It Must Be Her

By MarciMarie

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Robert De Luca has everything a man could want in life. Lots of money, a fantastic job, fast cars and plenty... More

It Must Be Her
Blurred Lines
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six Sealed With A Kiss
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine Loosen Up My Buttons
Chapter Ten Can't Stop Now
Chapter Eleven Tangled Webs
Chapter Twelve How Could You
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen Circle
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen Tell Me It's Real
Chapter Eighteen Secrets
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter twenty One
Chapter Twenty two
Chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
Thank you for reading
Chapter 25- We Both Know
Bridal Shower
The Bachelor Party
Crashing The Girls Party :)
From this Moment (The Wedding)

Chapter Twenty

26.9K 1K 89
By MarciMarie

A/N Thanks to eveyone for reading IMBH please continue to vote and comment.

Lauren stood on the porch  not sure what to do next.  Several times in the last twenty minutes she had poised her finger near the bell prepared to ring the bell but uncertainty kept her from following through,  It was one in the morning a warm rain was falling and the crickets were chirping and she was standing at Rob’s mother’s door trying to decide whether or not to ring the bell. Francesca had told her he was over his mother’s apparently hiding from her. She couldn’t blame him. Her life was in chaos and why should she keep pulling him into her mess. The thing was she couldn’t let him go despite everthing he was who she wanted. The only problem was getting rid of Liam without hurting him.  And that seemed to be becoming almost impossible with this sudden change in his behavior especially around Rob he became territorial.  This was not corporate lawyer she knew. It was odd and she couldn’t quite put her finger on it he even kissed differently. Anyway  right now she needed to talk to Rob.   He had refused to answer her calls or respond to her messages. She kept thinking about the look on his face when Liam had kissed her. Taking one more chance she texted him that she was outside. Rob pulled the vibrating phone from under the pillow. He slid his finger across the screen and read it. I’m outside, I don’t want to ring the bell but I will.

Jumping up from the bed he had on his basketball shorts and a tee shirt he headed to the door  taking two steps at a time the last thing he needed was his mom going off on Lauren. Opening the door he found her standing there wet from the rain looking sexy as hell. He could be mad at her all day but his man below had his own mind when it came to her, Before he could get in a word she closed the distance and was in his arms. He couldn’t fight it so he followed her led closing her in his arms lowering his lips to hers. She opened to him freely and their tongues entwined. Molding her to him he deepening  the kiss wishing  now that he wasn’t at his mother’s but as s quick as the kiss began it ended as she moved out of his embrace. He looked at her swollen lips. “I’m sorry about today.  I’m trying to fix things. I’m trying not to hurt you and I’m trying not to hurt Liam.”

She watched as he began laughing the humor not reaching his eyes. She knew she had ruined the moment.  She should have just stayed in his arms. That’s what she really wanted. “You’re sorry, you’re trying to fix it and you don’t want to hurt anyone. Bullshit Lauren.” She jumped at his anger. “It’s a little too late for that one don’t you think?” Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves he stared at her trying to contain his anger so that he wouldn’t explode and say something he would regret.” What do you want from me Lauren? You track me down  here kiss the shit out of me then  tell me this bull.”  He back away from her. “For real. You seriously think I’m going to sit on the sideline and wait for you to decide how this is going to play out. Like it’s easy for me to watch another man touch you kiss you and whatever else  you”ve done with him.”

She moved towards him  but  he backed away she stopped in her tracks. “ I swear I  haven’t slept with Liam. I want you Rob, but I need time to explain to him.”

“Oh  you haven’t slept with him yet Lauren. You expect me to wait around for you to come clean with your fiancée. I can’t do this anymore.”

“What about Josey did you tell her?”

“Yeah I did Lauren. I told her how I felt about you.  It was no since in me stringing  her along just to get at you.”


“I’m not waiting around Lauren. It’s your call.”  Lauren watched as he walked back in the house slamming the door. The vibration ran through her soul and the tears came like a flood and she sobbed like a baby on his mom’s porch.

