Love Can be Frightening *A Zi...

By p0w3rfu1_0n3

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*A Ziall AU* Zayn has always loved his sister. She meant the world to him. Doniya Malik has been Zayn's godde... More

Author's Note


54 12 40
By p0w3rfu1_0n3

Hey! I'm back, sorry that I haven't updated this weekend, but here's this for you to enjoy!

^^The quote is so romantic!

<<Zayn's POV>>

<<Four years later>>

I am twenty years old now. I've been dating Niall now for about five years now. We both graduated. I got my undergraduate degree. I was planning on becoming a tattoo artist. I've gotten quite a handful of tattoos now. I dyed a bit of my hair blonde, Niall liked my blonde streak. I also got my ears pierced and Niall got braces. He completed his treatment and now his teeth are all straight, unlike him. But regardless of if his teeth aligned with his sexuality, I still loved him with all of my heart.

Harry changed his hair, he straightened it a bit and tucked it all behind his head. Louis let his hair grow out. He looks really cute with Harry. Doniya got a diploma and she graduated as a makeup artist. She was very successful, and we moved out of her small apartment and lived in a small two-bedroom house. Niall got a part time job as a office salesman at Office Depot. He still lived with his mom, but came over almost everyday. He said that he loved to talk with his boss, Nancy Clark. He enjoyed chatting with her as we worked.

"Hey! You ready to go to dinner tonight?" Niall asked, as he came home from work. I was working on a paper on the history of tattoo ink for college. He stripped down his clothes and put on some skinny jeans and a sleeveless denim jacket with a black singlet underneath.

"Sure, is Doniya coming with us?" I asked. She was working in the studio late tonight.

"Yeah, she's coming, Harry and Louis are coming too."

"Hello from the other side!" Doniya called from the other side of the door. "You done changing?" She asked.

"Yeah, come in!" Niall called. She opened the door. She was wearing a light purple bodycon dress and black thigh-high heel boots.

"You ready to go? We're going to the Chinese restaurant." She said.

"Cool, let's go." I said. I slipped on my black mules. They were technically women's shoes, since the heel was higher than one inch. But I liked them. We got in Doniya's car. Even though both Niall and I can drive, she still drove us everywhere. She liked to be a powerful woman. She said that women can drive men just like men can drive women. We got out of the car at the chinese restaurant. The old chinese restaurant we went to shut down since they went out of business. This one was called the Hunan Palace. It had a lot of Sichuan and Hunan spices.

"There's Harry and Louis!" I pointed out. Harry and Louis were pulling up. Harry got a car, a red Mustang, and he demands to drive everywhere, and Louis had no complaints about that. They climbed out. Harry was wearing a fancy suit, a blue silk tuxedo with unusual floral patterns on it. It looked pretty gay. Louis was just simply in a black singlet and skinny jeans. Same as Niall.

"Oh, and my mom's coming with us too." Niall added.

"Oh, well, this seems to be quite a party. Why was I not told about this? I would've put something else on." I asked. "Doniya, can you dust me some contour and highlights?" I asked. One of the benefits of having a sister as a makeup artist is that she could make me look decent in a few seconds.

"Of course." She smiled. She got out her emergency makeup and quickly sprayed some primer and mixed together some foundation, contour, bronzer and highlights. All in about two minutes.

"Thanks." I said.

"Wait, not done." She said. She took her mascara out and eyeliner pencil and swiftly put it on. "There, perfect!" She smiled and dusted a bit of eyeshadow. She gave me a mirror. God, I looked so much better, no more acne or acne scars, perfectly toned skin.

"Thanks!" I said, smacking on the Nicki Minaj Mac lipstick that Niall gave me several years ago. "Remember this?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I remember how happy you were when I got you that!" Niall smiled. He seemed so, different tonight. It was about seven o'clock and in September, so the moon was coming up. Maura pulled up. By now, she was basically my mother, as my biological family completely cut off ties with me and Doniya.

"Hey!" Niall called. Maura was wearing a long, faux fur coat that her boyfriend got her. I heard that her boyfriend, who was a few years older than her was really sweet and rich and loved to treat her. He wasn't here tonight though.

"Hi honey! How's everything going?" She asked, as if we haven't seen each other in ages. Reality was we saw each other yesterday, when she dropped off a casserole she baked for us.

"Good, is everybody here yet?" Doniya asked.

"Is there supposed to be anymore people?" I asked.

