She's Just A Beautiful Mistak...

By UnlovedUnwanted

242K 6.6K 478

**** Readers be Warned. This is not for the faint of heart. Triggering Warning. Self Harm and Sexual Content... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 pt. 2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Sneak Peek

Chapter 1

28.5K 546 34
By UnlovedUnwanted

You'd think being a Junior would be amazing. Right?

Well its not. Far from it..

I'm Aurora Starz. You don't get to choose your name sadly.

Now I'm not you're normal teenage girl. I don't party, have sex, let alone any friends in the pack. Oh goddess that was cliché. Someone put me out of my misery. 

I'm just the Omega in a school full of werewolves.

Oh and did I tell you the funny part. My "mate" the one who I can't "live" without is the beta. You were probably thinking alpha right. No that would be too much of a cliché. If you catch my drift.

Let me tell you this whole Omega thing is the best part of the pack! Holy shit, who am I kidding. I get bullied, pushed, shoved, food thrown at me, you name it, its most likely been thrown at me.

My parents work at home they're the searchers of the pack which is convenient because they have to pick my up from school almost on a day to day basis.

My mom is one of the most gorgeous women in our pack next to our Luna. My dad you'd think he'd been a model.

Yes my parents are hot as hell then they have a sorry ass daughter who eats her pain away, has curly brown hair, brown eyes, big cheeks, and a big tummy. Hence the food being thrown at me. I wasn't always a this sad and depressed girl. I was a "cute", chubby, short, wavy haired kid that had a smile on her face wherever she went.

Now its fake smiles and multiple forms of self mutilation.

My parents do care, deeply, I just think they are at their wits ends.

Today is Senior Prank day and lets just say all Seniors targeted me.

As I woke up I knew that something was gonna happen today. I put on my black sweats and white tank top under a black tank top and threw on a sweater. I packed extra clothes. Just in case I got soaking wet.

I did my hair and walked to the kitchen mom and dad were down there laughing at god knows what. I ploped my bag down and grabbed at breakfeast bar and water. I ate silently until my mom spoke.

" Honey you don't have to go to school if you don't want to." she cooed.

" And what mom show them I'm weak and pathetic?" I spat back.

" Hey you will not take that tone of voice with your mother young lady, do you hear me?" my dad pointed his finger at me sternly.

" I'm sorry mom." I said looking down.

" Its okay honey. I know you're stressed and all. Have a some what okay day?" she said awkwardly. I nodded.

" Come on I'll drive you to school honey." my dad said grabbing my bag and heading to his Jeep. I hugged my mom and walked out the door. At the school my dad gave me what I thought were encouraging words...

" So just truck on through. Okay bud? Oh and try not to shift in school this year pumpkin they'll use the catch poll this time." he said with a smile. I laughed and nodded. " I love you pumpkin."

" I love you too daddy." I said getting out of his Jeep and heading toward the building.

Not even a second after I reached the commens I got pelted with Twinkies and Ho Ho's in the packages.

" I DON'T EVEN LIKE THIS SHIT ASSHOLES!" I yelled walking up the stairs. That's when Nix Taper the soon to be Alpha stopped in front of me.

" What no bowing at your supreme over lords feet?" he said cockly. I cleared my throat.

"As I recall you didn't get crowned alpha yet so I think I don't need to do any kind of bowing or curtsy or what ever you want." I shot back. Oohs and burns came from the student body.

He grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me close.

" I suggest you watch what you say to my fatso or you're dead meat, you pig." he whispered in my ear. I swallowed the giant knot in my throat. He shoved me away I looked down and smiled evilly. I opened a ho ho package grabbed one shoved it Nix's face and bolted.

" I'm gonna get you Starz!" he yelled.

I tossed my bag in Miss.Vic's class she took it and locked it in her desk.

I bolted out the door Nix 3 feet behind me. I thought I was in the clear when I ran into a body that gave me tingles. My breath hitched as I tried to shove him off. Blake Stone was frozen just starring at me to the point where anger flashed in his eye his grip on my arms tightened. I winced at the pain.

"Blake you're hurting me." I said trying to get free. I put my hands on his chest and he looked down at me guilt soon filled his eyes. I felt my hair being pulled back I cried out as I got sent to the floor.

"Earthquake!" James Dean a follower yelled. I went to get up when I got kicked down and thrown up against the lockers. Nix stared at me if looks could kill lets just say I would have made my own coffin and dug my own hole in the ground. I closed my eyes waiting for a punch that never came I looked and Blake had stopped his punch and Nix dropped me like a sack of potatoes.

" What the hell Stone!" Nix yelled.

" You touch her one more time and I will make sure your balls are cut off. " I stared in disbelief. Blake Stone saved me from the alpha.

" Why'd you get all protective all of a sudden? Is she your mate or something?" he pressed.

" Err. Uh NO! Just let the pranks get her. She not worth our time." he said well there went my hopes and dreams crashing.

My wolf howled and whined in pain I got up and ran to Miss. Vic's class. I took my seat at the back of the class putting my head down clutching my chest, all the pain did was dull.

It felt like getting shot in the chest repeatedly, then get stoned to till you just die.

' He rejected us why?' she whined

' Cause who would want to be mated with me a good for nothing fatty.' I told her.

' You are not a good for nothing. And you are most defiantly are not a fatty! We'll be with him don't worry.' she said determined.

'Okay.' I left her to thinking, when I picked up my head the class was almost full.

I looked out the window when I felt the seat next to mine get taken no one sat there, not ever. I looked and there sat Blake a kid who sat at the middle of the room. I turn to the board and waited. Miss. Vic's handed me a pencil I smiled at her. I should get her a gift for teachers appreciation day. She's cared the most out of anyone in this building it seems.

'Hey Aurora?' a voice said in my head.


Hopefully I edited this a little better.

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