My Lost Puppy(Punk Michael Cl...

By herecomescliffoconda

50.6K 1.1K 245

"You know," I say,"you're like a lost puppy." He smirks and says,"Only in this case, the puppy is in contr... More

Meet Anna Leon
My Mom Warned Me About You
What's That On Your Neck?
Who's Your Friend?
America the Beautiful
Break Her Heart
Try Hard
Secret's Out
Home Sweet Home
5 Seconds of Summer?
Not Letting Go
Don't Change
Surprise, Surprise
Kiss Me
new story
Long time no talk

Oh Shit

2.1K 57 6
By herecomescliffoconda

   "There's a party tonight," Luke says laying on my bed.

   Michael and I are in my bean bag. Luke is laying on my bed. Calum and Ashton are laying on the floor in various spots. Its a typical Friday for us.

   "Where?" Michael asks.

   I can feel and hear the vibration coming from his chest. I snuggle up even closer to hear it better. His heart beat is so rhythmic, so soothing.

   "Jaxon's place. He throws amazing parties, bro," Calum says sitting up to look at Michael.

   "You guys aren't going to leave me, right?" I ask looking up at Michael through my eyelashes.

   "Course not, princess. You're coming with," he states rubbing my arm.

   I shake my head. Parties are not my cup of tea. They are crowded, loud, and sexual.

   "No, Mikey. Parties scare me," I whisper burring my head in his chest.

   "The guys and I will protect you. It'll be a laid back vibe, also. Nothing scary, Anna."

   All the boys are looking at me. They have eager looks on their faces. I sit up and shrug.

   "If you promise that nothing bad will happen," I say,"I'll go."

   "Promise," Luke says and jumps up to lock pinkies with mine.

   Ashton cheers and stands up to call that guy. Whoever he is. Michael removes me from his lap and goes to the bathroom.

   "I don't know what to wear," I say to the two boys remaining.

   "Want some help?" Cal asks hopping up.

   "Sure. I guess I could use a man's opinion."

   Luke, Calum, and I search for an outfit for me. We find a black lace tank top with a bralet underneath it. I settle with some black jean shorts and my pink vans. Yay for pops of color!

   "You look cute, babe," Michael says as I look at myself in the mirror.

   It honestly is cute. The shoes really make the outfit. I just hope that it will be accepted by the people at the party.


   Ashton pulls up to a large house with lights surrounding the area. They are all different colors and it looks amazing. There are a couple people standing outside the house with drinks in their hands talking. The music is so loud that it is shaking the car.

   "I thought you said it'd be a small, chilled party?" I hiss.

   Michael shrugs and helps me out of the car.

   "I thought it would be."

   I roll my eyes and pull my hand away from his. He knew it wouldn't be chilled, but he lied to get me to come. I stay farther away from Michael and closer to Ashton.

   He gives me a large grin and wraps his arm around my shoulder. It isn't the same as Michael's, but it is still comforting. I give him a smile and continue walking.

   The house is PACKED. People are stumbling everywhere. Their yelling at one another over the music. I hear one guy ask is this girl will go upstairs with him and I shutter. This place is not even close to fun.

   "Want something to drink?" Ashton asks grabbing to red solo cups and points to the beverage table.

   I shrug and follow closely behind him. I didn't really want to talk to Michael because I'm still slightly pissed at him so I am sticking with Ashton.

   "Jack and Coke, okay?" he asks pouring the Coke in first.

   "Or just Coke," I suggest.

   He gives me a look. That look would be the look of disappointment.

   "Whatever. Okay," I say rolling my eyes.

   He smiles and hands me my drink. It smells strong and I gag when I smell it. Ashton laughs. He pats my shoulder and moves me towards the couch.

   "Just take a drink, its not that bad," he says sitting down.

   I sigh and take a sip of the alcoholic beverage. It tastes a little like alcohol, but mostly like Coke. He looks at me to see my reaction.

   "Its... okay."

    He fist pumps the air. I giggle and take another sip. The alcohol burns my throat, but I push past it.

   I'm on my fourth cup and I'm more than a bit tipsy. Michael, Luke, Cal, and I are now dancing in the middle of the dance floor.

   Its all pretty much grinding and a bit of actual dancing. Luke and Calum are playfully grinding and trying to be cute. Mikey and I, on the other hand, are totally getting it.

   "Hide!" someone shouts," its the police!"

    Four words that make everyone scatter. I feel myself being dragged into a dark room. Someone presses themselves against me.

   My body tenses and my breathing quickens. I don't want to get in trouble. This is not me. Not my thing. It was one thing.

   What if they call my mom? Am I going to go to jail? Are the boys going to be in trouble? Will I be taken away from my mom?

   All these questions run through my mind as I am hiding in the closet. The person creeks open the door and peeks outside.

   I hear the police talking to the party thrower. The unknown man takes my hand and sneaks me out of the closet. The police man turns around and we hide behind the wall.

   I still can't see the guy's face and its bugging me. I think its one of the boys, but I'm not sure. They would've all stuck together, right?

   Once the cop turns around, the mystery man takes off with me to the back door. We get outside without being caught.

   The air is cool, almost chilly. Mystery man never let's go of my hand as we run from the house. We're about two blocks from the party when he finally let's go.

   I can now see who it is. Ashton Irwin saved me from getting in trouble.

   "Thanks, Ash. I really would've had no idea what to do if it wasn't for you," I say hugging him tightly.

   He wraps his arm around my waist and hugs back gently. It felt as if he didn't want to hurt me. I pull away and look at him. Ashton gives me a small smile.

   "Why didn't you stick with the boys?" I ask looking up at the moon.

   "They kinda deserted you when the cops came. Michael is supposed to protect you and he failed. I had to step in and help," he answers sitting down on the concrete sidewalk.

   He leans against the closed, old shop. Ashton takes out his cigarette and lighter. I look at him in shock.

   "Don't smoke around me," I say taking the killing machine from between his lips.

   "These past couple of days have been stressful as hell, Anna. You're not going to let me smoke? Really?" he asks giving me a 'What the fuck' look.

   I roll my eyes and shake my head. I don't let anyone smoke around me. If I can stop prolong someone's life, I will.

   "More like, I'm not going to let you kill yourself, silly," I say sitting beside him.

   "One is not going to kill me," hr says trying to take another one from the pack.

   I grab the pack of cigarettes and lighter from his hands. After a bit of examination, I throw the pack of cigarettes into the road. At that exact moment, someone drives over them. The lighter I throw down the street so no one runs over it

   "Well, now they really won't kill you," I reply with a evil smirk.

   He tries to look grumpy, but fails. That dimpled smile comes out within seconds. It makes me actually smile.

   "Your dimples are cute, Ashton," I say poking them with my index finger.

   He wrinkles his nose and swats my finger away from his cheek. The street light is shining perfectly on us and I can't help but notice how hot he is.

    "We should probably head home, yeah?" he suggests jumping up and offering his hand.

    I nod and stand up as well. The walk home is silent and cold. My lips are shaking and are probably blue. All the alcohol is drained from my body which I thank the Lord for because my mom would kill me.

   "Here you are," he says when we get to my door step.

   I wrap my arms around his neck and give him one last hug. It is kind of awkward, but only because he's making it be like that. I wonder why. When we pull away from the hug, he jogs off.

   I brush off the situation and go upstairs to go to bed. Today has been stressful and crazy. Michael has ditched me twice, Ashton is acting weird, and I almost got caught by the police. Wow

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