"Liam Payne." Niall said.

"Oh, okay, is he here?"

"Dude, he was the first one here!" Louis called. He pulled out his phone. Apparently Liam got here before all of us and was already sat down inside, while we were loitering in the dark. With Louis and Doniya looking like streetwalkers and Maura looking like a rich sugar mama.

"Let's go in." I said. We all went inside. The hostess, a pretty asian woman, who reminded me of a younger version of Dr. Morilla, led us to our reserved spot, two connected tables with four seats each. Niall, Doniya, Maura and I sat at one table. Liam, Louis and Harry sat at the other. We all got potstickers and egg drop soup for appetizer.

"How's your college going?" Maura asked me, sipping on her oolong tea.

"It's good, I'm almost done with another essay." I answered.

"That's good, Niall how's work?" She asked.

"It's good, my boss said that I might get a promotion soon, as she is planning to retire in about a year or so." He said. Doniya told me about her day, she was serving Noah Cyrus for her new photoshoot to protest animal cruelty in fur farms, sponsored by PETA.

"Well, I'm glad that this coat is vegan." She said, loosing up her coat, showing the little black dress she had underneath. We ordered a seafood platter with some dumplings. Harry and Louis decided on a dim sum sampler dish. Liam got a peking duck.

"Hey, remember when we went to that other restaurant?" Niall asked.

"Yeah, that was such a long time ago, I feels like yesterday." I sighed. I had a feeling something special was happening. We got our food. I served myself a pile of rice and shrimp.

"So, how are you doing, Maura?" Doniya asked, asked she got herself some squid and noodles.

"Very good, life at the pharmacy has been boring as usual, but with the recent opioid crisis, we have been inspecting every capsule to make sure it doesn't contain any diamorphine in them, very shady business has been happening in Afghanistan recently." She said, swallowing a piece of octopus.

"Oh, well, I'm sorry Mom, do you think that they're going to tighten restrictions or regulations?" Niall asked.

"Maybe, but I just hope that the people are safe." She said. We continued our feast. The place is so beautiful. The walls were dark red and had gold torches. The carpet was velvet and the tables were dark magahoney. There were gold candle holders with white tapered candles.

"Hey, you full?" Niall asked. He was continuing eating his mushrooms and carp. I don't know how he could eat so much.

"Yeah, ugh, how do you keep eating?" I asked. We got a bottomless dish, so we'll have a lot of leftovers.

"Well, I love my food, but not as much as you." Niall said. Harry looked at us.

"Hey, let's have the fortune cookies now!" He smiled. He waved at the waitress, who smiled and left.

"Why does she have to go back to get the cookies?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, don't they just buy them in bulk?" I asked.

"Well, this place makes their own cookies." Niall explained.

"Wow, they must be super expensive." I said. Then, the waitress returned, with a tray of fortune cookies. She passed them out to all of us.

"These fortune cookies are huge! And heavy!" Louis commented.

"That means that they'll taste really good." Liam said, breaking his apart. He read his fortune, a jigsaw puzzle piece.

"What does it say?" I asked.

"Just says, 'ill'." Liam sighed, with a frown.

"Oh, well, let's find out what ours is." Niall encouraged.

"Oh, okay." I said. When I broke mine, it was like a coincidence, everybody did so. Louis was the last one to follow pursuit. We all got puzzle pieces, like Liam.

"Hey, it's a puzzle!" Doniya cried.

"Let's put it together!" Harry suggested. I looked at my piece, it was a puzzle piece that had the word 'and'. How peculiar. The wiatress cleared all of the dishes. We started to put the puzzle together, it was very easy. 

Some people received more than one puzzle piece in their cookie. We started to put it together. There were words and letters. When we put together. My heart dropped.

It said,



Louis and I gasped. I hugged and sobbed into Niall's chest. Louis sobbed into Harry's silky hair.

"Oh my gosh!" I wept. I had no words. Louis couldn't even say anything, he just cried. I pulled back after a few minutes and Everyone was watching me and Louis. I looked down and saw a beautiful emerald and diamond engagement ring.

"An emerald is the symbol of love, compassion and abundance." Niall whispered. I pressed my lips on his.

"Yes!" I sobbed. I couldn't believe it. I had waited so long for this day.