Rob slumped against the closed door  closing his eyes it took all his strength to keep from going back out there and taking her in his arm  it hurt like hell hearing her cry but he couldn’t give in she had to fix them.  

“You ok Rob?” He looked up at his mother sitting on the steps.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“You know she loves you right.”

“How can I tell?”

“Well she’s been standing at the door for about thirty minutes before she got up the nerve to tell you to come to the door.

“You were watching her.”

“Actually I was on the phone myself when I heard the car stop in front of the door.”

“So who were you talking too this late at night mom?” He arched a brow at his mother.

“That’s my business. We’re talking about you and Lauren.”

 Lauren sat at her desk going over the bar inventory she had finally decided to just concentrate on the bar and opening night.  Although she felt exhausted  from lack of sleep she couldn’t because her mind was constantly in overdrive with thoughts of  Robert and  their last encounter.   It was all his  fault  that she had to do major work on her face this morning to keep everyone from noticing she had cried all night.  The ring of her cell broke her concentration. Great it’s Liam. She needed to resolve this problem once and for all.  “Hello.”

“Lauren  good morning sunshine.”

“Good morning. ”

“ Babe, I think we need to talk. So I thought we would have lunch together.

“I agree it’s something I need to tell you.”

“You ok?”

“Yeah .”

“Meet me at Shay Shay’s twelve thirty than.”

“I’ll be there.”

She hung up it was time to come clean and tell Liam about Rob. She felt on edge and nervous she needed to confess.

Lauren walked into the St Anthony’s   it was that time of day when Father Perry took  confessions  she walked into the confessional box. Closing the door she knelt down and crossed herself.. Her fingers entwined she waited as Father Perry slid back the little wooden door.   “Excuse me father for I have sinned.”

“Tell me  when was you last confession?”

“Five month’s ago.”

“Why so long.”

“ I’ve been busy father.”

“To busy for god.”

“Never that.”  She pause. “ It’s just I went to Italy to visit my nonna while I was there other things happened father.”

Other thing such as.”

 I lost my virginity.” “ She paused. “And then I got engaged “

“At least you’re getting married that’s a plus but you still sinned .”

“You see father, the man I’m engaged too is not the one I slept with.”


“You see,  I had to lie to my fiancée.”

Why did you have to  lie to your fiancé.”

“We'll he wasn't my fiancee until he surprised me in Italy and asked me to marry him. So I told him that my friend whom I was with at my nonna’s was my cousin.”

Lauren heard the priest cough from the other side of the wooden box.

That’s some pretty big stuff. So you had sex with you friend. How did you friend take the proposal and the cousin thing.”

“He was upset .”

“ I just bet he was.  How could he not be? Anyway, what does he want you to do?”

“Tell the truth so we can be together.”

“And you want ?”

“Too not hurt anyone.”

“So what, about the fiancée?”
“I don’t know , I’m  trying to fix things.”     She paused “. I’ve decided to tell my fiancée the truth.”

“The truth about sleeping with your friend, or the truth about him not being your cousin.”

She had to think about that one  it was no need for him to know that she had slept with Rob was it? “The truth about him not being my cousin.”

“But that’s only a half truth.”

“So I have to tell the whole truth.”

“That would be the right thing to do.”

“I think I’ll just stay in the need to know zone.”

“So sleeping with your friend is on a need to know bases.”


“Your going to have do a lot of penance for this one Lauren.”

“I know Father Perry.”

“Robbie has a handful with you.”

“Dose everybody know?”


 After meeting the brothers Ian really wanted to stay as far away from Lauren as possible. If it hadn’t been for Eric and Liam having court he would have let his two day beard start to grow back but know. This was it for him.

Lauren spotted him sitting at the bar dressed in his usual navy blue suite. He was having a drink and talking to a tall blonde who kept squeezing his arm when he said something amusing. She walked up to him on the opposite side it took him exactly three minutes to recognize that she was there.   He turned. “Oh Lauren I didn’t realize you had gotten here.” He kissed her on the cheek.  The blonde on his opposite smiled raised her glass in salute as she walked away.

