Love, Fights...and Everything...


271K 5.9K 528

Maddie and Mason are about to head off to NYU for university. They both got in and Maddie is going into photo... More

1 week to go
Girls night in
Old times
Not again..
Drive me crazy
Hang out
You're obsessed
Kinda boring
A lot of drama
Night in
5000 words
No sleep
Back home
No way
Next day
She needs her bestie
5 hours
Just a little bit of everything
Chill day
Ice cream
Fun night
Why now!?
No sleep and the beach
Lukes place
Not a big deal
Oh shit.
Everyone knows
Our life
Will you........
Wedding day
Here We Go Again.

So In Love

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  The next day I was kinda excited for the date the whole day. I wasn't all depressed in classes and I was excited. Maybe cause we never really go on dates that much. Or just because it's Mason being hot as fuck. Ya know.

I walk into the dorm after I was done all my classes Mason was t here yet. When are we going. I still have to get ready. And is it fancy or casual? Who knew dating could be so hard after you've done it for a year or more.

Soon after Mason walks in.

"Hey" He said.

"Hey" I reply.

"Why aren't you getting ready?" He asked and I give him a look.

"I got back like 15 minutes ago or less" I said.

"We'll get ready" he says.

"Where are we going. I need to know how to dress" I asked.

"Don't dress too dressy" he shrugs.

"You mean formal idiot?" I laughed.

"Yeah sure" he laughs also. I grab my makeup bag and go to the mirror that's here. I sit on the floor and start doing it.

"Can't you just tell me?" I asked dabbing my foundation onto my skin and turning to look at him.

"No, I said that before babe" he turns to looks at. He was wearing his sweatshirt with his jeans.

"Are you wearing that?" I asked. It did look hot on him so I'd be fine with anything.

"Do you want me to?" He grins notice my expression I guess. I shrugged.

"Wear anything you want" I muttered looking back at the mirror.

"Maddie I'm pretty sure you find me very hot in this and want me to wear it. I can see you drooling" he says and I hear the smirk in his voice. I scoff.

"Yeah right. I could care less for what you wear. Unless it's nasty" I remark he laughs.

"Well I was planning on wearing my white shirt and jeans. But if you suggest this it'll be fine too" he says. Obviously he knows he looks fine as hell in what he's wearing.

"I mean yeah it would be fine by me if you did wear that" I said he laughs.

"So I'm guessing I can go casual if you're wearing that?" I asked.

"Do whatever you want, but we aren't going to some cheesy restaurant though" he points out.

"Like last time?" I asked with a laugh.

"That restaurant was low key so shut it" he tells me.


After about 30 minutes to an hour I was done and I would say I looked pretty good. I put on some mom-ish type jeans with a knitted crop top and a comfy loose cover-over. I kept my hair down. I turn to face Mason who was son the bed on his phone.

"Can we go yet?" I asked. He looks over to me.

"Wow you look hot" he sits up.

"Thanks I tried" I said sarcastically he rolls his eyes but laughs. It was now 4:00.

"Yeah" He gets off the bed. I grab my shoes. Hopefully it's not too cold. This sweater thing I'm wearing it really warm but still. I slip them in he puts his on. I grab my bag and we leave.

"So...are we driving? Walking?" I asked.

"I'm not making you walk while it's still freezing outside Maddie. What kind of date would I be?" He asked appalled.

"Just asking chill" I said. It's not like it was still snowing so it wasn't like way to cold to handle. We got to the car and put the heat on.

He drove down an area I know. It looks like where he broken down school building is.

And I was right. It was a 10 minute drive away from the dorms and the same area.

"The broken down school?" I grinned.

"Yeah, we didn't get to go to the broken down house while we were in California so I'm making up for it" he turns the car off. We walk down the alley a little more and get to the ladder. We go up. And when we get to the top I see a mini tent-ish thing with a blanket on the inside and it's like a picnic. Oh lord. I purse my lips getting emotional. Damn my stupid ass period. My lips part.

"Mason this is so nice" I finally say. There were lights all around. And it was beautiful. We were facing the view and there were blankets. there were only parts of snow up here which I was a little surprised. I expected more.

"You like it?" He asked with a small grin.

"Absolutely love it" I reply with a nod.

"Let's sit down now cause it's warmer in the tent ting than out here" he tells me. We go and cover ourselves with blankets. It wasn't too cold which was nice.

"How is there no snow up here?" I asked.

"Don't ask questions Maddison" he tells me. "And obviously I didn't have anywhere to cook and all. So I got McDonalds...cause" he tells me.

"McDonald's is all we need anyways" I shrugged he hands me my regular meal I thank him. I'm actually obsessed with him for this. It's so nice out. It's still light so you can see the whole city.

