She's Back (Sequel)

By GraceBeard

8.9K 240 6

This is a sequel to 'Our Musketeer Girl'. Our favourite group of musketeer's are back from war, all different... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 4

511 11 0
By GraceBeard

The next morning came way too soon for the musketeers; the men were hung over of course, whilst Kayley just wanted to stay in bed a bit longer; she was used to not sleeping very much thanks to always being busy with the war. The eighteen year old got up and dressed into her usual clothes, attached her weapons to the belt and inside her boot, added her hat before leaving the room; it was relatively hot out so she didn't bother with her cloak. Making her way down stairs, the girl greeted Constance before leaving; she needed to get to work and see what had changed. As she walked though the streets of Paris, many people greeted her and smiled, happy to see their only female musketeer. Kayley reached the Garrison fairly quickly before grabbing some breakfast, a small bowl of porridge and a cup of orange juice; she sat down and tucked in. After five minutes, she saw her brother's stumble though the gate and towards her; she managed to hold back her laughter but not her smirk as they sat down and groaned. D'artagnan and Porthos rested their heads on the table whilst Aramis rubbed his head, trying to rid himself of the headache he had; Athos just sat in his seat, arms crossed over his chest, clearly amused by the condition his friends and boyfriend was in. The girl shook her head as she stood up and walked over to the table that had the breakfast on; she grabbed four portions and four cups of water before returning to her friends, setting the drinks and food in front of them. "Eat up, you'll feel better" she reassured as she continued to eat her own food; they did as told, her brother and Porthos slower then usual of course. "Hey musketeers" someone spoke, Kayley and Athos looked over and smiled, especially the teen "Tony!!" she exclaimed before jumping up and hugged the guy; Tony Johnson was one of the cadets she helped train before leaving for war. And they had become good friends. The two parted "any chance you'll be training the cadets again??" Tony asked earning a smirk "hmm...sure, training starts in ten minutes". The man turned and told the others, who all seemed very happy to know they were having the female musketeer teaching them again. Athos smiled as he patted the girl on the shoulder; Kayley returned the kind gesture before finishing her breakfast. The teen made sure her brother's weren't actually gonna die - they looked like it - before thinking of a plan that created a smirk form on her face. Filling up three cups of water, she returned to the table before poring them over their heads; Athos stepped back so that he didn't get wet. The three men shot up due to the shock and the water being freezing cold; they turned to the laughing girl who was putting the cups down "why you little!!" D'artagnan, Porthos and Aramis rushed over to the teen who ran away, but was too slow. Porthos wrapped his arms around her middle and picked her up, swinging Kayley around and gently dropping her to the floor. D'artagnan and Aramis began to tickle her before she could jump up and get away; she fell into a fit of laughter. After a few minutes, they stopped and helped the giggling girl up; Kayley pated herself down to get rid of the dirt before stating "training in ten seconds, last few have to clean out the stables!!". The cadets ran like never before to gather around the yard; it made the musketeers laugh at the sight.

