Pirate Ninja Naruto

By PierceTheLivie

183K 3.9K 450

This is a crossover between Naruto and One Piece! All rights go to Oda himself since I do not own One Piece! ... More

Chapter 2: The Straw Hat Pirates?
Chapter 3: Join Our Crew, Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto!
Chapter 4: Telling Lord Third. Uzumaki -Namikaze Naruto Leaves Konohagakure
Chapter 5: Goodbye Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto
Chapter 6: The First Day with the Crew
Chapter 7: Straw Hat Pirates vs. The Marines
Chapter 8: Timeskip, The Chunin Exams?
Chapter 9: Roronoa-Nico Naruto Back in Konohagakure
Chapter 10: Chūnin Exams, Part 1: The Written Test
Not a Chapter
Chapter 11: Chūnin Exams, Part 2: The Forest of Death
Chapter 12: Chūnin Exams, Part 2.5: The Preliminary Round
Chapter 13: Chūnin Exams, Part 2.75: The Preliminary Round Part 2
New Important Information
Chapter 14: Chūnin Exams, Break Time; After The Preliminaries
Chapter 15: Grueling Training for the Third Part! Part 1!
Chapter 16: Grueling Training Part 2! Naruto Trains with Luffy!
Chapter 17: Naruto vs Mito! Kick Her *ss!
Chapter 18: Naruto vs. Mito! Kick Her *ss Part 2
Chapter 19: Attack on Konoha! Naruto vs Gaara! Lord Third?
Chapter 20: Aftermath, Find Slug Princess Tsunade!
Not a Chapter
Chapter 21: Slug Princess Tsunade Returns
Not a Chapter
Chapter 22: Sasuke Leaves the Villge
Not a chapter
Chapter 23: Who is Roronoa-Nico Naruto? Naruto's Big Reveal!
Chapter 24: Apologies Made. Make Up or Break Up?
Chapter 25: Stay or Go? Naruto's Decision!

Chapter 1: Enter Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto

19.5K 305 109
By PierceTheLivie

October 10. Naruto and Mito Uzumaki-Namikaze's birthday. It should be a day of celebration and festivities, but to Naruto, it is the exact opposite of that. It's hell day, and Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto is the center of it all. Naruto is a small child at the moment, fearing for his life. He's being chased by some villagers who have kunais, knives, shurikens, and any other sharp weapon you can think of. "Run, kit! Run!" Kurama, the fox spirit yelled at the little boy. Yes, Naruto found out about Kurama a couple years ago when he was almost beaten to death by the villagers. Naruto became friends with the fox spirit, Kurama, who also trained him a little bit.

"It's the Fox Hunt! Join in!" "Die! You demon brat!" "You killed my wife!" "Demon!"... "Demon!"... "Demon!" The voices of the villagers echoed in Naruto's head. He is just a small seven-year-old, along with his twin sister, Mito, though only Naruto was out in the village. "Please! I didn't do anything!?" Naruto cried out as he got hit with a kunai in the shoulder. "Yes, you did!" "You killed my wife and my sister!" "You killed my brother!" "You deserve to die!" "Just let us kill you already!" The villagers screamed and threw more weapons at the small Naruto. A kunai hit his leg, and Naruto went crashing into the ground, sliding a bit. He shakily tried to get up, but his injury made it impossible to stand, let alone run. "We've got you now, you demon," the villagers said, and then they began to beat Naruto who had curled into a ball to avoid more damage to his already sore ribs. Naruto felt like his body was on fire, and every hit made him flinch with tears quickly coming to his eyes. The villagers didn't know the difference between a kunai and a scroll.

Once the torture was over, Naruto shakily pulled out the kunai in his shoulder, gritting his teeth in pain. Then he proceeded to pull out the kunai in his leg. Trying not to make a sound, Naruto bit his lip to stop from crying out in pain. Naruto then waited a few minutes for Kurama to heal the severe injuries before dragging his bruised, bloody, beaten body home. Well, you could call it home, but Naruto prefers to call it a hellhole. When he walks in the door, he was met with a slap across his face. Of course, the culprit was none other than his mother, Uzumaki Kushina. "Where were you?" Kushina asked calmly, though you could tell she was pissed by her floating red hair. Naruto quivered and flinched back as he answered, "I'm sorry that I'm late for dinner, okaasan." Kushina's hand connected with Naruto's face again. Naruto flew to the ground and held his cheek, tears springing to his eyes. Naruto tried to hold them back, but the pain was too much, and some tears leaked out. Kushina kicked Naruto in the gut. "No crying on my watch," she said while glaring daggers at Naruto.

