My Broken Hallelujah

Por lilpoetgirl

289 35 7

//collection of original poetry about my faith// When I am weak then am I strong. The Lord is my song and of... Más

what will kill you?
The time traveler
Hebrews 6 & 7
changed and forgiven
Death War
The Lifeboat
My Broken Hallelujah
Valentines Day in Wisconsin

What would you do for me?

58 7 4
Por lilpoetgirl

"God?" I asked. "Do you love me?"

"Yes, my child. More than you could ever imagine."

"How much do you love me? How far would you go? What would you do for me?"

"Anything, my princess. I would do anything to prove my love for you."

"Would you give me the most beautiful thing in the entire world?"

"My child, I created this whole world just for you. I have painted sunsets and sculpted mountains just so I could see your smile."

"Would you move the stars for me?"

"I moved the Star on the dark canvas of night. Three wise travelers followed it as I guided that shining sun over the dry desert and across the hills to a tiny city. I fixed that star over that city to announce that I had come to prove my love."

"So would you defy nature for me? Would you try to defy the laws of physics for me?"

"Child, I became a human. I created matter from nothing. I turned water into wine. I walked on the sea and the waves. I spoke to the wind and stilled the storm. I breathed life into long dead souls. I wrote the laws of physics when time was yet young."

"Would you take the blame for me? If I did something wrong, would you stand up and say you did it?"

"I have, my daughter. I have take every action of yours, the good and the bad, and I have claimed them as my own. I have signed my name where yours should have been. I have stood up silent before the angry crowd and the merciless judge not speaking a word in my defense so that you could be free of the weight of death."

" So you love me enough to die for me?"

" I came and lived on this earth for you. I gave up all of heavens glory to cover my feet with dust and walk with you. I surrendered to the pain and sadness of life. I spent every day with the knife of my greatest enemy thrust into my back again and again so I could give you hope. I let them beat me and spit in my face. I stood as they cried "Crucify! Crucify him!" and I said nothing. As the blood and dust stuck to my tattered skin I watched you yelling in the crowd. I saw you , my child, with all of the human race driven mad in the swarming crowd. I was saddened beyond your imagination because I loved you so much and yet I knew you may never ever return my love in even the littlest way. But, I stilled died for you. As I hung on that tree and as the breath slowly left my lungs and as I let the devil tear my soul from my body, I hoped. I hoped that someday you could see in a little way just how much you mean to me. And I loved you so much I couldn't stay dead. I couldn't leave you with love, but no hope. So I rose up and came back to you. I love you more than you could ever understand."

"I'm sorry."

"For what, my daughter?"

"For not loving you enough. For being so unworthy of your love. For being a stupid, selfish, idiot. Don't waste your love on someone like me!"

"My princess, always remember my love can never be wasted. You are mine and so that makes you worthy. I will do anything to prove my love to you."

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