“I bet.” She looked over at the woman who walked over to a man who wrapped his arm around her waist.” You two  seemed very involved with your conversation .”

“No we were just talking  general chit chat.”

“ Oh really she couldn’t seem to keep her hands to herself.”

“She’s waiting for her husband and I was waiting you. “

“We’ll you two seemed quite content with each other’s company.”

“Are you jealous?” He whispered in her ear.

“No.” She turned moving away.

“We need to talk.” They said in unison. Looking at each other.

“You first.” They said again laughing.

“Lauren let’s have an engagement party at your bar.” That blew her away. She took the seat at the bar.

“You want to have an engagement party? Where did that come from.”

“Actually your brothers suggested it when we went out the other night.” She called the bartender over.  “Give me a double Jameson on rocks. You were with my brothers?”

“Yeah, we hung out at the Hole.”

“They took you to the Hole?” Now she was in full blown shock.

“It’s a very colorful place with colorful people.”

“ Yeah I know.”

“You look like I shocked you.”

“I think I’m a little. That place isn’t for everyone.”

“I’m going to be part of the family now.” He pulled her close. Snuggling against her.

 You know they told me about you and Rob.” She wondered if she still had color in her face.

“What did they say.”

“ That you two have always been close more like friends than cousins.”

“ They told you that?”

“Yeah.  You alright? You look pale.”

“I’m fine.”  She finished off her drink.

“Maybe we could take off the rest of the day and have some fun.” He nibbled her ear and slid his hand over her ass. She launched off  bar stool almost losing her balance. He had to contain his self from busting out laughing at Lauren. She was such an easy target. All she had to do was come clean and say that she was in love with Rob. Then this whole thing would be over. Her drunk brothers literally told him everything. Than tried to clean up there mistake by suggesting and engagement party. They were all brawn no brains.

“You ok babe?”


”So what about the engagement party?”


“ Great !Now what did you want to tell me?”


 After lunch Lauren headed straight  to Francesca’s office she needed to talk everything was crazy she was stuck in the twilight zone and the day was definitely getting worst  of all the people to run  into it had to be  Rob’s sister.” Hey Tamara.” She plastered a fake smile across her face.“Hello Lauren, how is everything?” Lauren knew that Tamar was fishing for something she just wasn’t going to give her anything.


 “The fiancée and the wedding.”

Take it from Tam to go straight for the jugular. “Good.”

“And my brother where does he fit into your plans?” Now the real claws came out. Lauren knew they would eventually.

“He’s a big boy who can handle himself Tam.” Lauren watch as Tamara stepped to her.

“Don’t play games with my brother Lauren. You might not like the results.” Lauren watch the little brunette step to the side and walked away. Tamara was like a little lioness when it came to Rob and she couldn’t blame her she felt the same about her brothers.

Lauren stopped at Gia’s desk she was on the phone. She looked up . Obviously not on a business call she pointed for her to go into the office. She entered the office to find Francesca going over some papers. She stood walking towards her. “You looked frazzled.” 

“He wants’ to have a engagement party French.”

“We’ll I hope you told him  there wasn’t any need since you were breaking up with him. You told him tht didn’t you?  Lauren.”

“That was my intention.”  Lauren slumped down into a chair

“You didn’t do it.” Francesca sat down next to her.

“He seemed so enthusiastic about the engagement party I couldn’t.”

“ Lauren when is there going to be a right time after you first child.”

“He was out with my brothers French it was their suggestion.”

“La you have lost you fucking mind.  Their assholes they know what’s up with you and Robert.

 You’re going to lose Robert.”

“The engagement party is in a week at the bar.”

“ I give up lauren.You’re crazy, you need your head checked.”

“I’ll tell him then.”

“Lauren are you completely daff. That’s even worst.  If you love Rob stop this now or by time you finish with this lunacy he’ll probably be finished with you.”

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