"Mama! Mama!" A little girl with bright red hair and bright blue eyes came running through the kitchen door and up to Kushina. Kushina's hair stopped floating, and she bent down to the little girl's height. "Yes, Mito? What is it?" Kushina asked the young girl, Mito. "Mama, Papa said to come back into the kitchen for cake and to throw out the trash," Mito said while staring at Kushina. Then she looked over at her brother and glared at him. "Eww, what's he doing here?" Mito asked spitting out 'he' like it was a poison. "I don't like him, Mama! Make him leave! Make him go away!" Mito cried out while bringing tears to her eyes. "He was just leaving," Kushina said while shushing her daughter. Kushina glared at Naruto and hissed, "Get out." Naruto sat there a little confused. "I said, get out you demon," Kushina repeated and Naruto, still confused, stood up. Kushina gently ushered her daughter into the kitchen before turning towards Naruto with her red hair floating. When Naruto made no move, Kushina grabbed him by the hair and Naruto yelped at the sudden action. Kushina then threw Naruto outside. "Don't come back here again," Kushina said in a deadly voice. Her bright red hair was floating around, and at that point, Naruto knew he was no longer apart of the Uzumaki and Namikaze family.
Naruto climbed up the side of the house to get to his room which was the attic. Once he was inside the house, Naruto packed up what little he had, which was only a change of clothing and a picture of his family, no the Hokage's family. Naruto gritted his teeth and grabbed a permanent marker before scribbling out his face from the image. Kushina and Minato only paid attention to their precious daughter, Mito. They trained her and loved her and left no room for Naruto, all because Mito has Kurama's chakra while Naruto is stuck with the fox spirit. "Hurry, kit," Kurama said to the young boy. Naruto then heard, "Say, Kushina, how about we nominate Mito as the clan heiress?" Minato asked. "That's a great idea, Minato-kun," Kushina said. Then he heard silence, "I sense a rat," Kushina said in a deathly calm voice. Naruto froze and immediately hurried to pack his things. "I'll go get rid of the rat," Naruto heard Minato say.

Naruto grabbed his little bag and jumped out of his window. Right as he landed on the ground, Naruto heard his door slam open. He flinched at the sound and took off running off into the town. Naruto avoided as many villagers as he could, and he made it to the top of the Hokage monument. There, Naruto relaxed. He sat down and thought about what happened. Then he began to sob. His small cries were barely heard by anyone, for the top of the Hokage monument was too tall for anyone to see that far away, let alone hear his cries.

Naruto just wished that he had a family. People who cared for him and wanted to protect him. People who loved him for him. Not people who feared him and abused him. Not people who accused him of being something that he's not. Naruto cried and brought his knees up to his chest and put his head down, allowing all the tears to fall.

"Kit, someone's here. Two people actually," Kurama said. Naruto froze at Kurama's words. "Where was that crying coming from?" A female voice asked. "It sounded like it came from over there," a male voice said. Naruto curled tighter into a ball just wishing he could disappear. Naruto could picture what would most likely happen when the people find him.

Naruto's imagination:
"Look! Over there!" The female would yell, probably pointing to Naruto. "It's the demon! Let's get him!" The male would scream, and they would attack and beat up Naruto.
Naruto's imagination end:

Naruto shook in his spot, trying to be as small as possible. Tears streamed down his face, and he buried himself in his arms. Then he heard footsteps. They were the sound of heels. Their steps were light, quiet and quick-paced. Naruto flinched and held his breath. "Over here, Zoro-kun," the female said to the male who Naruto assumed to be this Zoro character. After the female called out to her friend, Naruto heard another pair of steps. They were heavier, louder and slower than the woman's steps. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder and a voice that surprised him, "Hey, are you —" the woman started saying before she was cut off. Naruto jumped up and fell off the monument. He closed his eyes as he fell and made no move to catch himself. But then he felt arms catch him. Tons of arms. "Cien Fleur: Spider Net!" The woman yelled out. Naruto opened his eyes and saw that he was in a net... made of arms. Naruto's eyes almost bulged out of his head. He looked up to see a tall, pale-skinned woman with blue eyes and long black hair. She had on a purple sleeveless shirt that was zipped up in the front that showed her stomach with a low waisted pink skirt that had green flowers on it. She had her arms in an x shape over her chest. Naruto noticed that the arms were connected to the side of the Hokage monument. Then he fell unconscious.

