FROSTBITE | S. Rogers/B. Barn...

By Cavelnimicum

91.7K 3.4K 524

When Steve saved her, he didn't think he would grow so attached. When Steve left her, she didn't think she'd... More

Cold Chills
Ice Blue
House Warming Party
Frozen In Time
Ice Age
Sub Zero
Champagne On Ice
Skating On Thin Ice
Frozen Heart
Brain Freeze
Cold As Ice
Snow Storm

Iced Wine

2.7K 130 16
By Cavelnimicum

When Janie woke up the next morning, she'd completely forgotten about the Super Soldier recovering from his injuries in her bed. It was still dark outside when the young woman trudged through her apartment without flicking on any of the lights. She didn't think about the fact that she'd awoken on the couch instead of between the warmth of her bed sheets and didn't question the lump in her bed when she shuffled to the bathroom for her early morning shower. She had never been particularly happy about waking up early, but it was what her schedule required.

Within ten minutes, Janie had showered, brushed her teeth, and pinned her hair in a sloppy bun that sat messily atop her head. With her towel wrapped securely around her torso to keep her skin from being exposed to the cold air flowing through her apartment, she stepped out of the steamy humidity of the bathroom and out into the partial darkness of her bedroom.

When the lump under the sheets finally moved, she let out a loud shriek. Steve Rogers jumped up from under the covers, his eyes wide and frantically searching for a threat that was not there. When he found Janie, half-naked in the center of the room, his eyes shot toward the alarm clock's flashing red light on the nightstand in embarrassment. He would be forever grateful for the darkness because he immediately tried to hide the curious gaze he had trouble stopping.

"I'm so sorry," Steve said quickly, "I didn't mean to startle you."

"Don't worry about it," she swallowed, "Are you okay? Better, I mean?" She asked as she watched Steve spring up from the bed.

He frowned at her question, but when she pointed towards the white bandages around his stomach, he relaxed. Steve unwrapped himself slowly and carefully as his eyes adjusted to the dark, revealing a wound that looked several weeks old. His flesh had rapidly begun to regenerate, leaving his injury on the brink of being fully healed thanks to the serum coursing through his veins.

Steve noticed Janie's mouth being slightly agape at his rapid regeneration and chuckled lightly. He grabbed his shirt up off the floor and put it back on, grimacing at the smell of sweat and the feeling of sand and particles of dirt scrubbing against his bare skin. The hole in his uniform perfectly showed off the pink patch of skin on his side. He would have to get that fixed up as soon as possible.

"I should have washed that for you," Janie commented, "It didn't really cross my mind, sorry."

"It's fine. I heal fast," he explained, "Don't worry about me."

"Kind of hard not to after the guy who saved my life stumbles in my apartment at three in the morning covered in blood that may or may not be his," Janie said smartly, "I've decided I won't ask questions."

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this. I shouldn't have asked for your help."

Steve put his gloves back on and grabbed his shield, strapping it to his back in slow motion. His muscles ached in protest, but the feeling would subside before the day was out, so he ignored it for now. He came around the bed and in an impulse, pulled the damp, half-naked girl to his chest in a bone-crushing hug.

With a startled gasp, Janie stumbled back towards the bathroom. Steve tensed up, afraid he'd crossed a boundary he shouldn't have crossed, but realization quickly set in, reminding him that the ship had sailed when he knocked on her door the night before. He couldn't even really remember why he'd done it and chose to blame the rush of adrenaline caused by the serum. He wouldn't mention the fact he had walked over 10 blocks to even get to her apartment, not even to himself. 

Janie quickly placed a hand on his muscular back, reveling momentarily at the width of the man that held her while familiar memories of him saving her life rose up inside of her.

"Steve?" She began carefully, afraid of ruining the sudden rush of affection he was giving her. 

"Hmm?" He hummed, taking in the sweet smell of body wash and toothpaste that invaded his nostrils. 

"I don't want to hurt your feelings or anything, but I just showered and you really do smell bad," Janie said carefully.

"I'm sorry," he said as he let go of her, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck while he looked down at her. She smiled and pushed against his chest, before regretting the action.

"I, uh," he stammered, "wanted to ask you something."

"Okay..." Janie replied, dragging out the word as it fell from her lips.

Her stomach turned inside her and her hands began to sweat. Damn nerves.

"There's a party at the Tower tomorrow night...," he trailed off. 

"I don't think that's such a good idea," Janie mumbled as she fiddled with her fingers, "A party at the Avengers tower?"

Steve nodded and wiped his brow, "It's a celebratory thing, a lot of people will be there. I'll be there."

"I thought you weren't supposed to associate with me. Aren't you like, crossing the line right now?" Janie reminded him. 

Steve sighed, "I know what I said, but I enjoy your company. Besides, I'm the boss. I decide where the line is. And I'm sure the others would like to see you, too." 

"I don't know," she muttered, "I'm not really good at parties and I doubt any of them even remember me."

"You don't have to come if you don't want to. It's just, my way of saying thank you for patching me up, I 'spose." Steve placed a comforting hand on Janie's shoulder and squeezed it gently.

"You would have been fine without me," Janie said. 

"Maybe. Maybe not."

He began to walk towards the door, leaving the young woman contemplating her options in the center of her bedroom. Just before she heard the front door close, she called out for him.



"What time?"

"I'll pick you up at eight."

To say there were a lot of people at the party would be an understatement. The entire penthouse floor of the Tower was filled to the brim with guests, all agents, doctors, professors, and friends of the Avengers. Veterans, soldiers, and colleagues all walked around the giant room, talking to each other while having drinks.   

