The Other Side Of Life

Bởi Lozcain

285 12 30

Louise was a pretty ordinary teenage girl, until one night on her way home everything changed. Her life and h... Xem Thêm


The Other Side Of Life

137 5 20
Bởi Lozcain

Hello! This is a new story I will be uploading, I would love to know if it worth continuing with so I would be eternally grateful if you could comment or maybe vote to let me know what you think :) 

Sorry to my Enlightenment fans, this is just I little something I have been working on when I need a break but I am currently working on the sequel so hopefully I will also be able to post that soon :) 

-Lauren x 



So maybe it wasn’t the best idea I ever had, walking home alone, in the dark.  I thought as I hurried along the deserted street, my boots splashing through a puddle from the light rain that had been falling on and off all day.

I pulled my coat tighter around myself and glanced around, feeling slightly reassured when I spotted one of the sparse streetlights coming up. In about ten minutes I could be safely home, warm in my bedroom. The notion made me quicken my pace.

It had seemed like an ok idea when I left the club, with the slight buzz of alcohol still running through me, but now… No I shouldn’t think like that. I would be home soon. Safe.

My thoughts turned to Jess; I had left her in the club. A small part of me knew that was slightly irresponsible of me as I knew she had already drunk much more than me before I had left, but she had argued when I told her I wanted to leave… and she seemed perfectly happy with the guy she was dancing with. I told myself that she would be fine, in any case; she got herself into situations like that all of the time. Out if the two of us she was always the one who wanted to go out, have fun, socialise… I was more of the stay in and watch a movie type.

A sudden gust of wind blew my hood back from my face and I paused to pull it back up. The autumn was coming quickly, the nights rapidly drawing in and the leaves starting to change on the trees. I shivered, the hairs on the back of my neck standing up.


I froze and looked around; a dark figure walked a little way behind me. I only noticed because they happened to pass by a streetlight at the instant I looked back. The noise must have been him stepping on a fallen branch from one of the trees that lined the road, which ran along the side of the park.

I turned around and continued walking, increasing my pace just a little. Probably just an innocent guy on his way home from work or something… nothing to worry about. I tried to glance back inconspicuously, yes, definitely male and by the look of it a lot larger than my petite, barely five foot high frame. 

But still, nothing to worry about, I told myself sternly. Despite my forcefully calm thoughts I could feel my heart beginning to flutter nervously and in spite of the chill my palms were starting to sweat…

Risking a look back I was alarmed to find that he was much closer, the first glimmers of panic beginning to run through me. I further increased my pace, breaking into a kind of half jog. This is ridiculous I told myself, if someone I know were to see me now… they would probably wet themselves laughing. I probably look like a right idiot.

But he was getting closer.

And closer.

Letting go of all traces of my dignity I broke into a flat out sprint, my heart now pounding in my chest, my breath coming in laboured gasps. I promised myself that when I got home safely I would definitely go and sign up to the gym…

My body jolted forwards as rough hands grabbed me from behind, and hot breath hit the back of my neck. My horrified scream was cut off by a gloved hand in my mouth. I bit down hard and heard an angry grunt behind me, followed by something hard hitting the back of my head- my knees crumpled under me but I desperately tried to kick out, writhing in his grasp.

Vaguely, I realised I was being dragged away from the road towards the park and I frantically tried to free myself. I heard a low curse followed by a sudden burning pain in my stomach, his arm muffled my scream of agony and I saw a flash of silver before the knife struck me again...

I managed to look down and for a second my brain couldn’t work out why my shirt seemed darker than it should be…

The world seemed to be floating, my vision was narrowing, the edges going first red then black… eventually I couldn’t see anything at all as the red and black formed splotches that floated in front of my eyes… and then the world drifted away… 

so there is the first part :) I will post the next couple of bits soon and then see if people like it or not, feel free to point out any mistakes and I will do my best to fix them asap :) 

oh and the awesome trailer on the side it by IvanaM :D xx 

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