With the duo:
"Help him up," the female said as her arms started to disappear as they lifted up the unconscious boy. He was bloody, and his hair looked like a mixture of red and blond though the duo could tell that his natural hair is blonde and that the red was most likely blood. The male, Zoro, bent down, grabbed Naruto's arms and started pulling him up onto the monument. Zoro is a male who has short, bright green hair along with a long, dark green button-down along with dark green pants held up by a bright green waistband paired with dark green boots. He also had a dark green bandana tied to his upper left arm along with three swords attached to his right hip by a red belt, and not to mention a scar on his left eye that left him with only one functioning eye.

The boy was light as a feather. Zoro sucked in a sharp breath at how light the boy is. "Robin," Zoro started, and his eyes were shaded. "He's so light like he barely eats anything," Zoro finished while brushing Naruto's hair from his face. Robin walked over and picked him up. Robin gasped at how light he is. "He's all bloody. What happened to this boy?" Robin questioned to no one in particular. "We should get him to the local hospital, I'm sure they'll fix him up," Zoro said while standing up. Robin stood up too with Naruto in her arms, like a baby.

Zoro put a hand on Robin's shoulder in comfort. They walked towards the hospital in the village. As they walked, Zoro and Robin heard some interesting things about the young boy. "Look, it's the demon." "Don't they know that he's the fox demon?" "I guess not." "Best to avoid them... and the demon." Robin and Zoro frowned at the comments. Then they spotted their captain, Luffy, along with their sniper, Usopp. Luffy has light skin, black hair, and a scar underneath his left black eye, along with a straw hat on his head, paired with a red, long sleeve shirt that was unbuttoned, jean shorts that were rolled up and flip flops. Usopp has dark skin, a long nose and he was wearing a cream-colored hat on his dark, curly hair along with orange goggles. He also was wearing cream-colored overalls with an orange belt along with brown boots and a huge yellow side bag. "Oi! Luffy!" Zoro called out. Luffy turned towards the duo and waved them over. Once there, Robin and Zoro explained the problem in a brief summary and Luffy along with Usopp walked towards the hospital with Zoro and Robin, silently. Luffy stared at the young Naruto who was still unconscious and bloody. Robin and Zoro's clothes were coated in blood, but they didn't care. Luffy felt anger towards the people who hurt Naruto. He felt the need to protect Naruto like a little brother. Usopp, on the other hand, was scared of the people who beat the small boy, but even so, he wanted to know the reason why they would hurt such a little boy.

Then the group spotted Nami, the navigator, who was bribing someone of money along with Sanji, the cook. Nami has long orange hair along with brown eyes, and she was wearing a blue bikini top, along with light blue, low waisted jeans, with her usual kitten-heeled sandals. Sanji was wearing a yellow collared shirt along with a matching brown tie and a dark blue almost black blazer with some nice black pants adorned with nice black shoes to go along with his blonde hair that covered his right eye, and curly eyebrows. Luffy calmly walked over to them and said, "Nami, Sanji, we've got a problem." Nami and Sanji immediately turned their attention to their captain. Then they saw Naruto. Nami's eyes widened at the sight of the beaten boy, and Sanji's cigarette almost fell out of his mouth... almost.

"What-what happened to him? He looks terrible," Nami asked while walking over to Robin who was still holding him. "We don't know. Zoro-kun and I found him like this," Robin answered while looking down at the boy. "Yeah, he freaked out when Robin touched him, and he fell unconscious. Been this way since then," Zoro said while placing a comforting hand on Robin's shoulder. Nami went to put her hand on Naruto's forehead, but Robin held him closer to his chest like she was protecting him. Robin shot Nami a warning look that threw her off. When Robin realized what she did, she immediately apologized. "No, no. It's my fault. Sorry," Nami said while smiling at Robin who just deeply sighed. "We should get him to the hospital," Zoro said while looking around at the villagers. The group nodded and walked towards the hospital.

