Nevaeh University

Per Irhaboggle

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TRIGGER WARNING FOR SELF-HARM AND SUICIDE IN CHAPTER 1! June and Cora's heavenly adventures told in a Colleg... Més

Christmas Wish
Hlleville College

Ready For War

4 0 0
Per Irhaboggle

Doll had long since gotten used to Hlleville College and forgotten her old life as a student at Nevaeh University. Truly, she preferred Hlleville because, despite being dingy and full of creeps, they were more accepting of her own strange nature than Nevaeh ever had been. Here, Doll had a home and a family that was just her style. From Nevaeh, she only had scars and scorn. She had no friends from Nevaeh left but here? Doll was surrounded by people she liked and here, she actually had a good lover. His name was Scorpion. Nobody at HC had a real name. Nobody cared either. They preferred to be rebels as often as they could even if it was as simple as having titles or code names instead of real names. Doll's used to be June Freeman, but she changed hers too. Painted Doll fit better on her now.

Currently, Prof. Dayton Callie the Keeper (a.k.a. the dean's right hand) was telling Doll and several other staff members about the newcomers. Newcomers that hadn't even made it into NU.

"Boo!" somebody hissed when Prof. Callie explained this and everyone else agreed. See, the way it went was that you only had two options of schools: Nevaeh University or Hlleville College but nobody came to HC willingly. There were only two times you wound up here. The first was if you were denied entry to NU and the second, which was the way Doll had come here, was if you got expelled from NU. If you were expelled, you joined the staff. Doll wasn't a full teacher, preferring to act as an aid, but she was still part of the staff. If you had not gotten into NU at all, though, like these three newcomers, you were not given the privilege of being a teacher and instead became prey for anyone else in the school. Prof. Callie was currently sending out the staff to fetch the newcomers and rough them up a bit before enrolling them. Now, nobody ever said HC had a system fairer than NU. In truth, they were probably about equal in fairness. If you were expelled from NU, you were treated ok at HC and hired to teach. If you didn't even make it to NU you didn't feel any loss, yet you were stuck on the lower rungs of HC hierarchy.

Not that Doll cared about justice anymore. Instead, she accepted her job of retrieving one of the three. She and Scorpion were set after somebody named Tamara, but based on her character traits and dress, she'd be dubbed as the Frog. Scorpion and Doll were tasked with giving her her first lesson here at Hlleville. Scorpion, however, wasn't present at this meeting to receive the assignment. Being the bad boy rebel he was, he'd actively not shown up just to piss off Prof. Callie. It didn't work, though, as Prof. Callie was used to Scorpion's rude behavior. Instead, he sent Doll out to cage him up briefly and teach him a lesson of his own. He wanted her to give Scorpion time to reflect on punctuality. Of course, Doll had acquiesced and since she knew Scorpion really well, she knew exactly where he'd be.

But scarcely had Doll locked Scorpion up when an innocent young brunette appeared. It was Tamara. Doll watched from a hidden spot behind an old filing cabinet as this sweet little newcomer helped Scorpion escape his little cage. Then she watched as he seduced her and guided her deeper into the dingy college building. Doll didn't mind watching Scorpion flirt with another because she knew that, in the end, he belonged to her. So instead she watched the drama and romance unfold, stalking them both for the duration of their walkabout the college campus. At last Scorpion had tied the girl to an old desk and flicked out his knife...

Doll played her part in the show by bringing the wounded girl to the heart of the college and singing about her to give everyone else a proper understand of this new student. True, Doll never spoke, but she sang and sang powerfully. Today's song was full of scorn at the foolish Frog and hopes that she'd learn better next time. Then they hauled off her motionless body to put her in a simple white shift and enroll her in a lower class in the other part of the college.

Several hours later, the other newcomers had been dealt with as well. Or, at least, one of them was dealt with. It was a woman named Ms. Merrywood and she'd been denied entry to NU because she had a bad happen of taking things that didn't belong to her. Twin and Hobo Clown had set after her with Twin gambling and humiliating her and Hobo Clown adding to the shame by getting her caught and whipped by Tamer. After the woman had suffered her mental and physical abuse at the hands of the Hlleville staff, her unconscious form was dragged away to join Tamara. They were going to be fixed back up and then they would join the other students in the enrollment process. The hazing ceremonies were over now.

But what of the last newcomer? Well, he was a man named John and the dean himself dealt with him. In the end, however, John couldn't be broken or corrupted by the brutal initiation of Hlleville College. For that, the dean saw no reason for him to stay and all but forced the man into NU, having Prof. Callie drive him up personally in that black bus. Upon arrival, John was indeed taken in by the NU dean, but it was a very reluctant thing. To the dean of Hlleville, however, this was marvelous because it meant NU wasn't as sharp as it used to be. It was making misjudgments and miscalculations. Every mistake Nevaeh made would be another win for Hlleville and that was just what the dean wanted.

Part of the reason for the rivalry between HC and NU was that the dean of HC used to be a professor at NU but, like June, his ambitions cost him dearly and he was fired on spot, sent away in a black bus never to be seen again. But he hadn't come alone. Instead, several of his closest friends also quit their teaching jobs and joined him in exile where, together, they built a new school, one to rival the corrupt NU. For years, HC flourished, taking in strays that NU didn't want. They intended to build an army to challenge NU and it seemed things were finally taking off.

In fact, the dean of HC was currently busy rallying his teachers (Doll, Scorpion, Twin and Hobo Clown were among them) and telling them of his plan to destroy NU. His plan went in the lines that if they could save rejected students, they could have those students infiltrate NU and start a fight from the inside while everyone else trained for battle and made to attack from the outside. Nobody could find fault with the plan, thus it began immediately with Tamara as the second student to be forced into NU. Doll had always felt revenge would come and now it seemed the time was near and she was ready for war.

AN: This story served both to explain how the events of TDC 1 would've unfolded in a School AU and it was also supposed to kind of show how the two schools worked in relation to each other. To recap, after you get old enough, you apply for NU by default because nobody wants to go to HC. If you get into NU, you're good. If not, you go to HC by default. You can, however, be expelled from NU, which results in you going to HC.

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