.

"Don't leave that spot I'll be back in a minute". They nod there heads as I run inside. I run past all the flames and rush upstairs, soon finding the girls room.

I pick her up and she clings to my shirt. I scan the room and realize a baby's crib. I step towards it and sure enough there's a baby girl in it. I pick her up and step towards the window.

"Im going to jump out ok? Just hold onto your sister and me tightly, I promise you'll be safe". She nods her head and I stand on the edge. I jump out and squeeze the girls closer to me.

When I land on the ground, pain shoots through my right leg but I ignore it and stand up. A woman runs up to me and takes the girls.

"Thank you so much i-". I slap her across the face, leaving a hand print.

"You just left your children all alone in that house, your horrible. Go to the bunker and keep them safe". She runs with the girls, towards the bunker.

I groan in pain and pull out my gun.

"The bunkers this way". I say and head towards the bunker. I feel someone pick me up and carry me bridal style. I look around and realize it's the boy, I never realized how cute he is.

"You don't have to carry me". He shakes his head.

"I really don't mind, your pretty light and im repaying you for pressing a knife to your throat". I smile at him.

"Thank you". We reach the bunker and he placea my feet on the ground. I step on my injured foot and groan again.

"C'mon, we need to get down". I say. They climb down the ladder after me. I sigh as we reach the main area, everyone was freaking out.

"Everyone calm down! Its all going to be ok". I yell over the voices but they just ignore me. I pull outy gun and fire one shot up, all the attention lands on me.

"Everyone calm down! Were safe down here, we have enough food and water to last us at least two months! Were safe. And we will send teams up to kill the Zs". I hear a scream come from the back of the bunker.

"What was that"? I examine the crowd of people.

"Z's"! A woman yells as she gets bit. My eyes widen and I turn to the group's.

"Go down that hall, there all screwed and so are we if we stay here". They nod there heads and start to run. I sigh and run after them. We get into one room and close the door.

"Im Sargent Snipe, if any of you were wondering".

"Lieutenant Roberta Warren". The dark skinned women says.

"This is Addy, Doc, Murphy, 10k and Mack". I give them a slight smile.

"Are we going to die in here"? Doc asks. I shake my head.

"No, there's a secret escape route". 10k sighs in relief.


"Why's that good"? I question.

"I don't want to die a virgin".

Sorry that this is so boring, but im not thinking the best right now.

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