Whilst Kayley trained the cadets for over two hours, the other four musketeers began to train as well, but at their level of skills; each couple partnered up and began to sword fight. Treville walked out of the office at this point and smiled at the sighed; it was just like before they left for war. He soon frowned though when he saw a group of red guards walk though the  gate, entering the Garrison. Some of the cadets stopped training in surprise, confusing the teen; she turned to the direction that they were looking and was taken back by the sight of Red Guards there. The other musketeers notice as well and stopped training, standing still but alert and ready. The leader spoke up "well, the rumours are true, the musketeers are alive and back" he stated "shame" the girl raised a brow "be mindful of what you say, you're in Musketeer's territory" she said. The Red Guards all laughed "ha!! Please" Athos spoke up "careful now, the last time a Red Guard pissed Kayley off, he ended up on his arse before running away" Kayley remembered that, it was the first time she had seen the Red Guards and one of them had laughed at her for being a little girl, yet prepared to fight if necessary. "You forget musketeers, you've been gone for four years, think have changed since you were last in Paris" the leader stated; Aramis spoke up this time "we don't doubt that, but I doubt things between the Musketeers and the Red Guards have changed since we left" he then added as he looked around at the cadets "or am I wrong??". All cadent shook their heads; D'artagnan and Porthos both chuckled. Kayley looked back over to the Red Guards "now" she turned serious "get lost!! We're busy and don't need prats like you lot being annoying as usual" she ordered. And oh my god, the guards were miffed. "What?? Scared you're not all that??" the man asked; she just laughed "yeah, that's why I was sent to fight in the war by the King and Queen, that's why I was ordered to command soldiers along with the musketeers" everyone that belonged in he Garrison smiled. The leader rolled his eyes before saying "ha!! Come on. What girl can actually fight?? You probably just ran and hid during the war until it was all over" it was more than clear that what he said had struck a nerve, but not just in Kayley, in everyone. The fire in the teens eyes was unmistaken; the cadets began to step back "this isn't gonna end well for you" Athos stated with a smirk; they all saw Kayley tighten her grip on her sword. The leader suddenly drew his sword and ran at the girl, prepared to harm her; he didn't expect Kayley to block the attack and fight back. He stepped back a moment before signalling the other Red Guards to join the attack against the eighteen year old. The four musketeers watched from the side "one against fifteen, not very fair, what do you think Porthos??" Aramis asked as he looked towards his boyfriend who was clearly amused by the fight "not at all" D'artagnan smirked "the Red Guards will need back up". They all watched as Kayley kicked the Red Guard's asses; they all ended up on the floor, hurting some how. The teens hair had fallen out of the ribbon thanks to one of the guards catching it with their sword; her long brown wavy locks now loose. She stood in front of the fallen men, sword in one hand and the other resting on her hip. "Now I won't tell you again, get. Lost!!" she ordered, stern and forceful; it reminded the four musketeers of when she was commanding the soldiers that had either betrayed them or done something that had risked the life or lives of the other soldiers. It was terrifying. The Red Guards all scrambled away, except the leader who was just the slightest bit slower so that he could yell "you'll regret this musketeer!!" and he was gone. The teen just smirked "doubt it" she mumbled before putting her sword away.

All of the musketeer and cadets patted the girl on the back "that's our girl!!" Porthos laughed as he playfully punched her shoulder; Treville smirked as he watched Kayley shrug the whole thing off and pick up her ribbon. "Damn, that was my last one" she mumbled, thinking no one could hear her; Athos smiled as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders "I'll buy you some more later" he promised earning a smile in return. Kayley wrapped an arm around him "thanks" before they parted "come on, time for you to do some training yourself". A nearby cadets was confused "wasn't Kayley taking down all of the Red Guards training??" the other cadets that didn't know the female agreed, whilst the cadets that knew her before they left for the war just chuckled; D'artagnan spoke up "for Kayley, that was a warm up". Treville chuckled to himself before calling out the five musketeer "my office!!" they did as told and walked up the stairs before entering the room; Aramis closed the door behind them.  "One of the cadets come to me just before the Red Guards arrived" he explained "he said that he over heard a possible plot against the King being planned for tonight" their eyes widened "do we know who?? What exact time?? What the plan is??" Porthos asked. Their Captain nodded "it should take place tonight a 7. Tonight is the party to celebrate the King's mother's banishment" the musketeers had completely forgotten that happened many years ago today "you'll be on duty tonight for safety anyway, but now it is more serious". Kayley was thinking for a moment "where did the cadet hear all of this?? And what exactly did he hear??" Kayley asked as she folded her arms "he heard the men talking about it at the bar on the other side of town, the one you three used to go to before the Tavern opened" he explained "and the cadet just head some men talking about needing gun powder, then they said by the end of the night, the King will be dead". Nodding, the musketeers decided to saddle up and make their way over to the said bar; they did just that and soon enough, they were riding through town. "So you guys know this bar??" D'artagnan asked earning nods "yeah, like Treville said, before the Tavern was opened that was the only bar in all of Paris, so we were some of the regulars" the eighteen year old laughed "I bet". Eventually they arrived and tied their horses to a nearby post "ready??" Athos asked as they approached the door "let's do this".

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