The group all heard the rumors and comments that the villagers made about the young boy, but the group made no move to drop the young boy who needed help. Once at the hospital, Robin brought Naruto up to the desk and said, "Please help this boy." The nurse took one look at Naruto and immediately refused service. "I'm sorry, but we don't give our service to demons," the nurse said while snickering. Robin's eyes were shaded by her hair, and she glared at the lady. She gently handed Naruto to Zoro who took him in his arms. Then she glared down on the nurse. Robin's haki spiked and everyone in the waiting room felt it. The Straw Hats felt it too, but they were used to haki. All the nurses fell to the ground and shook in fear for they didn't know what haki was. "He is a small boy! Why won't you heal him?" Robin asked while gritting her teeth. "He's a demon. That's why," the nurse said and Robin hned. "Fine, we'll take our son somewhere else," Robin said while turning away from the nurse. The nurse was shaking in her chair. Then Robin crossed her arms. "Uno Fleur:," Robin started. Then an arm sprouted from the woman's neck. "Slap!" Robin said, and the arm slapped the woman. There was a loud smacking sound.
The Straw Hat crew calmly walked out of the hospital with Naruto. They walked silently to their ship, the Thousand Sunny, which was docked next to the river that was next to Konohagakure. Once there, "Chopper! We've got an emergency!" Luffy yelled. Immediately, a small reindeer with a blue nose and large antlers wearing orange shorts and a large blue and blue round hat that had a white x on it came running out on two legs. "What is it? Who's hurt?" Chopper asked while grabbing his medical equipment. Then he froze at the sight of Zoro and Robin who were both bloody. Chopper noticed a small blonde boy in Zoro's arms. "Please help him," Robin said to Chopper who nodded and beckoned Zoro to the medical room on the ship. Once there, Zoro placed the boy in Chopper's care knowing that he would fix up the small boy. Robin and Zoro walked into their rooms and changed clothes. Zoro walked up to see the whole crew. Luffy, Sanji, Nami, Robin, in clean clothes, Brook, Jinbe and Franky. Brook is a skeleton and the crew's musician with a huge black afro. Franky the cyborg and the shipwright of the crew. And Jinbe is a whale shark Fishman and the helmsman of the crew. (P.S. They all are wearing what they wore to Post-Time Skip).

Zoro took a seat next to his girlfriend, Robin. (Yes they're dating in my story, don't like it. Go away then). The crew was silent for a moment before Luffy asked, "What happened to him? And why'd you call him your son, Robin?" Robin looked down at her hands, and her body shook slightly at the question. "We don't know what happened to him. Zoro-kun and I were just on top of the Hokage Monument and found him there..." Robin started. Then she remembered the look on Naruto's face when she scared him. He looked so lonely, so scared like he was going to die right then and there. The worst part was that he looked like he would've accepted a death like that. "He was crying. He looked so lonely, so sad. So I went over to him. As I put my hand on his shoulder, he freaked out and fell off the monument—" Robin started, but was cut off by Usopp. "He fell off!?" Usopp asked while shaking. Jinbe just listened as Robin explained. Robin nodded at Usopp's question. "But I caught him and pulled him up. As I pulled him up, I noticed that he was all bloody and beaten. I couldn't just leave him there. He needed help," Robin explained to the crew who were silent. Luffy and the crew nodded at Robin's decision. "So Zoro and I took him to the hospital, but we heard those comments about him being a demon," Robin said then she tightened her hands into fists. "I couldn't bear to hear it. Then I decided that if he is treated like a demon here, treated like I was, for all those years, then I'd take him under my care," Robin said while remembering the looks on the villagers' faces as they talked down on the boy. Jinbe closed his eyes, recalling his time when Fishman weren't only discriminated, but they were beaten and hurt for being different than humans.

Luffy stood up, "If that's your decision," Luffy said while his hat shading his eyes, "then I support you. We can take him with us on our voyage," Luffy finished while smiling brightly at Robin who sighed in relief at her captain's response. "Thank you, Luffy," Robin said while smiling lightly. "No need to thank me. Besides, looking at him, I can tell he's strong. He'll become a great person in due time," Luffy said to Robin. The crew then cheered for their new crewmate.

Hello, my fellow ninjas and pirates! I do hope you like the first chapter. The next chapter should be up soon! Don't forget to vote, comment and share with all your allies!
- Via ♡

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