Love Can be Frightening *A Zi...

By p0w3rfu1_0n3

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*A Ziall AU* Zayn has always loved his sister. She meant the world to him. Doniya Malik has been Zayn's godde... More

Author's Note


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By p0w3rfu1_0n3

Ah! Finally! Part two of the wedding!


<<Zayn's POV>>

Now was about the time that Judge Morris should speak the exchange vows.

"Take you ring, Niall James Horan." She spoke, reading from a piece of paper. She started to teeter from standing on her heels for so long. Niall took his ring.

"Do you, with this ring, promise to be with Zayn through heartbreaks and health. Through good times and bad. Through prosperity and doom. To always be faithful to him your entire life?" She asked.

"I do." Niall said. He took off my engagement ring and slipped the wedding ring onto my finger. I looked down. I let Niall surprise me with the choice. I looked down and marveled at the artisan work put into the ring. It was a titanium wedding band. A beautiful diamond silver ring was one my finger, with a huge ass amethyst in the middle of it.

"Now, Zayn, do you take Niall James Horan as your faithfully wedded husband, and to promise to be with him through heartbreaks and health. Through good times and bad. Through prosperity and doom. To always be faithful to him your entire life?" She repeated.

"Yes, I do." I promised. I slipped on a diamond and placed a diamond and aquamarine ring for Niall, inlaid in a silver band. I chose aquamarine because it reminded me of his eye color.

"You may now kiss." She said. I didn't hold back. DJ started to play "Let Me Love You" and it was a perfect combo, like Myx Moscato and Vodka, I'm gonna mix it. Niall pulled me and pressed his lips on mine. I sucked those fleshy lips and got my lipstick all over him.

After a few minutes, it started to get a bit uncomfortable, as everyone was watching us. We pulled back and did the next step, to light the candle. Doniya lit a candle for me and Liam lit one for Niall. In the center, Judge Morris placed a fire pit, filled with wood, doused with gasoline. We tossed our candles in and watch the fire pit erupt in flames.

"Now, it is time for you to write your message of blessings and advice." Judge Morris declared. Everybody had received a small, blank, pink card. They took out a pen and wrote down their blessings and advice for a good marriage. Niall's mother and Nancy both used up three cards, since they had a very experienced marriage. They placed it in a large vase. A few people tossed money in their as well. Niall's cousins and Doniya's friends were all invited, and it was weird seeing people here that I barely know.

We took a quill and signed our marriage certificate. The Judge took it and made a copy. We walked down the aisle, as we smiled at everyone. Our photographer took many pictures, as did everyone else. It was now time for the reception. We sat down, the grand table, with fancy porcelain and crystals. We were both now twenty one, and we could drink champagne.

"Love is too beautiful to be hidden in the closet." Niall whispered. I felt myself tearing up. We sat down as we watched everybody walk into the dining room. Everyone had already ordered before. I ordered an alfredo and garlic bread. It came with a small salad and gnocchi soup. Niall got a huge lobster and fries, trout and honey rolls. We started on our feast. On our table, we were surrounded by the bridesmaid and groomsmen. Doniya had a Calamari and spaghetti. She was enjoying it very much. Harry had some Thai tempeh and rice, with a few celery sticks. Louis had the same. When we were halfway, Niall's best man, Liam got up to the stage to deliver his speech.

"Attention, please." Liam called. The dining room went quiet. "Thank you," He started. He cleared his throat. "This is for one of my closest friends, Niall James Horan." He smiled and raised his champagne flute towards him.

"This Dom Perignon was a hundred and fifty dollars a bottle." Liam said, starting off. "This wedding was thousands, but the price of love is priceless." He said. We all applauded.

"For those who don't know me, I am Liam Payne, I have known Niall Horan since middle school." He introduced himself. "I was with him at lunch almost everyday. Though I didn't play hockey, like Sandy here." Liam pointed at Sandy with a smirk. "I was there for almost every hockey game, along with Harry," He waved at Harry. "You still annoy the fuck out of me!" He called.

"You're welcome." Harry laughed back. We all laughed.

"Anyways, I have had some very memorable memories with Niall. There was this one time when a group of prep girls tried to blackmail Zayn." Liam said. "But they ended up in jail for fighting each other, and well, I'm sure you know what girl fights are like." He giggled. I chuckled at the memory of seeing Olympia getting her tits slapped and Kendall's pussy slammed.

"Ever since that moment, our friendship has been getting stronger." He explained. "When Niall got braces, I was there, when he got them off, I was there. When he had a wet dream for the first time." Liam looked at Niall, whos jaw dropped. Mine did too. "Sorry buddy." Liam smiled and continued. "I was the first one he told. I have been in almost every milestone in his life since high school." He paused. "I was one of the first people that he confirmed his sexuality and that he was in love with Zayn." Liam said. "And I will always hold that honor. And with that, I thank you, Niall, for the honor of being the best man at the most important moment of your life." Liam finished.

"Cheers, toast to Niall and may he live beautifully forever!" He boomed. Everyone applauded and clinked their flutes. Now it was Doniya's turn. I can only imagine what crazy thing she could say. Her stilettos clicked as she walked up. She flipped her hair back and raised her glass.

