For Art (Trafalgar Law x Read...


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Art + nude paintings + hot crush + teasing = lots of troubles for (Y/N)! Highest rankings: 1# in TrafalgarLaw... More

Erotic Sketches
Body Painting Part 1
Body Painting Part 2
Traces of Sanguine
Art of revenge
Different Perspectives
Game of colors
Red Ink
Love, war and art
Oil Pastels
History of Art
Painting the future
Living Nature part 2
Anatomy Design
Our Canvas
Torned Photographs / Body Painting Part 3
The day has finally arrived!
Meaning of colors: Green of hope
Red-orange of sexual desire
Black and White: the beginning of the end
Purple: Deeper Ambition
Yellow: Unexpected Joy
Blue: Female Wisdom
Concept Art
The lover's portrait
Creations (Bonus/Epilogue)

Living Nature

5.1K 165 105

After being kicked out of Mr and Mrs Trafalgar's house you had called Robin to come get you despite wanting to be alone. You knew the distance was too much to walk alone, specially at night, so you were glad when Robin quickly arrived with Nami to take you home.

Both women had been on a small sleepover at Robin's house and got very worried over your non stop sobbing on the phone call.

 You were glad to have your friends with you despite your ugly cries. Like mother and older sister, they helped you get ready for bed and put you to sleep, but they could not prevent what would come the next day.

Your heart felt like it had been broken in tiny pieces when you tried contacting Law. But he wouldn't answer, not even the texts... Because his phone rang, meaning it hadn't been turned off, you assumed he simply gave up and was ignoring you for either being too naive and fallen for his parents' games or for realizing his parents were right about you being a "bad influence" on him.

Althought you did not want to believe those theories, last night's events resulted in your own enclosure inside your room for the morning. Your mind deep in thought, battling constantly between believing Law had really given up on you or he was being held "captive" by his parents.

After much thought and your friends' worried calls from the outside you decided to get out. You knew Robin and Nami had stayed over for the night since they were worried about you, and you were glad they gave you some space to think, but you didn't expect to face the whole group when opening the door.

"Guys? What are you all doing here?" - You barely had time to finish your sentence as the group pulled you to a bone crushing hug.

"We were worried about you (Y/N)!" - The usually excited Luffy now flowed rivers from his eyes.

"Never do that again! DO YOU HEAR ME!" - Nami exploded hitting you in the head - "NEVER YOU BAKA!"

"W-What did I do?" - You shivered in fear of the demon in front of you.

"You had us worried (Y/N)! We thought you might be doing something crazy being locked alone in your room without answering anyone!" - Chopper explained in a calm tone.

"Please never do that again (Y/N)." - Robin gave you a disappointed look.

"I'm sorry everyone! But I wasn't thinking of suiciding, ever! I would miss you dummies too much!" - You gave them a sad smile which they returned.

"Now that my princess is safe again, please join me in a loving meal I made for all my lovely ladies!" - Sanji shoved everyone out of the way and pulled you along with Nami and Robin to the kitchen.

"With pleasure." - You smiled with the delicious aroma getting stronger each step of the way - "But I would like to talk about something first." - Sanji turned serious and stepped to leave but stopped at your voice - "Well... with you all actually. I want to tell you about my decision..."

As you all sat on the table and served yourselves, you began to explain your somewhat long decision about Law and everything envolving. They weren't very happy about your choice but understood and respected it, so they helped you plan for the rest of the day and night.

Most stayed and you ended up having the sleep over you had always wanted to host but were too busy with Law to wrap your head around it.

Finally when the next morning came it was officially Law's birthday, 6th October. Everyone already knew their role and quickly got to work.

It took you the whole morning and afternoon to prepare it... Law's birthday gift...

You knew you were not welcome to his traditional family dinner or the after party, but this would be the last chance you had to see and confront him. Hopefully you would show Mrs and Mr Trafalgar you were a mature young adult who knew how to deal with her problems, or more specifically: them.

You expected to at least relieve the pain in your heart by saying one last proper goodbye, and by giving him his present, to stop him from becoming a playboy like before.

After everything was set up Nami and Robin dragged you to the bathroom where they helped you prepare for the party. Althought they knew you wouldn't get past the front door you still had to show up in your best.

When they finished, it was time to go. Nami scared the boys awake in the living room and Robin helped you walk in those deadly high heels to the truck. The boys and Nami got on the back with your present for Law and Robin drove with you beside her, for safety.

