His Princess

By princessarixx

160K 3K 612

Callie Pan. Peter Pans little sister, and his most prized possession.The sweetest girl you'll ever meet, but... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Charter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Darkness finds itself

Chapter 30

2K 44 10
By princessarixx


"What the hell was that?" Austin asked harshly walking into the living room.

I still stared at the bear that Peter gave me and examined it.


"What?" I yelled standing up.

Austin backed away a bit from my sudden movements.

"Sorry.." I said sitting back down.

"What Happened? Who were you talking to?" Austin asked sitting beside me.

"Nothing happened. I'm fine." I said.

"Well something happened. Cause I've never seen that bear before." Austin replied.

I looked down at the bear. "Fine. Peter came and talked to me. He said he'd be back and then he gave me this teddy bear that I had as a kid. It's lasted through everything." I said looking at the teddy bear.

Suddenly Austin lightly grabbed my chin making me face him. He looked deep into my eyes and said, "He won't hurt you. I won't let him. I know it might sound crazy... but I love you Callie." 

Did he just say he loved me?

I smiled and started to lean in.

Oh no not again. What was drawing me to him? I just couldn't help it.

Our lips met but it felt different. It has an almost pain to it.

I backed away quick.

"What was that?" I asked standing up.

He looked at me with a confused look.

"What was what? I know you know what a kiss is." he said.

"No. That pain like feeling. It hurt kissing you. It never has before." I said.

"Maybe it was just you." he said back.

"Yeah maybe it was." I said with a yawn. I just got really sleepy.

"Well I'm gonna go and take a nap. I'm tired." I said waving him goodbye and going into the bedroom.

He waved back and I got into the covers. I instantly fell asleep.


As Callie walked away to the room I knew the spell was working.

I rushed to the kitchen and opened the cabinet revealing the button to summon Zelena.

I pushed it and she appeared instantly.

"What is it Austin. I was doing something!" She said annoyed.

I ignored her.

"It's started."

She smiled. "Well then. Let's get started. You need to go down and talk to Peter, Emma, and everyone else. I'll stay here and watch over Callie." She said.

I hesitated at that.

"Relax. She won't get hurt. and no one will take her." Zelena said seeing how I reacted.

I nodded and was off.


I appeared in the diner.

Everyone stopped and looked at me.

Then I saw Peter.

"So.. I heard your trying to get little Callie back on your side?" I said making Peter turn around quick along with Emma.

"Where the hell is she?" He said.

"Safe. With Me... she was tired when I left. It seems like my plans working."

"What do you mean? Plan.." Emma said.

"Oh you didn't hear..? I kissed Callie making a spell go to her. Slowly it will make her more Evil and we'll against you. She'll want nothing to do with you. and for once you'll be the good guy and she'll the bad girl. Isn't that what you always wanted? For her to be evil like you? I mean this is what you've been wanting forever right? To bad in this case she's against you." I said with a wicked grin.

"You bastard. I erased her memories of you for a reason! Your a monster!" Peter yelled.

"Well guess what she's falling for me again. I have her. She's mine. And no One is gonna take her away again." I said.

"We will get her back." Emma said.

"How? Kill Me? Ha Good Luck. Callie's not gonna let you touch me without a fight. Unless you kill me the spell can't be broken. So have fun." I said disappearing into mid air.


"That... That... Ugh. How am I ever gonna get Callie back?" I yelled in frustration.

"Calm Down. We will get her back. She might not be herself but we will get her back." Emma said.

"He's not gonna get her. She's my sister. She's all I got left. And I will do whatever it takes to get her back."


Hey Guys!

I know short chapter but I just wanted to get that part back in there so...

What do you think Peter will do?

What do you think Austin is gonna do..?

Vote &Comment on what you think will happen & answer the questions!

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