By jungcuute

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petunia meets park jimin and he tells petunia he loves her. what happens next? More


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By jungcuute

i was walking down the school corridor, crying because i got a bad grade from a math test i did a few days ago. suddenly, a boy with blond hair appeared from nowhere and started stroking my shoulder.
"it's okay" he said in a angelic voice. "you are beautiful just the way you are".
i started to feel very shy but also mad at  same time. he called me beautiful, but it wasn't the reason why i was crying.
"yaaah pabo!" i shouted, blushing. "i'm not crying about my looks! it's just that i failed my maths exam!"
"oh, my bad. i'm actually pretty horrible at math too."
"i don't care!" i shouted and hit him in his arm and ran away.
the boy started to chase me and it made me scared so i ran faster. later on, i ran outside, so it was harder for him to catch me. we ran around like that for twenty minutes and it made me feel dizzy. suddenly everything went black.
*time skip*
i opened my eyes and saw peach coloured ceiling.
"tsk" i thought. "my ceiling's salmon!"
"good morning" familiar angelic voice said.
i turned my head to the left and realised that the blond boy was standing next to me.
"yaah! what in the world am i doing here?"
"you fainted while we were running around. nobody saw so i took you home"
i pouted. "wow, now i'm at some handsome boy's home and i don't even know his name" i thought.
"and oh, petunia?"
he knows my name??
"my name is jimin"
"wh... what? how do you know my name?"
jimin got upset, so i moved closer and started to pet his head.
" petunia, i've known you for years, but the problem is, you don't remember me."
i couldn't think of what to say.
"when we where kids, we lived in a same house."
"you see, our parents were married"
  i quickly moved my hand from him. isn't it incest?
"don't worry, we're not related. anyway, one day we were playing outside our house with a ball. when i accidently hit it to the side of a road, you ran after it. at the moment a car was passing by and it hit you. we drove you to the hospital and you were in coma for three days. when you finally woke up, you couldn't remember who i or my dad was. our parent's couldn't take it, so they divorced. all these years i've been following and admiring you from afar, because i knew that you will never remember me and that hurt."
" how do i know it's all true and not made up or something? "
"where do you think you got your scar from?"
that's right! i had a scar on the side of my head for as long as i could remember!
he started to cry, so i hugged him and tried to cheer him up, but i also started crying and we spent an hour like that, holding each other.
"petunia, will you be my girlfriend?"


hii! i hope you enjoyed the first part of this story!

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