Janie hated to admit the disappointment bubbling in her stomach when the car that pulled up at exactly 7 p.m. didn't have Steve Rogers in it, but an agent that lived only a few blocks away from her. He told her Steve had contacted him and asked him to pick her up, to which the agent said he couldn't say no. Janie doubted there was anyone brave enough to say no to Steve and she had yet to figure out whether or not that was a good thing.

Janie felt anxious the entire car ride despite the slightly comforting small talk. The second she got out of the vehicle her body screamed at her to turn back around and go back home. Her heart rate was accelerating with each wobbly step she took deeper into the Tower and her head spun when the elevator took her and several other guests to the 55th floor.

Her dress, floral and flowy, hit just above her wobbly knees and she quickly unbuttoned the top button, before redoing it. It was the fanciest piece of clothing she had and looking at it in the mirror, she found it laughable. It went to show she never went to parties. 

How on earth she would ever find Steve in the immense sea of people was beyond her. She hardly recognized anyone and could barely hear herself think over the loud swing music droning from the invisible speakers all around the compound. 

Ten minutes, she thought to herself, If I don't find him in ten minutes, I'm bailing. Why am I even here? I hate parties.

Janie finally saw Thor, sitting on a set of couches with a bunch of Vietnam and World War II veterans. She involuntarily smiled at how expressively he told his stories of battle, causing all of them to smile and clap at the sound of his words.

"I know you," a voice perked up from behind her, "Do I? Did I invite you? Jarvis?"

"Scanning the guest list as we speak, sir."

The young woman spun around on her heel, immediately cowering in fear when she was met face-to-face with Tony Stark. He was dressed in a black suit with a navy blue tie, holding a glass of top-shelf champagne close to his body. 

"I, uh," Janie stammered, searching for the right words, "no."

Steve, watching the scene unfold before him, sped towards the pair with quick steps.

"I did, Tony," he said quickly, taking a stand beside Janie and placing his hand on her back. 

"Oh," Tony said slowly, "Did you now?"

"I'm sorry," Janie turned to Steve, "Was this a bad idea? I told you this was a bad idea. I shouldn't be here."

"I'm just surprised grandpa here finally decided to invite a girl, that's all. Champagne? Wine? A room?" Tony offered. 

"No thanks." She replied, watching as Tony and Thor soon thereafter engaged in conversation. 

The two men began comparing their girlfriends, each of them trying to outdo the other with their ladies' achievements while James Rhodes stood beside them, rolling his eyes at their conversation. Janie cringed hearing about the amazing things both women had done, her heart already beating alarmingly fast. She began to feel more out of place with each passing second. 

"Just as I was about to ask where the ladies were," a pretty woman in a red dress spoke up, "Mariah Hill. Nice to meet you."

Janie turned towards her, offering her a small smile while Steve nudged her to shake Maria's hand. He went off to the bar to fetch them some drinks, leaving Janie alone with people that intimated her to no end. She swallowed a lump in her throat and forced herself to smile, trying her best to hide how uncomfortable she was. 

"Nice to meet you too. Janie Adams." She replied quickly. 

Mariah opened her mouth to speak but didn't have time to say anything else, because Tony interrupted her. 

"Oh, yeah, that's right! I remember you. We saved you, didn't we?" Tony exclaimed.

"That you did," Janie said awkwardly, "Thank you for that."

"It's what we do, kiddo." He said with a wink. 

The two women quickly complimented each other's outfits and hairdos, before Mariah politely excused herself. Steve quietly placed his hand around the small of Janie's back again and handed her a glass of red wine, before slowly leading her away from the men who instantly continued their bickering.

"Sorry about them," Steve apologized, "I'm glad you came, though."

"Don't apologize, I told you I'm not good at parties. Especially not penthouse parties. I'm used to house parties with boxed wine and cheap beer, not this expensive stuff" she smiled, "you look nice. Better, I mean. You look better. Healed."

Steve laughed loudly, causing Janie's cheeks to flush bright red. He wasn't sure whether inviting her was a good idea at first, but he didn't regret it by any means. 

"You don't look so bad yourself, doll." He smiled. 

Later that night, Steve excused himself so he could speak to Bruce Banner. Janie quickly went to the bathroom to freshen up and take a breather, away from the loud music and slowly thinning crowd. 

She quickly brushed her fingers through her hair and reapplied her lipstick, offering herself some words of encouragement while she was alone in the bathroom. Or so she thought because Natasha was suddenly standing beside her, one hand leaning on the sink and the other on her hip. 

"I remember you," the redhead stated, "We rescued you last year, didn't we?"

"Uh, yeah. Thank you, for that. I don't think words suffice, though. You guys really saved my life." Janie stammered. 

"Of course," the woman said, smiling shortly, "it's in the job description."

A cold breeze flew past Janie's arms, causing her to rub them together in an effort to stay warm. To say she felt intimidated by Natasha would be an understatement.

"He likes you, you know?" The redhead suddenly said, sending Janie's brain into overdrive, "hasn't shut up about you since he dragged you out of there. Indirectly, I mean. He hasn't mentioned your name, but I think we all knew who he meant whenever he talked about you." 

"Who, Steve? I guess we're friends, yes." She replied, biting her tongue to keep herself from screaming. 

Anticipation and adrenaline filled her veins when Natasha gave her the side eye, "You know very well what I mean."

"It's nothing like that, I swear." Janie watched as the assassin made her way to the door.

"Who are you trying to fool?"

Natasha left Janie alone in the bathroom, contemplating her words as they played over and over again in her head. 

Who was she trying to fool?

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