"You and me got a whole lot of history. We could be the greatest thing that the world has ever seen. So don't let it go, we can make some more, we can live forever." Niall replied, hugging me. I looked over his shoulder. There was a lot of pictures and Doniya and Maura were crying into napkins, getting mascara all over them. But what made me smile the most was seeing Louis and Harry. Louis couldn't take the emotions and Harry was cradling him in his lap. He had on a ruby and diamond ring, inlaid in platinum. They were both crying, as well as everybody else. Even Liam was holding back tears.

Doniya and Maura stepped back.

"Thank you." Niall said to me. I looked into his ice blue eyes, so deep and beautiful, his tears dripping down his face. Niall, my fiancé, my love for life. Soon to be my husband.

"I thought you'd never ask." I wept. Niall scooped me up.

"I didn't know when." He sighed, picking me up, bridal style.

"Oh Niall, you were always in my heart." I replied.

Louis and Harry were already having their moments.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Harry sniffed. Louis smiled.

"I was already yours." Louis spoke. Maura and Doniya thanked the restaurant staff, who were crying as well. The waitress videotaped this for us to remember. Apparently, this was planned weeks in advanced. Liam, Harry, Niall, Maura, Doniya and the people at the restaurant here all worked together to plan this special night.

"I love you so much." I replied.

"I know." Niall responded. Then when we were all settled, Harry and Niall got up. They weren't done. Liam got out his phone and started to play a some soft music. They took out a piece of paper and recited a poem.

A smile took my gaze and I grinned,

something wonderful come from within,

Emanated from the both of us.

This feeling couldn't be contained,

ascertained to a fairy tale dream,

the greatest feeling I ever conceived.

Going home changed more everyday,

Talking to me in your own little way

Before I met you the days were worse,

Spit upon like dirt, in constant hurt.

As each day passed I felt so empty and alone,

You touched my heart that I thought was stone.

Your words became so appealing,

One couldn't help catching that feeling,

A prince was all I wanted and needed,

Expectations is what you exceeded

My feelings couldn't be denied,

In your arms, I want to reside

I haven't felt this way in awhile.

All I can do is walk around with a smile.

Looking like Mr. Kool-Aid man with my grin,

I know why they call love a sin.

You make me happy with each passing day,

Hoping it never ends is what I pray!

When you call me cookie, I feel warmth within

Hit the lottery, I knew I'd win.

My boogie is what I'll always call you,

You're my first pick, and that's so true!

I know you been through a lot in life,

And now I'm here to relieve your strife.

I promise to always be there,

Your heart, I want to repair.

I won't judge you no matter what,

The door to the past is shut.

They say when one door closes,

A window is opened to smell the roses.

Through this open window, come with me,

I'll show you what it's like to be free.

But just like that bed of roses,

Growth in right under our noses.

The growth of this thing we call us,

Is like platinum it never rusts

Although our worlds are diverse,

Our personalities will never divert.

The list of diversity is never ending,

We don't care, our love is transcending.

Our relationship is off the wall,

With this we can sore above all!

Like Beyonce and Jay-Z we will be unbeatable,

No need for doctors, our feelings are untreatable!

Like I said before about my prince,

He's the one, no need to convince.

Although I do not want to rush,

I can't help but tell everyone he's my crush.

You are my Prince Charming,

These feelings are alarming!

I can't believe I'm falling so hard,

Living at far, way more than a yard.

I'll be sad until we can be face to face,

But you still got me wanting your embrace.

To feel safe from the world around,

And so we can finally be crowned!

We can walk side by side as King and Queen,

Looking decked out and oh so clean!!! :)

I'll always be your cookie...your oreo, your amos

With you I'll always feel so famous

Cookie or queen, I don't care either way,

Call me anything, as long as I'm your bay!

If paradise is what you're looking for,

Step outside that window and come explore.

I'm waiting to see if you will,

Together, happiness is what we will fulfill.

After the poem, I had no tears. They were all out.

"Aww, my beautiful babies!" Maura cried.

"Oh, Zayn, you keep messing up my makeup, don't you, little brother?" Doniya laughed, roughing up my hair. Later, Niall told me that Louis and I passed out from the emotions we had. That night, I couldn't describe what I felt, but I would have this moment for life. 

Awww! so how was this? Sorry if the pictures sucked. And thanks to for the poem!

Question: What was the most romantic thing a person has done to you?

Me:Nothing, because nobody will love me :P

Awww, so i plan on having one more chapter, maybe two, and an epilogue, and maybe, maybe, if i feel like it, a bonus chapter with funny stuff.

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