The music wasn't loud as you expected it to be and there were no colourful lights illuminating the dance, in fact, there weren't even teenagers dancing, or drinking. There were only old high class people.

"I think we got the wrong party..." - Usopp shared his thoughts.

"As long as there's food I don't care!" - Luffy's eyes shone bright but Nami quickly put him in place with a punch in the head.

"Shut it. The party may be different but the plan is still the same! (Y/N), good luck!"- The group wished you good luck as you took the giant box with wholes on top from the truck.

The box was heavy, when you rang the bell your arms started trembling from the weight. You could care less about Law's parents' reactions, you felt you were dying just from holding the present.

"(Y/N)?" - A woman's voice called your attention from the other side of the door - "I thought I told you not to come!"

"You said I wasn't invited, not that I couldn't come." - You tried hidding your smirk the best you could.

"Humurous, like your chances at getting a job." - She smiled innocently making you want to dump the box on her.

"Everything ok here?" - Her husband appeared from behind her glaring at you.

"Yes, dear. (Y/N) was just about to leave. - Before she could say more you interrupted.

"Mr and Mrs Trafalgar I'm not here to fight. I'm here to surrender." - This caught them off guard and made her arch an eyebrow.

"And why would that be?" - She closed the door slightly behind them as they now gave you their full attention.

"Because you were right Mrs Trafalgar. I may not agree with your methods, but Law should concentrate on his career first, as should I..." - You handed over the gift to Mr Trafalgar as he struggled to hold it and took the cover off - "That's why I'm giving Law this..."

Inside the box was a sleeping white chubby puppy, with slight curly fur, small round tail and ears, black eyes and nose.

"His name is Bepo. He's only five months old, has taken every vaccine he needs for now and his breed is known to be loyal, energetic, strong, hungry and a bit chubby!" - You giggled at the last one.

"Why?" - It was Mr Trafalgar's turn to ask.

"Because it's what he needs." - You put the cover on again and faced them both - "During the time I was Law's girlfriend I learned a lot about him. One of the things that stuck to me was knowing that he was an only child. He's always been alone since a baby. I'm not saying you're a bad family, on the contrary, you support him a lot, but that's not enough. Law isn't good at socializing because he's never had experiences, his friends would always be there just for the money or for the fame. So he seeked confort outside, sleeping around, jumping from girl to girl. That's one of the reasons at least..."

You whispered the last sentence as you remembered him explaining on your date why he did it.

"Anyway... please just give him to Law. Goodbye!" - You bowed respectfully not waiting for their answers and walked fast to the truck.

Upon arriving to the truck your friends got startled by your sobbing and stopped talking, approaching you.

"Who do I have to kill this time?!" - Zoro jumped out of the truck angrily.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?" - Even Franky seemed alarmed.

"I-It's me. I couldn't hold it. I c-can't..."

"Breathe. Just breathe. In and out. Deep breaths, slowly... that's right." - Chopper took your hand and guided you - "I'm glad I didn't skip the childbirth preparation classes!"

"You feeling better now?" - Robin asked softly  and you nodded - "Then tell us what happened."

"I did it. Just as planned." - You looked up to the sky trying not to cry anymore - "My poor makeup... I went just fine, but I couldn't hold it. The memories of us... I just couldn't..."

"Do you think you'll be able to do the second part of the plan then?" - Nami sighed.

"No, I don't think so..." - You looked down in shame.

"N-Nami-swan..." - A trembling Sanji stepped closer.

"What Sanji?! Can't you see we're trying to help (Y/N) here?"

"I understand my love but we have a-a p-problem... Luffy and Brook have excaped to the party..."

"WHAT?! AFTER I TOLD THEM TO STAY?!" - Nami started ranting as usual and using  poor Sanji as a punching bag.

"Oh my... it seems we'll have to wait for a while until they either get kicked out or we go get them... You sure you don't want to do this? Maybe this your chance to talk to him..."

 "Ok... maybe you're right, maybe this is my second chance..." - You composed yourself before turning towards the mansion - "Thanks everyone, we'll see each other in a bit, I have my phone with me if anything happens!"

They nodded and off you went...


Hope you liked the surprise! :D

Be ready for a steamy next chapter! ;)

Btw, if you're wondering why the chapter is called "Living Nature", it's because in art we refer to objects and plants as dead nature, so animals and humans are the opposite: living nature.

And sorry, this chap had a lot to fill in in the beginning, the action is only at the end :/ But the next one is full of action don't worry x'D

I love Bepo!

And this pic omg! xD vvv I was thinking of putting it on top for the chap! Haha

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