"Hello, this is Doniya Malik," She smiled. "I'm twenty-five years old and Zayn's big sister, and Waliyah's." Everyone applauded and she gave a polite curtsy.

"As you guys know, I was a former stripper. I was a prostitute and a bad girl." Doniya sighed. I watched as Waliyah gaped. She apparently didn't know. Waliyah had changed so much, she had gotten so much taller, and more mature.

"Anyways, when Zayn went skating for the first time, I was the one who taught him, when Zayn got pregnant, I was there for his abortion, when he was abandoned by our parents, I was there to take him in. When he was getting through school and hockey, I was there. When he and Niall were engaged, I was there." She smiled and lifted her flute to me. "I have always been there for Zayn. But that doesn't matter. What I want to talk about is what you have done for me, little bro." She smiled. And she cleared her throat and continued. "But you Zayn, has done so much for me. You know, when you came back into my life, it was my darkest hours." She told me. I had always suspected this, but I was too scared to ask.

"Zayn, I was a mess, and I was drinking, I was promiscuous, on the verge of getting into drugs." She confessed. "But when you came in, I knew I had to get my shit together and put my life for you. You showed my how to live life again. So I stopped stripping and sleeping, I worked harder at school and my actual job. I saw your love and how strong you were. Is it so wrong that you make me strong? Think of how much love that's been wasted." I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"So because of you Zayn, I became the strong woman I am. Thank you." She finished. She raised her flute and raised for a toast. "Thank you!" She smiled. I looked at Waliyah and could see that she was on the verge of sobbing. I got up and went to hug her. This was a huge shock for her and I just supported her. Doniya got down and joined me. Waliyah kicked off her heel and climbed on to my lap.

"I'm, so sorry, I never knew!" She cried. "Mom and Dad lied so much, I knew that they were lying." She sobbed.

"Waliyah, it's okay, we're a family." Doniya comforted. This was the closest to a family reunion. I never thought that any of my family would come back to me, other than Donnie. But at least Waliyah came back. Everybody became very emotional at our little family reunion.

"I love you, I'm so sorry that you had to go through this, I literally came because I was curious, but I never knew this." She wept.

"It's okay." I said.

We went on to the next part, the dance. Nancy danced so well, with her ball gown swirling so gracefully. We started with a slow dance. But DJ switched to hip hop, which we gays love. I immediately got down to the dance floor, even in my heels and danced to Swalla.

After our dance, it was the time for the cake. The cake was gorgeous, it was several layers of colorful white and blue icing with blue flowers. We cut the cake and fed each other. Niall had most of our cake. Everybody had some. There was German chocolate, red velvet and buttercream. Then, it was basically just chill time. At about one in the morning, it was about time to go home for everybody. We gave all of them a dish with our wedding date on it.

After most of the guest left, it was the bridesmaid, groomsmen and Niall's mother and Waliyah.

"Thank you so much." Niall thanked her. He gave her a bag with some silver spoons. "Keep this away from Liam."

"Thank you." She said. She looked as colorful as ever, with her choice of clothes. She left and wished us a blessing.

"Thank you, here's your gift, you've all been the best." I said, to our bridesmaid and groomsmen, "You deserve it." I said. I gave them each of them a pillow to remember this day.

Now it was just Doniya and Waliyah.

"Hey, you're the only blood kin I have." I said. "Guys, all my life, you've been a part of it. The story of my life, is that you were the one who loved my first . Waliyah, I loved you first, when you were brought home, I was the first to see you after the delivery room." I said. I wiped her tears away.

"Thank you." She sobbed.

"When I heard that you were going to be here, I was so surprised. I thought so hard how I would have confront you after so many years. Here's a letter from me to you." I said, giving her a letter.

"I want to write you a letter." She replied.

"You can, stay in touch little sis, I don't have the time to sit down and talk, but, thank you for having faith." I thanked. Waliyah wiped her eyes and got into her car.

"Doniya, I never knew that, thank you," I thanked. She was the last guest here. I hugged her. "And for you, I have a special gift." I said. Niall went behind the table of gifts that people had brought. We hadn't opened any of them yet. He brought back a picture that I drew, with charcoal drawing that read.

I will always love you, Donnie.

"Thank you so much, Zayn, I'll always be with you, remember, many people look for a romantic love, but sisterly love is also love." She reminded me.

"Love is love, who gives a fuck?" I asked.

"Love you goodbye." She wished as she got into her car. We watched as her car drove off the resort. I felt so happy and sad. I looked down at my ring. The violet gem.

"You ready to go to bed?" Niall asked, creeping up on me, picking me up.

"Yeah." I said. The maid and the assistant moved all of our things and pack everything up to our resort, a bungalow over the lake. It looked like Naboo at night. There was a wall with a words on it, saying "Baby You Light up my World like Nobody Else"

"Written on these walls are the stories that I can't explain." Niall sighed.

When we plopped ourselves on the couch and I immediately fell asleep in Niall's, my husband's arms. We were here at last.

Ah! So, how was this? The next part will be up soon!

QOTD: What part of your body is your biggest insecurity?

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