"This isn't the only thing we're doing by the way" he tells me. I give him a look.

"What else then?" I asked.

"That you'll have to wait for again" he says.

"You're annoying" I joke eating my stuff.

"Shut up you love me" He nudges me.

"Apparently." "This is actually really nice though" I tell him.

"I'm glad you like it" he smiles.

"How did you set this all up?" I asked.

"I just went to my English class then skipped my others cause they're lectures" he shrugs.

"You really didn't have to do that" I tell him.

"I wanted to" he says. I look at him. He's been so great lately. I lean in and kiss him.

"I love you" I said.

"Obviously who wouldn't" he smirks against my lisp cockily I roll my eyes pushing him away. "Kidding! Love you too."

This was literally great. The view on both halves. Mason and New York.


After another hour on the roof when it started to get darker we left. He drove to somewhere. I don't know where because he didn't tell me.

He parks the car in a parking lot after a little bit of a drive and I look around and my jaw drops. I've always. And I mean always wanted to come here. Coney Island. I literally wanted to yell.

"Oh my god! MASON" I said he laughs. "I've wanted to go here so badly!" I'm like a child right now literally.

"Yeah I know I can tell. Come on" he nods his head over to the faint Coney Island area. I unbuckle immediately getting out he gets out to locking the door. I actually felt like a child all giddy.

"You're the best literally" I said as we walked towards the ticket centre.

"I know babe" he says putting his arm around me I roll my eyes but smile.

When he gets the tickets we walk in and I was extremely happy and ready to do everything.

"Let's go on that ride then all of the other ones that one just seems like the most fun!" I point out.

"Ok, calm down we'll go on anything you want" he chuckles.

"Then let's go come on" I grab his hand dragging him to the line of the ride that looks to most fun. "We definitely have to be cheesy and go on the Ferris wheel some time also" I tell him he laughs and nods. The line was pretty long. Obviously there were like a billion people here.

"Thank you so much for this" I tell him.

"You don't need Thank me babe" he replied.

"I do this is amazing" I say.

"I was about to go all cheesy but I'm not. That would be way too far" he laughs and I do too.

"I'm glad" I reply.


After 2 hours of pure straight up fun at Coney fricken island we were gonna leave after the Ferris wheel because it's gonna close in like an hour.

We were the next in line and we got into a cart and mason got me cotton candy because I was being a child once again wanting it. I sit there eating as other people got on.

"How cheesy is this though?" I said.

"Well, probably the most cheesy thing we've done but I don't really care" he shrugs putting an around me and looking around the place.

"Yeah it's nice" I nod.

"I've also wanted to make out with you in this the minute we've came here" he tells me looking over to me.

"Of course" I nodded laughing.

"What can I say Maddie. I'm a cheesy man at times. No judgment okay!?" He says.

"Not judging its cute" I nod. He takes some of my cotton candy. This is probably the best date ever. We usually aren't all like lovey dove-y everywhere we go but it's fine time to time ya know. Especially if you got mason. And he's been treating me good lately. I look out and it was darker out now it was 7:00 surprisingly not that cold. I stare out at the water and it dark but you can still see. I smile. This is nice. The Ferris wheel starts moving and it's really slow but it's great. I pull out my phone snapping a couple pictures. I didn't bring my camera which sucks but this'll do. I turn to look at Mason who was looking off somewhere also. I get a couple pictures of his sharp ass jawline. He turns and I snap it perfect timing.

"You and your pictures Maddie're obsessed" he tells me with a small grin.

"You're a photogenic man what can I say" I tell him.

"Well don't you have like a billion of me?" He asked.

"Yeah So what" I shrugged. "They're nice."

"And you're a creep" he grins I roll my eyes nudging him but I have a small grin on my face. I take another piece of the cotton candy. Mason turns my face towards him and kisses me just after I swallowed my cotton candy. What was that for. Not that I mind but just asking. We're already extremely close because it's chilly and it's a little bucket think so.

"You taste like cotton candy" he laughs pulling a way a little.

"You wouldn't say. You attacked me the minute I swallowed my candy so no duh" I said and he laughs.

"Well we haven't done much kissing the whole time. I think I deserve it" he states.

"That's for me to decide idiot" I joke he shakes his head with a breathy laugh.

"What made me fall in love with you Maddison? Really because it's crazy to say by I really think I'm obsessed with you" he says. And literally in that moment I felt like crying because Mason is really the best guy out there for me.



Who's crying from that last part. GOALS OR NO!! But anyways. I know Coney Island isn't iron during the winter but just let it be please. I just needed this to be adorable. But I really hope you guys liked this chapter. Masons being a total daddy rn and ya catch my drift😂 hope you enjoyed. Xoxo.


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